Commit fc15b864 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added Python code for testing MCLT window shift

parent fcb4d602
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Copyright (C) 2016,
# Class to calculate DCT-IV and DST-IV
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
@author: Andrey Filippov
@copyright: 2017 Elphel, Inc.
@license: GPLv3.0+
@contact: andrey@elphel.coml
@deffield updated: Updated
__author__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Elphel, Inc."
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0+"
__maintainer__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
import math
#import sys
#import pickle
COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 = math.cos(math.pi/8)*math.sqrt(2.0);
COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 = math.cos(3*math.pi/8)*math.sqrt(2.0);
SQRT2 = math.sqrt(2.0);
SQRT1_2 = 1/SQRT2
class DttRad2(object):
CN1 = {}
SN1 = {}
def __init__(self):
def ilog2(self, n):
i = 0
while n > 1:
n >>=1
return i
def setup_arrays(self, n):
if n in self.CN1.keys():
n1 = n >> 1
if n1 > 2:
self.CN1[n] = [0.0]*n1
self.SN1[n] = [0.0]*n1
pi_4n=math.pi/(8*n1) # // n1 = n/2
for k in range(n1):
self.CN1[n][k] = math.cos((2*k+1)*pi_4n);
self.SN1[n][k] = math.sin((2*k+1)*pi_4n);
def _dctii_recurs(self,x):
n = len(x)
if (n ==2 ):
return [x[0]+x[1],x[0]-x[1]]
n1 = n >> 1;
u0 = [0.0]*n1
u1 = [0.0]*n1
# // u = sqrt(2)*Tn(0) * x
for j in range(n1):
u0[j]= (x[j] + x[n-j-1])
u1[j]= (x[j] - x[n-j-1])
v0 = self._dctii_recurs(u0);
v1 = self._dctiv_recurs(u1);
y = [0.0]*n
for j in range(n1):
y[2*j] = v0[j]
y[2*j+1] = v1[j]
return y
def _dctiv_recurs(self, x):
n = len(x)
if (n ==2 ):
return [COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*x[0] + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*x[1], COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*x[0] - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*x[1]]
n1 = n >> 1
u0 = [0.0]*n1
u1 = [0.0]*n1
#// u = sqrt(2)*Tn(1) * x
for j in range(n1):
# print("n=",n," n1=",n1," j=",j)
u0[j]= ( self.CN1[n][j] * x[j] + self.SN1[n][j] * x[n - j - 1]);
u1[j]= ( 1 - 2*(j & 1))*(-self.SN1[n][n1-j-1] * x[n1-j-1] + self.CN1[n][n1 - j -1] * x[n1 + j ]);
v0 = self._dctii_recurs(u0)
v1 = self._dctii_recurs(u1) # //both cos-II
w0 = [0.0]*n1
w1 = [0.0]*n1
w0[0] = SQRT2 * v0[0];
w1[n1-1] = SQRT2 * v1[0];
for j in range (n1):
sgn = (1 - 2* (j & 1));
if (j > 0):
w0[j] = v0[j] - sgn * v1[n1 - j];
if (j < (n1-1)):
w1[j] = v0[j+1] - sgn * v1[n1 - j -1];
y = [0.0]*n
for j in range(n1):
y[2*j] = w0[j];
y[2*j+1] = w1[j];
return y
def dct_ii(self, x):
n = len(x)
y= self._dctii_recurs(x);
scale = 1.0/math.sqrt(n)
for i in range (n):
y[i] *= scale
return y
def dct_iv(self, x):
n = len(x)
y= self._dctiv_recurs(x);
scale = 1.0/math.sqrt(n)
for i in range (n):
y[i] *= scale
return y
def dst_iv(self, x):
n = len(x)
xr= x[:] # clone
y= self._dctiv_recurs(xr);
scale = 1.0/math.sqrt(n);
for i in range (n):
y[i] *= scale;
scale = -scale;
return y;
def mclt_window_sin(self,n, offset=0):
Generate offset MCLT sine window
@param n - DTT length (half MCLT)
@param offset - window offset
@return window array 2*n elements long. All positive in the range 0.0..1.0
n2 = 2 * n
w = [0.0]*n2
for i in range(n2):
w[i] = math.sin(math.pi*(i+0.5-offset)/n2)
return w
def mclt_window_sin_mod(self,n, offset=0.0, flat = 0.0):
Generate offset MCLT sine window
@param n - DTT length (half MCLT)
@param offset - window offset
@param flat - extend zeros on the ends (by this), flat 1.0 in the center (by twice that).
Valid Princen-Bradley condition
@return window array 2*n elements long. All positive in the range 0.0..1.0
n2 = 2 * n
w = [0.0]*n2
# k = 1.0*(n- 2 * flat)/n
k = 1.0*n/(n- 2 * flat)
for i in range(n2):
a = (i+0.5-offset)/n2 # 1.0 is pi
if a > 0.5:
a = 1.0 - a
a = 0.25 + k*(a - 0.25)
if a < 0:
a = 0
elif a > 0.5:
a = 0.5
w[i] = math.sin(math.pi*a)
return w
def fold_dtt(self,x,sine_mode=False):
Fold MDCT/MDST sequence twice making an input for DCT-IV /DST-IV conversion (half length
@param x input data sequence
@param sine_mode: False - for DCT-IV, True - for DST-IV
@return array of DCT-IV/DST-IV folded data, 1/2 length of the input sequence
n2 = len(x)
n = n2 >> 1
n05 = n >> 1
n15 = n + n05
y = [0.0]* n
sgn = (1.0,-1.0)[sine_mode]
for i in range(n05):
y[ i] = -sgn * x[n15 - 1 - i] -x[n15 + i] # -/+ c' - d
y[n05 + i] = x[i] -sgn * x[n -1 - i] # a -/+ b'
return y
def mclt_norot(self, x, offset=0.0, flat = 0.0):
Perform direct MCLT transform, using offset (and modified) sine window
@param x input data sequence (will not be modified)
@param offset - window offset
@param flat - extend window zeros on the ends (by this), flat 1.0 in the center (by twice that).
Valid Princen-Bradley condition
@return array of [[DCT-IV],[DST-IV]], each 1/2 length of the input sequence
n2 = len(x)
n = n2 >> 1
w = self.mclt_window_sin_mod(n, offset, flat)
xc = x[:]
for i in range(n2):
xc[i] *= w[i]
return (self.dct_iv(self.fold_dtt(xc,False)), # DCT-IV
self.dst_iv(self.fold_dtt(xc,True))) # DST-IV
def unfold_dtt(self,x,sine_mode=False):
Unfold MDCT/MDST sequence twice after IDTT-IV before multiplying by a window
[F,S]: after DCT-IV: [S, -S', -F', -F], after DST-IV: [S, S', F', -F]
@param x input data sequence from IDCT-IV/IDST-IV
@param sine_mode: False - for IDCT-IV, True - for IDST-IV
@return array of unfolded data, twice length of the input sequence
n = len(x)
n2 = n << 1
n05 = n >> 1
n15 = n + n05
y = [0.0]* n2
sgn = (1.0,-1.0)[sine_mode]
for i in range(n05):
y[ i] = x[n05 + i] # S
y[n05 + i] = -sgn* x[n -1 - i] # -/+S'
y[n + i] = -sgn* x[n05 -1 - i] # -/+F'
y[n15 + i] = -x[ i] # -F
return y
def imclt(self, cs, flat = 0.0):
Perform inverse MCLT transform, using modified sine window
@param cs - frequency domain data [[IDCT-IV],[IDST-IV]]
@param flat - extend window zeros on the ends (by this), flat 1.0 in the center (by twice that).
Valid Princen-Bradley condition
@return array of pixel domain lapped data, twice dct size
n = len(cs[0])
n2 = n << 1
xc = self.unfold_dtt(self.dct_iv(cs[0]), False)
xs = self.unfold_dtt(self.dst_iv(cs[1]), True)
w = self.mclt_window_sin_mod(n, 0, flat) # may use cached data
for i in range(n2):
xc[i] = 0.5* w[i]*(xc[i]+xs[i])
return xc
def clt_rot(self, cs, shft):
Perform frequency domain phase rotation equivalent to pixel shift
@param cs - frequency domain data [[IDCT-IV],[IDST-IV]]
@param shft - shift in pixels
@return same format as input - rotated(shifted) frequency domain data
n = len(cs[0])
rcs = [[0.0]*n, [0.0]*n]
for i in range(n):
cosi = math.cos(a*(i+0.5))
sini = math.sin(a*(i+0.5))
rcs[0][i] = cs[0][i] * cosi - cs[1][i] * sini
rcs[1][i] = cs[1][i] * cosi + cs[0][i] * sini
return rcs
def test_mclt(self, plt, dbg_x, cmode, x, offset=0.0, flat = 0.0):
Perform direct MCLT transform, using offset (and modified) sine window
@param x input data sequence (will not be modified)
@param offset - window offset
@param flat - extend window zeros on the ends (by this), flat 1.0 in the center (by twice that).
Valid Princen-Bradley condition
@return array of [[DCT-IV],[DST-IV]], each 1/2 length of the input sequence
n2 = len(x)
n = n2 >> 1
w = self.mclt_window_sin_mod(n, offset, flat)
print ("w=",w)
xc = x[:]
for i in range(n2):
xc[i] *= w[i]
plt.plot(dbg_x, xc, cmode)
print ("test_mclt xc=",xc)
print ("test_mclt cos=",self.fold_dtt(xc,False))
print ("test_mclt sin=",self.fold_dtt(xc,True))
return (self.fold_dtt(xc,False), # DCT-IV
self.fold_dtt(xc,True)) # DST-IV
def test_mclt0(self, plt, dbg_x, cmode, x, offset=0.0, flat = 0.0):
Perform direct MCLT transform, using offset (and modified) sine window
@param x input data sequence (will not be modified)
@param offset - window offset
@param flat - extend window zeros on the ends (by this), flat 1.0 in the center (by twice that).
Valid Princen-Bradley condition
@return array of [[DCT-IV],[DST-IV]], each 1/2 length of the input sequence
n2 = len(x)
n = n2 >> 1
w = self.mclt_window_sin_mod(n, offset, flat)
print ("w=",w)
xc = x[:]
for i in range(n2):
xc[i] *= w[i]
plt.plot(dbg_x, xc, cmode)
return xc
return (self.fold_dtt(xc,False), # DCT-IV
self.fold_dtt(xc,True)) # DST-IV
def test_imclt0(self, mx, flat = 0.0):
Perform inverse MCLT transform, using modified sine window
@param cs - frequency domain data [[IDCT-IV],[IDST-IV]]
@param flat - extend window zeros on the ends (by this), flat 1.0 in the center (by twice that).
Valid Princen-Bradley condition
@return array of pixel domain lapped data, twice dct size
n2 = len(mx)
n = n2 >> 1
xc = mx[:]
# xc = self.unfold_dtt(cs[0], False)
# xs = self.unfold_dtt(cs[1], True)
w = self.mclt_window_sin_mod(n, 0, flat) # may use cached data
for i in range(n2):
xc[i] = mx[i] * w[i] # (xc[i]+xs[i])
return xc
def test_imclt(self, cs, flat = 0.0):
Perform inverse MCLT transform, using modified sine window
@param cs - frequency domain data [[IDCT-IV],[IDST-IV]]
@param flat - extend window zeros on the ends (by this), flat 1.0 in the center (by twice that).
Valid Princen-Bradley condition
@return array of pixel domain lapped data, twice dct size
n = len(cs[0])
n2 = n << 1
xc = self.unfold_dtt(cs[0], False)
xs = self.unfold_dtt(cs[1], True)
w = self.mclt_window_sin_mod(n, 0, flat) # may use cached data
for i in range(n2):
xc[i] = 0.5* w[i]*(xc[i]+xs[i])
# xc[i] = 0.5* w[i]*(xc[i])
return xc
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from ast import parse
# Copyright (C) 2016,
# Class to calculate DCT-IV and DST-IV
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
@author: Andrey Filippov
@copyright: 2017 Elphel, Inc.
@license: GPLv3.0+
@contact: andrey@elphel.coml
@deffield updated: Updated
__author__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Elphel, Inc."
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0+"
__maintainer__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dtt_rad2
#import sys
def test1():
# x=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# x=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
x=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]
dtt = dtt_rad2.DttRad2()
print ("x=",x)
# y = dtt.dct_ii(x)
# print ("dctii(x)=",y)
y = dtt.dct_iv(x)
print ("dctiv(x)=",y)
z = dtt.dct_iv(y)
print ("dctiv(dctiv(x))=",z)
y = dtt.dst_iv(x)
print ("dstiv(x)=",y)
z = dtt.dst_iv(y)
print ("dstiv(dstiv(x))=",z)
# x = create_test1(l = 1.0, k = 4, p = 5, n = 8)
x = create_test1(l = 100.0, k = 4, p = 7, n = 8)
# pars = setup_test1()
# pars = setup_test2()
pars = setup_test2()
# plt.plot(x)
y = test_clt_iclt(plt,dtt, x, pars, flat=0.0)
def create_test1(l = 1.0, k = 4, p = 5, n=8):
x = [0]*n*(k+1)
for i in range (len(x)):
x[i] = l;
j = i % p
if j == 0:
x[i] += 1
elif j == 1:
x[i] += 2
elif j == 2:
x[i] += 3
return x
def setup_test1():
return [{"poffs":-1, "woffs": 1.0, "roffs":-1.0},
{"poffs":-1, "woffs": 1.0, "roffs":-1.0},
{"poffs": 1, "woffs":-1.0, "roffs": 1.0},
{"poffs": 1, "woffs":-1.0, "roffs": 1.0}]
def setup_test2():
return [{"poffs": 0, "woffs": .5, "roffs":-.5},
{"poffs": 0, "woffs": .5, "roffs":-.5},
{"poffs": 1, "woffs":-.5, "roffs": .5},
{"poffs": 1, "woffs":-.5, "roffs": .5}]
def setup_test20():
return [{"poffs": 0, "woffs": .0, "roffs":-.5},
{"poffs": 0, "woffs": .0, "roffs":-.5},
{"poffs": 1, "woffs": .0, "roffs": .5},
{"poffs": 1, "woffs": .0, "roffs": .5}]
def test_clt_iclt(plt, dtt, x, pars,flat=0 ):
y = [0.0]*len(x)
t = len(pars)
n = len(x)//(t+1)
n2 =n * 2
for it in range(t):
x_start = n * it +pars[it]["poffs"]
mx = [0]*n2
for i in range(n2):
j = x_start + i
if j < 0: j = 0
if j >= len(x): j = len(x) - 1
mx[i] = x[j]
# plt.plot(dbg_x,mx, "r")
# plt.plot(y,"g--")
cs= dtt.mclt_norot(mx, offset=pars[it]["woffs"], flat = flat)
## cs= dtt.test_mclt(plt, dbg_x, cmodes[it], mx, offset=pars[it]["woffs"], flat = flat)
if pars[it]["roffs"] != 0.0:
cs = dtt.clt_rot(cs,pars[it]["roffs"])
mix= dtt.imclt(cs, flat = flat)
## mix= dtt.test_imclt(cs, flat = flat)
for i in range (n2):
y[n * it + i] += mix[i]
return y
\ No newline at end of file
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