• Rurik Bugdanov's avatar
    Place a marker in the scene on map ctrl-click · 7ac7ac50
    Rurik Bugdanov authored
    (using view._scene._nameSpace.doc.ctx.pickValue())
    The problem is that after changing the viewpoint the scene must be
    rendered before calling pickValue() and that I do not know how to use
    an offscreen scene with x3dom.
    The workaround I found is to change the viewpoint on ctrl-mousemove over the
    map, so that when the map is clicked, the scene needed for pickValue() is
    already rendererd and pickvalue cam return the proper coordinates.
    - change the viewpoint on keydown ctrl over the map (dont wait mousemove)
    - implement code related to issue #4
    - restore the original viewpoint when ctrl is released or
      on mouseleave map
    - ...