Commit bec76787 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Started top module for AHCI

parent 4336698a
* Module: ahci_top
* Date:2016-01-09
* Author: Andrey Filippov
* Description: Top module of the AHCI implementation
* Copyright (c) 2016 Elphel, Inc .
* ahci_top.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ahci_top.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ahci_top#(
parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 10 // number of memory address bits - now fixed. Low half - RO/RW/RWC,RW1 (2-cycle write), 2-nd just RW (single-cycle)
input aclk, // clock - should be buffered
input arst, // @aclk sync reset, active high
// AXI Write Address
input [31:0] awaddr, // AWADDR[31:0], input
input awvalid, // AWVALID, input
output awready, // AWREADY, output
input [11:0] awid, // AWID[11:0], input
input [ 3:0] awlen, // AWLEN[3:0], input
input [ 1:0] awsize, // AWSIZE[1:0], input
input [ 1:0] awburst, // AWBURST[1:0], input
// AXI PS Master GP0: Write Data
input [31:0] wdata, // WDATA[31:0], input
input wvalid, // WVALID, input
output wready, // WREADY, output
input [11:0] wid, // WID[11:0], input
input wlast, // WLAST, input
input [ 3:0] wstb, // WSTRB[3:0], input
// AXI PS Master GP0: Write Responce
output bvalid, // BVALID, output
input bready, // BREADY, input
output [11:0] bid, // BID[11:0], output
output [ 1:0] bresp, // BRESP[1:0], output
// AXI Read Address
input [31:0] araddr, // ARADDR[31:0], input
input arvalid, // ARVALID, input
output arready, // ARREADY, output
input [11:0] arid, // ARID[11:0], input
input [ 3:0] arlen, // ARLEN[3:0], input
input [ 1:0] arsize, // ARSIZE[1:0], input
input [ 1:0] arburst, // ARBURST[1:0], input
// AXI Read Data
output [31:0] rdata, // RDATA[31:0], output
output rvalid, // RVALID, output
input rready, // RREADY, input
output [11:0] rid, // RID[11:0], output
output rlast, // RLAST, output
output [ 1:0] rresp, // RRESP
// axi_hp signals write channel
// write address
output [31:0] afi_awaddr,
output afi_awvalid,
input afi_awready, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused - used FIF0 level
output [ 5:0] afi_awid,
output [ 1:0] afi_awlock,
output [ 3:0] afi_awcache,
output [ 2:0] afi_awprot,
output [ 3:0] afi_awlen,
output [ 1:0] afi_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_awburst,
output [ 3:0] afi_awqos,
// write data
output [63:0] afi_wdata,
output afi_wvalid,
input afi_wready, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused - used FIF0 level
output [ 5:0] afi_wid,
output afi_wlast,
output [ 7:0] afi_wstrb,
// write response
input afi_bvalid, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
output afi_bready,
input [ 5:0] afi_bid, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
input [ 1:0] afi_bresp, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
// PL extra (non-AXI) signals
input [ 7:0] afi_wcount,
input [ 5:0] afi_wacount,
output afi_wrissuecap1en,
// AXI_HP signals - read channel
// read address
output [31:0] afi_araddr,
output afi_arvalid,
input afi_arready, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused - used FIF0 level
output [ 5:0] afi_arid,
output [ 1:0] afi_arlock,
output [ 3:0] afi_arcache,
output [ 2:0] afi_arprot,
output [ 3:0] afi_arlen,
output [ 1:0] afi_arsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_arburst,
output [ 3:0] afi_arqos,
// read data
input [63:0] afi_rdata,
input afi_rvalid,
output afi_rready,
input [ 5:0] afi_rid, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
input afi_rlast, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
input [ 1:0] afi_rresp, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
// PL extra (non-AXI) signals
input [ 7:0] afi_rcount,
input [ 2:0] afi_racount,
output afi_rdissuecap1en
// axi_ahci_regs signals:
// 1. Notification of data written @ hba_clk
wire [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] soft_write_addr; // register address written by software
wire [31:0] soft_write_data; // register data written (after applying wstb and type (RO, RW, RWC, RW1)
wire soft_write_en; // write enable for data write
wire soft_arst; // reset SATA PHY not relying on SATA clock
// TODO: Decode from {bram_addr, ahci_regs_di}, bram_wen_d
// 2. HBA R/W registers, use hba clock
wire hba_clk;
wire hba_rst;
wire [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] hba_addr;
wire hba_we;
wire [1:0] hba_re; // [0] - re, [1] - regen
wire [31:0] hba_din;
wire [31:0] hba_dout;
axi_ahci_regs #(
) axi_ahci_regs_i (
.aclk (aclk), // input
.arst (arst), // input
.awaddr (awaddr), // input[31:0]
.awvalid (awvalid), // input
.awready (awready), // output
.awid (awid), // input[11:0]
.awlen (awlen), // input[3:0]
.awsize (awsize), // input[1:0]
.awburst (awburst), // input[1:0]
.wdata (wdata), // input[31:0]
.wvalid (wvalid), // input
.wready (wready), // output
.wid (wid), // input[11:0]
.wlast (wlast), // input
.wstb (wstb), // input[3:0]
.bvalid (bvalid), // output
.bready (bready), // input
.bid (bid), // output[11:0]
.bresp (bresp), // output[1:0]
.araddr (araddr), // input[31:0]
.arvalid (arvalid), // input
.arready (arready), // output
.arid (arid), // input[11:0]
.arlen (arlen), // input[3:0]
.arsize (arsize), // input[1:0]
.arburst (arburst), // input[1:0]
.rdata (rdata), // output[31:0]
.rvalid (rvalid), // output
.rready (rready), // input
.rid (rid), // output[11:0]
.rlast (rlast), // output
.rresp (rresp), // output[1:0]
.soft_write_addr (soft_write_addr), // output[9:0]
.soft_write_data (soft_write_data), // output[31:0]
.soft_write_en (soft_write_en), // output
.soft_arst (soft_arst), // output
.hba_clk (hba_clk), // input
.hba_rst (hba_rst), // input
.hba_addr (hba_addr), // input[9:0]
.hba_we (hba_we), // input
.hba_re (hba_re), // input[1:0]
.hba_din (hba_din), // input[31:0]
.hba_dout (hba_dout) // output[31:0]
/* Instance template for module ahci_dma */
ahci_dma ahci_dma_i (
.mrst(), // input
.hrst(), // input
.mclk(), // input
.hclk(), // input
.ctba(), // input[31:7]
.ctba_ld(), // input
.prdtl(), // input[15:0]
.dev_wr(), // input
.cmd_start(), // input
.prd_start(), // input
.cmd_abort(), // input
.axi_wr_cache_mode(), // input[3:0]
.axi_rd_cache_mode(), // input[3:0]
.set_axi_wr_cache_mode(), // input
.set_axi_rd_cache_mode(), // input
.ct_busy(), // output reg
.ct_addr(), // input[4:0]
.ct_re(), // input
.ct_data(), // output[31:0] reg
.prd_done(), // output
.prd_irq(), // output
.cmd_busy(), // output reg
.cmd_done(), // output
.sys_out(), // output[31:0]
.sys_dav(), // output
.sys_re(), // input
.sys_in(), // input[31:0]
.sys_nfull(), // output
.sys_we(), // input
.afi_awaddr (afi_awaddr), // output[31:0]
.afi_awvalid (afi_awvalid), // output
.afi_awready (afi_awready), // input
.afi_awid (afi_awid), // output[5:0]
.afi_awlock (afi_awlock), // output[1:0]
.afi_awcache (afi_awcache), // output[3:0] reg
.afi_awprot (afi_awprot), // output[2:0]
.afi_awlen (afi_awlen), // output[3:0]
.afi_awsize (afi_awsize), // output[1:0]
.afi_awburst (afi_awburst), // output[1:0]
.afi_awqos (afi_awqos), // output[3:0]
.afi_wdata (afi_wdata), // output[63:0]
.afi_wvalid (afi_wvalid), // output
.afi_wready (afi_wready), // input
.afi_wid (afi_wid), // output[5:0]
.afi_wlast (afi_wlast), // output
.afi_wstrb (afi_wstrb), // output[7:0]
.afi_bvalid (afi_bvalid), // input
.afi_bready (afi_bready), // output
.afi_bid (afi_bid), // input[5:0]
.afi_bresp (afi_bresp), // input[1:0]
.afi_wcount (afi_wcount), // input[7:0]
.afi_wacount (afi_wacount), // input[5:0]
.afi_wrissuecap1en (afi_wrissuecap1en), // output
.afi_araddr (afi_araddr), // output[31:0]
.afi_arvalid (afi_arvalid), // output
.afi_arready (afi_arready), // input
.afi_arid (afi_arid), // output[5:0]
.afi_arlock (afi_arlock), // output[1:0]
.afi_arcache (afi_arcache), // output[3:0] reg
.afi_arprot (afi_arprot), // output[2:0]
.afi_arlen (afi_arlen), // output[3:0]
.afi_arsize (afi_arsize), // output[1:0]
.afi_arburst (afi_arburst), // output[1:0]
.afi_arqos (afi_arqos), // output[3:0]
.afi_rdata (afi_rdata), // input[63:0]
.afi_rvalid (afi_rvalid), // input
.afi_rready (afi_rready), // output
.afi_rid (afi_rid), // input[5:0]
.afi_rlast (afi_rlast), // input
.afi_rresp (afi_rresp), // input[1:0]
.afi_rcount (afi_rcount), // input[7:0]
.afi_racount (afi_racount), // input[2:0]
.afi_rdissuecap1en (afi_rdissuecap1en) // output
ahci_fis_receive #(
) ahci_fis_receive_i (
.hba_rst(), // input
.mclk(), // input
.get_sig(), // input
.get_dsfis(), // input
.get_psfis(), // input
.get_rfis(), // input
.get_sdbfis(), // input
.get_ufis(), // input
.get_data_fis(), // input
.get_ignore(), // input
.get_fis_busy(), // output reg
.fis_first_vld(), // output reg
.fis_ok(), // output reg
.fis_err(), // output reg
.fis_ferr(), // output
.update_err_sts(), // input
.update_prdbc(), // input
.clear_bsy_drq(), // input
.set_bsy(), // input
.set_sts_7f(), // input
.set_sts_80(), // input
.decr_dwc(), // input
.decr_DXC_dw(), // input[11:2]
.tfd_sts(), // output[7:0]
.tfd_err(), // output[7:0]
.fis_i(), // output reg
.sdb_n(), // output reg
.dma_a(), // output reg
.dma_d(), // output reg
.pio_i(), // output reg
.pio_d(), // output reg
.pio_es(), // output[7:0] reg
.xfer_cntr(), // output[31:2]
.xfer_cntr_zero(), // output reg
.reg_addr(), // output[9:0] reg
.reg_we(), // output reg
.reg_data(), // output[31:0] reg
.hda_data_in(), // input[31:0]
.hda_data_in_type(), // input[1:0]
.hba_data_in_avalid(), // input
.hba_data_in_many(), // input
.hba_data_in_ready(), // output
.dma_in_ready(), // input
.dma_in_valid() // output
ahci_fis_transmit #(
) ahci_fis_transmit_i (
.hba_rst(), // input
.mclk(), // input
.fetch_cmd(), // input
.cfis_xmit(), // input
.dx_transmit(), // input
.atapi_xmit(), // input
.done(), // output reg
.busy(), // output reg
.clearCmdToIssue(), // input
.pCmdToIssue(), // output
.fetch_cmd_busy(), // output reg
.syncesc_recv(), // input
.xmit_err(), // input
.dx_err(), // output[1:0]
.ch_prdtl(), // output[15:0]
.ch_c(), // output
.ch_b(), // output
.ch_r(), // output
.ch_p(), // output
.ch_w(), // output
.ch_a(), // output
.ch_cfl(), // output[4:0]
.dwords_sent(), // output[11:2] reg
.reg_addr(), // output[9:0] reg
.reg_re(), // output
.reg_rdata(), // input[31:0]
.xfer_cntr(), // input[31:2]
.dma_ctba_ld(), // output
.dma_start(), // output
.dma_dev_wr(), // output
.dma_ct_busy(), // input
.dma_prd_start(), // output reg
.cmd_abort(), // output reg
.ct_addr(), // output[4:0] reg
.ct_re(), // output
.ct_data(), // input[31:0]
.dma_out(), // input[31:0]
.dma_dav(), // input
.dma_re(), // output
.todev_data(), // output[31:0] reg
.todev_type(), // output[1:0] reg
.todev_valid(), // output
.todev_ready() // input
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