Commit f4bfab1e authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

kml saving results display

parent dbfa2f03
......@@ -93,6 +93,20 @@ function postKmlData(filename, xml) {
data: xml,
complete: function(response){
var res = parseInt(response.responseText);
if (res==0){
var msg = "some error";
if ((res==-1)||(res==-2)) msg = "file does not exist";
if (res==-3) msg = "read only file";
$("#kmlstatus").css({color:"rgba(200,70,70,1)"}).html("fail: "+msg);
//do nothing
contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
......@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@ Instructions:
<button id='restorekml' class='ic donothide' title='restore'><img src='js/images/ic_file_download_black_48dp_1x.png' class='icim donothide'/></button>
<button id='savekml' class='ic donothide' title='save'><img src='js/images/ic_file_upload_black_48dp_1x.png' class='icim donothide'/></button>
<td valign='middle'>
<div id='kmlstatus'></div>
<tr class='experimental'>
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