Commit 76be07a7 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

better fix for trigger period application

parent 065636d7
......@@ -1098,6 +1098,7 @@ function init_cameras(){ // $page) { init can only be from default page as page
// The line below applies the parameter in a normal way - otherwise, if unlucky, TRIG_PERIOD can jump
// between 1 and $trig_period.
elphel_set_P_value ( $GLOBALS['master_port'], ELPHEL_TRIG_PERIOD, $trig_period, 0);
elphel_set_P_value ( $GLOBALS['master_port'], ELPHEL_TRIG_PERIOD, $trig_period);
// Set parameter immediately
elphel_set_P_value ( $GLOBALS['master_port'], ELPHEL_TRIG_PERIOD, $trig_period, ELPHEL_CONST_FRAME_IMMED);
log_msg("Started camera in periodic self-triggered mode, period = ".(0.00000001*$trig_period)." s",3);
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