Commit d7e78d92 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

debugging error handling

parent e94b62c6
......@@ -52,87 +52,87 @@
......@@ -345,11 +345,11 @@ module ahci_dma (
if (cmd_start) dev_wr_mclk <= dev_wr;
if (mrst) cmd_busy <= 0;
if (mrst || cmd_abort) cmd_busy <= 0;
else if (cmd_start) cmd_busy <= 1;
else if (cmd_done) cmd_busy <= 0;
if (mrst) ct_busy <= 0;
if (mrst || cmd_abort) ct_busy <= 0;
else if (cmd_start) ct_busy <= 1;
else if (ct_done_mclk) ct_busy <= 0;
......@@ -380,11 +380,6 @@ module ahci_dma (
always @ (posedge hclk) begin
hrst_r <= hrst;
// axi_dirty_r <= (|afi_wacount) || (|afi_rcount); // afi_wacount of afi_rcount are non-zero (assuming afi_wcount should be zero as addresses are posted first
// if (abort_or_reset && axi_dirty_r) abort_busy_hclk <= 1'b1;
addr_data_rq_r <= addr_data_rq_w;
prd_start_hclk_r <= prd_start_hclk;
......@@ -400,19 +395,19 @@ module ahci_dma (
// overall sequencing makes sure that there will be no new requests until older served
// additionally they are mutuially exclusive - only one may be pending at a time
if (hrst) raddr_ct_pend <= 0;
if (hrst || cmd_abort_hclk) raddr_ct_pend <= 0;
else if (raddr_ct_rq) raddr_ct_pend <= 1;
else if (axi_set_raddr_ready) raddr_ct_pend <= 0;
if (hrst) raddr_prd_pend <= 0;
if (hrst || cmd_abort_hclk) raddr_prd_pend <= 0;
else if (raddr_prd_rq) raddr_prd_pend <= 1;
else if (axi_set_raddr_ready) raddr_prd_pend <= 0;
if (hrst) raddr_data_pend <= 0;
if (hrst || cmd_abort_hclk) raddr_data_pend <= 0;
else if (raddr_data_rq) raddr_data_pend <= 1;
else if (axi_set_raddr_ready) raddr_data_pend <= 0;
if (hrst) waddr_data_pend <= 0;
if (hrst || cmd_abort_hclk) waddr_data_pend <= 0;
else if (waddr_data_rq) waddr_data_pend <= 1;
else if (axi_set_waddr_ready) waddr_data_pend <= 0;
......@@ -572,8 +567,8 @@ module ahci_dma (
.WCNT_BITS (21),
) ahci_dma_rd_fifo_i (
.mrst (mrst), // input
.hrst (hrst), // input
.mrst (mrst || abort_busy_mclk), // input
.hrst (hrst || cmd_abort_hclk), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.hclk (hclk), // input
.wcnt (wcount[21:1]), // input[20:0]
......@@ -596,8 +591,8 @@ module ahci_dma (
.WCNT_BITS (21),
) ahci_dma_wr_fifo_i (
.mrst (mrst), // input
.hrst (hrst), // input
.mrst (mrst || abort_busy_mclk), // input
.hrst (hrst ||cmd_abort_hclk), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.hclk (hclk), // input
.wcnt (wcount[21:1]), // input[20:0]
......@@ -606,9 +601,9 @@ module ahci_dma (
.start (prd_wr), // input
.dout (afi_wdata), // output[63:0] reg
// .dout_av (), // input
.dout_av_many (afi_wcount_many),// input
.dout_av_many (afi_wcount_many), // input
.last_prd (last_prd), // input
.dout_we (afi_wvalid_data),// output
.dout_we (afi_wvalid_data), // output
.dout_wstb (afi_wstb4), // output[3:0] reg
.done (done_dev_rd), // output reg
.busy (), // output
......@@ -617,8 +612,6 @@ module ahci_dma (
.din_rdy (sys_nfull), // output
.din_avail (sys_we) // input
// mclk -> hclk cross-clock synchronization
pulse_cross_clock #(
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module ahci_fis_receive#(
input hba_rst, // @posedge mclk - sync reset
input mclk, // for command/status
input pcmd_st_cleared, // ~= hba_rst?
// Control Interface
output reg fis_first_vld, // fis_first contains valid FIS header, reset by get_*
// Debug features
......@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
assign fis_first_invalid = fis_first_invalid_r;
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (hba_rst || dma_in_stop) dma_in <= 0;
if (hba_rst || dma_in_stop || pcmd_st_cleared) dma_in <= 0;
else if (dma_in_start) dma_in <= 1;
if (hba_rst) was_data_in <= 0;
......@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
else if ((dma_in_valid && data_in_dwords_r[11]) ||
(wreg_we_r && dwords_over)) too_long_err <= 1;
if (hba_rst || dma_in_start) fis_extra_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || dma_in_start || pcmd_st_cleared) fis_extra_r <= 0;
else if (data_in_ready && (hba_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_DMA) && dma_prds_done) fis_extra_r <= 1;
......@@ -294,13 +295,12 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
if (hba_rst) fis_rec_run <= 0;
if (hba_rst || pcmd_st_cleared) fis_rec_run <= 0;
else if (get_fis) fis_rec_run <= 1;
else if (is_fis_end && data_in_ready) fis_rec_run <= 0;
if (hba_rst ||get_fis) dwords_over <= 0;
if (hba_rst ||get_fis || pcmd_st_cleared) dwords_over <= 0;
else if (wreg_we_r && !(|fis_dcount)) dwords_over <= 1;
/// else if (wreg_we_r && (!(|fis_dcount) || is_fis_end)) dwords_over <= 1;
if (hba_rst) wreg_we_r <= 0;
else wreg_we_r <= fis_rec_run && data_in_ready && !is_fis_end && !dwords_over && (|fis_dcount || !wreg_we_r) &&
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
fis_end_r <= {fis_end_r[0], fis_end_w};
if (hba_rst) get_fis_busy_r[0] <= 0;
if (hba_rst || pcmd_st_cleared) get_fis_busy_r[0] <= 0;
else if (get_fis) get_fis_busy_r[0] <= 1;
else if (too_long_err || fis_end_w) get_fis_busy_r[0] <= 0;
......@@ -316,9 +316,7 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
get_fis_done <= get_fis_busy_r[0] && (too_long_err || fis_end_w);
/// if (hba_rst || get_fis) fis_first_vld <= 0;
/// if (hba_rst || fis_end_w) fis_first_vld <= 0; // is_FIS_HEAD stays on longer than just get_fis
if (hba_rst || (|get_fis_busy_r))fis_first_vld <= 0; // is_FIS_HEAD stays on longer than just get_fis
if (hba_rst || (|get_fis_busy_r) || pcmd_st_cleared) fis_first_vld <= 0; // is_FIS_HEAD stays on longer than just get_fis
else if (is_FIS_HEAD) fis_first_vld <= 1;
if (hba_rst || get_fis) fis_ok <= 0;
......@@ -356,6 +354,7 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
else if (update_prdbc_r) reg_addr <= CLB_OFFS32 + 1; // location of PRDBC
if (reg_d2h || reg_sdb[0] || reg_ds[0]) fis_i <= hba_data_in[14];
if (reg_sdb) sdb_n <= hba_data_in[15];
if (reg_ds[0]) {dma_a,dma_d} <= {hba_data_in[15],hba_data_in[13]};
......@@ -381,7 +380,6 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
xfer_cntr_zero_r <= xfer_cntr_r[31:2] == 0;
update_err_sts_r <= update_pio || update_err_sts || clear_bsy_drq || set_bsy || set_sts_7f || set_sts_80;
// update_pio_r <= update_pio;
update_prdbc_r <= update_prdbc; // same latency as update_err_sts
update_sig_r <= update_sig && pUpdateSig_r; // do not update if not requested
......@@ -395,9 +393,8 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
else if (store_sig[3]) sig_available <= 1;
// Maybe it is not needed if the fsm will send this pulse?
// data_in_words_apply <= dma_in_stop && (hba_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_OK);
if (hba_rst || (|get_fis_busy_r)) fis_first_invalid_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || (|get_fis_busy_r) ||pcmd_st_cleared) fis_first_invalid_r <= 0;
else fis_first_invalid_r <= is_FIS_NOT_HEAD;
if (!fis_first_invalid_r) fis_first_flushing_r <= 0;
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
input hba_rst, // @posedge mclk - when port is reset (even COMINIT)?
input mclk, // for command/status
input pcmd_st_cleared, // ~= hba_rst?
// Command pulses to execute states
input fetch_cmd, // Enter p:FetchCmd, fetch command header (from the register memory, prefetch command FIS)
// wait for either fetch_cmd_busy == 0 or pCmdToIssue ==1 after fetch_cmd
......@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
// Mutliplex between DMA and FIS output to the output routed to transmit FIFO
// Count bypassing DMA dwords to generate FIS_last condition?
if (hba_rst) todev_full_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || pcmd_st_cleared) todev_full_r <= 0;
else if (write_or_w) todev_full_r <= 1; // do not fill the buffer if FIFO is not ready
else if (todev_ready) todev_full_r <= 0;
......@@ -240,16 +241,6 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
if (hba_rst) todev_type <= 3; // invalid? - no, now first and last word in command FIS (impossible?)
else if (write_or_w) todev_type <= dma_en_r? {dx_dma_last_w , 1'b0} : fis_data_type;
// else if (was_dma_ndav[1]) todev_type <= {1'b1, 1'b0}; // type = last in FIS
// if (hba_rst) was_dma_ndav <= 0;
// else was_dma_ndav <= {was_dma_ndav[1:0], ~dma_dav & todev_full_r & watch_prd_end_w} ;
// if (hba_rst || dma_dav || !todev_full_r || !watch_prd_end_w) was_dma_ndav <= 0;
// else was_dma_ndav <= (was_dma_ndav << 1) | 1;
// if (hba_rst || dx_xmit || done_w) watch_prd_end <= 0;
// else if (masked_last_h2d_data) watch_prd_end <= 1;
// Read 3 DWORDs from the command header
if (hba_rst) fetch_chead_r <= 0; // running 1
......@@ -291,22 +282,19 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
else if (chead_done_w) pCmdToIssue_r <= 1;
else if (clearCmdToIssue) pCmdToIssue_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst) fetch_cmd_busy_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || pcmd_st_cleared) fetch_cmd_busy_r <= 0;
else if (fetch_cmd) fetch_cmd_busy_r <= 1;
else if (dma_start) fetch_cmd_busy_r <= 0;
//CFIS/ATAPI common
// if (hba_rst || cfis_xmit) anc_fis_r <= 0;
// else if (atapi_xmit) anc_fis_r <= 1;
// fetch and send command/atapi FIS
if (hba_rst || acfis_xmit_start_w) acfis_xmit_pend_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || acfis_xmit_start_w || pcmd_st_cleared) acfis_xmit_pend_r <= 0;
else if (cfis_xmit || atapi_xmit) acfis_xmit_pend_r <= 1;
acfis_xmit_start_r <= !hba_rst && acfis_xmit_start_w;
if (hba_rst) acfis_xmit_busy_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || pcmd_st_cleared) acfis_xmit_busy_r <= 0;
else if (acfis_xmit_start_r) acfis_xmit_busy_r <= 1;
else if (acfis_xmit_end) acfis_xmit_busy_r <= 0;
......@@ -332,8 +320,6 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
//TODO: update xfer length, prdtl (only after R_OK) - yes, do it outside
// if (dx_xmit) xfer_cntr_is_set <= !xfer_cntr_zero; // if it was zero - rely on PRDs
if (dx_xmit) dx_dwords_left[11:0] <= (xfer_cntr_zero || (|xfer_cntr[31:13])) ? 12'h800 : {1'b0,xfer_cntr[12:2]};
else if (dma_re_w) dx_dwords_left[11:0] <= dx_dwords_left[11:0] - 1;
......@@ -341,10 +327,10 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
else if (dma_re_w) dwords_sent <= dwords_sent + 1;
// send FIS header
if (hba_rst || write_or_w) dx_fis_pend_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || write_or_w ||pcmd_st_cleared) dx_fis_pend_r <= 0;
else if (dx_xmit) dx_fis_pend_r <= 1;
if (hba_rst || dx_dma_last_w || (|dx_err_r)) dma_en_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || dx_dma_last_w || (|dx_err_r) || pcmd_st_cleared) dma_en_r <= 0;
else if (dx_fis_pend_r && write_or_w) dma_en_r <= 1;
// Abort on transmit errors
......@@ -357,9 +343,7 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
if (hba_rst || any_cmd_start) dx_err_r[2] <= 0;
else if (xrdy_collision) dx_err_r[2] <= 1;
if (hba_rst) dx_busy_r <= 0; // sending CFIS, AFIS or data FIS (until error or R_OK)
// else if (dx_xmit) dx_busy_r <= 1;
// else if (dx_dma_last_w || (|dx_err_r)) dx_busy_r <= 0;
if (hba_rst || pcmd_st_cleared) dx_busy_r <= 0; // sending CFIS, AFIS or data FIS (until error or R_OK)
else if (dx_xmit || acfis_xmit_start_r) dx_busy_r <= 1;
else if (xmit_ok || (|dx_err_r)) dx_busy_r <= 0;
......@@ -369,15 +353,13 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
if (hba_rst) done <= 0;
else done <= done_w;
if (hba_rst) busy <= 0;
if (hba_rst || pcmd_st_cleared) busy <= 0;
else if (any_cmd_start) busy <= 1;
else if (done_w) busy <= 0;
if (hba_rst) xmit_ok_r <= 0;
else xmit_ok_r <= dx_busy_r && !(|dx_err_r) && xmit_ok;
dma_cmd_abort <= done_w && (|dx_err_r);
if (cfis_xmit) dbg_was_ct_re_r <= {ct_re_r, ct_re_w};
......@@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
wire ll_incom_start; // link -> // if started an incoming transaction assuming this and next 2 are single-cycle
wire ll_incom_done; // link -> // if incoming transition was completed
wire ll_incom_invalidate; // link -> // if incoming transition had errors
reg ll_incom_invalidate_r; // error delayed by 1 clock - if eof was incorrect (because of earlier data error)
// let last data dword to pass through
// wire incom_ack_good = send_R_OK; // -> link // transport layer responds on a completion of a FIS
// wire incom_ack_bad = send_R_ERR; // -> link // oob sequence is reinitiated and link now is not established or rxelecidle
......@@ -177,6 +180,7 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
wire rxelsfull;
wire rxelsempty;
wire debug_detected_alignp; // oob detects ALIGNp, but not the link layer
......@@ -262,7 +266,7 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
.link_reset (ll_link_reset), // input wire // oob sequence is reinitiated and link now is not established or rxelecidle
.sync_escape_req (syncesc_send), // input wire // TL demands to brutally cancel current transaction
.sync_escape_ack (syncesc_send_done), // output wire // acknowlegement of a successful reception?
.incom_stop_req (pcmd_st_cleared), // input wire // TL demands to stop current recieving session
.incom_stop_req (pcmd_st_cleared), // input wire // TL demands to stop current receiving session
.link_established (link_established),
// inputs from phy
.phy_ready (phy_ready), // input wire // phy is ready - link is established
......@@ -277,14 +281,15 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
always @ (posedge clk) begin
ll_incom_invalidate_r <= ll_incom_invalidate;
// FIS receive D2H
// add head if ll_d2h_valid and (d2h_type_in == D2H_TYPE_OK) || (d2h_type_in == D2H_TYPE_ERR)? Or signal some internal error
if (rst || ll_incom_start) d2h_type_in <= D2H_TYPE_FIS_HEAD; // FIS head
else if (ll_d2h_valid) d2h_type_in <= D2H_TYPE_DMA; // FIS BODY
else if (ll_incom_done || ll_incom_invalidate) d2h_type_in <= ll_incom_invalidate ? D2H_TYPE_ERR: D2H_TYPE_OK;
else if (ll_incom_done || ll_incom_invalidate_r) d2h_type_in <= ll_incom_invalidate_r ? D2H_TYPE_ERR: D2H_TYPE_OK;
if (rst) fis_over_r <= 0;
else fis_over_r <= (ll_incom_done || ll_incom_invalidate) && (d2h_type_in == D2H_TYPE_DMA); // make sure it is only once
else fis_over_r <= (ll_incom_done || ll_incom_invalidate_r) && (d2h_type_in == D2H_TYPE_DMA); // make sure it is only once
// Second - generate internal error?
// FIS transmit H2D
......@@ -342,7 +347,7 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
) fifo_h2d_control_i (
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.rst (rst || pcmd_st_cleared), // input
.wr (h2d_fifo_wr), // input
.rd (h2d_fifo_rd), // input
.nempty (h2d_nempty), // output
......@@ -376,7 +381,7 @@ module ahci_sata_layers #(
) fifo_d2h_control_i (
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.rst (rst || pcmd_st_cleared), // input
.wr (d2h_fifo_wr), // input
.rd (d2h_fifo_rd), // input
.nempty (d2h_nempty), // output
......@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
) ahci_fis_receive_i (
.hba_rst (mrst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.pcmd_st_cleared (pcmd_st_cleared), // input
.fis_first_vld (frcv_first_vld), // output reg
.fis_first_invalid (frcv_first_invalid), // output
.fis_first_flush (frcv_first_flush), // input
......@@ -730,6 +730,20 @@ sata.reg_status()
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80000ff0, 4,4)
sata.dd_read_dma(0x100, 1)
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80001000, 0x100,4)
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80000ff0, 4,4)
sata.dd_read_dma(0x81, 1)
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80001000, 0x100,4)
_=mem.mem_dump (0x80000ff0, 4,4)
[*] GTKWave Analyzer v3.3.66 (w)1999-2015 BSI
[*] Mon Feb 8 16:49:44 2016
[*] Tue Feb 9 00:10:45 2016
[dumpfile] "/home/andrey/git/x393_sata/simulation/tb_ahci-20160207225755387.fst"
[dumpfile_mtime] "Mon Feb 8 05:59:18 2016"
[dumpfile_size] 10376737
[dumpfile] "/home/andrey/git/x393_sata/simulation/tb_ahci-20160208143933526.fst"
[dumpfile_mtime] "Mon Feb 8 21:40:58 2016"
[dumpfile_size] 10386281
[savefile] "/home/andrey/git/x393_sata/tb_ahci_01.sav"
[timestart] 0
[size] 1823 1180
[pos] 1917 0
*-23.562601 38842258 29549854 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
*-23.562601 17391070 29549854 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
[treeopen] tb_ahci.
[treeopen] tb_ahci.axi_read_addr.
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
[treeopen] tb_ahci.dut.
[treeopen] tb_ahci.dut.axi_hp_clk_i.
[treeopen] tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.
[treeopen] tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.
[treeopen] tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.fifo_h2d_control_i.
......@@ -1155,16 +1156,16 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_top_i.ahci_fsm_i.async_ackn
......@@ -1251,7 +1252,7 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_top_i.ahci_fis_receive_i.fis_dcount[3:0]
......@@ -1413,9 +1414,17 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_top_i.ahci_dma_i.data_addr[31:1]
......@@ -1462,6 +1471,7 @@ tb_ahci.dut.sata_top.ahci_sata_layers_i.fifo_h2d_control_i.rreg_full
......@@ -2663,7 +2673,7 @@ tb_ahci.simul_axi_hp_rd_i.rdata_i.out_full
......@@ -2756,7 +2766,10 @@
......@@ -2783,7 +2796,7 @@
......@@ -3039,7 +3052,7 @@
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