Commit 927f8201 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

continue on sequencer code

parent 82906512
......@@ -124,7 +124,9 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
input ssts_det_ndnp, // no device detected, phy communication not established
input ssts_det_dnp, // device detected, but phy communication not established
input ssts_det_dp, // device detected, phy communication established
input ssts_det_offline, // device detected, phy communication established
input ssts_det_offline, // device offline
output [3:0] ssts_det, // current value of PxSSTS.DET
// SCR2:SControl (written by software only)
output reg [3:0] sctl_ipm, // Interface power management transitions allowed
output reg [3:0] sctl_spd, // Interface maximal speed
......@@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ module ahci_ctrl_stat #(
assign update_pending = | regs_changed;
assign pcmd_fre = |(HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK & PxCMD_r);
assign serr_diag_X = |(HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__MASK & PxSERR_r);
assign ssts_det = PxSSTS_r[3:0];
localparam PxIE_MASK = HBA_PORT__PxIE__TFEE__MASK | // 'h40000000;
HBA_PORT__PxIE__IFE__MASK | // 'h8000000;
......@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ module ahci_fsm
output ssts_det_dnp, // device detected, but phy communication not established
output ssts_det_dp, // device detected, phy communication established
output ssts_det_offline, // device detected, phy communication established
input [3:0] ssts_det, // current value of PxSSTS.DET
// SCR2:SControl (written by software only)
input [3:0] sctl_ipm, // Interface power management transitions allowed
......@@ -387,6 +387,8 @@ module ahci_top#(
wire ssts_det_dnp; // device detected, but phy communication not established
wire ssts_det_dp; // device detected, phy communication established
wire ssts_det_offline; // device detected, phy communication established
wire [3:0] ssts_det; // current value of PxSSTS.DET
// SCR2:SControl (written by software only)
wire [3:0] sctl_ipm; // Interface power management transitions allowed
wire [3:0] sctl_spd; // Interface maximal speed
......@@ -484,6 +486,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
.ssts_det_dnp (ssts_det_dnp), // output
.ssts_det_dp (ssts_det_dp), // output
.ssts_det_offline (ssts_det_offline), // output
.ssts_det (ssts_det), // input[3:0]
.sctl_ipm (sctl_ipm), // input[3:0]
.sctl_spd (sctl_spd), // input[3:0]
.sctl_det (sctl_det), // input[3:0]
......@@ -699,6 +702,7 @@ module ahci_top#(
.ssts_det_dnp (ssts_det_dnp), // input
.ssts_det_dp (ssts_det_dp), // input
.ssts_det_offline (ssts_det_offline), // input
.ssts_det (ssts_det), // output[3:0]
.sctl_ipm (sctl_ipm), // output[3:0] reg
.sctl_spd (sctl_spd), // output[3:0] reg
.sctl_det (sctl_det), // output[3:0] reg
......@@ -97,12 +97,44 @@ sequence = [{LBL:'POR', ADR: 0x0, ACT: NOP},
{ ACT: 'XFER_CNTR_CLEAR'}, # clear_xfer_cntr
{LBL:'P:Idle', ACT: 'PCMD_CR_SET'}, # pcmd_cr_set
{IF: 'PXSSTS_DET_NE_3', GOTO:'P:NotRunning' }, # 1. ssts_det!=3, // device detected, phy communication not established
{IF: 'PXCI0_NOT_CMDTOISSUE',GOTO:'P:FetchCmd' }, # 2. pxci0 && !pCmdToIssue was pIssueSlot==32, -> p:SelectCmd
{IF: 'PCTI_CTBAR_XCZ', GOTO:'CFIS:SyncEscape'}, # 3. pCmdToIssue && ch_r && xfer_cntr_zero
{IF: 'FIS_DATA', GOTO:'DR:Entry'}, # 4. fis_first_vld && (fis_type == 'h46)
{IF: 'FIS', GOTO:'NDR:Entry'}, # 5. fis_first_vld # already assumed && ((fis_type != 'h46)
{IF: 'PCTI_XCZ', GOTO:'CFIS:Xmit'}, # 6. pCmdToIssue && xfer_cntr_zero
{ GOTO:'P:Idle'}, #10. (#7-#9 PM, not implemented)
#P:SelectCmd not implemented, using single slot
{LBL:'P:FetchCmd', ACT:'FETCH_CMD'}, # fetch_cmd (other actions included in ahci_fis_transmit)
{IF: 'CTBAA_CTBAP', ACT:'CFIS:PrefetchACMD'},#1. ch_a && ch_p # Note ch_p may be ignored or transition may be ignored
{IF: 'CTBAP', ACT:'CFIS:PrefetchPRD'}, #2. ch_p # Note ch_p may be ignored or transition may be ignored
# PxTFD.STS.BSY must be set before issuing a command (or now if predicted)
{LBL:'P:StartComm', ACT: 'SET_STS_7F'}, # frcv_set_sts_7f
{ ACT: 'SET_UPDATE_SIG'}, # #frcv_set_update_sig
{ ACT: 'XMIT_COMRESET'}, # Now does it on reset. See if it is possible to transmit COMRESET w/o reset
{IF: 'PXSSTS_DET_EQ_1', GOTO:'P:StartComm'},
{ GOTO:'P:NotRunning'},
#P:PowerOn, P;PwerOff,P:PhyListening - not implemented
#FB:* - Not implemented
#PM:* - Not implemented
{LBL:'NDR:Entry', ACT: 'NOP'},
{IF: 'FIS_ERR', GOTO:'ERR:Non-fatal'}, # 1. fis_ok
{IF: 'FIS_FERR', GOTO:'ERR:Fatal'}, # 2. fis_ferr
{ GOTO:'NDR:Accept'}, # 3.
input fis_ok, // FIS done, checksum OK reset by starting a new get FIS
input fis_err, // FIS done, checksum ERROR reset by starting a new get FIS
input fis_ferr, // FIS done, fatal error - FIS too long
input fetch_cmd, // Enter p:FetchCmd, fetch command header (from the register memory, prefetch command FIS)
// wait for either fetch_cmd_busy == 0 or pCmdToIssue ==1 after fetch_cmd
input fis_first_vld, // fis_first contains valid FIS header, reset by 'get_*'
input [7:0] fis_type, // FIS type (low byte in the first FIS DWORD), valid with 'fis_first_vld'
pcmd_cr_set, // command list run set
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