Commit 5e094fb3 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

minor cleanup

parent c028de54
......@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ function detect_camera(){
// Done if it is slave
if ($GLOBALS['camera_state_arr']['is_slave']){
respond_xml('This is a slave camera - waiting for master to contol next steps',''); // will exit(0)
respond_xml('This is a slave camera - waiting for master to contol next steps','',4); // will exit(0)
// Sanity check
......@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ function detect_camera(){
$curl_data = curl_multi_start ($urls);
log_msg ($cmd . 'Started curl_multi');
} else if ($GLOBALS['camera_state_arr']['is_mt9p006']){
log_msg("=== Initializing FPGA ===");
log_msg("Initializing FPGA",3);
unset ($output);
exec ( ' localhost py393 hargs', $output, $retval );
$GLOBALS['camera_state_arr']['state'] ='BITSTREAM';
......@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ function log_close() {
/** Closes log file, optianally responxds with XML (if in HTTP mode), exits with 0/1 */
function respond_xml($result,$error=null){
function respond_xml($result,$error=null,$color_mode = 3){ // default white bold
if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD',$_SERVER)){
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><autocampars/>");
if ($result !== ""){ //"" will not be loged/output
......@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ function respond_xml($result,$error=null){
if ($result !== ""){ //"" will not be loged/output
if ($error){
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