1. 08 Aug, 2014 1 commit
  2. 04 Aug, 2014 13 commits
  3. 03 Aug, 2014 5 commits
  4. 02 Aug, 2014 17 commits
  5. 30 Jul, 2014 2 commits
    • albert-github's avatar
      Messages truncated in warnings file · cc4f3b45
      albert-github authored
      The current limit for a message length in the messages file is 4095 characters. Most of the time this is more than sufficient, but in case of Fortran and a lot of arguments this might not be sufficient.
      With Fortran the "data type" can be quite long as it can also includes words like: double precision, dimension, intent(inout) etc. When we have a lot of arguments and just one is described it also tries to write out the names of the non-described parameter/ arguments with the word parameter prepended resulting in an even longer line.
      This patch increases the size of the buffer.
    • albert-github's avatar
      Bug 733856 - segfault in QGListIterator while parsing fortran code · aac81f8b
      albert-github authored
      Problem with variables with the name type versus type definitions.
      type followed by = is recognized as not being a type definition instead of the use of a variable.
  6. 25 Jul, 2014 1 commit
  7. 20 Jul, 2014 1 commit