Commit e06e9e1a authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Fixed more bugs in link layer

parent fb82aa54
......@@ -52,87 +52,87 @@
......@@ -112,6 +112,11 @@ module ahci_fis_receive#(
input dma_in_ready, // DMA engine ready to accept data
output dma_in_valid // Write data to DMA dev->memory channel
,output debug_data_in_ready,
output debug_fis_end_w,
output [1:0] debug_fis_end_r,
output [1:0] debug_get_fis_busy_r
//localparam FA_BITS = 6; // number of bits in received FIS address
//localparam CLB_OFFS32 = 'h200; // # In the second half of the register space (0x800..0xbff - 1KB)
......@@ -241,6 +246,14 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
assign fis_first_invalid = fis_first_invalid_r;
assign debug_data_in_ready = data_in_ready;
assign debug_fis_end_w = fis_end_w;
assign debug_fis_end_r = fis_end_r;
assign debug_get_fis_busy_r = get_fis_busy_r;
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (hba_rst || dma_in_stop || pcmd_st_cleared) dma_in <= 0;
else if (dma_in_start) dma_in <= 1;
......@@ -254,13 +254,25 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
assign serr_EI = phy_ready && (0); // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
reg [1:0] debug_last_d2h_type_in;
reg [1:0] debug_last_d2h_type;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (d2h_fifo_wr) debug_last_d2h_type_in<= d2h_type_in;
if (d2h_fifo_rd) debug_last_d2h_type<= d2h_type;
assign debug_phy = {h2d_type_out[1:0],h2d_type[1:0],
ll_h2d_last,d2h_valid, d2h_type[1:0],
debug_last_d2h_type_in, d2h_type_in[1:0],
debug_phy0[ 7:0]};
// debug_phy0[15:0]};
// debug_phy0[19:0]};
// Data/type FIFO, device -> host
......@@ -341,7 +353,7 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
// FIS transmit H2D
// Start if all FIS is in FIFO (last word received) or at least that many is in FIFO
if (rst || ll_frame_req) h2d_pending <= 0;
if (rst || ll_frame_req) h2d_pending <= 0; // ?
else if ((h2d_type == H2D_TYPE_FIS_HEAD) && h2d_fifo_wr) h2d_pending <= 1;
if (rst) ll_frame_req <= 0;
......@@ -400,7 +412,10 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
.datascope_waddr (datascope_waddr), // output[9:0]
.datascope_we (datascope_we), // output
.datascope_di (datascope_di), // output[31:0]
.datascope_trig (ll_incom_invalidate), // ll_frame_ackn), // input datascope external trigger
// .datascope_trig (ll_incom_invalidate ), // ll_frame_ackn), // input datascope external trigger
// .datascope_trig (debug_link[4:0] == 'h0a), // state_send_eof // input datascope external trigger
.datascope_trig (debug_link[4:0] == 'h02), // state_rcvr_goodcrc // input datascope external trigger
`ifdef USE_DRP
......@@ -664,6 +664,10 @@ module ahci_top#(
.last_jump_addr (last_jump_addr)
wire debug_data_in_ready; // output
wire debug_fis_end_w; // output
wire[1:0] debug_fis_end_r; // output[1:0]
wire[1:0] debug_get_fis_busy_r; // output[1:0]
axi_ahci_regs #(
......@@ -724,15 +728,18 @@ module ahci_top#(
.afi_cache_set (set_axi_cache_mode), // output
.was_hba_rst (was_hba_rst), // output
.was_port_rst (was_port_rst), // output
.debug_in0 (debug_dma), // input[31:0]
.debug_in0 ({ debug_data_in_ready, // output
debug_fis_end_w, // output
debug_fis_end_r[1:0], // output[1:0]
debug_get_fis_busy_r[1:0], // output[1:0]
debug_dma[25:0]}), // input[31:0]
// .debug_in1 ({xclk_period[7:0], // lower 8 bits of 12-bit value. Same frequency would be 0x800 (msb opposite to 3 next bits)
// debug_dma1[23:0]}), // debug_in_link), // input[31:0]
.debug_in1 ({2'b0,
.debug_in1 ({debug_in_link[15:8],
debug_dma1[23:0]}), // debug_in_link), // input[31:0]
.debug_in2 (debug_in_phy), // input[31:0] // debug from phy/link
// .debug_in3 ({22'b0, last_jump_addr[9:0]}) // input[31:0]// Last jump address in the AHDCI sequencer
.debug_in3 ({3'b0, debug_in_link[4:0],
.debug_in3 ({debug_in_link[7:0],
frcv_busy,frcv_ok, // 2'b0,
frcv_err,frcv_ferr, // 2'b0,
......@@ -1010,6 +1017,11 @@ module ahci_top#(
.hba_data_in_ready (d2h_ready), // output
.dma_in_ready (dma_in_ready), // input
.dma_in_valid (dma_we) // output
,.debug_data_in_ready (debug_data_in_ready), // output
.debug_fis_end_w (debug_fis_end_w), // output
.debug_fis_end_r (debug_fis_end_r), // output[1:0]
.debug_get_fis_busy_r (debug_get_fis_busy_r) // output[1:0]
wire ahci_fis_transmit_busy;
wire [9:0] xmit_dbg_01;
......@@ -1075,28 +1087,147 @@ wire [9:0] xmit_dbg_01;
// Datascope code
// Datascope interface (write to memory that can be software-read)
// wire datascope_clk;
// wire [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] datascope_waddr;
// wire datascope_we;
// wire [31:0] datascope_di;
reg [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] datascope_waddr_r;
reg [1:0] datascope_run;
/// reg [8:0] datascope_cntr;
/// reg datascope_was_busy;
reg datascope_link_run;
wire dataskope_is_state_send_ready = (debug_in_link[4:0] == 16);
wire dataskope_is_state_idle = (debug_in_link[4:0] == 22);
reg dataskope_was_state_send_ready;
reg [3:0] datascope_id;
wire datascope_incoming_start = debug_in_link[22]; // set_rcvr_wait; // start logging
wire datascope_incoming_started = debug_in_phy[21:20] == 1; //
wire datascope_incomining_preend = debug_in_phy[21]; // d2h_type_in[1
reg [2:0] datascope_incoming_run;
reg [7:0] datascope_incoming_cntr;
reg datascope_receive_fis;
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (mrst) datascope_receive_fis <= 0;
else if (datascope_incoming_start) datascope_receive_fis <= 1;
else if (frcv_get_dsfis ||
frcv_get_psfis ||
frcv_get_rfis ||
frcv_get_sdbfis ||
frcv_get_ufis ||
frcv_get_data_fis ||
frcv_get_ignore) datascope_receive_fis <= 0;
if (mrst) datascope_incoming_run[0] <= 0;
else if (datascope_incoming_start || datascope_receive_fis) datascope_incoming_run[0] <= 1;
else if (datascope_incoming_cntr == 0) datascope_incoming_run[0] <= 0;
if (mrst || datascope_incoming_start) datascope_incoming_run[1] <= 0;
else if (datascope_incoming_run[0] && datascope_incoming_started) datascope_incoming_run[1] <= 1;
else if (datascope_incoming_run[2]) datascope_incoming_run[1] <= 0;
if (mrst || datascope_incoming_start) datascope_incoming_run[2] <= 0;
else if (datascope_incoming_run[1] && datascope_incomining_preend) datascope_incoming_run[2] <= 1;
else if (datascope_incoming_cntr == 0) datascope_incoming_run[2] <= 0;
if (mrst || !datascope_incoming_run[2] ||
datascope_incoming_start ||
datascope_receive_fis) datascope_incoming_cntr <= DATASCOPE_INCOMING_POST;
else if (|datascope_incoming_cntr) datascope_incoming_cntr <= datascope_incoming_cntr - 1;
assign datascope_clk = mclk;
assign datascope_waddr = datascope_waddr_r;
// assign datascope_di = datascope_run[0]? {h2d_type, dma_dav, datascope_was_busy, xmit_dbg_01, datascope_cntr[3:0], h2d_data[15:0]} : {{32-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r};
/// assign datascope_di = datascope_run[0]? {h2d_type, xmit_dbg_01, datascope_cntr[3:0], h2d_data[15:0]} : {{32-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r};
// Datascope provides just outgoing data, followed by the dword counter with 16'hffff in the high word
// assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || (datascope_run == 2);
// assign datascope_di = datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {16'hffff,{16-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r};
// assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || (datascope_run == 2) || d2h_ready;
// assign datascope_di = d2h_ready? {d2h_type, d2h_data[29:0]}:(datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {16'hffff,{16-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r});
assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || fsnd_done || d2h_ready;
assign datascope_di = d2h_ready? {d2h_type, d2h_data[29:0]}:(datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {13'hffff,fsnd_dx_err[2:0],{16-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}},datascope_waddr_r});
// assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || fsnd_done || d2h_ready || xmit_ok || xmit_err;
// assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || d2h_ready || datascope_link_run;
assign datascope_we = (datascope_run[0] && h2d_valid && h2d_ready) || datascope_incoming_run[0] || datascope_link_run;
// assign datascope_di = d2h_ready? {d2h_type,
assign datascope_di = datascope_incoming_run[0]? {d2h_type,
debug_in_link[26], // state idle
debug_in_link[4:0], // encoded state (1 cycle later)
// d2h_data[8:0]}:
(datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {// will appear for fsnd_done || xmit_ok || xmit_err
debug_in_link[29], // xmit_ok,
debug_in_link[28], //xmit_err,
debug_in_link[27], // 1'b0,
debug_in_link[24], // fsnd_dx_err[1], //fsnd_dx_err[2:0],
datascope_id[2:0], {12-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}}, datascope_waddr_r});
assign debug_out[ 4: 0] = debug_states_encoded;
assign debug_out[7: 5] = {
assign debug_out[31] = rcvd_dword[CODE_ALIGNP];
assign debug_out[30] = set_send_sof;
assign debug_out[29] = clr_send_rdy;
assign debug_out[28] = state_send_rdy;
assign debug_out[27] = state_send_sof;
assign debug_out[26] = state_idle;
assign debug_out[25] = state_send_data;
assign debug_out[24] = (state_send_sof | set_send_sof & ~alignes_pair);
assign debug_out[23] = (clr_send_sof & ~alignes_pair);
//assign debug_out[15: 5] = debug_to_first_err[14:4];
assign debug_out[22:16] = debug_rcvd_dword[6:0];
assign debug_out[15: 8] = {
debug_was_wait, // state was wait when last CODE_ERRP/CODE_OKP was received
debug_was_idle, // state was idle when last CODE_ERRP/CODE_OKP was received
assign datascope_di = d2h_ready? {d2h_type, d2h_data[29:0]}:(datascope_run[0]? {h2d_data[31:0]} : {// will appear for fsnd_done || xmit_ok || xmit_err
debug_in_link[29], // xmit_ok,
debug_in_link[28], //xmit_err,
debug_in_link[27], // 1'b0,
debug_in_link[23], debug_in_link[25],
datascope_id[2:0], {12-ADDRESS_BITS{1'b0}}, datascope_waddr_r});
assign debug_out[27] = state_send_sof;
assign debug_out[26] = state_idle;
_out[31] = rcvd_dword[CODE_ALIGNP];
assign debug_out[ 4: 0] = debug_states_encoded;
assign debug_out[7: 5] = {
/// assign datascope_we = |datascope_run;
assign datascope_di = datascope_run[0]? {h2d_type, // 2 bits
......@@ -1113,11 +1244,22 @@ wire [9:0] xmit_dbg_01;
else if (fsnd_cfis_xmit) datascope_run[0] <= 1;
else if (h2d_valid && h2d_ready && (h2d_type == 2)) datascope_run[0] <= 0;
if (mrst) datascope_link_run <= 0;
else if (dataskope_is_state_send_ready && !dataskope_was_state_send_ready) datascope_link_run <= 1; // state_send_sof
else if (dataskope_is_state_idle) datascope_link_run <= 0; // state_idle
dataskope_was_state_send_ready <= dataskope_is_state_send_ready;
datascope_run[1] <= datascope_run[0];
if (fsnd_cfis_xmit) datascope_waddr_r <= DATASCOPE_CFIS_START;
else if (datascope_we) datascope_waddr_r <= datascope_waddr_r + 1;
if (mrst) datascope_id <= 0;
else if (fsnd_cfis_xmit) datascope_id <= datascope_id + 1;
/// if (fsnd_cfis_xmit) datascope_cntr <= 0;
/// else datascope_cntr <= datascope_cntr + 1;
* Module: action_decoder
* Date:2016-02-13
* Date:2016-02-16
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Decode sequencer code to 1-hot actions
* Module: condition_mux
* Date:2016-02-13
* Date:2016-02-16
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Select condition
......@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'P:NotRunning'},
{LBL:'P:RegFisUpdate', ACT: 'GET_RFIS*'}, # get_rfis
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'P:RegFisAccept'},
{LBL:'P:RegFisAccept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # send R_OK
......@@ -203,18 +203,18 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{LBL:'NDR:Entry', ACT: 'NOP'},
# {IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
# {IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
# {IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
# {IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'NDR:Accept'}, # 4.
{LBL:'NDR:IgnoreNR', ACT: 'GET_IGNORE*'}, # get_ignore This one is not in docs, just to empty FIS FIFO
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'P:OkIdle'}, #
{LBL:'NDR:IgnoreIdle', ACT: 'GET_IGNORE*'}, # get_ignore This one is not in docs, just to empty FIS FIFO
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'P:OkNotRunning'}, #
......@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'PIO:Update'}, # 2.
#5.3.8 D2H Register FIS Receive States
{LBL:'RegFIS:Entry', ACT: 'GET_RFIS*'}, # get_rfis
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'RegFIS:Accept'}, #
{LBL:'RegFIS:Accept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # send R_OK
......@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
#RegFIS:SetSig skipped, done in RegFIS:UpdateSig
#5.3.9 PIO Setup Receive States
{LBL:'PIO:Entry', ACT: 'GET_PSFIS*'}, # get_psfis, includes all steps 1..9
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'PIO:Accept' },
{LBL:'PIO:Accept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # get_psfis, includes all steps 1..9
......@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
#PIO:SetIS, PIO:GenIntr are handled by hardware, skipping
#5.3.10 Data Transmit States
{LBL:'DX:EntryIgnore', ACT: 'GET_IGNORE*'}, # Read/Ignore FIS in FIFO (not in docs)
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'DX:Accept'}, #
{LBL:'DX:Accept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # send R_OK
......@@ -355,10 +355,10 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'DR:Receive'},
{LBL:'DR:Receive', ACT: 'GET_DATA_FIS*'}, # get_data_fis
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 3. fis_err - checking for errors first to give some time for fis_extra
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 3. fis_err - checking for errors first to give some time for fis_extra
# to reveal itself from the ahci_dma module (ahci_fis_receive does not need it)
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 3a. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_EXTRA', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_extra
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 3a. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_EXTRA', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_extra
{ GOTO:'DR:UpdateByteCount'}, # 2. fis_ok implied
{LBL:'DR:UpdateByteCount', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # send_R_OK to device
......@@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
# 5.3.12 DMA Setup Receive States
{LBL:'DmaSet:Entry', ACT: 'GET_DSFIS*'}, # get_dsfis
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'DmaSet:Accept'}, #
{LBL:'DmaSet:Accept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # send R_OK
......@@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'P:Idle' }, # 3.
#5.3.13 Set Device Bits States
{LBL:'SDB:Entry', ACT: 'GET_SDBFIS*'}, # get_sdbfis Is in only for Native CC ?
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'SDB:Accept' }, # 3.
{LBL:'SDB:Accept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # get_sdbfis Is in only for Native CC ?
......@@ -400,8 +400,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'PM:Aggr' }, # 5.
#5.3.14 Unknown FIS Receive States
{LBL:'UFIS:Entry', ACT: 'GET_UFIS*'}, # get_ufis
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'UFIS:Accept' }, #
{LBL:'UFIS:Accept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # get_ufis
......@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
#5.3.15 BIST States
{LBL:'BIST:FarEndLoopback', ACT: 'GET_IGNORE*'}, # get_ignore
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'BIST:FarEndLoopbackAccept'}, # 1. (IRQ states are handled)
{LBL:'BIST:FarEndLoopbackAccept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, # send R_OK
......@@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ GOTO:'BIST:TestLoop'}, # 1.
{LBL:'BIST:TestOngoing', ACT: 'GET_IGNORE*'}, # get_ignore
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 1. fis_err
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'BIST:TestLoopAccept'}, #
{LBL:'BIST:TestLoopAccept', ACT: 'R_OK'}, #
......@@ -434,8 +434,10 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ ACT: 'SIRQ_IF'}, # sirq_IF
{ GOTO:'ERR:WaitForClear' },
{LBL:'ERR:Fatal', ACT: 'R_ERR'}, # Send R_ERR to device
{ ACT: 'SIRQ_IF'}, # sirq_IF
{LBL:'ERR:Fatal_R_ERR', ACT: 'R_ERR'}, # Send 'R_ERR' to device. SATA sais it should be Transport L, AHCI - Link L
{ GOTO:'ERR:Fatal' }, #
{LBL:'ERR:Fatal', ACT: 'SIRQ_IF'}, # sirq_IF
{ GOTO:'ERR:WaitForClear' },
{LBL:'ERR:FatalTaskfile', ACT: 'SIRQ_TFE'}, # sirq_TFE
......@@ -444,8 +446,10 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADDR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{LBL:'ERR:WaitForClear', ACT: 'NOP'}, #
{ GOTO:'ERR:WaitForClear' }, # Loop until PxCMD.ST is cleared by software
{LBL:'ERR:Non-Fatal', ACT: 'NOP'}, # Do anything else here?
{ ACT: 'SIRQ_INF'}, # sirq_INF
{LBL:'ERR:Non-Fatal_R_ERR', ACT: 'R_ERR'}, # Send 'R_ERR' to device. SATA says it should be Transport L, AHCI - Link L
{ GOTO:'ERR:Non-Fatal' }, #
{LBL:'ERR:Non-Fatal', ACT: 'SIRQ_INF'}, # sirq_INF
{ GOTO:'P:Idle'}, #
def get_cnk (start,end,level):
......@@ -36,7 +36,11 @@
module link #(
// 4 = dword. 4-bytes aligned data transfers TODO 2 = word - easy, 8 = qword - difficult
parameter DATA_BYTE_WIDTH = 4,
parameter ALIGNES_PERIOD = 10 // period of sending ALIGNp pairs
parameter ALIGNES_PERIOD = 252 // period of sending ALIGNp pairs
// TODO insert watchdogs
......@@ -131,7 +135,8 @@ assign link_established = phy_ready;
// send primitives variety count, including CRC and DATA as primitives
localparam PRIM_NUM = 16; // 15;
wire [PRIM_NUM - 1:0] rcvd_dword; // shows current processing primitive (or just data dword)
wire dword_val;
wire dword_val; // any valid primitive/data
wire dword_val_na; // any valid primitive but ALIGNp
// list of bits of rcvd_dword
localparam CODE_DATA = 0; // DATA
localparam CODE_CRC = 1; // CRC
......@@ -179,17 +184,17 @@ wire data_txing = data_txing_r & ~state_send_crc;
// does not work with ALIGNp pair
always @ (posedge clk) begin
/// data_txing <= rst | (data_last_in & data_strobe_out | dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP]) ? 1'b0 : frame_req ? 1'b1 : data_txing;
/// data_txing <= rst | (data_last_in & data_strobe_out | dword_val_na & rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP]) ? 1'b0 : frame_req ? 1'b1 : data_txing;
if (rst ||
(data_last_in && data_strobe_out) ||
(dword_val && rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP])) data_txing <= 0;
(dword_val_na && rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP])) data_txing <= 0;
else if (frame_req) data_txing <= 1;
// Trying alternative, as SM sometimes got stuck in state_send_data, last was set
// Make it safe
always @ (posedge clk) begin
/// data_txing <= rst | (data_last_in & data_strobe_out | dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP]) ? 1'b0 : frame_req ? 1'b1 : data_txing;
/// data_txing <= rst | (data_last_in & data_strobe_out | dword_val_na & rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP]) ? 1'b0 : frame_req ? 1'b1 : data_txing;
if (rst) data_txing_r <= 0;
else if (frame_req) data_txing_r <= 1;
else if (state_send_crc) data_txing_r <= 0;
......@@ -309,14 +314,24 @@ assign state_idle = ~state_sync_esc
& ~state_rcvr_badend;
// got an escaping primitive = request to cancel the transmission
wire got_escape;
assign got_escape = dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
// may be 1 cycle, need to extend over alignes_pair
//wire got_escape_w;
//reg got_escape_pend;
//wire got_escape = got_escape_w || got_escape_pend;
//assign got_escape_w = dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
wire got_escape = dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP]; // can wait over alignes pair
reg sync_escape_req_r; // ahci sends 1 single-clock pulse, it may hit alignes_pair
always @ (posedge clk) begin
// got_escape_pend <= alignes_pair && (got_escape_w || got_escape_pend);
sync_escape_req_r <= alignes_pair && (sync_escape_req || sync_escape_req_r);
// escaping is done
assign sync_escape_ack = state_sync_esc;
wire alignes_pair; // pauses every state go give a chance to insert 2 align primitives on a line at least every 256 dwords due to spec
reg alignes_pair; // pauses every state go give a chance to insert 2 align primitives on a line at least every 256 dwords due to spec
//wire alignes_pair_0; // time for 1st align primitive
//wire alignes_pair_1; // time for 2nd align primitive
reg [8:0] alignes_timer;
......@@ -333,17 +348,20 @@ reg [8:0] alignes_timer;
reg alignes_pair_0; // time for 1st align primitive
reg alignes_pair_1; // time for 2nd align primitive
//reg alignes_pair_1; // time for 2nd align primitive
always @ (posedge clk) begin
/// if (!link_established_r || select_prim[CODE_ALIGNP]) alignes_timer <= ALIGNES_PERIOD;
if (!phy_ready || select_prim[CODE_ALIGNP]) alignes_timer <= ALIGNES_PERIOD;
else alignes_timer <= alignes_timer -1;
alignes_pair_0 <= alignes_timer == 0;
alignes_pair_1 <= alignes_pair_0;
// alignes_pair_1 <= alignes_pair_0;
alignes_pair <= phy_ready && ((alignes_timer == 0) || alignes_pair_0);
///assign alignes_pair = link_established_r && (alignes_pair_0 | alignes_pair_1);
assign alignes_pair = phy_ready && (alignes_pair_0 | alignes_pair_1);
// assign alignes_pair = phy_ready && (alignes_pair_0 | alignes_pair_1);
always @ (posedge clk) begin
link_bad_crc <= state_rcvr_eof & crc_bad;
......@@ -358,40 +376,59 @@ always @ (posedge clk) begin
// Whole transitions table, literally from doc pages 311-328
assign set_sync_esc = sync_escape_req;
assign set_sync_esc = sync_escape_req || sync_escape_req_r; // extended over alignes_pair
assign set_nocommerr = ~phy_ready & ~state_nocomm & ~state_reset;
assign set_nocomm = state_nocommerr;
///assign set_align = state_reset & ~link_reset;
///assign set_align = state_reset & ~link_reset & rcvd_dword[CODE_ALIGNP];
assign set_align = 0; // never, as this state is handled by OOB
assign set_reset = link_reset;
assign set_send_rdy = state_idle & frame_req;
assign set_send_sof = state_send_rdy & phy_ready & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_RRDYP];
assign set_send_data = state_send_sof & phy_ready
| state_send_rhold & data_txing & ~dec_err & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP]
| state_send_shold & data_txing & data_val_in & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
// | state_send_rhold & data_txing & ~dec_err & dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP]
// | state_send_shold & data_txing & data_val_in & dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
| state_send_rhold & data_txing & ~dec_err & dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP]
| state_send_shold & data_txing & data_val_in & dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
assign set_send_rhold = state_send_data & data_txing & data_val_in & ~data_last_in & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP]
| state_send_shold & data_txing & data_val_in & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP];
assign set_send_shold = state_send_data & data_txing & ~data_val_in & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
assign set_send_crc = state_send_data & data_txing & data_val_in & data_last_in & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP]
| state_send_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP];
assign set_send_eof = state_send_crc & phy_ready & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
assign set_wait = state_send_eof & phy_ready & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
// receiver's branch
assign set_rcvr_wait = state_idle & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP]
| state_send_rdy & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP];
assign set_rcvr_rdy = state_rcvr_wait & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP] & ~data_busy_in;
assign set_rcvr_data = state_rcvr_rdy & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_SOFP]
| state_rcvr_rhold & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_EOFP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP] & ~data_busy_in
| state_rcvr_shold & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_EOFP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
| state_rcvr_rhold & dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_EOFP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP] & ~data_busy_in
| state_rcvr_shold & dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_EOFP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP];
assign set_rcvr_rhold = state_rcvr_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_DATA] & data_busy_in;
assign set_rcvr_shold = state_rcvr_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP]
| state_rcvr_rhold & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_HOLDP] & ~data_busy_in;
assign set_rcvr_eof = state_rcvr_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_EOFP]
| state_rcvr_rhold & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_EOFP]
| state_rcvr_shold & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_EOFP];
assign set_rcvr_goodcrc = state_rcvr_eof & crc_good;
assign set_rcvr_goodend = state_rcvr_goodcrc& incom_ack_good_or_pend; // incom_ack_good; // may arrive at aligns_pair
assign set_rcvr_badend = state_rcvr_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_WTRMP]
| state_rcvr_eof & crc_bad
| state_rcvr_goodcrc& incom_ack_bad_or_pend; // incom_ack_bad; // may arrive at aligns_pair
......@@ -405,32 +442,32 @@ assign clr_align = 0; // never - this state is handled in OOB
assign clr_reset = ~link_reset;
///assign clr_reset = set_align;
assign clr_send_rdy = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_sof | set_rcvr_wait;
assign clr_send_sof = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_data | got_escape;
assign clr_send_data = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_rhold | set_send_shold | set_send_crc | got_escape;
assign clr_send_rhold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_data | set_send_crc | got_escape;
assign clr_send_shold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_data | set_send_rhold | set_send_crc | got_escape;
assign clr_send_crc = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_eof | got_escape;
assign clr_send_eof = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_wait | got_escape;
assign clr_wait = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | frame_done | got_escape;
assign clr_send_sof = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_data; // | got_escape;
assign clr_send_data = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_rhold | set_send_shold | set_send_crc; // | got_escape;
assign clr_send_rhold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_data | set_send_crc; // | got_escape;
assign clr_send_shold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_data | set_send_rhold | set_send_crc; // | got_escape;
assign clr_send_crc = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_send_eof; // | got_escape;
assign clr_send_eof = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_wait; // | got_escape;
assign clr_wait = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | frame_done; // | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_wait = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_rdy | dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP];
assign clr_rcvr_rdy = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_data | dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SOFP];
assign clr_rcvr_wait = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_rdy | dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP];
assign clr_rcvr_rdy = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_data | dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SOFP];
assign clr_rcvr_data = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_rhold | set_rcvr_shold | set_rcvr_eof | set_rcvr_badend | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_rhold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_data | set_rcvr_eof | set_rcvr_shold | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_shold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_data | set_rcvr_eof | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_eof = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_goodcrc | set_rcvr_badend;
assign clr_rcvr_goodcrc = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | set_rcvr_goodend | set_rcvr_badend | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_wait = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_rdy */ | (dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP]);
assign clr_rcvr_rdy = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_data */ | (dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SOFP]);
assign clr_rcvr_data = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_rhold | set_rcvr_shold | set_rcvr_eof */ | set_rcvr_badend | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_rhold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_data | set_rcvr_eof | set_rcvr_shold */ | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_shold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_data | set_rcvr_eof */ | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_wait = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_rdy */ | (dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP]);
assign clr_rcvr_rdy = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_data */ | (dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_XRDYP] & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SOFP]);
assign clr_rcvr_data = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_rhold | set_rcvr_shold | set_rcvr_eof */ | set_rcvr_badend; // | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_rhold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_data | set_rcvr_eof | set_rcvr_shold */; // | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_shold = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*| set_rcvr_data | set_rcvr_eof */; // | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_eof = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*|set_rcvr_goodcrc | set_rcvr_badend*/;
assign clr_rcvr_goodcrc = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | /*set_rcvr_goodend | set_rcvr_badend |*/ got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_goodcrc = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc /*set_rcvr_goodend | set_rcvr_badend |*/; // | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_goodend = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_badend = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc | got_escape;
assign clr_rcvr_goodend = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc; // | got_escape; // can be 1 cycle only
assign clr_rcvr_badend = set_nocommerr | set_reset | set_sync_esc; // | got_escape;
// the only truely asynchronous transaction between states is -> state_ reset. It shall not be delayed by sending alignes
// Luckily, while in that state, the line is off, so we dont need to care about merging alignes and state-bounded primitives
......@@ -444,13 +481,13 @@ begin
state_align <= (state_align | set_align & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_align & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_reset <= (state_reset | set_reset ) & ~ clr_reset & ~rst;
state_send_rdy <= (state_send_rdy | set_send_rdy & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_send_rdy & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_send_sof <= (state_send_sof | set_send_sof & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_send_sof & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_send_data <= (state_send_data | set_send_data & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_send_data & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_send_rhold <= (state_send_rhold | set_send_rhold & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_send_rhold & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_send_shold <= (state_send_shold | set_send_shold & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_send_shold & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_send_crc <= (state_send_crc | set_send_crc & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_send_crc & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_send_eof <= (state_send_eof | set_send_eof & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_send_eof & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_wait <= (state_wait | set_wait & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_wait & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_send_sof <= (state_send_sof | set_send_sof & ~alignes_pair) & ~(got_escape | (clr_send_sof & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_send_data <= (state_send_data | set_send_data & ~alignes_pair) & ~(got_escape | (clr_send_data & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_send_rhold <= (state_send_rhold | set_send_rhold & ~alignes_pair) & ~(got_escape | (clr_send_rhold & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_send_shold <= (state_send_shold | set_send_shold & ~alignes_pair) & ~(got_escape | (clr_send_shold & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_send_crc <= (state_send_crc | set_send_crc & ~alignes_pair) & ~(got_escape | (clr_send_crc & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_send_eof <= (state_send_eof | set_send_eof & ~alignes_pair) & ~(got_escape | (clr_send_eof & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_wait <= (state_wait | set_wait & ~alignes_pair) & ~(got_escape | (clr_wait & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
// Andrey: most receiver states can not wait for transmitting aligns_pair. What host sends in this states matters when confirmed by the device
// So it seems OK if alignes_pair will just overwrite whatever host was going to send in these state.
// Care should be taken only for transitions between these states and others (transmit) that need to wait for alignes_pair to finish
......@@ -463,24 +500,28 @@ begin
state_rcvr_data <= (state_rcvr_data | set_rcvr_data ) & ~(set_rcvr_shold |
set_rcvr_shold |
set_rcvr_eof | (clr_rcvr_data & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
set_rcvr_eof |
got_escape | (clr_rcvr_data & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_rhold <= (state_rcvr_rhold | set_rcvr_rhold ) & ~(set_rcvr_data |
set_rcvr_shold |
set_rcvr_eof | (clr_rcvr_rhold & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
set_rcvr_eof |
got_escape | (clr_rcvr_rhold & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_shold <= (state_rcvr_shold | set_rcvr_shold ) & ~(set_rcvr_data |
set_rcvr_eof | (clr_rcvr_shold & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
set_rcvr_eof |
got_escape | (clr_rcvr_shold & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_eof <= (state_rcvr_eof | set_rcvr_eof ) & ~(set_rcvr_goodcrc |
state_rcvr_badend |(clr_rcvr_eof & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_goodcrc <= (state_rcvr_goodcrc | set_rcvr_goodcrc ) & ~(set_rcvr_goodend |
set_rcvr_badend | (clr_rcvr_goodcrc & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
set_rcvr_badend |
got_escape | (clr_rcvr_goodcrc & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_goodend <= (state_rcvr_goodend | set_rcvr_goodend ) & ~(clr_rcvr_goodend & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_goodend <= (state_rcvr_goodend | set_rcvr_goodend ) & ~(got_escape | (clr_rcvr_goodend & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_badend <= (state_rcvr_badend | set_rcvr_badend ) & ~(clr_rcvr_badend & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_badend <= (state_rcvr_badend | set_rcvr_badend ) & ~(got_escape | (clr_rcvr_badend & ~alignes_pair)) & ~rst;
state_rcvr_wait <= (state_rcvr_wait | set_rcvr_wait & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_rcvr_wait & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
......@@ -644,7 +685,7 @@ always @ (posedge clk)
// incoming data is data
wire inc_is_data;
assign inc_is_data = dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_DATA] & (state_rcvr_data | state_rcvr_rhold);
//wire inc_is_crc = dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_CRC] & (state_rcvr_data | state_rcvr_rhold);
//wire inc_is_crc = dword_val_na & rcvd_dword[CODE_CRC] & (state_rcvr_data | state_rcvr_rhold);
* Scrambler can work both as a scrambler and a descramler, because data stream could be
* one direction at a time
......@@ -681,6 +722,7 @@ reg data_val_out_r;
reg [31:0] data_out_rr;
reg data_val_out_rr;
// if current == EOF => _r == CRC and _rr == last data piece
always @ (posedge clk)
data_out_r <= scrambler_out;
......@@ -688,6 +730,23 @@ begin
data_val_out_r <= inc_is_data;
data_val_out_rr <= data_val_out_r & ~set_rcvr_eof; // means that @ previous clock cycle the delivered data was crc
reg data_held; // some data is held in data_out_r over primitives - to be restored if not EOF
// no need to check for set_rcvr_eof - last dword will be always lost
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_SOFP]) data_held <= 0;
else if (inc_is_data) data_held <= 1;
if (inc_is_data) data_out_r <= scrambler_out;
if (data_val_out_r) data_out_rr <= data_out_r;
data_val_out_r <= inc_is_data;
data_val_out_rr <= inc_is_data && data_held;
assign data_out = data_out_rr;
assign data_mask_out = 2'b11;//{DATA_BYTE_WIDTH/2{1'b1}};
assign data_val_out = data_val_out_rr;
......@@ -735,18 +794,20 @@ assign incom_start_w = set_rcvr_wait; // & ~alignes_pair;
// ... and processed
assign incom_done_w = set_rcvr_goodcrc; // & ~alignes_pair;
// or the FIS had errors
//assign incom_invalidate = state_rcvr_eof & crc_bad & ~alignes_pair | state_rcvr_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_WTRMP]
//assign incom_invalidate = state_rcvr_eof & crc_bad & ~alignes_pair | state_rcvr_data & dword_val_na & rcvd_dword[CODE_WTRMP]
// | (state_rcvr_wait | state_rcvr_rdy | state_rcvr_data | state_rcvr_rhold | state_rcvr_shold | state_rcvr_eof | state_rcvr_goodcrc) & got_escape;
// Separating different types of errors, sync_escape from other problems. TODO: route individual errors to set SERR bits
//assign incom_invalidate = (state_rcvr_eof & crc_bad & ~alignes_pair) | // CRC mismatch
// (state_rcvr_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_WTRMP]);
// (state_rcvr_data & dword_val_na & rcvd_dword[CODE_WTRMP]);
assign incom_invalidate_w = (state_rcvr_eof & crc_bad) | // CRC mismatch
(state_rcvr_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_WTRMP]); // missed EOF?
assign incom_sync_escape = (state_rcvr_wait | state_rcvr_rdy | state_rcvr_data | state_rcvr_rhold |
state_rcvr_shold | state_rcvr_eof | state_rcvr_goodcrc) & got_escape;
// shows that incoming primitive or data is ready to be processed // TODO somehow move alignes_pair into dword_val
assign dword_val = |rcvd_dword & phy_ready & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_ALIGNP];
// shows that incoming primitive or data is ready to be processed // TODO somehow move alignes_pair into dword_val_na
assign dword_val = |rcvd_dword & phy_ready; // any valid primitive/data
assign dword_val_na = |rcvd_dword & phy_ready & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_ALIGNP]; // any valid primitive/data but ALIGNp
// determine imcoming primitive type
// determine imcoming primitive type
......@@ -1013,16 +1074,98 @@ reg state_rcvr_badend; // BadEnd
///assign debug_out[31:20] = debug_num_other[11:0];
///assign debug_out = debug_unknown_dword; // first unknown dword
reg [1:0] debug_data_last_in_r;
reg [1:0] debug_alignes_pair_r;
reg [1:0] debug_state_send_data_r;
reg [1:0] debug_dword_val_na;
reg [1:0] debug_CODE_SYNCP;
reg [1:0] debug_set_send_crc;
reg [1:0] debug_data_val_in;
reg [1:0] debug_was_OK_ERR;
reg debug_was_wait;
reg debug_was_idle;
reg debug_was_ok_err;
reg debug_was_state_wait;
reg debug_was_frame_done;
reg debug_was_got_escape;
// frame_done | got_escape
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (data_strobe_out) begin
debug_data_last_in_r <= {debug_data_last_in_r[0],data_last_in};
debug_alignes_pair_r <= {debug_alignes_pair_r[0],alignes_pair};
debug_state_send_data_r <= {debug_state_send_data_r[0],state_send_data};
debug_dword_val_na <= {debug_dword_val_na[0],dword_val_na};
debug_CODE_SYNCP <= {debug_CODE_SYNCP[0],rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP]};
debug_set_send_crc <= {debug_set_send_crc[0],set_send_crc};
debug_data_val_in <= {debug_data_val_in[0],data_val_in};
debug_was_ok_err <= rcvd_dword[CODE_ERRP] | rcvd_dword[CODE_OKP];
if (frame_req) debug_was_OK_ERR <= 0;
else debug_was_OK_ERR <= debug_was_OK_ERR | {rcvd_dword[CODE_ERRP], rcvd_dword[CODE_OKP]};
if (frame_req) debug_was_state_wait <= 0;
else debug_was_state_wait <= debug_was_state_wait | state_wait;
if (state_wait && clr_wait && !alignes_pair) debug_was_frame_done <= frame_done;
if (state_wait && clr_wait && !alignes_pair) debug_was_got_escape <= got_escape;
if ((rcvd_dword[CODE_ERRP] || rcvd_dword[CODE_OKP]) && !debug_was_ok_err) begin
debug_was_wait <= state_wait;
debug_was_idle <= state_idle;
assign debug_out[ 4: 0] = debug_states_encoded;
assign debug_out[7: 5] = {
assign debug_out[31] = rcvd_dword[CODE_ALIGNP];
assign debug_out[30] = set_send_sof;
assign debug_out[29] = clr_send_rdy;
assign debug_out[28] = state_send_rdy;
assign debug_out[27] = state_send_sof;
assign debug_out[26] = state_idle;
assign debug_out[25] = state_send_data;
assign debug_out[24] = (state_send_sof | set_send_sof & ~alignes_pair);
assign debug_out[23] = (clr_send_sof & ~alignes_pair);
assign debug_out[22] = set_rcvr_wait; // start logging input
//assign debug_out[15: 5] = debug_to_first_err[14:4];
assign debug_out[31:16] = debug_rcvd_dword;
assign debug_out[7: 5] = 0;
assign debug_out[15: 8] = {2'b0, state_send_data, data_txing,
data_val_in, data_last_in, dword_val, ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP]};
assign debug_out[21:16] = debug_rcvd_dword[5:0];
assign debug_out[15: 8] = {
debug_was_wait, // state was wait when last CODE_ERRP/CODE_OKP was received
debug_was_idle, // state was idle when last CODE_ERRP/CODE_OKP was received
/* debug_data_last_in_r[1],
// debug_dword_val_na[1],
assign set_send_crc = state_send_data & data_txing & data_val_in & data_last_in & dword_val & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP]
| state_send_data & dword_val & rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP];
state_send_sof <= (state_send_sof | set_send_sof & ~alignes_pair) & ~(clr_send_sof & ~alignes_pair) & ~rst;
_send_crc = state_send_data & data_txing & data_val_in & data_last_in & dword_val_na & ~rcvd_dword[CODE_SYNCP]
| state_send_data & dword_val_na & rcvd_dword[CODE_DMATP];
, .INIT_00 (256'h00100000000E0000000C00000033000000200000000A0000000A0000000A0000)
, .INIT_01 (256'h001944521C399446543044170000001900880019003002020204008400220006)
, .INIT_02 (256'h001900050019C82E000C04020110002924FB2502024000190003004204040000)
, .INIT_02 (256'h001900050019C82E000C04020110002924FB2503024000190003004204040000)
, .INIT_03 (256'h845284BE44374C682C4214190012003900880018000A02080022001901020090)
, .INIT_04 (256'h00190110003901100019144601020030020202040039B07D707A041000398C6B)
, .INIT_05 (256'h64540C2504580000004E24FB250200C0004C24FB250200C0005C000000390000)
, .INIT_06 (256'hD10250F8903900A00104006B0202005000E2A89368F018E918CB98A758D73882)
, .INIT_05 (256'h64540C2504580000004E24FB250300C0004C24FB250300C0005C000000390000)
, .INIT_06 (256'hD10550F8903900A00104006B0202005000E2A89368F018E918CB98A758D73882)
, .INIT_07 (256'h0060003900000039B07D00000050004400220039B07D707A307730F001080071)
, .INIT_08 (256'h00050091C88F002200240091288B28FE000C0110008624FB25020240009CD0FB)
, .INIT_09 (256'h48A528A128FE00140039487F0CAD28FE0110009724FB25020140005004020091)
, .INIT_0A (256'h8839089C040800AD011000AB24FB250200C000500081005048A5002200240039)
, .INIT_0B (256'h00C004080039889C040800090039889C50BA0024004800B5D0FB50F8012000B1)
, .INIT_0C (256'h011000CF24FB250204200039889C50BA00240028011000C5C50224FB24FB0220)
, .INIT_0D (256'h0050C8E028FE000C011000DB24FB25020440003934D2000000D4001100D4C8D2)
, .INIT_0E (256'h00F60082011000ED24FB250200C000390401011000E624FB2502018000500101)
, .INIT_0F (256'h0100020101000021021001000021004400F6000000F6011000F424FB250200C0)
, .INIT_10 (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000390041000001000000)
, .INIT_08 (256'h00050091C88F002200240091288B28FF000C0110008624FB25030240009CD0FD)
, .INIT_09 (256'h48A528A128FF00140039487F0CAD28FF0110009724FB25030140005004020091)
, .INIT_0A (256'h8839089C040800AD011000AB24FB250300C000500081005048A5002200240039)
, .INIT_0B (256'h00C004080039889C040800090039889C50BA0024004800B5D0FD50F8012000B1)
, .INIT_0C (256'h011000CF24FB250304200039889C50BA00240028011000C5C50324FB24FB0220)
, .INIT_0D (256'h0050C8E028FF000C011000DB24FB25030440003934D2000000D4001100D4C8D2)
, .INIT_0E (256'h00F60082011000ED24FB250300C000390401011000E624FB2503018000500101)
, .INIT_0F (256'h02010101002100FD021001010021004400F6000000F6011000F424FB250300C0)
, .INIT_10 (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000039004101050210010100000101)
, .INITP_00 (256'hC8220098170902401E272722222800309418810820809C802018880022222222)
, .INITP_01 (256'h22082227209C82720A09C22089C680272181A01CB889C8605A2A89C882068270)
, .INITP_02 (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000082)
, .INITP_01 (256'h88882227209C82720A09C22089C680272181A01CB889C8605A2A89C882068270)
, .INITP_02 (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000888)
......@@ -628,6 +628,12 @@ class x393sata(object):
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0xa0,4)
dd =0
for a in range(0x80001000,0x80001014,4):
dd |= self.x393_mem.read_mem(a)
if dd == 0:
print ("*** Probably got cache/write buffer problem, continuing ***")
raise Exception("Failed to get interrupt")
......@@ -638,13 +644,13 @@ class x393sata(object):
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x4,4)"%(MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (MAXI1_ADDR + DBG_OFFS, 0x4,4)
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0xa0,4)
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x100,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0x200,4)
raise Exception("Failed to get interrupt")
print("Datascope (debug) data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x20,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0xa0,4)
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x200,4)"%(DATASCOPE_ADDR))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATASCOPE_ADDR, 0x200,4)
print("Memory read data:")
print("_=mem.mem_dump (0x%x, 0x%x, 1)"%(DATAIN_ADDRESS, count * 0x200))
self.x393_mem.mem_dump (DATAIN_ADDRESS, count * 0x200, 1)
......@@ -886,7 +892,7 @@ class x393sata(object):
(" R_IPp ",0x5555b57c),
(" R_OKp ",0x3535b57c),
(" R_RDYp ",0x4a4a957c),
(" SOFp ",0x3131b57c),
(" SOFp ",0x3737b57c),
(" SYNCp ",0xb5b5957c),
(" WTRMp ",0x5858b57c),
(" X_RDYp ",0x5757b57c))
......@@ -1053,6 +1059,17 @@ sata.reg_status()
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80000ff0, 4,4)
for block in range (1,1024):
print("\n======== Reading block %d ==============="%block)
sata.dd_read_dma(block, 1)
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80000ff0, 4,4)
[*] GTKWave Analyzer v3.3.66 (w)1999-2015 BSI
[*] Sun Feb 14 23:58:57 2016
[*] Wed Feb 17 00:41:51 2016
[dumpfile] "/home/andrey/git/x393_sata/simulation/tb_ahci-20160214134023147.fst"
[dumpfile_mtime] "Sun Feb 14 20:41:46 2016"
[dumpfile_size] 10591039
[dumpfile] "/home/andrey/git/x393_sata/simulation/tb_ahci-20160216095816459.fst"
[dumpfile_mtime] "Tue Feb 16 16:59:52 2016"
[dumpfile_size] 10761673
[savefile] "/home/andrey/git/x393_sata/tb_ahci_01.sav"
[timestart] 14876900
[timestart] 33334000
[size] 1823 1180
[pos] 2026 0
*-16.443789 15151294 29549854 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
*-17.446142 33882754 29549854 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
[treeopen] tb_ahci.
[treeopen] tb_ahci.axi_read_addr.
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
[treeopen] tb_ahci.simul_axi_hp_wr_i.wdata_i.
[treeopen] tb_ahci.simul_axi_read_i.
[sst_width] 296
[signals_width] 252
[signals_width] 254
[sst_expanded] 1
[sst_vpaned_height] 573
......@@ -1040,6 +1040,9 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.fifo_d2h_control_i.mem_regen
......@@ -1866,7 +1869,7 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_top_i.ahci_fsm_i.async_ackn
......@@ -1964,11 +1967,13 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_top_i.ahci_fis_receive_i.fis_dcount[3:0]
......@@ -3428,14 +3433,78 @@ tb_ahci.simul_axi_hp_rd_i.rdata_i.out_full
......@@ -3571,9 +3640,75 @@
......@@ -3761,7 +3896,7 @@
......@@ -3780,11 +3915,10 @@[15:0]
......@@ -3856,8 +3990,9 @@
......@@ -4023,9 +4158,8 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.phy.gtx_wrap.gtxe2_channel_wrapper.gtx_g[31:0]
......@@ -4035,7 +4169,7 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.phy.gtx_wrap.gtx_comma_align.comma
......@@ -4368,7 +4502,7 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.phy.gtx_wrap.txreset
......@@ -4378,7 +4512,7 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.phy.gtx_wrap.elastic1632_i.data_out[31:0
......@@ -4492,7 +4626,6 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.phy.gtx_wrap.txdata_enc_out[19:0]
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