Commit 5746e1ca authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

zNear fix

parent 8a308371
......@@ -489,6 +489,8 @@ function x3d_events(){
// sliding marker
if (e.key=="Control"){
Scene._ctrlKey = true;
......@@ -512,6 +514,36 @@ function x3d_events(){
// Debugging
console.log("Canvas event:");
console.log("Page coordinates: x:"+e.path[0].mouse_drag_x+" y:"+e.path[0].mouse_drag_y);
//shoot a ray
var cnvx = e.path[0].mouse_drag_x;
var cnvy = e.path[0].mouse_drag_y;
var shootRay = elem.runtime.shootRay(cnvx,cnvy);
var pickPos = shootRay.pickPosition;
console.log("Shoot ray: "+pickPos.toString());
var tmp0 = elem.runtime.calcCanvasPos(pickPos.x,pickPos.y,pickPos.z);
console.log("calcCanvasPos from x,y,z = "+tmp0.toString());
var mat1 = elem.runtime.getWorldToCameraCoordinatesMatrix();
var mat2 = elem.runtime.getCameraToWorldCoordinatesMatrix();
//var w =;
var vr = elem.runtime.getViewingRay(cnvx,cnvy);
console.log("Viewing ray: "+vr.toString());
......@@ -230,8 +230,25 @@ function x3dom_getCameraPosOr(round){
function zNear_bug_correction(xyz){
//var mat = Scene.element.runtime.viewMatrix().inverse();
var mat = Scene.element.runtime.viewMatrix();
var mat1 = Scene.element.runtime.getWorldToCameraCoordinatesMatrix();
var mat2 = Scene.element.runtime.getCameraToWorldCoordinatesMatrix();
var zNear = Scene.element.runtime.viewpoint().getNear();
//console.log("zNear: "+zNear);
var vec = new x3dom.fields.SFVec3f(xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]);
var x = xyz[0];
var y = xyz[1];
var z = xyz[2];
......@@ -243,7 +260,28 @@ function zNear_bug_correction(xyz){
y = zratio*y;
z = z1;
return [x,y,z];
// console.log("v1: "+x+" "+y+" "+z);
var vec_cam = mat.multFullMatrixPnt(vec);
var z1 = vec_cam.z + zNear;
var zratio = z1 / vec_cam.z;
// console.log("initial coordinates: "+vec.toString());
// console.log("camera coordinates: "+vec_cam.toString());
//console.log("z1: "+z1+" zratio: "+zratio);
vec_cam.x = zratio*vec_cam.x;
vec_cam.y = zratio*vec_cam.y;
vec_cam.z = z1;
vec_w = mat.inverse().multFullMatrixPnt(vec_cam);
//console.log("world coordinates: "+vec_w.toString());
return [vec_w.x,vec_w.y,vec_w.z];
//return [x,y,z];
//return xyz;
......@@ -374,6 +374,10 @@ X3DOMObject.Shape.prototype._registerEvents = function(){
console.log("Shape event: ");
console.log(" canvas: x= "+e.originalEvent.layerX+" y= "+e.originalEvent.layerY);
console.log(" scene: x= "+e.originalEvent.worldX+" y= "+e.originalEvent.worldY+" z="+e.originalEvent.worldZ);
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