Commit fb82aa54 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

eliminated all phy errors, working on remaining in ll

parent 78da3183
......@@ -52,87 +52,87 @@
......@@ -182,10 +182,10 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
wire reg_we_w;
reg [3:0] store_sig;
reg [5:0] reg_ds;
reg [5:0] reg_ds; //Unused?
reg [4:0] reg_ps;
reg reg_d2h;
reg [1:0] reg_sdb;
reg reg_d2h; //unused?
reg [1:0] reg_sdb; //unused?
reg [31:2] xfer_cntr_r;
reg [31:2] prdbc_r;
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
input xmit_err, //
input syncesc_recv, // These two inputs interrupt transmit
input xrdy_collision,
output [ 2:0] dx_err, // bit 0 - syncesc_recv, 1 - xmit_err, 2 - collision (valid @ xmit_err and later, reset by new command)
output [ 2:0] dx_err, // bit 0 - syncesc_recv, 1 - R_ERR (was xmit_err), 2 - collision (valid @ xmit_err and later, reset by new command)
output [15:0] ch_prdtl, // Physical region descriptor table length (in entries, 0 is 0)
output ch_c, // Clear busy upon R_OK for this FIS
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ module ahci_fsm
// output dmaCntrZero, // DMA counter is zero - would be a duplicate to the one in receive module and dwords_sent output
// input syncesc_recv, // These two inputs interrupt transmit
// input xmit_err, //
input [ 2:0] dx_err, // bit 0 - syncesc_recv, 1 - xmit_err, 2 - X_RDY/X_RDY collision (valid @ xmit_err and later, reset by new command)
input [ 2:0] dx_err, // bit 0 - syncesc_recv, 1 - R_ERR (was xmit_err), 2 - X_RDY/X_RDY collision (valid @ xmit_err and later, reset by new command)
/// input [15:0] ch_prdtl, // Physical region descriptor table length (in entries, 0 is 0)
input ch_c, // Clear busy upon R_OK for this FIS
......@@ -26,8 +26,12 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
parameter DATASCOPE_START_BIT = 14, // bit of DRP "other_control" to start recording after 0->1 (needs DRP)
parameter DATASCOPE_POST_MEAS = 16, // number of measurements to perform after event
parameter BITS_TO_START_XMIT = 6, // wait H2D FIFO to have 1 << BITS_TO_START_XMIT to start FIS transmission (or all FIS fits)
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4
parameter BITS_TO_START_XMIT = 6, // wait H2D FIFO to have 1 << BITS_TO_START_XMIT to start FIS transmission (or all FIS fits)
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter ELASTIC_DEPTH = 4, //5, With 4/7 got infrequent overflows!
parameter ELASTIC_OFFSET = 7, // 5 //10
parameter FREQ_METER_WIDTH = 12
input exrst, // master reset that resets PLL and GTX
input reliable_clk, // use aclk that runs independently of the GTX
......@@ -114,9 +118,10 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
output drp_rdy,
output [15:0] drp_do ,
output [FREQ_METER_WIDTH - 1:0] xclk_period, // relative (to 2*clk) xclk period
output [31:0] debug_phy,
output [31:0] debug_link
output [31:0] debug_link,
input hclk // just for testing
......@@ -202,11 +207,11 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
wire rxelsfull;
wire rxelsempty;
wire xclk; // output receive clock, just to measure frequency
// wire [FREQ_METER_WIDTH - 1:0] xclk_period; // relative (to 2*clk) xclk period
wire debug_detected_alignp; // oob detects ALIGNp, but not the link layer
wire [31:0] debug_phy0;
// assign debug_sata = {link_established, phy_ready, debug_phy[29:16],debug_link[15:0]}; //
// assign debug_sata = debug_link[31:0]; //
/// assign debug_sata = debug_phy;
......@@ -248,6 +253,24 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
assign serr_EM = phy_ready && (0); // RWC: Communication between the device and host was lost but re-established
assign serr_EI = phy_ready && (0); // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
reg [1:0] debug_last_d2h_type_in;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (d2h_fifo_wr) debug_last_d2h_type_in<= d2h_type_in;
assign debug_phy = {h2d_type_out[1:0],h2d_type[1:0],
ll_h2d_last,d2h_valid, d2h_type[1:0],
debug_last_d2h_type_in, d2h_type_in[1:0],
// Data/type FIFO, device -> host
output [31:0] d2h_data, // FIFO input data
output [ 1:0] d2h_mask, // set to 2'b11
output [ 1:0] d2h_type, // 0 - data, 1 - FIS head, 2 - R_OK, 3 - R_ERR (last two - after data, so ignore data with R_OK/R_ERR)
output d2h_valid, // Data available from the transport layer in FIFO
output d2h_many, // Multiple DWORDs available from the transport layer in FIFO
input d2h_ready, // This module or DMA consumes DWORD
// .comreset_send (comreset_send), // input
// .cominit_got (cominit_got), // output wire
// .comwake_got (serr_DW), // output wire
......@@ -338,43 +361,46 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
) phy (
.extrst (exrst), // input wire
.clk (clk), // output wire
.rst (rst), // output wire
.reliable_clk (reliable_clk), // input wire
.phy_ready (phy_ready), // output wire
.gtx_ready (gtx_ready), // output wire
.debug_cnt (), // output[11:0] wire
.extclk_p (extclk_p), // input wire
.extclk_n (extclk_n), // input wire
.txp_out (txp_out), // output wire
.txn_out (txn_out), // output wire
.rxp_in (rxp_in), // input wire
.rxn_in (rxn_in), // input wire
.ll_data_out (ph2ll_data_out), // output[31:0] wire
.ll_charisk_out (ph2ll_charisk_out), // output[3:0] wire
.ll_err_out (ph2ll_err_out), // output[3:0] wire
.ll_data_in (ll2ph_data_in), // input[31:0] wire
.ll_charisk_in (ll2ph_charisk_in), // input[3:0] wire
.set_offline (set_offline), // input
.comreset_send (comreset_send), // input
.cominit_got (cominit_got), // output wire
.comwake_got (serr_DW), // output wire
.rxelsfull (rxelsfull), // output wire
.rxelsempty (rxelsempty), // output wire
.extrst (exrst), // input wire
.clk (clk), // output wire
.rst (rst), // output wire
.reliable_clk (reliable_clk), // input wire
.phy_ready (phy_ready), // output wire
.gtx_ready (gtx_ready), // output wire
.debug_cnt (), // output[11:0] wire
.extclk_p (extclk_p), // input wire
.extclk_n (extclk_n), // input wire
.txp_out (txp_out), // output wire
.txn_out (txn_out), // output wire
.rxp_in (rxp_in), // input wire
.rxn_in (rxn_in), // input wire
.ll_data_out (ph2ll_data_out), // output[31:0] wire
.ll_charisk_out (ph2ll_charisk_out), // output[3:0] wire
.ll_err_out (ph2ll_err_out), // output[3:0] wire
.ll_data_in (ll2ph_data_in), // input[31:0] wire
.ll_charisk_in (ll2ph_charisk_in), // input[3:0] wire
.set_offline (set_offline), // input
.comreset_send (comreset_send), // input
.cominit_got (cominit_got), // output wire
.comwake_got (serr_DW), // output wire
.rxelsfull (rxelsfull), // output wire
.rxelsempty (rxelsempty), // output wire
.cplllock_debug (),
.re_aligned (serr_DS), // output reg
.cplllock_debug (),
.usrpll_locked_debug (),
.re_aligned (serr_DS), // output reg
.xclk (xclk), // output receive clock, just to measure frequency
.datascope_clk (datascope_clk), // output
.datascope_waddr (datascope_waddr), // output[9:0]
.datascope_we (datascope_we), // output
.datascope_di (datascope_di), // output[31:0]
.datascope_trig (ll_frame_ackn), // input datascope external trigger
.datascope_trig (ll_incom_invalidate), // ll_frame_ackn), // input datascope external trigger
`ifdef USE_DRP
......@@ -387,7 +413,7 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
.drp_rdy (drp_rdy), // output
.drp_do (drp_do), // output[15:0]
.debug_sata (debug_phy)
.debug_sata (debug_phy0)
......@@ -459,5 +485,15 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
.data_in ({d2h_type_in, ll_d2h_mask_out, ll_d2h_data_out}) // input[35:0]
freq_meter #(
) freq_meter_i (
.rst (rst), // input
.clk (clk), // input
.xclk (xclk), // hclk), //xclk), // input
.dout (xclk_period) // output[11:0] reg
......@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ module ahci_top#(
parameter READ_CT_LATENCY = 2, // 0 if ct_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 10, // number of memory address bits - now fixed. Low half - RO/RW/RWC,RW1 (2-cycle write), 2-nd just RW (single-cycle)
parameter HBA_RESET_BITS = 9, // duration of HBA reset in aclk periods (9: ~10usec)
parameter RESET_TO_FIRST_ACCESS = 1 // keep port reset until first R/W any register by software
parameter RESET_TO_FIRST_ACCESS = 1, // keep port reset until first R/W any register by software
parameter FREQ_METER_WIDTH = 12
input aclk, // clock - should be buffered
input arst, // @aclk sync reset, active high
......@@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
input drp_rdy,
input [15:0] drp_do,
input [FREQ_METER_WIDTH - 1:0] xclk_period, // relative (to 2*clk) xclk period
input [31:0] debug_in_phy,
input [31:0] debug_in_link
......@@ -379,7 +381,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire fsnd_clearCmdToIssue; // From CFIS:SUCCESS
// State variables fsm <- ahc_fis_transmit
wire fsnd_pCmdToIssue; // AHCI port variable
wire [ 2:0] fsnd_dx_err; // bit 0 - syncesc_recv, 1 - xmit_err 2 - X-RDY/X_RDY collision (valid @ xmit_err and later, reset by new command)
wire [ 2:0] fsnd_dx_err; // bit 0 - syncesc_recv, 1 - R_ERR (was xmit_err) 2 - X-RDY/X_RDY collision (valid @ xmit_err and later, reset by new command)
wire fsnd_ch_c; // Clear busy upon R_OK for this FIS
wire fsnd_ch_b; // Built-in self test command
wire fsnd_ch_r; // reset - may need to send SYNC escape before this command
......@@ -649,7 +651,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
/// .xmit_busy (fsnd_busy), // input
.clearCmdToIssue (fsnd_clearCmdToIssue),// output // From CFIS:SUCCESS
.pCmdToIssue (fsnd_pCmdToIssue), // input
.dx_err (fsnd_dx_err), // input[1:0]
.dx_err (fsnd_dx_err), // input[2:0]
/// .ch_prdtl (prdtl), // input[15:0]
.ch_c (fsnd_ch_c), // input
.ch_b (fsnd_ch_b), // input
......@@ -723,10 +725,18 @@ module ahci_top#(
.was_hba_rst (was_hba_rst), // output
.was_port_rst (was_port_rst), // output
.debug_in0 (debug_dma), // input[31:0]
.debug_in1 (debug_dma1), // debug_in_link), // input[31:0]
// .debug_in1 ({xclk_period[7:0], // lower 8 bits of 12-bit value. Same frequency would be 0x800 (msb opposite to 3 next bits)
// debug_dma1[23:0]}), // debug_in_link), // input[31:0]
.debug_in1 ({2'b0,
debug_dma1[23:0]}), // debug_in_link), // input[31:0]
.debug_in2 (debug_in_phy), // input[31:0] // debug from phy/link
// .debug_in3 ({22'b0, last_jump_addr[9:0]}) // input[31:0]// Last jump address in the AHDCI sequencer
.debug_in3 ({3'b0, debug_in_link[4:0], 14'b0,last_jump_addr[9:0]}) // input[31:0]// Last jump address in the AHDCI sequencer
.debug_in3 ({3'b0, debug_in_link[4:0],
frcv_busy,frcv_ok, // 2'b0,
frcv_err,frcv_ferr, // 2'b0,
last_jump_addr[9:0]}) // input[31:0]// Last jump address in the AHDCI sequencer
`ifdef USE_DRP
,.drp_en (drp_en), // output reg
......@@ -1083,8 +1093,10 @@ wire [9:0] xmit_dbg_01;
// assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || (datascope_run == 2);
// assign datascope_di = datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {16'hffff,{16-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r};
assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || (datascope_run == 2) || d2h_ready;
assign datascope_di = d2h_ready? {d2h_type, d2h_data[29:0]}:(datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {16'hffff,{16-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r});
// assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || (datascope_run == 2) || d2h_ready;
// assign datascope_di = d2h_ready? {d2h_type, d2h_data[29:0]}:(datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {16'hffff,{16-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r});
assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || fsnd_done || d2h_ready;
assign datascope_di = d2h_ready? {d2h_type, d2h_data[29:0]}:(datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {13'hffff,fsnd_dx_err[2:0],{16-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r});
/// assign datascope_we = |datascope_run;
assign datascope_di = datascope_run[0]? {h2d_type, // 2 bits
* Module: freq_meter
* Date:2016-02-13
* Author: andrey
* Description: Measure device clock frequency to set the local clock
* Copyright (c) 2016 Elphel, Inc .
* freq_meter.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* freq_meter.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module freq_meter#(
parameter WIDTH = 12, // width of the result
parameter PRESCALE = 1 // 0 same frequency, +1 - xclk is tvice faster, -1 - twice slower
input rst,
input clk,
input xclk,
output reg [WIDTH - 1:0] dout
reg [TIMER_WIDTH - 1 :0] timer;
reg [WIDTH - 1 :0] counter;
wire restart;
reg [3:0] run_xclk;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst || restart) timer <= 0;
else if (!timer[TIMER_WIDTH - 1]) timer <= timer + 1;
if (restart) dout <= counter; // it is stopped before copying
always @ (posedge xclk) begin
run_xclk <= {run_xclk[2:0], ~timer[TIMER_WIDTH - 1] & ~rst};
if (run_xclk[2]) counter <= counter + 1;
else if (run_xclk[1]) counter <= 0;
pulse_cross_clock #(
) xclk2clk_i (
.rst (rst), // input
.src_clk (xclk), // input
.dst_clk (clk), // input
.in_pulse (!run_xclk[2] && run_xclk[3]), // input
.out_pulse (restart), // output
.busy () // output
......@@ -46,7 +46,12 @@
parameter HBA_RESET_BITS = 9, // duration of HBA reset in aclk periods (9: ~10usec)
parameter RESET_TO_FIRST_ACCESS = 1 // keep port reset until first R/W any register by software
parameter RESET_TO_FIRST_ACCESS = 1, // keep port reset until first R/W any register by software
parameter BITS_TO_START_XMIT = 6, // wait H2D FIFO to have 1 << BITS_TO_START_XMIT to start FIS transmission (or all FIS fits)
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter ELASTIC_DEPTH = 4, // 4, //5, With 4/7 got infrequent overflows!
parameter ELASTIC_OFFSET = 7, // 5 //10
parameter FREQ_METER_WIDTH = 16
output wire sata_clk,
output wire sata_rst,
......@@ -228,6 +233,8 @@
reg [2:0] nhrst_r;
wire hrst = !nhrst_r[2];
wire [FREQ_METER_WIDTH-1:0] xclk_period;
// Datascope interface (write to memory that can be software-read)
wire datascope_clk;
......@@ -261,7 +268,8 @@
) ahci_top_i (
.aclk (ACLK), // input
.arst (arst), // input
......@@ -403,7 +411,8 @@
.drp_di (drp_di), // output[15:0] reg
.drp_rdy (drp_rdy), // input
.drp_do (drp_do), // input[15:0]
.xclk_period (xclk_period), // input[11:0]
.debug_in_phy (debug_phy), // input[31:0]
.debug_in_link (debug_link) // input[31:0]
......@@ -414,8 +423,11 @@
.DATASCOPE_START_BIT (DATASCOPE_START_BIT), // bit of DRP "other_control" to start recording after 0->1 (needs DRP)
.DATASCOPE_POST_MEAS (DATASCOPE_POST_MEAS), // number of measurements to perform after event
) ahci_sata_layers_i (
.exrst (exrst), // input
.reliable_clk (reliable_clk), // input
......@@ -485,8 +497,10 @@
.drp_rdy (drp_rdy), // output
.drp_do (drp_do), // output[15:0]
.xclk_period (xclk_period), // output[11:0]
.debug_phy (debug_phy), // output[31:0]
.debug_link (debug_link) // output[31:0]
* Module: action_decoder
* Date:2016-02-07
* Date:2016-02-13
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Decode sequencer code to 1-hot actions
* Module: condition_mux
* Date:2016-02-07
* Date:2016-02-13
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Select condition
......@@ -240,9 +240,12 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{IF: 'X_RDY_COLLISION', GOTO:'P:Idle'}, # 2. x_rdy_collision_pend
{IF: 'SYNCESC_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:SyncEscapeRecv'}, # 4. dx_err[0] (reset by new command)
{IF: 'FIS_OK', GOTO:'CFIS:Success'}, # 5. fis_ok
{ GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 6
# {IF: 'FIS_OK', GOTO:'CFIS:Success'}, # 5. fis_ok - wrong, it was for received FISes
# { GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 6
{IF: 'TX_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # dx_err[1] - R_ERR received - non-fatal, retransmit
{ GOTO:'CFIS:Success'}, # No errors, R_OK received
{LBL:'CFIS:Success', ACT: 'CLEAR_CMD_TO_ISSUE'}, # clearCmdToIssue
{IF: 'CTBA_B', GOTO:'BIST:TestOngoing'}, # 1. ch_b
{IF: 'CTBA_C', GOTO:'CFIS:ClearCI'}, # 2. ch_c
......@@ -58,27 +58,34 @@ reg msb_in_r; // input contains MSB
reg inc_waddr;
reg [DEPTH_LOG2:0] waddr;
wire [DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] waddr_minus = waddr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0] - 1;
//reg [DEPTH_LOG2:0] raddr;
wire [DEPTH_LOG2:0] raddr_w;
reg [DEPTH_LOG2:0] raddr_r;
reg [44:0] fifo_ram [0: FIFO_DEPTH -1];
reg [0:0] prealign_ram[0: FIFO_DEPTH -1];
reg [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0] fill;
wire [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0] fill_out;
wire [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0] fill_out_more; // "pessimistic"
wire [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0] fill_out_less; // "optimistic"
wire [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0] fill_1;
reg [2:0] aligned_rclk;
reg [1:0] dav_rclk;
wire skip_rclk;
wire add_rclk;
//wire [44:0] rdata = fifo_ram[raddr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]];
reg [1:0] dav_rclk; // FIFO has more than level
reg [1:0] dav_rclk_more; // FIFO has more than (level + 1)
reg [1:0] dav_rclk_less; // FIFO has more than (level - 1)
wire skip_rclk; // skip 1 align primitive
wire skip_rclk2; // skip 2 align primitives
//wire add_rclk; // insert 1 align primitive (to add2 - do this twice)
//wire add_rclk2; // skip 2 ALIGNp (just twice using add_rclk || add_rclk2_r
reg [1:0] add_rclk_r;
reg [44:0] rdata_r;
//wire align_out = rdata[44];
wire align_out = rdata_r[44];
//wire pre_align_out = prealign_ram[raddr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]];
reg pre_align_out_r;
reg align_out_r;
// reg align_out_r;
reg [2:0] correct_r;
wire correct = align_out && (!align_out_r || (pre_align_out_r && !correct_r[2]));
//wire correct = align_out && (!align_out_r || (pre_align_out_r && !correct_r[2]));
wire correct_stream = align_out && pre_align_out_r && !correct_r[2]; // correct during continuous align steram - by 1 only
wire correct_first = pre_align_out_r && !align_out; // next will be ALIGNp, may skip both
wire correct = correct_stream || correct_first;
reg [1:0] full_0; // full at waddr = waddr
reg [1:0] full_1; // full at waddr = raddr+1
......@@ -89,18 +96,27 @@ wire is_alignp_w = ({data_in, data_in_r} == ALIGN_PRIM) &&
({charisk_in, charisk_in_r} == 4'h1) &&
({notintable_in, notintable_in_r} == 0) &&
({disperror_in, disperror_in_r} == 0);
wire [DEPTH_LOG2:0] dbg_diff = waddr-raddr_r; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor Not used, just for viewing in simulator
wire dbg_dav1 = dav_rclk[1]; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor Not used, just for viewing in simulator
wire dbg_full0 = full_0[1]; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor Not used, just for viewing in simulator
wire dbg_full1 = full_1[1]; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor Not used, just for viewing in simulator
reg [31:0] dbg_di; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor Not used, just for viewing in simulator
always @(posedge wclk) begin
if (msb_in_r) dbg_di<= {data_in,data_in_r};
wire [DEPTH_LOG2:0] dbg_diff = waddr-raddr_r;
wire dbg_dav1 = dav_rclk[1];
wire dbg_full0 = full_0[1];
wire dbg_full1 = full_1[1];
genvar ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < FIFO_DEPTH; ii = ii + 1)
begin: gen_fill_out
assign fill_out[ii] = fill[(ii + CORR_OFFSET) & (FIFO_DEPTH-1)] ^ ((ii + CORR_OFFSET)>=FIFO_DEPTH);
assign fill_1[ii] = fill[(ii + 1) & (FIFO_DEPTH-1)] ^ ((ii + 1)>=FIFO_DEPTH);
assign fill_out[ii] = fill[(ii + CORR_OFFSET ) & (FIFO_DEPTH - 1)] ^ ((ii + CORR_OFFSET ) >= FIFO_DEPTH);
assign fill_out_more[ii] = fill[(ii + CORR_OFFSET + 1) & (FIFO_DEPTH - 1)] ^ ((ii + CORR_OFFSET + 1) >= FIFO_DEPTH);
assign fill_out_less[ii] = fill[(ii + CORR_OFFSET - 1) & (FIFO_DEPTH - 1)] ^ ((ii + CORR_OFFSET - 1) >= FIFO_DEPTH);
assign fill_1[ii] = fill[(ii + 1) & (FIFO_DEPTH - 1)] ^ ((ii + 1) >= FIFO_DEPTH);
......@@ -133,16 +149,14 @@ always @(posedge wclk) begin
if (!aligned32_in_r) fill <= 0;
else if (msb_in_r) fill <={fill[FIFO_DEPTH-2:0],~waddr[DEPTH_LOG2]};
// FIFO read clock domain - system synchronous, 75MHz for SATA2
localparam [DEPTH_LOG2:0] SIZED0 = 0;
localparam [DEPTH_LOG2:0] SIZED1 = 1;
localparam [DEPTH_LOG2:0] SIZED2 = 2;
// assign raddr_w = aligned_rclk[1]? ( raddr_r + (add_rclk? 0 : (skip_rclk ? 2 : 1))) : 0;
assign raddr_w = aligned_rclk[1]? ( raddr_r + (add_rclk? SIZED0 : (skip_rclk ? SIZED2 : SIZED1))) : SIZED0;
localparam [DEPTH_LOG2:0] SIZED3 = 3;
assign raddr_w = aligned_rclk[1]? ( raddr_r + (add_rclk_r[0]? SIZED0 : (skip_rclk ? (skip_rclk2 ? SIZED3 : SIZED2) : SIZED1))) : SIZED0;
always @(posedge rclk) begin
......@@ -156,35 +170,46 @@ always @(posedge rclk) begin
else aligned_rclk <= {aligned_rclk[1:0],fill[OFFSET-2] | aligned_rclk[0]};
if (!aligned32_in_r) dav_rclk <= 0;
// else dav_rclk <= {dav_rclk[0],fill_out[raddr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]] ^ raddr[DEPTH_LOG2]};
else dav_rclk <= {dav_rclk[0],fill_out[raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]] ^ raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2]};
if (!aligned32_in_r) dav_rclk_more <= 0;
else dav_rclk_more <= {dav_rclk_more[0],fill_out_more[raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]] ^ raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2]};
if (!aligned32_in_r) dav_rclk_less <= 0;
else dav_rclk_less <= {dav_rclk_less[0],fill_out_less[raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]] ^ raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2]};
if (!aligned32_in_r) full_0 <= 1;
// else full_0 <= {full_0[0], fill[raddr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]] ^ raddr[DEPTH_LOG2]};
else full_0 <= {full_0[0], fill[raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]] ^ raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2]};
if (!aligned32_in_r) full_1 <= 1;
// else full_1 <= {full_1[0], fill_1[raddr[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]] ^ raddr[DEPTH_LOG2]};
else full_1 <= {full_1[0], fill_1[raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2-1:0]] ^ raddr_r[DEPTH_LOG2]};
// if (!aligned_rclk[1]) raddr <=0;
// else if (!add_rclk) raddr <= raddr + (skip_rclk ? 2 : 1);
disperror_out <= rdata_r[43:40];
notintable_out <= rdata_r[39:36];
charisk_out <= rdata_r[35:32];
data_out <= rdata_r[31: 0];
align_out_r <= align_out;
// align_out_r <= align_out;
if (correct || !aligned_rclk) correct_r <= ~0;
else correct_r <= correct_r << 1;
// add_rclk2_r <=add_rclk2;
if (correct_first) add_rclk_r <= {~dav_rclk_less[1], ~dav_rclk[1]};
else if (correct_stream) add_rclk_r <= {1'b0, ~dav_rclk[1]};
else add_rclk_r <= add_rclk_r >> 1;
assign skip_rclk = correct && dav_rclk[1];
assign add_rclk = correct && !dav_rclk[1];
//assign skip_rclk = correct && dav_rclk[1];
//assign add_rclk = correct && !dav_rclk[1];
assign skip_rclk = correct && dav_rclk[1];
assign skip_rclk2 = correct_first && dav_rclk_more[1];
//assign add_rclk = correct && !dav_rclk[1];
//assign add_rclk2 = correct_first && !dav_rclk_less[1];
assign isaligned_out = aligned_rclk[2];
assign full = aligned_rclk && full_1[1] && !full_0[1];
assign empty = aligned_rclk && !full_1[1] && full_0[1];
......@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ always @ (posedge clk)
else begin
// got xxxx or 0000, both cases tell us addresses were bad
$display("Error in %m: bad incoming data: 1) K = %h, Data = %h 2) K = %h, Data = %h", addr0_rr[8], addr0_rr[7:0], addr1_rr[8], addr1_rr[7:0]);
repeat (10) @(posedge clk);
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ module gtx_wrap #(
parameter RXDFELPMRESET_TIME = 7'hf,
parameter RXISCANRESET_TIME = 5'h1,
parameter ELASTIC_DEPTH = 4, //5,
parameter ELASTIC_OFFSET = 7 // 5 //10
parameter ELASTIC_DEPTH = 4, //5, With 4/7 got infrequent overflows!
parameter ELASTIC_OFFSET = 7 // 5 //10
output reg debug = 0,
......@@ -104,7 +104,10 @@ module gtx_wrap #(
output wire dbg_rxcdrlock,
output wire dbg_rxdlysresetdone,
output wire [1:0] txbufstatus
output wire [1:0] txbufstatus,
output xclk // just to measure frequency to set the local clock
// Datascope interface (write to memory that can be software-read)
,output datascope_clk,
......@@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ gtx_8x10enc gtx_8x10enc(
* RX PCS part: comma detect + align module, 10/8 decoder, elastic buffer, interface resynchronisation
* all modules before elastic buffer shall work on a restored clock - xclk
wire xclk;
// wire xclk; make it output to measure frequency
// assuming GTX interface width = 20 bits
// comma aligner
wire [19:0] rxdata_comma_out;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ module sata_phy #(
parameter DATASCOPE_START_BIT = 14, // bit of DRP "other_control" to start recording after 0->1 (needs DRP)
parameter DATASCOPE_POST_MEAS = 16, // number of measurements to perform after event
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter ELASTIC_DEPTH = 4, //5, With 4/7 got infrequent overflows!
parameter ELASTIC_OFFSET = 7 // 5 //10
// initial reset, resets PLL. After pll is locked, an internal sata reset is generated.
......@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ module sata_phy #(
output cplllock_debug,
output usrpll_locked_debug,
output re_aligned, // re-aligned after alignment loss
output xclk, // just to measure frequency to set the local clock
// Datascope interface (write to memory that can be software-read)
......@@ -488,7 +491,10 @@ gtx_wrap #(
.ELASTIC_DEPTH (ELASTIC_DEPTH), // with 4/7 infrequent full !
......@@ -537,7 +543,8 @@ gtx_wrap
.dbg_rxcdrlock (dbg_rxcdrlock) ,
.txbufstatus (txbufstatus[1:0])
.txbufstatus (txbufstatus[1:0]),
.xclk (xclk) // output receive clock, just to measure frequency
,.datascope_clk (datascope_clk), // output
.datascope_waddr (datascope_waddr), // output[9:0]
......@@ -671,9 +678,9 @@ assign debug_sata[23:20] = debug_cntr4;
//assign debug_sata = {8'b0, dbg_clk_align_cntr, 1'b0, dbg_rxdlysresetdone, rxelecidle, dbg_rxcdrlock, rxelsfull, rxelsempty, dbg_rxphaligndone, dbg_rx_clocks_aligned};
assign debug_sata = {txbufstatus[1:0], rxelecidle, dbg_rxcdrlock, rxelsfull, rxelsempty, dbg_rxphaligndone, dbg_rx_clocks_aligned,
assign debug_sata = {8'b0, dbg_clk_align_cntr, txbufstatus[1:0], rxelecidle, dbg_rxcdrlock, rxelsfull, rxelsempty, dbg_rxphaligndone, dbg_rx_clocks_aligned};
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
, .INIT_03 (256'h845284BE44374C682C4214190012003900880018000A02080022001901020090)
, .INIT_04 (256'h00190110003901100019144601020030020202040039B07D707A041000398C6B)
, .INIT_05 (256'h64540C2504580000004E24FB250200C0004C24FB250200C0005C000000390000)
, .INIT_06 (256'hA47150F8903900A00104006B0202005000E2A89368F018E918CB98A758D73882)
, .INIT_07 (256'h0060003900000039B07D00000050004400220039B07D707A307730F001080102)
, .INIT_06 (256'hD10250F8903900A00104006B0202005000E2A89368F018E918CB98A758D73882)
, .INIT_07 (256'h0060003900000039B07D00000050004400220039B07D707A307730F001080071)
, .INIT_08 (256'h00050091C88F002200240091288B28FE000C0110008624FB25020240009CD0FB)
, .INIT_09 (256'h48A528A128FE00140039487F0CAD28FE0110009724FB25020140005004020091)
, .INIT_0A (256'h8839089C040800AD011000AB24FB250200C000500081005048A5002200240039)
......@@ -534,11 +534,15 @@ class x393sata(object):
print ("Failed to get interrupt")
print ("\n ====================== Failed to get interrupt ============================")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x4,4)"%(MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS, 0x4,4)
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0xa0,4)
raise Exception("Failed to get interrupt")
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0x20,4)
......@@ -616,14 +620,28 @@ class x393sata(object):
self.parse_register(group_range = ['HBA_PORT__PxIS'],
skip0 = True,
dword = None)
if istat != 1: #DHRS interrupt (for PIO - 2)
print ("\n ======================Got wrong interrupt ============================")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x4,4)"%(MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS, 0x4,4)
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0xa0,4)
raise Exception("Failed to get interrupt")
print ("Failed to get interrupt")
print ("\n ====================== Failed to get interrupt ============================")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x4,4)"%(MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS, 0x4,4)
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0xa0,4)
raise Exception("Failed to get interrupt")
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0xa0,4)
......@@ -705,12 +723,15 @@ class x393sata(object):
print ("Failed to get interrupt")
print ("\n ====================== Failed to get interrupt ============================")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x4,4)"%(MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS, 0x4,4)
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS, 0x4,4)
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0xa0,4)
raise Exception("Failed to get interrupt")
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0x20,4)
......@@ -1062,6 +1083,15 @@ sata.reg_status(),sata.reset_ie(),sata.err_count()
for block in range (38,255):
print("\n======== Reading block %d ==============="%block)
sata.dd_read_dma(block, 1)
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80000ff0, 4,4)
for block in range (1,255):
sata.dd_read_dma(block, 1)
......@@ -1075,6 +1105,12 @@ for block in range (1,255):
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80001000, 0x100,4)
for block in range (45,255):
print("\n======== Reading block %d ==============="%block)
sata.dd_read_dma(block, 1)
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80000ff0, 4,4)
#sata.drp (0x20b,0x81), sata.drp (0x20b,0x4081)
This diff is collapsed.
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