1. 21 Jan, 2014 2 commits
    • Dimitri van Heesch's avatar
    • albert-github's avatar
      Spitting generated files better from source files · 8885016b
      albert-github authored
      This patch is a patch for the build system so that less (no) generated files are in the source directories and also that the different build (on windows are independent of each others). Also the different sub-projects (e.g. doxygen , doxywizard) don't share any files anymore.
      - ./.gitignore
        A number of files are not in the src directory anymore. generated directories are included. rtf and xml directories are there for possible future use.
      - ./Doxyfile
        The generated files are not anymore in the src directory so they don't have to be excluded anymore
      - ./configure
        Adjustmenst so the generated files are in the different subdirectories
      - ./Makefile.in
      - addon/doxmlparser/examples/metrics/metrics.pro.in
      - addon/doxmlparser/src/doxmlparser.pro.in
      - addon/doxmlparser/test/xmlparse.pro.in
      - addon/doxyapp/doxyapp.pro.in
      - addon/doxysearch/doxyindexer.pro.in
      - addon/doxysearch/doxysearch.pro.in
      - addon/doxywizard/Makefile.in
      - addon/doxywizard/doxywizard.pro.in
      - libmd5/libmd5.pro.in
      - qtools/qtools.pro.in
      - src/Makefile.in
      - src/doxygen.pro.in
      - src/libdoxycfg.pro.in
      - src/libdoxycfg.t.in
      - src/libdoxygen.pro.in
      - src/libdoxygen.t.in
        Adjustment to the new directory structure
      - addon/doxywizard/expert.cpp
        include file is generated in the generated_src/doxywizard directory, referenced through -I on compile line
      - src/lang_cfg.h
        File is now automatically generated
      - src/languages.py
        Correction of used path for new structure
      - src/settings.py
      - src/version.py
        Place for resulting file handled through an argument, so it is possible to have a separate file for each sub-project
      - tmake/lib/win32-g++/generic.t
      - tmake/lib/win32-mingw/generic.t
        The destination path was added twice, in case of a depth of more than 1 level (doxmlparser) this lead to problems
      - winbuild/Config.rules
      - winbuild/Gen_head.rules
      - winbuild/Languages.rules
      - winbuild/Lex.rules
      - winbuild/Settings.rules
      - winbuild/Version.rules
        correcting some path of generated files
      - winbuild/Doxygen.sln
        Build order dependency could be dropped  as the version.cpp file is now a generated file for doxygen and doxywizard
      - winbuild/Doxygen.vcproj
      - winbuild/Doxywizard.vcproj
        Corrected paths to the new structure. Added unistd as an external generated file
      - winbuild/unistd.h
        File is now generated
      - winbuild/Unistd.rules
      - winbuild/unistd.py
        Generated unistd for doxygen and doxywizard in a consistent way.
      - winbuild/doxyindexer.vcproj
      - winbuild/doxysearch.vcproj
      - winbuild/qtools.vcproj
        Corrected paths to the new structure.
      - winbuild/runbison.bat
      - winbuild/version.bat
        Not used anymore everything handled through rules.
  2. 20 Jan, 2014 2 commits
  3. 19 Jan, 2014 3 commits
  4. 18 Jan, 2014 4 commits
  5. 17 Jan, 2014 1 commit
    • Craig Thomas Noble's avatar
      Fix to VHDL scanner. · 5ca7d423
      Craig Thomas Noble authored
      The following code should produce two groups, each containing one page, within the same documentation scope,
      currently it nests these groups and pages, resulting in incorrect documentation.
      --! \defgroup group1 Group 1
      --! \{
      --!   @brief Group 1
      --! \}
      --! \ingroup group1
      --! \{
      --! \page group1_page1 Page 1
      --! \verbatim
      --!  Some Page 1 text
      --! \endverbatim
      --! \}
      --! \defgroup group2 Group 2
      --! \{
      --!   @brief Group 2
      --! \}
      --! \ingroup group2
      --! \{
      --! \page group2_page1 Page 1
      --! \verbatim
      --!  Some Page 1 text
      --! \endverbatim
      --! \}
      Similar C code to demonstrate the correct output.
      //! \defgroup group1 Group 1
      //! \{
      //!   @brief Group 1
      //! \}
      //! \ingroup group1
      //! \{
      //! \page group1_page1 Page 1
      //! \verbatim
      //!  Some Page 1 text
      //! \endverbatim
      //! \}
      //! \defgroup group2 Group 2
      //! \{
      //!   @brief Group 2
      //! \}
      //! \ingroup group2
      //! \{
      //! \page group2_page1 Page 1
      //! \verbatim
      //!  Some Page 1 text
      //! \endverbatim
      //! \}
  6. 15 Jan, 2014 2 commits
  7. 14 Jan, 2014 2 commits
  8. 12 Jan, 2014 4 commits
  9. 11 Jan, 2014 2 commits
  10. 09 Jan, 2014 6 commits
  11. 08 Jan, 2014 10 commits
  12. 05 Jan, 2014 2 commits