Commit de42947e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

finished initial coding of ahci_ctrl_stat.v

parent c8a13f98
......@@ -46,18 +46,53 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
input update_GHC__IS,
input update_HBA_PORT__PxIS,
input update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS,
input update_HBA_PORT__PxSERR,
input update_HBA_PORT__PxCMD,
// PxCMD
input pcmd_clear_icc, // clear PxCMD.ICC field
input pcmd_esp, // external SATA port (just forward value)
output pcmd_cr, // command list run - current
input pcmd_cr_set, // command list run set
input pcmd_cr_reset, // command list run reset
input pcmd_fr, // ahci_fis_receive:get_fis_busy
input pcmd_clear_bsy_drq, // == ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq
output pcmd_clo, //RW1, causes ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq, that in turn resets this bit
input pcmd_clear_st, // RW clear ST (start) bit
output pcmd_st, // current value
// Interrupt inputs
input sirq_TFE, // RWC: Task File Error Status
input sirq_IF, // RWC: Interface Fatal Error Status (sect. 6.1.2)
input sirq_INF, // RWC: Interface Non-Fatal Error Status (sect. 6.1.2)
input sirq_OF, // RWC: Overflow Status
input sirq_PRC, // RO: PhyRdy changed Status
input sirq_PC, // RO: Port Connect Change Status
input sirq_DP, // RWC: Descriptor Processed with "I" bit on
input sirq_UF, // RO: Unknown FIS
input sirq_SDB, // RWC: Set Device Bits Interrupt - Set Device bits FIS with 'I' bit set
input sirq_DS, // RWC: DMA Setup FIS Interrupt - DMA Setup FIS received with 'I' bit set
input sirq_PS, // RWC: PIO Setup FIS Interrupt - PIO Setup FIS received with 'I' bit set
input sirq_DHR, // RWC: D2H Register FIS Interrupt - D2H Register FIS received with 'I' bit set
// SCR1:SError (only inputs that are not available in sirq_* ones
input serr_DT, // RWC: Transport state transition error
input serr_DS, // RWC: Link sequence error
input serr_DH, // RWC: Handshake Error (i.e. Device got CRC error)
input serr_DC, // RWC: CRC error in Link layer
input serr_DB, // RWC: 10B to 8B decode error
input serr_DW, // RWC: COMMWAKE signal was detected
input serr_DI, // RWC: PHY Internal Error
// sirq_PRC,
// sirq_IF || // sirq_INF
input serr_EP, // RWC: Protocol Error - a violation of SATA protocol detected
input serr_EC, // RWC: Persistent Communication or Data Integrity Error
input serr_ET, // RWC: Transient Data Integrity Error (error not recovered by the interface)
input serr_EM, // RWC: Communication between the device and host was lost but re-established
input serr_EI, // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
// SCR0: SStatus
input ssts_ipm_dnp, // device not present or communication not established
......@@ -75,6 +110,13 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
input ssts_det_dnp, // device detected, but phy communication not established
input ssts_det_dp, // device detected, phy communication established
input ssts_det_offline, // device detected, phy communication established
// SCR2:SControl (written by software only)
output reg [3:0] sctl_ipm, // Interface power management transitions allowed
output reg [3:0] sctl_spd, // Interface maximal speed
output reg [3:0] sctl_det, // Device detection initialization requested
input pxci0_clear, // PxCI clear
output pxci0, // pxCI current value
......@@ -89,14 +131,14 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
wire swr_HBA_PORT__PxIS = soft_write_en && (soft_write_addr == HBA_PORT__PxIS__CPDS__ADDR);
wire swr_HBA_PORT__PxIE = soft_write_en && (soft_write_addr == HBA_PORT__PxIE__CPDE__ADDR);
wire swr_HBA_PORT__PxSCTL = soft_write_en && (soft_write_addr == HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__SPD__ADDR);
wire swr_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS = soft_write_en && (soft_write_addr == HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__SPD__ADDR);
// wire swr_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS = soft_write_en && (soft_write_addr == HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__SPD__ADDR);
wire swr_HBA_PORT__PxSERR = soft_write_en && (soft_write_addr == HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__ADDR);
wire swr_HBA_PORT__PxCI = soft_write_en && (soft_write_addr == HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__DFLT);
reg hba_rst_r = 1;
reg rst_por;
reg rst_hba;
reg rst_port;
reg rst_hba; // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor : Unused, maybe will be used later
reg rst_port; // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor : Unused, maybe will be used later
reg ghc_ie_r;
reg ghc_is_r;
......@@ -104,16 +146,43 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
reg [31:0] PxIE_r; // some bits will be unused by PxIS_MASK
reg [31:0] PxIS_r; // some bits will be unused by PxIS_MASK
reg [11:0] PxSSTS_r;
reg [31:0] PxSERR_r; // Assuming it is not needed for HBA, just for the software
reg [31:0] PxCMD_r;
reg pxci0_r;
wire [31:0] sirq = {32{sirq_TFE}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__MASK | // 'h40000000;
{32{sirq_IF }} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__IFS__MASK | // 'h8000000;
{32{sirq_INF}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__INFS__MASK | // 'h4000000;
{32{sirq_OF }} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__OFS__MASK | // 'h1000000;
{32{sirq_PRC}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__PRCS__MASK | // 'h400000;
{32{sirq_PC}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__PCS__MASK | // 'h40;;
{32{sirq_DP}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__DPS__MASK | // 'h20;
{32{sirq_UF }} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__UFS__MASK | // 'h10;
{32{sirq_SDB}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__SDBS__MASK | // 'h8;
{32{sirq_DS }} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__DSS__MASK | // 'h4;
{32{sirq_PS }} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__MASK | // 'h2;
{32{sirq_DHR}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__DHRS__MASK; // 'h1;
wire [31:0] serr = {32{sirq_PC}} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__MASK | // 'h4000000;
{32{sirq_UF }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__F__MASK | // 'h2000000;
{32{serr_DT }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__T__MASK | // 'h1000000;
{32{serr_DS }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__S__MASK | // 'h800000;
{32{serr_DH }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__H__MASK | // 'h400000;
{32{serr_DC }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__C__MASK | // 'h200000;
{32{serr_DB }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__B__MASK | // 'h80000;
{32{serr_DW }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__W__MASK | // 'h40000;
{32{serr_DI }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__I__MASK | // 'h20000;
{32{sirq_PRC}} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__N__MASK | // 'h10000;
{32{sirq_IF | sirq_INF }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__E__MASK | // 'h800;
{32{serr_EP }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__P__MASK | // 'h400;
{32{serr_EC }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__C__MASK | // 'h200;
{32{serr_ET }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__T__MASK | // 'h100;
{32{serr_EM }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__M__MASK | // 'h2;
{32{serr_EI }} & HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__I__MASK; // 'h0;
wire [11:8] sssts_ipm = ({4{ssts_ipm_active}} & 4'h1) |
({4{ssts_ipm_part}} & 4'h2) |
({4{ssts_ipm_slumb}} & 4'h6) |
......@@ -136,6 +205,7 @@ localparam PxIE_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIE__TFEE__MASK | // 'h40000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__DSE__MASK | // 'h4;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__PSE__MASK | // 'h2;
localparam PxIS_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__MASK | // 'h40000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__IFS__MASK | // 'h8000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__INFS__MASK | // 'h4000000;
......@@ -147,6 +217,76 @@ localparam PxIS_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__MASK | // 'h40000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__MASK | // 'h2;
localparam PxSERR_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__MASK | // 'h4000000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__F__MASK | // 'h2000000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__T__MASK | // 'h1000000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__S__MASK | // 'h800000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__H__MASK | // 'h400000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__C__MASK | // 'h200000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__B__MASK | // 'h80000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__W__MASK | // 'h40000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__I__MASK | // 'h20000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__N__MASK | // 'h10000;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__E__MASK | // 'h800;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__P__MASK | // 'h400;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__C__MASK | // 'h200;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__T__MASK | // 'h100;
HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__M__MASK | // 'h2;
localparam PxCMD_DFLT = HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ASP__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ESP__DFLT | // 'h200000;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPD__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__HPCP__DFLT | // 'h40000;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__PMA__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPS__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CR__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FR__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CCS__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CLO__DFLT | // 'h0;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__POD__DFLT | // 'h4;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__SUD__DFLT | // 'h2;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__DFLT; // 'h0;
localparam PxCMD_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__MASK | // 'hf0000000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ASP__MASK | // 'h8000000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ALPE__MASK | // 'h4000000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__DLAE__MASK | // 'h2000000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ATAPI__MASK | // 'h1000000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__APSTE__MASK | // 'h800000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FBSCP__MASK | // 'h400000;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ESP__MASK | // 'h200000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPD__MASK | // 'h100000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__MPSP__MASK | // 'h80000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__HPCP__MASK | // 'h40000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__PMA__MASK | // 'h20000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPS__MASK | // 'h10000;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CR__MASK | // 'h8000;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FR__MASK | // 'h4000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__MPSS__MASK | // 'h2000;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CCS__MASK | // 'h1f00;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK | // 'h10;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CLO__MASK | // 'h8;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__POD__MASK | // 'h4;
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD__SUD__MASK | // 'h2;
HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK; // 'h1;
assign pxci0 = pxci0_r;
assign pcmd_cr = PxCMD_r[15]; // command list run - current
assign pcmd_clo = PxCMD_r[3]; // causes ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq, that in turn resets this bit
assign pcmd_st = PxCMD_r[0]; // current value
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (mrst) irq <= 0;
......@@ -187,40 +327,74 @@ localparam PxIS_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__MASK | // 'h40000000;
else PxIS_r <= PxIS_MASK & ((swr_HBA_PORT__PxIS ? soft_write_data : PxIS_r) | sirq);
// HBA_PORT__PxIE register
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (rst_por) set_ghc_is_r <= 0;
// TODO: Not exactly clear - when ghc_is_r should be set after being RWC? After setting some not masked new individual interrupt?
else set_ghc_is_r <= |(sirq & PxIE_r);
// HBA_PORT__PxSSTS register - updated from the HOST only
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (mrst) PxSSTS_r[11:8] <= 0;
else if (ssts_ipm_dnp || ssts_ipm_active || ssts_ipm_part || ssts_ipm_slumb || ssts_ipm_devsleep) PxSSTS_r[11:8] <= sssts_ipm[11:8];
if (mrst) PxSSTS_r[ 7:4] <= 0;
else if (ssts_ipm_dnp || ssts_ipm_active || ssts_ipm_part || ssts_ipm_slumb || ssts_ipm_devsleep) PxSSTS_r[ 7:4] <= sssts_spd[ 7:4];
else if (ssts_spd_dnp || ssts_spd_gen1 || ssts_spd_gen2|| ssts_spd_gen3) PxSSTS_r[ 7:4] <= sssts_spd[ 7:4];
if (mrst) PxSSTS_r[ 3:0] <= 0;
else if (ssts_ipm_dnp || ssts_ipm_active || ssts_ipm_part || ssts_ipm_slumb || ssts_ipm_devsleep) PxSSTS_r[ 3:0] <= sssts_det[ 3:0];
else if (ssts_det_ndnp || ssts_det_dnp || ssts_det_dp || ssts_det_offline) PxSSTS_r[ 3:0] <= sssts_det[ 3:0];
// HBA_PORT__PxSCTL register - updated by the software only
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (rst_por) {sctl_ipm, sctl_spd, sctl_det} <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxSCTL) {sctl_ipm, sctl_spd, sctl_det} <= soft_write_data [11:0];
// HBA_PORT__PxSERR register
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (rst_por) PxSERR_r <= 0;
else PxSERR_r <= PxSERR_MASK & ((swr_HBA_PORT__PxSERR ? soft_write_data : PxSERR_r) | serr);
// HBA_PORT__PxCI[0] register - cleared by HBA, set by software
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (mrst || pxci0_clear) pxci0_r <= 0;
else if (swr_HBA_PORT__PxCI) pxci0_r <= soft_write_data[0];
// HBA_PORT__PxCMD register - different behavious of differtnt fields
// use PxCMD_MASK to prevent generation of unneeded register bits
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (mrst) PxCMD_r <= PxCMD_DFLT;
else PxCMD_r <= (~PxCMD_MASK & PxCMD_DFLT ) | (PxCMD_MASK & ( swr_HBA_PORT__PxCMD? soft_write_data : (
(pcmd_clear_icc ? 0 : (PxCMD_r & HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__MASK)) |
(pcmd_esp ? HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ESP__MASK : 0) |
(pcmd_cr_reset ? 0 : (HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CR__MASK & (pcmd_cr_set? (~0):(PxCMD_r)))) |
(pcmd_fr? HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FR__MASK : 0 ) |
(HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK & PxCMD_r) | // no HBA control
(pcmd_clear_bsy_drq ? 0 : (PxCMD_r & HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CLO__MASK)) |
(pcmd_clear_st ? 0 : (PxCMD_r & HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK)) )));
// Update AXI registers with the current local data
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
regs_addr <= ({ADDRESS_BITS{update_GHC__IS}} & GHC__IS__IPS__ADDR) |
({ADDRESS_BITS{update_HBA_PORT__PxIS}} & HBA_PORT__PxIS__CPDS__ADDR) | // TODO: add more ...
regs_din <= ({32{update_GHC__IS}} & {31'b0, ghc_is_r}) |
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxIS}} & PxIS_r) | // TODO: add more ...
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS}} &{20'b0, PxSSTS_r[11:0]}); // | // TODO: add more ...
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxIS}} & PxIS_r) |
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS}} & {20'b0, PxSSTS_r[11:0]}) |
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxSERR}} & PxSERR_r) |
({32{update_HBA_PORT__PxCMD}} & PxCMD_r);
regs_we <= update_GHC__IS || update_HBA_PORT__PxIS || update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS;
regs_we <= update_GHC__IS || update_HBA_PORT__PxIS || update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS || update_HBA_PORT__PxSERR | update_HBA_PORT__PxCMD;
......@@ -426,6 +426,79 @@ module ahci_top#(
/* Instance template for module ahci_ctrl_stat */
ahci_ctrl_stat #(
) ahci_ctrl_stat_i (
.mrst (), // input
.mclk (), // input
.was_hba_rst (), // input
.was_port_rst (), // input
.soft_write_addr (), // input[9:0]
.soft_write_data (), // input[31:0]
.soft_write_en (), // input
.regs_addr (), // output[9:0] reg
.regs_we (), // output reg
.regs_din (), // output[31:0] reg
.update_GHC__IS (), // input
.update_HBA_PORT__PxIS (), // input
.update_HBA_PORT__PxSSTS (), // input
.update_HBA_PORT__PxSERR (), // input
.update_HBA_PORT__PxCMD (), // input
.pcmd_clear_icc (), // input
.pcmd_esp (), // input
.pcmd_cr (), // output
.pcmd_cr_set (), // input
.pcmd_cr_reset (), // input
.pcmd_fr (), // input
.pcmd_clear_bsy_drq (), // input
.pcmd_clo (), // output
.pcmd_clear_st (), // input
.pcmd_st (), // output
.sirq_TFE (), // input
.sirq_IF (), // input
.sirq_INF (), // input
.sirq_OF (), // input
.sirq_PRC (), // input
.sirq_PC (), // input
.sirq_DP (), // input
.sirq_UF (), // input
.sirq_SDB (), // input
.sirq_DS (), // input
.sirq_PS (), // input
.sirq_DHR (), // input
.serr_DT (), // input
.serr_DS (), // input
.serr_DH (), // input
.serr_DC (), // input
.serr_DB (), // input
.serr_DW (), // input
.serr_DI (), // input
.serr_EP (), // input
.serr_EC (), // input
.serr_ET (), // input
.serr_EM (), // input
.serr_EI (), // input
.ssts_ipm_dnp (), // input
.ssts_ipm_active (), // input
.ssts_ipm_part (), // input
.ssts_ipm_slumb (), // input
.ssts_ipm_devsleep (), // input
.ssts_spd_dnp (), // input
.ssts_spd_gen1 (), // input
.ssts_spd_gen2 (), // input
.ssts_spd_gen3 (), // input
.ssts_det_ndnp (), // input
.ssts_det_dnp (), // input
.ssts_det_dp (), // input
.ssts_det_offline (), // input
.sctl_ipm (), // output[3:0] reg
.sctl_spd (), // output[3:0] reg
.sctl_det (), // output[3:0] reg
.pxci0_clear (), // input
.pxci0 (), // output
.irq () // output reg
ahci_dma ahci_dma_i (
.mrst (mrst), // input
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