Commit aac81f8b authored by albert-github's avatar albert-github

Bug 733856 - segfault in QGListIterator while parsing fortran code

Problem with variables with the name type versus type definitions.
type followed by = is recognized as not being a type definition instead of the use of a variable.
parent c9d816aa
......@@ -1128,6 +1128,8 @@ PREFIX (RECURSIVE{BS_}|IMPURE{BS_}|PURE{BS_}|ELEMENTAL{BS_}){0,3}(RECURSIVE|I
<*>^{BS}"type"{BS}"=" { g_code->codify(yytext); }
<*>. {
......@@ -739,6 +739,7 @@ private {
{ID} {
^{BS}"type"{BS_}"is"/{BS_} { }
^{BS}"type"{BS}"=" { }
{COMMA} {}
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