Commit 4e7db803 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added vospi/lepton3

parent 09543003
......@@ -749,8 +749,31 @@ function detect_camera(){
// sensor's code from c313a.h
$sensor_code = 56;
} else if ($GLOBALS['camera_state_arr']['is_lepton35']){
// 2018/02/09: TODO: test
log_msg("Initializing FPGA for VOSPI iface",3);
unset ($output);
// /usr/local/verilog/hargs-hispi - does not exist yet
exec ( ' localhost py393 hargs-vospi', $output, $retval );
$GLOBALS['camera_state_arr']['state'] ='BITSTREAM';
write_php_ini ($GLOBALS['camera_state_arr'], $GLOBALS['camera_state_path'] );
foreach($output as $k=>$v){
$output[$k] = str_replace('\n', "\n", $v);
log_msg("COMMAND_OUTPUT for ' localhost py393 hargs-vospi':\n".
print_r($output,1)."\ncommand return value=".$retval."\n");
// sensor's code from c313a.h
$sensor_code = 65;
}else {
respond_xml ('', 'Do not know how to initialize master camera '.print_r($GLOBALS['camera_state_arr']['is_mt9p006'],1));
respond_xml ('', 'Do not know how to initialize master camera '
// can not exit until joined
......@@ -1542,6 +1565,9 @@ function get_application_mode() {
return get_mt9f002_mode();
case 'Eyesis4pi393':
return get_eyesis_mode();
case 'LEPTON35':
return get_lepton35_mode();
respond_xml('','Unknown camera type, '.print_r($GLOBALS['camera_state_arr'],1));
......@@ -1610,6 +1636,18 @@ function get_mt9f002_mode() {
return $mode;
function get_lepton35_mode() {
$mode = get_mt9p006_mode();
$GLOBALS['camera_state_arr']['is_mt9p006'] = 0;
$GLOBALS['camera_state_arr']['is_lepton35'] = 1;
write_php_ini ($GLOBALS['camera_state_arr'], $GLOBALS['camera_state_path'] );
return $mode;
* Eyesis application modes:
* 1001 - top, slave, controls own power, default IP = 161
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