Commit e4a8fdeb authored by Alexey Grebenkin's avatar Alexey Grebenkin

Major update

parent 740156c0
...@@ -3,7 +3,13 @@ SATA controller for x393 camera ...@@ -3,7 +3,13 @@ SATA controller for x393 camera
Board: Zynq 7z30 Board: Zynq 7z30
FPGA: Kintex-7 FPGA: Kintex-7
# Current step: # Current step:
Connecting Ashwin's core (slow interface to the system is almost done, have to completely rewrite phy-level). Feels like making the phy works is going to require a lot of effort Testing basic functionallity of a host.
Trying out pio access.
Fullfilling device-side drivers and monitors via tasks.
Tests are mostly manual, relied on a common sense and waveforms instpection. Still, complatible both with gtx-gpl and unisims/gtx
# Going to do afterwards: # Going to do afterwards:
Complete and test the 'current step'. Write host controller with ~same functionallity, check if it works with previously verified higher-level code. Test dma functionallity of the host.
And then to spin out the full-compatible functionallity (ideally somewhere to the level of ahci) Make cocotb testbench - gtx-gpl only - random payload high-level verification testing purposes.
Create a base of regression tests, containing lower-level tests - both gtx-gpl and unisims/gtx.
Improve an implementation of DMA control module.
Finally decide what to do with a driver and modify application level (actally, write it from scrap) correspodning to driver's interfaces.
This diff is collapsed.
wire [31:0] phy2dev_data;
wire [3:0] phy2dev_charisk;
wire [3:0] phy2dev_err;
wire dev_clk;
wire dev_rst;
reg [31:0] dev2phy_data;
reg [3:0] dev2phy_charisk;
force dev.dev2phy_data =
force dev.dev2phy_charisk =
* Module: oob_ctrl
* Date: 2015-07-11
* Author: Alexey
* Description: module to start oob sequences and to handle errors
* Copyright (c) 2015 Elphel, Inc.
* oob_ctrl.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* oob_ctrl.v file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`include "oob.v"
module oob_ctrl_dev #(
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter CLK_SPEED_GRADE = 2 // 1 - 75 Mhz, 2 - 150Mhz, 4 - 300Mhz
// sata clk = usrclk2
input wire clk,
// reset oob
input wire rst,
// gtx is ready = all resets are done
input wire gtx_ready,
// oob responces
input wire rxcominitdet_in,
input wire rxcomwakedet_in,
input wire rxelecidle_in,
// oob issues
output wire txcominit,
output wire txcomwake,
output wire txelecidle,
// input data stream (if any data during OOB setting => ignored)
input wire [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH*8 - 1:0] txdata_in,
input wire [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH - 1:0] txcharisk_in,
// output data stream to gtx
output wire [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH*8 - 1:0] txdata_out,
output wire [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH - 1:0] txcharisk_out,
// input data from gtx
input wire [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH*8 - 1:0] rxdata_in,
input wire [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH - 1:0] rxcharisk_in,
// bypassed data from gtx
output wire [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH*8 - 1:0] rxdata_out,
output wire [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH - 1:0] rxcharisk_out,
// obvious
input wire rxbyteisaligned,
// shows if channel is ready
output wire phy_ready
// oob sequence needs to be issued
wire oob_start;
// connection established, all further data is valid
wire oob_done;
// doc p265, link is established after 3back-to-back non-ALIGNp
wire link_up;
wire link_down;
// the device itself sends cominit
wire cominit_req;
// allow to respond to cominit
wire cominit_allow;
// status information to handle by a control block if any exists
// incompatible host-device speed grades (host cannot lock to alignp)
wire oob_incompatible; // TODO
// timeout in an unexpected place
wire oob_error;
// noone responds to our cominits
wire oob_silence;
// obvious
wire oob_busy;
// for the resync sake
reg rxbyteisaligned_r;
reg rxbyteisaligned_rr;
always @ (posedge clk)
rxbyteisaligned_rr <= rxbyteisaligned_r;
rxbyteisaligned_r <= rxbyteisaligned;
// 1 - link is up and running, 0 - probably not
reg link_state;
// 1 - connection is being established OR already established, 0 - is not
reg oob_state;
assign phy_ready = link_state & gtx_ready & rxbyteisaligned_rr;
always @ (posedge clk)
link_state <= (link_state | link_up) & ~link_down & ~rst;
always @ (posedge clk)
oob_state <= (oob_state | oob_start | cominit_req & cominit_allow) & ~oob_error & ~oob_silence & link_down & ~rst;
// decide when to issue oob: always when gtx is ready
assign oob_start = gtx_ready & ~oob_state & ~oob_busy;
// set line to idle state before if we're waiting for a device to answer AND while oob sequence
wire txelecidle_inner;
assign txelecidle = ~oob_state | txelecidle_inner;
// let devices always begin oob sequence, if only it's not a glitch
assign cominit_allow = cominit_req & link_state;
oob_dev #(
// sata clk = usrclk2
.clk (clk),
// reset oob
.rst (rst),
// oob responces
.rxcominitdet_in (rxcominitdet_in),
.rxcomwakedet_in (rxcomwakedet_in),
.rxelecidle_in (rxelecidle_in),
// oob issues
.txcominit (txcominit),
.txcomwake (txcomwake),
.txelecidle (txelecidle_inner),
// input data stream (if any data during OOB setting => ignored)
.txdata_in (txdata_in),
.txcharisk_in (txcharisk_in),
// output data stream to gtx
.txdata_out (txdata_out),
.txcharisk_out (txcharisk_out),
// input data from gtx
.rxdata_in (rxdata_in),
.rxcharisk_in (rxcharisk_in),
// bypassed data from gtx
.rxdata_out (rxdata_out),
.rxcharisk_out (rxcharisk_out),
// oob sequence needs to be issued
.oob_start (oob_start),
// connection established, all further data is valid
.oob_done (oob_done),
// doc p265, link is established after 3back-to-back non-ALIGNp
.link_up (link_up),
.link_down (link_down),
// the device itself sends cominit
.cominit_req (cominit_req),
// allow to respond to cominit
.cominit_allow (cominit_allow),
// status information to handle by a control block if any exists
// incompatible host-device speed grades (host cannot lock to alignp)
.oob_incompatible (oob_incompatible),
// timeout in an unexpected place
.oob_error (oob_error),
// noone responds to our cominits
.oob_silence (oob_silence),
// oob can't handle new start request
.oob_busy (oob_busy)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ assign wr_cnt_to_push = 7'hf; ...@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ assign wr_cnt_to_push = 7'hf;
assign wr_stop = wr_val_in & wr_data_count == wr_cnt_to_push; assign wr_stop = wr_val_in & wr_data_count == wr_cnt_to_push;
assign wr_ack_out = wr_val_in & rdwr_state == WRITE_DATA; assign wr_ack_out = wr_val_in & rdwr_state == WRITE_DATA;
assign wr_data_in = wr_data; //assign wr_data_in = wr_data;
// assuming for now we write only pre-defined 16 64-bit words // assuming for now we write only pre-defined 16 64-bit words
...@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module dma_regs #( ...@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module dma_regs #(
output wire sh_dev_val, output wire sh_dev_val,
output wire [7:0] sh_control, output wire [7:0] sh_control,
output wire sh_control_val, output wire sh_control_val,
output wire [31:0] sh_dma_id_lo output wire [31:0] sh_dma_id_lo,
output wire sh_dma_id_lo_val, output wire sh_dma_id_lo_val,
output wire [31:0] sh_dma_id_hi, output wire [31:0] sh_dma_id_hi,
output wire sh_dma_id_hi_val, output wire sh_dma_id_hi_val,
...@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module dma_regs #( ...@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module dma_regs #(
output wire sh_buf_off_val, output wire sh_buf_off_val,
output wire [31:0] sh_dma_cnt, output wire [31:0] sh_dma_cnt,
output wire sh_dma_cnt_val, output wire sh_dma_cnt_val,
output wire [31:0] sh_tran_cnt, output wire [15:0] sh_tran_cnt,
output wire sh_tran_cnt_val, output wire sh_tran_cnt_val,
output wire sh_autoact, output wire sh_autoact,
output wire sh_autoact_val, output wire sh_autoact_val,
...@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module dma_regs #( ...@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module dma_regs #(
input wire [31:0] sh_dma_cnt_in, input wire [31:0] sh_dma_cnt_in,
input wire [15:0] sh_tran_cnt_in, // Transfer Count input wire [15:0] sh_tran_cnt_in, // Transfer Count
input wire sh_notif_in, input wire sh_notif_in,
input wire sh_autoact_in input wire sh_autoact_in,
// inputs from cmd control // inputs from cmd control
input wire [31:0] cmd_in input wire [31:0] cmd_in
); );
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ module top #( ...@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ module top #(
output wire TXN, output wire TXN,
output wire TXP, output wire TXP,
// sata clocking iface // sata clocking iface
input wire REFCLK_PAD_P_IN, input wire EXTCLK_P,
input wire REFCLK_PAD_N_IN input wire EXTCLK_N
); );
parameter REGISTERS_CNT = 20; parameter REGISTERS_CNT = 20;
wire [32*REGISTERS_CNT - 1:0] outmem; wire [32*REGISTERS_CNT - 1:0] outmem;
...@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ sata_top sata_top( ...@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ sata_top sata_top(
); );
PS7 ps7_i ( PS7 ps7_i (
...@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module command( ...@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module command(
input wire al_sh_dma_id_hi_val_in, input wire al_sh_dma_id_hi_val_in,
input wire [31:0] al_sh_buf_off_in, input wire [31:0] al_sh_buf_off_in,
input wire al_sh_buf_off_val_in, input wire al_sh_buf_off_val_in,
input wire [31:0] al_sh_tran_cnt_in, input wire [15:0] al_sh_tran_cnt_in,
input wire al_sh_tran_cnt_val_in, input wire al_sh_tran_cnt_val_in,
input wire al_sh_autoact_in, input wire al_sh_autoact_in,
input wire al_sh_autoact_val_in, input wire al_sh_autoact_val_in,
...@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ begin ...@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ begin
sh_dma_id[63:32] <= rst ? 32'h0 : al_sh_dma_id_lo_val_in ? al_sh_dma_id_hi_in : tl_sh_dma_id_val_in ? tl_sh_dma_id_in[63:32] : sh_dma_id[63:32]; sh_dma_id[63:32] <= rst ? 32'h0 : al_sh_dma_id_lo_val_in ? al_sh_dma_id_hi_in : tl_sh_dma_id_val_in ? tl_sh_dma_id_in[63:32] : sh_dma_id[63:32];
sh_dma_off <= rst ? 32'h0 : al_sh_buf_off_val_in ? al_sh_buf_off_in : tl_sh_dma_off_val_in ? tl_sh_dma_off_in : sh_dma_off; sh_dma_off <= rst ? 32'h0 : al_sh_buf_off_val_in ? al_sh_buf_off_in : tl_sh_dma_off_val_in ? tl_sh_dma_off_in : sh_dma_off;
sh_dma_cnt <= rst ? 32'h0 : al_sh_dma_cnt_val_in ? al_sh_dma_cnt_in : tl_sh_dma_cnt_val_in ? tl_sh_dma_cnt_in : sh_dma_cnt; sh_dma_cnt <= rst ? 32'h0 : al_sh_dma_cnt_val_in ? al_sh_dma_cnt_in : tl_sh_dma_cnt_val_in ? tl_sh_dma_cnt_in : sh_dma_cnt;
sh_tran_cnt <= rst ? 32'h0 : al_sh_tran_cnt_val_in ? al_sh_tran_cnt_in : tl_sh_tran_cnt_val_in ? tl_sh_tran_cnt_in : sh_tran_cnt; sh_tran_cnt <= rst ? 16'h0 : al_sh_tran_cnt_val_in ? al_sh_tran_cnt_in : tl_sh_tran_cnt_val_in ? tl_sh_tran_cnt_in : sh_tran_cnt;
sh_notif <= rst ? 1'h0 : al_sh_notif_val_in ? al_sh_notif_in : tl_sh_notif_val_in ? tl_sh_notif_in : sh_notif; sh_notif <= rst ? 1'h0 : al_sh_notif_val_in ? al_sh_notif_in : tl_sh_notif_val_in ? tl_sh_notif_in : sh_notif;
sh_autoact <= rst ? 1'h0 : al_sh_autoact_val_in ? al_sh_autoact_in : tl_sh_autoact_val_in ? tl_sh_autoact_in : sh_autoact; sh_autoact <= rst ? 1'h0 : al_sh_autoact_val_in ? al_sh_autoact_in : tl_sh_autoact_val_in ? tl_sh_autoact_in : sh_autoact;
end end
...@@ -220,10 +220,10 @@ reg [31:0] cmd; ...@@ -220,10 +220,10 @@ reg [31:0] cmd;
assign al_cmd_out = cmd; assign al_cmd_out = cmd;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
cmd[31:4] <= rst ? 28'h0 : al_cmd_val_in ? al_cmd_in : cmd; cmd[31:4] <= rst ? 28'h0 : al_cmd_val_in ? al_cmd_in[31:4] : cmd[31:4];
cmd[3] <= rst ? 1'b0 : al_cmd_val_in ? al_cmd_in[3] : cmd_val ? 1'b0 : cmd[3]; cmd[3] <= rst ? 1'b0 : al_cmd_val_in ? al_cmd_in[3] : cmd_val ? 1'b0 : cmd[3];
cmd[2] <= rst ? 1'b0 : al_cmd_val_in ? 1'b0 : cmd_done_bad ? 1'b1 : cmd[2]; cmd[2] <= rst ? 1'b0 : al_cmd_val_in ? 1'b0 : cmd_done_bad ? 1'b1 : cmd[2];
cmd[1] <= rst ? 1'b0 : al_cmd_val_in ? 1'b0 : cmd_done_good ? 1'b1 : cmd[2]; cmd[1] <= rst ? 1'b0 : al_cmd_val_in ? 1'b0 : cmd_done_good ? 1'b1 : cmd[1];
cmd[0] <= rst ? 1'b0 : al_cmd_val_in ? 1'b0 : cmd_busy; cmd[0] <= rst ? 1'b0 : al_cmd_val_in ? 1'b0 : cmd_busy;
end end
This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ...@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
// All references to doc = to SerialATA_Revision_2_6_Gold.pdf // All references to doc = to SerialATA_Revision_2_6_Gold.pdf
module oob #( module oob #(
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4, parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter CLK_SPEED_GRADE = 2 // 1 - 75 Mhz, 2 - 150Mhz, 4 - 300Mhz parameter CLK_SPEED_GRADE = 1 // 1 - 75 Mhz, 2 - 150Mhz, 4 - 300Mhz
) )
( (
// sata clk = usrclk2 // sata clk = usrclk2
...@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ module oob #( ...@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ module oob #(
input wire oob_start, input wire oob_start,
// connection established, all further data is valid // connection established, all further data is valid
output wire oob_done, output wire oob_done,
// oob can't handle new start request
output wire oob_busy,
// doc p265, link is established after 3back-to-back non-ALIGNp // doc p265, link is established after 3back-to-back non-ALIGNp
output wire link_up, output wire link_up,
...@@ -104,7 +106,11 @@ module oob #( ...@@ -104,7 +106,11 @@ module oob #(
localparam [19:0] CLK_TO_TIMER_CONTRIB = CLK_SPEED_GRADE == 1 ? 20'h4 : localparam [19:0] CLK_TO_TIMER_CONTRIB = CLK_SPEED_GRADE == 1 ? 20'h4 :
CLK_SPEED_GRADE == 2 ? 20'h2 : CLK_SPEED_GRADE == 2 ? 20'h2 :
CLK_SPEED_GRADE == 4 ? 20'h1 : 20'h1; CLK_SPEED_GRADE == 4 ? 20'h1 : 20'h1;
localparam [19:0] TIMER_LIMIT = 19'd20000;
localparam [19:0] TIMER_LIMIT = 19'd262140; localparam [19:0] TIMER_LIMIT = 19'd262140;
reg [19:0] timer; reg [19:0] timer;
wire timer_clr; wire timer_clr;
wire timer_fin; wire timer_fin;
...@@ -120,6 +126,25 @@ reg [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH - 1:0] rxcharisk; ...@@ -120,6 +126,25 @@ reg [DATA_BYTE_WIDTH - 1:0] rxcharisk;
wire detected_alignp; wire detected_alignp;
wire detected_syncp; wire detected_syncp;
// wait until device's cominit is done
reg cominit_req_l;
reg rxcominitdet_l;
reg rxcomwakedet_l;
wire rxcominit_done;
wire rxcomwake_done;
reg [9:0] rxcom_timer;
// for 75MHz : period of cominit = 426.7 ns = 32 ticks => need to wait x6 pulses + 1 as an insurance => 224 clock cycles. Same thoughts for comwake
localparam COMINIT_DONE_TIME = 896; // 300Mhz cycles
localparam COMWAKE_DONE_TIME = 448; // 300Mhz cycles
assign rxcominit_done = rxcom_timer == COMINIT_DONE_TIME & state_wait_cominit;
assign rxcomwake_done = rxcom_timer == COMWAKE_DONE_TIME & state_wait_comwake;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cominit_req_l <= rst | rxcominit_done | ~state_idle ? 1'b0 : cominit_req ? 1'b1 : cominit_req_l;
rxcominitdet_l <= rst | rxcominit_done | ~state_wait_cominit ? 1'b0 : rxcominitdet ? 1'b1 : rxcominitdet_l;
rxcomwakedet_l <= rst | rxcomwake_done | ~state_wait_comwake ? 1'b0 : rxcomwakedet ? 1'b1 : rxcomwakedet_l;
// fsm, doc p265,266 // fsm, doc p265,266
wire state_idle; wire state_idle;
reg state_wait_cominit; reg state_wait_cominit;
...@@ -154,8 +179,8 @@ begin ...@@ -154,8 +179,8 @@ begin
end end
assign set_wait_cominit = state_idle & oob_start & ~cominit_req; assign set_wait_cominit = state_idle & oob_start & ~cominit_req;
assign set_wait_comwake = state_idle & cominit_req & cominit_allow | state_wait_cominit & rxcominitdet; assign set_wait_comwake = state_idle & cominit_req_l & cominit_allow & rxcominit_done | state_wait_cominit & rxcominitdet_l & rxcominit_done;
assign set_wait_align = state_wait_comwake & rxcomwakedet; assign set_wait_align = state_wait_comwake & rxcomwakedet_l & rxcomwake_done;
assign set_wait_synp = state_wait_align & detected_alignp; assign set_wait_synp = state_wait_align & detected_alignp;
assign set_wait_linkup = state_wait_synp & detected_syncp; assign set_wait_linkup = state_wait_synp & detected_syncp;
assign set_error = timer_fin & (state_wait_cominit | state_wait_comwake | state_wait_align | state_wait_synp/* | state_wait_linkup*/); assign set_error = timer_fin & (state_wait_cominit | state_wait_comwake | state_wait_align | state_wait_synp/* | state_wait_linkup*/);
...@@ -168,9 +193,9 @@ assign clr_error = state_error; ...@@ -168,9 +193,9 @@ assign clr_error = state_error;
// waiting timeout timer // waiting timeout timer
assign timer_fin = timer == TIMER_LIMIT; assign timer_fin = timer == TIMER_LIMIT;
assign timer_clr = set_error | state_idle; assign timer_clr = set_error | state_error | state_idle;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
timer <= rst ? 20'h0 : timer + CLK_TO_TIMER_CONTRIB; timer <= rst | timer_clr ? 20'h0 : timer + CLK_TO_TIMER_CONTRIB;
// something is wrong with speed grades if the host cannot lock to device's alignp stream // something is wrong with speed grades if the host cannot lock to device's alignp stream
assign oob_incompatible = state_wait_align & set_error; assign oob_incompatible = state_wait_align & set_error;
...@@ -184,10 +209,13 @@ assign oob_silence = set_error & state_wait_cominit; ...@@ -184,10 +209,13 @@ assign oob_silence = set_error & state_wait_cominit;
// other timeouts // other timeouts
assign oob_error = set_error & ~oob_silence & ~oob_incompatible; assign oob_error = set_error & ~oob_silence & ~oob_incompatible;
// obvioud
assign oob_busy = ~state_idle;
// set gtx controls // set gtx controls
reg txelecidle_r; reg txelecidle_r;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
txelecidle_r <= rst ? 1'b0 : clr_wait_cominit ? 1'b0 : set_wait_cominit ? 1'b1 : txelecidle_r; txelecidle_r <= rst ? 1'b1 : /*clr_wait_cominit */ clr_wait_comwake ? 1'b0 : set_wait_cominit ? 1'b1 : txelecidle_r;
assign txcominit = set_wait_cominit; assign txcominit = set_wait_cominit;
assign txcomwake = set_wait_comwake; assign txcomwake = set_wait_comwake;
...@@ -321,6 +349,9 @@ generate ...@@ -321,6 +349,9 @@ generate
end end
endgenerate endgenerate
always @ (posedge clk)
rxcom_timer <= rst | rxcominit_done & state_wait_cominit | rxcomwake_done & state_wait_comwake | rxcominitdet & state_wait_cominit | rxcomwakedet & state_wait_comwake ? 10'h0 : cominit_req_l & state_idle | rxcominitdet_l & state_wait_cominit | rxcomwakedet_l & state_wait_comwake ? rxcom_timer + CLK_TO_TIMER_CONTRIB : 10'h0;
// set data outputs to gtx // set data outputs to gtx
assign txdata_out = txdata; assign txdata_out = txdata;
assign txcharisk_out = txcharisk; assign txcharisk_out = txcharisk;
...@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ...@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
`include "oob.v" `include "oob.v"
module oob_ctrl #( module oob_ctrl #(
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4, parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter CLK_SPEED_GRADE = 2 // 1 - 75 Mhz, 2 - 150Mhz, 4 - 300Mhz parameter CLK_SPEED_GRADE = 1 // 1 - 75 Mhz, 2 - 150Mhz, 4 - 300Mhz
) )
( (
// sata clk = usrclk2 // sata clk = usrclk2
...@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ wire oob_incompatible; // TODO ...@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ wire oob_incompatible; // TODO
wire oob_error; wire oob_error;
// noone responds to our cominits // noone responds to our cominits
wire oob_silence; wire oob_silence;
// obvious
wire oob_busy;
// for the resync sake // for the resync sake
reg rxbyteisaligned_r; reg rxbyteisaligned_r;
...@@ -87,12 +89,12 @@ reg rxbyteisaligned_rr; ...@@ -87,12 +89,12 @@ reg rxbyteisaligned_rr;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
begin begin
rxbyteisaligned_rr <= rxbyteisaligned_r; rxbyteisaligned_rr <= rxbyteisaligned_r;
rxbyteisaligned <= rxbyteisaligned; rxbyteisaligned_r <= rxbyteisaligned;
end end
// 1 - link is up and running, 0 - probably not // 1 - link is up and running, 0 - probably not
reg link_state; reg link_state;
// 1 - connection is being established, 0 - is not // 1 - connection is being established OR already established, 0 - is not
reg oob_state; reg oob_state;
assign phy_ready = link_state & gtx_ready & rxbyteisaligned_rr; assign phy_ready = link_state & gtx_ready & rxbyteisaligned_rr;
...@@ -101,11 +103,14 @@ always @ (posedge clk) ...@@ -101,11 +103,14 @@ always @ (posedge clk)
link_state <= (link_state | link_up) & ~link_down & ~rst; link_state <= (link_state | link_up) & ~link_down & ~rst;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
oob_state <= (oob_state | oob_start | cominit_req & cominit_allow) & ~oob_error & ~oob_silence & ~link_up & ~rst; oob_state <= (oob_state | oob_start | cominit_req & cominit_allow) & ~oob_error & ~oob_silence & ~(link_down & ~oob_busy & ~oob_start) & ~rst;
// decide when to issue oob: always when gtx is ready // decide when to issue oob: always when gtx is ready
assign oob_start = gtx_ready & ~oob_state; assign oob_start = gtx_ready & ~oob_state & ~oob_busy;
// set line to idle state before if we're waiting for a device to answer AND while oob sequence
wire txelecidle_inner;
assign txelecidle = /*~oob_state |*/ txelecidle_inner;
// let devices always begin oob sequence, if only it's not a glitch // let devices always begin oob sequence, if only it's not a glitch
assign cominit_allow = cominit_req & link_state; assign cominit_allow = cominit_req & link_state;
...@@ -127,7 +132,7 @@ oob ...@@ -127,7 +132,7 @@ oob
// oob issues // oob issues
.txcominit (txcominit), .txcominit (txcominit),
.txcomwake (txcomwake), .txcomwake (txcomwake),
.txelecidle (txelecidle), .txelecidle (txelecidle_inner),
// input data stream (if any data during OOB setting => ignored) // input data stream (if any data during OOB setting => ignored)
.txdata_in (txdata_in), .txdata_in (txdata_in),
...@@ -162,7 +167,9 @@ oob ...@@ -162,7 +167,9 @@ oob
// timeout in an unexpected place // timeout in an unexpected place
.oob_error (oob_error), .oob_error (oob_error),
// noone responds to our cominits // noone responds to our cominits
.oob_silence (oob_silence) .oob_silence (oob_silence),
// oob can't handle new start request
.oob_busy (oob_busy)
); );
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...@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@ ...@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@
*******************************************************************************/ *******************************************************************************/
`include "oob_ctrl.v" `include "oob_ctrl.v"
module sata_phy( module sata_phy(
input wire rst, // initial reset, resets PLL. After pll is locked, an internal sata reset is generated.
input wire extrst,
// sata clk, generated in pll as usrclk2 // sata clk, generated in pll as usrclk2
output wire clk, output wire clk,
output wire rst,
// state // state
output wire phy_ready, output wire phy_ready,
...@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ parameter CHIPSCOPE = "FALSE"; ...@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ parameter CHIPSCOPE = "FALSE";
wire [31:0] txdata; wire [31:0] txdata;
wire [3:0] txcharisk; wire [3:0] txcharisk;
wire [63:0] rxdata; wire [63:0] rxdata;
wire [3:0] rxcharisk; wire [7:0] rxcharisk;
wire [31:0] rxdata_out; wire [31:0] rxdata_out;
wire [31:0] txdata_in; wire [31:0] txdata_in;
wire [3:0] txcharisk_in; wire [3:0] txcharisk_in;
...@@ -68,6 +70,8 @@ wire rxelecidle; ...@@ -68,6 +70,8 @@ wire rxelecidle;
wire txelecidle; wire txelecidle;
wire rxbyteisaligned; wire rxbyteisaligned;
wire gtx_ready;
oob_ctrl oob_ctrl( oob_ctrl oob_ctrl(
// sata clk = usrclk2 // sata clk = usrclk2
...@@ -89,11 +93,11 @@ oob_ctrl oob_ctrl( ...@@ -89,11 +93,11 @@ oob_ctrl oob_ctrl(
.txdata_in (txdata_in), .txdata_in (txdata_in),
.txcharisk_in (txcharisk_in), .txcharisk_in (txcharisk_in),
// output data stream to gtx // output data stream to gtx
.txdata_out (txdata_out), .txdata_out (txdata),
.txcharisk_out (txcharisk_out), .txcharisk_out (txcharisk),
// input data from gtx // input data from gtx
.rxdata_in (rxdata_in), .rxdata_in (rxdata[31:0]),
.rxcharisk_in (rxcharisk_in), .rxcharisk_in (rxcharisk[3:0]),
// bypassed data from gtx // bypassed data from gtx
.rxdata_out (rxdata_out), .rxdata_out (rxdata_out),
.rxcharisk_out (rxcharisk_out), .rxcharisk_out (rxcharisk_out),
...@@ -150,12 +154,27 @@ always @ (posedge gtrefclk) ...@@ -150,12 +154,27 @@ always @ (posedge gtrefclk)
*/ */
wire usrpll_locked; wire usrpll_locked;
assign cpllreset = rst; assign cpllreset = extrst;
assign rxreset = ~cplllock | cpllreset; assign rxreset = ~cplllock | cpllreset;
assign txreset = ~cplllock | cpllreset; assign txreset = ~cplllock | cpllreset;
assign rxuserrdy = usrpll_locked & cplllock & ~cpllreset & ~rxreset & rxeyereset_done; assign rxuserrdy = usrpll_locked & cplllock & ~cpllreset & ~rxreset & rxeyereset_done;
assign txuserrdy = usrpll_locked & cplllock & ~cpllreset & ~txreset & txpmareset_done; assign txuserrdy = usrpll_locked & cplllock & ~cpllreset & ~txreset & txpmareset_done;
assign gtx_ready = rxuserrdy & txuserrdy & rxresetdone & txresetdone;
// generate internal reset after a clock is established
// !!!ATTENTION!!!
// async rst block
reg [7:0] rst_timer;
reg rst_r;
localparam [7:0] RST_TIMER_LIMIT = 8'b1000;
always @ (posedge clk or posedge extrst)
rst_timer <= extrst | ~cplllock | ~usrpll_locked ? 8'h0 : rst_timer == RST_TIMER_LIMIT ? rst_timer : rst_timer + 1'b1;
assign rst = rst_r;
always @ (posedge clk or posedge extrst)
rst_r <= extrst | ~|rst_timer ? 1'b0 : rst_timer[3] ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
/* /*
* USRCLKs generation. USRCLK @ 150MHz, same as TXOUTCLK; USRCLK2 @ 75Mhz -> sata_clk === sclk * USRCLKs generation. USRCLK @ 150MHz, same as TXOUTCLK; USRCLK2 @ 75Mhz -> sata_clk === sclk
* It's recommended to use MMCM instead of PLL, whatever * It's recommended to use MMCM instead of PLL, whatever
...@@ -252,7 +271,7 @@ GTXE2_CHANNEL #( ...@@ -252,7 +271,7 @@ GTXE2_CHANNEL #(
.SIM_VERSION ("4.0"), .SIM_VERSION ("4.0"),
.ALIGN_COMMA_ENABLE (10'b1111111111), .ALIGN_COMMA_ENABLE (10'b1111111111),
.ALIGN_MCOMMA_VALUE (10'b1010000011), .ALIGN_MCOMMA_VALUE (10'b1010000011),
...@@ -372,7 +391,7 @@ GTXE2_CHANNEL #( ...@@ -372,7 +391,7 @@ GTXE2_CHANNEL #(
.PD_TRANS_TIME_TO_P2 (8'h64), .PD_TRANS_TIME_TO_P2 (8'h64),
.SAS_MAX_COM (64), .SAS_MAX_COM (64),
.SAS_MIN_COM (36), .SAS_MIN_COM (36),
.SATA_BURST_SEQ_LEN (4'b0111), .SATA_BURST_SEQ_LEN (4'b0110),
.SATA_BURST_VAL (3'b110), .SATA_BURST_VAL (3'b110),
.SATA_EIDLE_VAL (3'b110), .SATA_EIDLE_VAL (3'b110),
...@@ -445,7 +464,7 @@ GTXE2_CHANNEL #( ...@@ -445,7 +464,7 @@ GTXE2_CHANNEL #(
.RX_DFE_XYD_CFG (13'b0000000000000), .RX_DFE_XYD_CFG (13'b0000000000000),
) )
dut( gtx(
.CPLLLOCK (cplllock), .CPLLLOCK (cplllock),
.CPLLLOCKDETCLK (cplllockdetclk), .CPLLLOCKDETCLK (cplllockdetclk),
...@@ -675,22 +694,22 @@ dut( ...@@ -675,22 +694,22 @@ dut(
.TX8B10BBYPASS (8'd0), .TX8B10BBYPASS (8'd0),
.TXPRBSSEL (3'd0), .TXPRBSSEL (3'd0),
.TXSYNCIN (1'b0)*/ .TXSYNCIN (1'b0)
); );
/* /*
* Interfaces * Interfaces
*/ */
assign cplllockdetclk = CLKIN_150; assign cplllockdetclk = gtrefclk; //TODO
assign drpclk = CLKIN_150; assign drpclk = gtrefclk;
assign clk = usrclk2; assign clk = usrclk2;
assign rxn = rxn_in; assign rxn = rxn_in;
assign rxp = rxp_in; assign rxp = rxp_in;
assign txp_out = txn; assign txn_out = txn;
assign txp_out = txp; assign txp_out = txp;
assign ll_data_out = rxdata_out; assign ll_data_out = rxdata_out;
assign ll_charisk_out = rxcharisk_out; assign ll_charisk_out = rxcharisk_out;
...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ reg [15:0] now; ...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ reg [15:0] now;
reg [31:0] next; reg [31:0] next;
always @ (posedge clk) always @ (posedge clk)
now <= rst ? 16'hf0f6 : val_in ? next : now; now <= rst ? 16'hf0f6 : val_in ? next[31:16] : now;
assign data_out = val_in ? data_in ^ next : data_in; assign data_out = val_in ? data_in ^ next : data_in;
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// Entity mux_21
// Version: 1.0
// Author: Ashwin Mendon
// Description: 2 bit 2:1 Multiplexer
// Copyright (C) 2012
// Ashwin A. Mendon
// This file is part of SATA2 core.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
module mux_21
input wire [1:0] a,
input wire [1:0] b,
input wire sel,
output reg [1:0] o
always @ (a or b or sel)
case (sel)
o = a;
o = b;
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TOPLEVEL := sata_host
TOPLEVEL_LANG ?= verilog
PWD=$(shell pwd)
ifeq ($(OS),Msys)
WPWD=$(shell sh -c 'pwd -W')
WPWD=$(shell pwd)
VERILOG_SOURCES = $(WPWD)/../sata_host.v $(WPWD)/../x393/glbl.v $(WPWD)/../GTXE2_CHANNEL.v
COMPILE_ARGS = -I$(WPWD)/../ -I$(WPWD)/../x393/ -I$(WPWD)/../x393/axi/ -I$(WPWD)/../host/ -y$(WPWD)/../x393/unisims -y$(WPWD)/../x393/util_modules/ -y$(WPWD)/../x393/wrap -y$(WPWD)/../x393/memctrl -D CHECKERS_ENABLED -D SIMULATION
GPI_IMPL := vpi
MODULE ?= test_host
include $(COCOTB)/makefiles/
include $(COCOTB)/makefiles/Makefile.sim
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TIMESCALE = 1000; # in ps
...@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if [ "$GTX_PATH" == '' ] ...@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if [ "$GTX_PATH" == '' ]
then then
fi fi
iverilog -Wall $SATA_PATH/tb/tb_top.v $SATA_PATH/x393/glbl.v -I$SATA_PATH/tb -I$SATA_PATH -I$SATA_PATH/x393/axi -I$SATA_PATH/x393 -y$SATA_PATH/x393/util_modules -y$SATA_PATH/x393/wrap -y$UNISIMS_PATH -y$SATA_PATH/x393/memctrl -y$SATA_PATH/x393/axi -y$SATA_PATH/x393/simulation_modules $SATA_PATH/x393/simulation_modules/simul_axi_fifo_out.v -y$SATA_PATH/x393/ iverilog $SATA_PATH/tb/tb_top.v $SATA_PATH/x393/glbl.v $SATA_PATH/gtxe2_gpl/GTXE2_CHANNEL.v -I$SATA_PATH/device -I$SATA_PATH/host -I$SATA_PATH/dma -I$SATA_PATH/tb -I$SATA_PATH -I$SATA_PATH/x393/axi -I$SATA_PATH/x393 -y$SATA_PATH/x393/util_modules -y$SATA_PATH/x393/wrap -y$UNISIMS_PATH -y$SATA_PATH/x393/memctrl -y$SATA_PATH/x393/axi -y$SATA_PATH/x393/simulation_modules $SATA_PATH/x393/simulation_modules/simul_axi_fifo_out.v -y$SATA_PATH/x393/ -D SIMULATION -D CHECKERS_ENABLED
#iverilog $SATA_PATH/tb/tb_top.v $SATA_PATH/x393/glbl.v -f opts -stb -sglbl $1 2>&1| tee $LOGFILE_PATH #iverilog $SATA_PATH/tb/tb_top.v $SATA_PATH/x393/glbl.v -f opts -stb -sglbl $1 2>&1| tee $LOGFILE_PATH
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