Commit bd53b296 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

continue to populate ahci_top

parent bec76787
......@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ module ahci_fis_receive#(
output reg reg_we,
output reg [31:0] reg_data,
input [31:0] hda_data_in, // FIFO output data
input [ 1:0] hda_data_in_type, // 0 - data, 1 - FIS head, 2 - R_OK, 3 - R_ERR
input hba_data_in_avalid, // Data available from the transport layer in FIFO
input [31:0] hba_data_in, // FIFO output data
input [ 1:0] hba_data_in_type, // 0 - data, 1 - FIS head, 2 - R_OK, 3 - R_ERR
input hba_data_in_valid, // Data available from the transport layer in FIFO
input hba_data_in_many, // Multiple DWORDs available from the transport layer in FIFO
output hba_data_in_ready, // This module or DMA consumes DWORD
......@@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
reg [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] reg_addr_r;
reg [3:0] fis_dcount; // number of DWORDS left to be written to the "memory"
reg fis_save; // save FIS data
wire fis_end = (hda_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_OK) || (hda_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_ERR);
wire fis_end = (hba_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_OK) || (hba_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_ERR);
wire fis_end_w = data_in_ready && fis_end & ~(|fis_end_r);
reg [1:0] fis_end_r;
reg fis_rec_run; // running received FIS
reg is_data_fis;
wire is_FIS_HEAD = data_in_ready && (hda_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_FIS_HEAD);
wire is_FIS_HEAD = data_in_ready && (hba_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_FIS_HEAD);
wire data_in_ready = hba_data_in_avalid && (hba_data_in_many || !(|was_data_in || hba_data_in_ready) );
wire data_in_ready = hba_data_in_valid && (hba_data_in_many || !(|was_data_in || hba_data_in_ready) );
wire get_fis = get_dsfis || get_psfis || get_rfis || get_sdbfis || get_ufis || get_data_fis || get_ignore;
reg wreg_we_r;
......@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
reg update_prdbc_r;
// Forward data to DMA (dev->mem) engine
assign dma_in_valid = dma_in_ready && (hda_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_DMA) && data_in_ready && !too_long_err;
assign dma_in_stop = dma_in && data_in_ready && (hda_data_in_type != DATA_TYPE_DMA); // ||
assign dma_in_valid = dma_in_ready && (hba_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_DMA) && data_in_ready && !too_long_err;
assign dma_in_stop = dma_in && data_in_ready && (hba_data_in_type != DATA_TYPE_DMA); // ||
assign reg_we_w = wreg_we_r && !dwords_over && fis_save;
......@@ -255,23 +255,23 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
else if (is_FIS_HEAD) fis_first_vld <= 1;
if (hba_rst || get_fis) fis_ok <= 0;
else if (fis_end_w) fis_ok <= hda_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_OK;
else if (fis_end_w) fis_ok <= hba_data_in_type == DATA_TYPE_OK;
if (hba_rst || get_fis) fis_err <= 0;
else if (fis_end_w) fis_err <= hda_data_in_type != DATA_TYPE_OK;
else if (fis_end_w) fis_err <= hba_data_in_type != DATA_TYPE_OK;
if (reg_we_w) reg_data[31:8] <= hda_data_in[31:8];
else if (update_sig[1]) reg_data[31:8] <= hda_data_in[23:0];
if (reg_we_w) reg_data[31:8] <= hba_data_in[31:8];
else if (update_sig[1]) reg_data[31:8] <= hba_data_in[23:0];
else if (update_err_sts_r) reg_data[31:8] <= {16'b0,tf_err_sts[15:8]};
else if (update_prdbc_r) reg_data[31:8] <= {xfer_cntr_r[31:8]};
if (reg_we_w) reg_data[ 7:0] <= hda_data_in[ 7:0];
else if (update_sig[3]) reg_data[ 7:0] <= hda_data_in[ 7:0];
if (reg_we_w) reg_data[ 7:0] <= hba_data_in[ 7:0];
else if (update_sig[3]) reg_data[ 7:0] <= hba_data_in[ 7:0];
else if (update_err_sts_r) reg_data[ 7:0] <= tf_err_sts [ 7:0];
else if (update_prdbc_r) reg_data[ 7:0] <= {xfer_cntr_r[ 7:2],2'b0};
if (reg_d2h || update_sig[0]) tf_err_sts <= hda_data_in[15:0];
else if (reg_sdb) tf_err_sts <= {hda_data_in[15:8], tf_err_sts[7], hda_data_in[6:4], tf_err_sts[3],hda_data_in[2:0]};
if (reg_d2h || update_sig[0]) tf_err_sts <= hba_data_in[15:0];
else if (reg_sdb) tf_err_sts <= {hba_data_in[15:8], tf_err_sts[7], hba_data_in[6:4], tf_err_sts[3],hba_data_in[2:0]};
else if (clear_bsy_drq || set_bsy) tf_err_sts <= tf_err_sts & {8'hff,clear_bsy_drq,3'h7,clear_bsy_drq,3'h7} | {8'h0,set_bsy,7'h0};
else if (set_sts_7f || set_sts_80) tf_err_sts <= {tf_err_sts[15:8],set_sts_80,{7{set_sts_7f}}} ;
......@@ -281,17 +281,17 @@ localparam DATA_TYPE_ERR = 3;
else if (update_err_sts_r) reg_addr <= PXTFD_OFFS32;
else if (update_prdbc_r) reg_addr <= CLB_OFFS32 + 1; // location of PRDBC
if (reg_d2h || reg_sdb || reg_ds[0]) fis_i <= hda_data_in[14];
if (reg_sdb) sdb_n <= hda_data_in[15];
if (reg_ds[0]) {dma_a,dma_d} <= {hda_data_in[15],hda_data_in[13]};
if (reg_d2h || reg_sdb || reg_ds[0]) fis_i <= hba_data_in[14];
if (reg_sdb) sdb_n <= hba_data_in[15];
if (reg_ds[0]) {dma_a,dma_d} <= {hba_data_in[15],hba_data_in[13]};
if (reg_ps[0]) {pio_i,pio_d} <= {hda_data_in[14],hda_data_in[13]};
if (reg_ps[0]) {pio_i,pio_d} <= {hba_data_in[14],hba_data_in[13]};
if (hba_rst) pio_es <= 0;
else if (reg_ps[3]) pio_es <= hda_data_in[31:24];
else if (reg_ps[3]) pio_es <= hba_data_in[31:24];
if (hba_rst || reg_sdb) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= 0;
else if (reg_ps[4] || reg_ds[5]) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= {reg_ds[5]?hda_data_in[31:16]:16'b0, hda_data_in[15:2]} + hda_data_in[1]; // round up
else if (reg_ps[4] || reg_ds[5]) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= {reg_ds[5]?hba_data_in[31:16]:16'b0, hba_data_in[15:2]} + hba_data_in[1]; // round up
else if (decr_dwc) xfer_cntr_r[31:2] <= {xfer_cntr_r[31:2]} - {20'b0, decr_DXC_dw[11:2]};
if (hba_rst || reg_sdb || reg_ps[4] || reg_ds[5]) prdbc_r[31:2] <= 0;
......@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
module ahci_fis_transmit #(
parameter PREFETCH_ALWAYS = 0,
parameter READ_REG_LATENCY = 2, // 0 if reg_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr
parameter READ_CT_LATENCY = 2, // 0 if reg_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr
parameter READ_REG_LATENCY = 2, // 0 if reg_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
parameter READ_CT_LATENCY = 1, // 0 if reg_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 10 // number of memory address bits - now fixed. Low half - RO/RW/RWC,RW1 (2-cycle write), 2-nd just RW (single-cycle)
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
// register memory interface
output reg [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] reg_addr,
output reg_re,
output [ 1:0] reg_re,
input [31:0] reg_rdata,
// ahci_fis_receive interface
......@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
input dma_ct_busy, // dma module is busy reading command table from the system memory
// issue dma_prd_start same time as dma_start if prefetch enabled, otherwise with cfis_xmit
output reg dma_prd_start, // at or after cmd_start - enable reading PRD/data (if any) ch_prdtl should be valid, twice - OK
output reg cmd_abort, // try to abort a command TODO: Implement
output reg dma_cmd_abort, // try to abort a command TODO: Implement
// reading out command table data from DMA module
output reg [ 4:0] ct_addr, // DWORD address
output ct_re, //
output [ 1:0] ct_re, // [0] - re, [1] - regen
input [31:0] ct_data, //
// DMA (memory -> device) interface
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
assign todev_valid = todev_full_r;
assign dma_re = dma_re_w;
assign reg_re = reg_re_r[0];
assign reg_re = reg_re_r[1:0];
assign ch_prdtl = ch_prdtl_r;
assign ch_c = ch_c_r;
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
assign dma_start = fetch_chead_stb_r[3]; // next cycle after dma_ctba_ld
assign pCmdToIssue = pCmdToIssue_r;
// assign dmaCntrZero = dmaCntrZero_r;
assign ct_re = ct_re_r[0];
assign ct_re = ct_re_r[1:0];
assign fis_data_valid = ct_stb; // no wait write to output register 'todev_data', ct_re_r[0] is throttled according to FIFO room availability
assign ct_re_w = todev_ready && ((cfis_acmd_left_r[4:1] != 0) || (cfis_acmd_left_r[0] && !ct_re_r[0])); // Later add more sources
assign fis_dw_last = (cfis_acmd_left_out_r == 1);
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ module ahci_fis_transmit #(
else if (any_cmd_start) busy <= 1;
else if (done_w) busy <= 0;
cmd_abort <= done_w && (|dx_err_r);
dma_cmd_abort <= done_w && (|dx_err_r);
......@@ -21,10 +21,17 @@
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module ahci_top#(
parameter PREFETCH_ALWAYS = 0,
parameter READ_REG_LATENCY = 2, // 0 if reg_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
parameter READ_CT_LATENCY = 1, // 0 if ct_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 10 // number of memory address bits - now fixed. Low half - RO/RW/RWC,RW1 (2-cycle write), 2-nd just RW (single-cycle)
input aclk, // clock - should be buffered
input arst, // @aclk sync reset, active high
input mclk, // SATA system clock (current 75MHz for SATA2)
input mrst, // reset in mclk clock domain
input hclk, // AXI HP interface clock for 64-bit DMA (current - 150MHz
input hrst, // reset in hclk clock domain
// AXI Write Address
input [31:0] awaddr, // AWADDR[31:0], input
......@@ -114,7 +121,21 @@ module ahci_top#(
// PL extra (non-AXI) signals
input [ 7:0] afi_rcount,
input [ 2:0] afi_racount,
output afi_rdissuecap1en
output afi_rdissuecap1en,
// Data/type FIFO, host -> device
// Data System memory or FIS -> device
output [31:0] h2d_data, // 32-bit data from the system memory to HBA (dma data)
output [ 1:0] h2d_type, // 0 - data, 1 - FIS head, 2 - FIS END (make FIS_Last?)
output h2d_valid, // output register full
input h2d_ready, // send FIFO has room for data (>= 8? dwords)
// Data/type FIFO, device -> host
input [31:0] d2h_data, // FIFO output data
input [ 1:0] d2h_type, // 0 - data, 1 - FIS head, 2 - R_OK, 3 - R_ERR
input d2h_valid, // Data available from the transport layer in FIFO
input d2h_many, // Multiple DWORDs available from the transport layer in FIFO
output d2h_ready // This module or DMA consumes DWORD
// axi_ahci_regs signals:
......@@ -125,16 +146,45 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire soft_arst; // reset SATA PHY not relying on SATA clock
// TODO: Decode from {bram_addr, ahci_regs_di}, bram_wen_d
// 2. HBA R/W registers, use hba clock
wire hba_clk;
wire hba_rst;
wire [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] hba_addr;
wire hba_we;
wire [1:0] hba_re; // [0] - re, [1] - regen
wire [31:0] hba_din;
wire [31:0] hba_dout;
wire regs_we;
wire [1:0] regs_re; // [0] - re, [1] - regen
wire [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] regs_waddr;
wire [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] regs_raddr;
wire [31:0] regs_din;
wire [31:0] regs_dout;
wire [ADDRESS_BITS-1:0] regs_addr = ({ADDRESS_BITS{regs_we}} & regs_waddr) | ({ADDRESS_BITS{regs_re[0]}} & regs_raddr);
// wire [31:7] ctba; // input[31:7]
wire ctba_ld; // input
wire [15:0] prdtl; // input[15:0]
wire dev_wr; // input
wire dma_cmd_start; // input
wire dma_prd_start; // input
wire dma_cmd_abort; // input
wire [ 3:0] axi_wr_cache_mode; // input[3:0]
wire [ 3:0] axi_rd_cache_mode; // input[3:0]
wire set_axi_wr_cache_mode; // input
wire set_axi_rd_cache_mode; // input
wire dma_ct_busy; // output reg
wire [ 4:0] dma_ct_addr; // input[4:0]
wire [ 1:0] dma_ct_re; // input
wire [31:0] dma_ct_data; // output[31:0] reg
wire dma_prd_done; // output
wire dma_prd_irq; // output
wire dma_cmd_busy; // output reg
wire dma_cmd_done; // output
wire [31:0] dma_dout; // output[31:0]
wire dma_dav; // output
wire dma_re; // input
wire [31:0] d2h_data;// input[31:0]
wire dma_in_ready; // output
wire dma_we; // input
axi_ahci_regs #(
) axi_ahci_regs_i (
......@@ -174,48 +224,57 @@ module ahci_top#(
.soft_write_data (soft_write_data), // output[31:0]
.soft_write_en (soft_write_en), // output
.soft_arst (soft_arst), // output
.hba_clk (hba_clk), // input
.hba_clk (mclk), // input
.hba_rst (hba_rst), // input
.hba_addr (hba_addr), // input[9:0]
.hba_we (hba_we), // input
.hba_re (hba_re), // input[1:0]
.hba_din (hba_din), // input[31:0]
.hba_dout (hba_dout) // output[31:0]
.hba_addr (regs_addr), // input[9:0]
.hba_we (regs_we), // input
.hba_re (regs_re), // input[1:0]
.hba_din (regs_din), // input[31:0]
.hba_dout (regs_dout) // output[31:0]
/* Instance template for module ahci_dma */
ahci_dma ahci_dma_i (
.mrst(), // input
.hrst(), // input
.mclk(), // input
.hclk(), // input
.ctba(), // input[31:7]
.ctba_ld(), // input
.prdtl(), // input[15:0]
.dev_wr(), // input
.cmd_start(), // input
.prd_start(), // input
.cmd_abort(), // input
.axi_wr_cache_mode(), // input[3:0]
.axi_rd_cache_mode(), // input[3:0]
.set_axi_wr_cache_mode(), // input
.set_axi_rd_cache_mode(), // input
.ct_busy(), // output reg
.ct_addr(), // input[4:0]
.ct_re(), // input
.ct_data(), // output[31:0] reg
.prd_done(), // output
.prd_irq(), // output
.cmd_busy(), // output reg
.cmd_done(), // output
.sys_out(), // output[31:0]
.sys_dav(), // output
.sys_re(), // input
.sys_in(), // input[31:0]
.sys_nfull(), // output
.sys_we(), // input
.mrst (mrst), // input
.hrst (hrst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.hclk (hclk), // input
.ctba (regs_dout[31:7]), // input[31:7]
.ctba_ld (ctba_ld), // input
.prdtl (prdtl), // input[15:0]
.dev_wr (dev_wr), // input
.cmd_start (dma_cmd_start), // input
.prd_start (dma_prd_start), // input
.cmd_abort (dma_cmd_abort), // input
.axi_wr_cache_mode (axi_wr_cache_mode), // input[3:0]
.axi_rd_cache_mode (axi_rd_cache_mode), // input[3:0]
.set_axi_wr_cache_mode (set_axi_wr_cache_mode), // input
.set_axi_rd_cache_mode (set_axi_rd_cache_mode), // input
.ct_busy (dma_ct_busy), // output reg
.ct_addr (dma_ct_addr), // input[4:0]
.ct_re (dma_ct_re[0]), // input
.ct_data (dma_ct_data), // output[31:0] reg
.prd_done (dma_prd_done), // output
.prd_irq (dma_prd_irq), // output
.cmd_busy (dma_cmd_busy), // output reg
.cmd_done (dma_cmd_done), // output
.sys_out (dma_dout), // output[31:0]
.sys_dav (dma_dav), // output
.sys_re (dma_re), // input
.sys_in (d2h_data), // input[31:0]
.sys_nfull (dma_in_ready), // output
.sys_we (dma_we), // input
// xmit: DMA (memory -> device) interface
input [31:0] dma_out, // 32-bit data from the DMA module, HBA -> device port
input dma_dav, // at least one dword is ready to be read from DMA module
output dma_re, // read dword from DMA module to the output register
// rcv: Forwarding data to the DMA engine
input dma_in_ready, // DMA engine ready to accept data
output dma_in_valid // Write data to DMA dev->memory channel
.afi_awaddr (afi_awaddr), // output[31:0]
.afi_awvalid (afi_awvalid), // output
.afi_awready (afi_awready), // input
......@@ -263,103 +322,103 @@ module ahci_top#(
ahci_fis_receive #(
) ahci_fis_receive_i (
.hba_rst(), // input
.mclk(), // input
.get_sig(), // input
.get_dsfis(), // input
.get_psfis(), // input
.get_rfis(), // input
.get_sdbfis(), // input
.get_ufis(), // input
.get_data_fis(), // input
.get_ignore(), // input
.get_fis_busy(), // output reg
.fis_first_vld(), // output reg
.fis_ok(), // output reg
.fis_err(), // output reg
.fis_ferr(), // output
.update_err_sts(), // input
.update_prdbc(), // input
.clear_bsy_drq(), // input
.set_bsy(), // input
.set_sts_7f(), // input
.set_sts_80(), // input
.decr_dwc(), // input
.decr_DXC_dw(), // input[11:2]
.tfd_sts(), // output[7:0]
.tfd_err(), // output[7:0]
.fis_i(), // output reg
.sdb_n(), // output reg
.dma_a(), // output reg
.dma_d(), // output reg
.pio_i(), // output reg
.pio_d(), // output reg
.pio_es(), // output[7:0] reg
.xfer_cntr(), // output[31:2]
.xfer_cntr_zero(), // output reg
.reg_addr(), // output[9:0] reg
.reg_we(), // output reg
.reg_data(), // output[31:0] reg
.hda_data_in(), // input[31:0]
.hda_data_in_type(), // input[1:0]
.hba_data_in_avalid(), // input
.hba_data_in_many(), // input
.hba_data_in_ready(), // output
.dma_in_ready(), // input
.dma_in_valid() // output
.hba_rst (hba_rst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.get_sig (), // input
.get_dsfis (), // input
.get_psfis (), // input
.get_rfis (), // input
.get_sdbfis (), // input
.get_ufis (), // input
.get_data_fis (), // input
.get_ignore (), // input
.get_fis_busy (), // output reg
.fis_first_vld (), // output reg
.fis_ok (), // output reg
.fis_err (), // output reg
.fis_ferr (), // output
.update_err_sts (), // input
.update_prdbc (), // input
.clear_bsy_drq (), // input
.set_bsy (), // input
.set_sts_7f (), // input
.set_sts_80 (), // input
.decr_dwc (), // input
.decr_DXC_dw (), // input[11:2]
.tfd_sts (), // output[7:0]
.tfd_err (), // output[7:0]
.fis_i (), // output reg
.sdb_n (), // output reg
.dma_a (), // output reg
.dma_d (), // output reg
.pio_i (), // output reg
.pio_d (), // output reg
.pio_es (), // output[7:0] reg
.xfer_cntr (), // output[31:2]
.xfer_cntr_zero (), // output reg
.reg_addr (regs_waddr), // output[9:0] reg
.reg_we (regs_we), // output reg
.reg_data (regs_din), // output[31:0] reg
.hba_data_in (d2h_data), // input[31:0]
.hba_data_in_type (d2h_type), // input[1:0]
.hba_data_in_valid (d2h_valid), // input
.hba_data_in_many (d2h_many), // input
.hba_data_in_ready (d2h_ready), // output
.dma_in_ready (), // input
.dma_in_valid () // output
ahci_fis_transmit #(
) ahci_fis_transmit_i (
.hba_rst(), // input
.mclk(), // input
.fetch_cmd(), // input
.cfis_xmit(), // input
.dx_transmit(), // input
.atapi_xmit(), // input
.done(), // output reg
.busy(), // output reg
.clearCmdToIssue(), // input
.pCmdToIssue(), // output
.fetch_cmd_busy(), // output reg
.syncesc_recv(), // input
.xmit_err(), // input
.dx_err(), // output[1:0]
.ch_prdtl(), // output[15:0]
.ch_c(), // output
.ch_b(), // output
.ch_r(), // output
.ch_p(), // output
.ch_w(), // output
.ch_a(), // output
.ch_cfl(), // output[4:0]
.dwords_sent(), // output[11:2] reg
.reg_addr(), // output[9:0] reg
.reg_re(), // output
.reg_rdata(), // input[31:0]
.xfer_cntr(), // input[31:2]
.dma_ctba_ld(), // output
.dma_start(), // output
.dma_dev_wr(), // output
.dma_ct_busy(), // input
.dma_prd_start(), // output reg
.cmd_abort(), // output reg
.ct_addr(), // output[4:0] reg
.ct_re(), // output
.ct_data(), // input[31:0]
.dma_out(), // input[31:0]
.dma_dav(), // input
.dma_re(), // output
.todev_data(), // output[31:0] reg
.todev_type(), // output[1:0] reg
.todev_valid(), // output
.todev_ready() // input
.hba_rst (hba_rst), // input
.mclk (mclk), // input
.fetch_cmd (), // input
.cfis_xmit (), // input
.dx_transmit (), // input
.atapi_xmit (), // input
.done (), // output reg
.busy (), // output reg
.clearCmdToIssue (), // input
.pCmdToIssue (), // output
.fetch_cmd_busy (), // output reg
.syncesc_recv (), // input
.xmit_err (), // input
.dx_err (), // output[1:0]
.ch_prdtl (), // output[15:0]
.ch_c (), // output
.ch_b (), // output
.ch_r (), // output
.ch_p (), // output
.ch_w (), // output
.ch_a (), // output
.ch_cfl (), // output[4:0]
.dwords_sent (), // output[11:2] reg
.reg_addr (regs_raddr), // output[9:0] reg
.reg_re (regs_re), // output[1:0]
.reg_rdata (regs_dout), // input[31:0]
.xfer_cntr (), // input[31:2]
.dma_ctba_ld (ctba_ld), // output
.dma_start (dma_cmd_start), // output
.dma_dev_wr (), // output
.dma_ct_busy (), // input
.dma_prd_start (dma_prd_start), // output reg
.dma_cmd_abort (dma_cmd_abort), // output reg
.ct_addr (dma_ct_addr), // output[4:0] reg
.ct_re (dma_ct_re), // output[1:0]
.ct_data (), // input[31:0]
.dma_out (), // input[31:0]
.dma_dav (), // input
.dma_re (), // output
.todev_data (h2d_data), // output[31:0] reg
.todev_type (h2d_type), // output[1:0] reg
.todev_valid (h2d_valid), // output
.todev_ready (h2d_ready) // input
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