Commit e8678ccd authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added reporting of the memory channel last transferred frame in a buffer

parent dadbda68
* <b>Module:</b>dtt_iv8_1d
* @file dtt_iv8_1d.v
* @date 2016-12-02
* @author Andrey Filippov
* @brief 1d 8-point DCT/DST type IV for lapped mdct 16->8, operates in 16 clock cycles
* Uses 2 DSP blocks
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Elphel, Inc.
* <b>License:</b>
*dtt_iv8_1d.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* dtt_iv8_1d.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it
* with independent modules provided by the FPGA vendor only (this permission
* does not extend to any 3-rd party modules, "soft cores" or macros) under
* different license terms solely for the purpose of generating binary "bitstream"
* files and/or simulating the code, the copyright holders of this Program give
* you the right to distribute the covered work without those independent modules
* as long as the source code for them is available from the FPGA vendor free of
* charge, and there is no dependence on any encrypted modules for simulating of
* the combined code. This permission applies to you if the distributed code
* contains all the components and scripts required to completely simulate it
* with at least one of the Free Software programs.
`timescale 1ns/1ps
// No saturation here, and no rounding as we do not need to match decoder (be bit-precise), skipping rounding adder
// will reduce needed resources
module dtt_iv8_1d#(
parameter WIDTH = 24, // input data width
parameter OUT_WIDTH = 24, // 16, // output deata width
parameter OUT_RSHIFT = 3, // overall right shift of the result from input, aligned by MSB (>=3 will never cause saturation)
parameter B_WIDTH = 18,
parameter A_WIDTH = 25,
parameter P_WIDTH = 48,
parameter COSINE_SHIFT= 17,
parameter COS_01_32 = 130441, // int(round((1<<17) * cos( 1*pi/32)))
parameter COS_03_32 = 125428, // int(round((1<<17) * cos( 3*pi/32)))
parameter COS_04_32 = 121095, // int(round((1<<17) * cos( 4*pi/32)))
parameter COS_05_32 = 115595, // int(round((1<<17) * cos( 5*pi/32)))
parameter COS_07_32 = 101320, // int(round((1<<17) * cos( 7*pi/32)))
parameter COS_08_32 = 92682, // int(round((1<<17) * cos( 8*pi/32)))
parameter COS_09_32 = 83151, // int(round((1<<17) * cos( 9*pi/32)))
parameter COS_11_32 = 61787, // int(round((1<<17) * cos(11*pi/32)))
parameter COS_12_32 = 50159, // int(round((1<<17) * cos(12*pi/32)))
parameter COS_13_32 = 38048, // int(round((1<<17) * cos(13*pi/32)))
parameter COS_15_32 = 12847 // int(round((1<<17) * cos(15*pi/32)))
input clk,
input rst,
input en,
input dst_in, // 0 - dct, 1 - dst. Valid with X6
input [WIDTH -1:0] d_in, // X2-X7-X3-X4-X5-X6-X0-X1-*-X3-X5-X4-*-X6-X7-*
input start, // one cycle before first X6 input
output [OUT_WIDTH -1:0] dout,
output reg pre2_start_out, // 2 clock cycle before Y0 output, full dout sequence
// start_out-x-Y0-x-Y7-x-Y4-x-Y3-x-Y1-x-Y6-x-Y2-x-Y5
// In DST mode the sequence is the same (to be inverted), but
// Y0, Y2, Y4 and Y6 are negated
output en_out, // valid at the same time slot as pre2_start_out (goes active with pre2_start_out), 2 ahead of data
output reg [2:0] y_index // for simulation - valid with dout - index of the data output
localparam RSHIFT1 = 2; // safe right shift for stage 1
localparam STAGE1_RSHIFT = COSINE_SHIFT + (WIDTH - A_WIDTH) + RSHIFT1; // divide by 4 in stage 1 - never saturates
localparam STAGE2_RSHIFT = COSINE_SHIFT + (A_WIDTH - OUT_WIDTH) +(OUT_RSHIFT-RSHIFT1); // divide by 4 in stage 1 - never saturates
// STAGE2_RSHIFT should be >0 ( >=1 ) for rounding
// register files on the D-inputs of DSPs
reg signed [A_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_din_1_ram[0:1] ; // just two registers
reg signed [A_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_din_2_ram[0:3] ; // 4 registers registers
reg dsp_din_1_wa;
reg dsp_din_1_ra;
reg dsp_din_1_we;
reg dsp_din_2_we;
reg [1:0] dsp_din_2_wa;
reg [1:0] dsp_din_2_ra;
reg signed [B_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_bin;
reg dsp_ceb1_1; // load b1 register
reg dsp_ceb2_1; // load b2 register
reg dsp_selb_1; // 0 - select b1, 1 - select b2
wire signed [A_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_ain_1;
reg dsp_cea1_1;
reg dsp_cea2_1;
wire signed [A_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_din_1;
reg dsp_ced_1;
reg dsp_sela_1;
// reg dsp_en_a_1; // Not used here 0: +/- D, 1: A or A +/- D
// reg dsp_en_d_1; // Not used here 0: A, 1: D or A +/- D
reg dsp_sub_a_1; //
reg dsp_neg_m_1; // 1 - negate multiplier result
reg dsp_accum_1; // 0 - use multiplier result, 1 add to accumulator
wire signed [P_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_cin_1;
reg dsp_cec_1;
reg dsp_post_add_1; // 0 - use multiplier or add to accumulator, 1 - add C and multiplier
wire signed [P_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_p_1;
reg dsp_ceb1_2; // load b1 register
reg dsp_ceb2_2; // load b2 register
reg dsp_selb_2; // 0 - select b1, 1 - select b2
wire signed [A_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_ain_2;
reg dsp_cea1_2;
reg dsp_cea2_2;
wire signed [A_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_din_2;
reg dsp_sela_2; // 0 - select a1, 1 - select a2
reg dsp_sub_a_2; //
reg dsp_neg_m_2; // 1 - negate multiplier result
reg dsp_neg_m_2_dct; // 1 - negate multiplier result for DCT (1 cycle early)
reg dsp_neg_m_2_dst; // 1 - negate multiplier result for DST (1 cycle early)
reg dsp_accum_2; // 0 - use multiplier result, 1 add to accumulator
wire signed [P_WIDTH-1:0] dsp_p_2;
reg [3:0] phase_cnt;
reg run_in; // receiving input data
reg restart; // restarting next block if en was active at phase=14;
reg run_out; // running output data
reg en_out_r;
reg en_out_r2;
assign en_out = en_out_r;
assign dsp_ain_2 = dsp_p_1 [STAGE1_RSHIFT +: A_WIDTH];
assign dout = dsp_p_2 [STAGE2_RSHIFT +: OUT_WIDTH]; // dout_r;
if (A_WIDTH > WIDTH) assign dsp_ain_1 = {{A_WIDTH-WIDTH{d_in[WIDTH-1]}},d_in};
else assign dsp_ain_1 = d_in; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor (not implemented)
// assign dsp_cin_1 = {{P_WIDTH-WIDTH{d_in[WIDTH-1]}},d_in};
// symmetrically lshift by COSINE_SHIFT (match multiplication by 1.0), add 0.5LSB for positive, subtract 0.5LSB for negative
wire din_zero = ~(|d_in);
assign dsp_cin_1 = {{P_WIDTH-WIDTH-COSINE_SHIFT{d_in[WIDTH-1]}},d_in,~d_in[WIDTH-1]^din_zero,{COSINE_SHIFT-1{d_in[WIDTH-1]}}};
always @ (posedge clk) begin
en_out_r2 <= en_out_r;
if (en_out_r2) begin
case (phase_cnt[3:1])
3'h0: y_index <= 0;
3'h1: y_index <= 7;
3'h2: y_index <= 4;
3'h3: y_index <= 3;
3'h4: y_index <= 1;
3'h5: y_index <= 6;
3'h6: y_index <= 2;
3'h7: y_index <= 5;
end else begin
y_index <= 'bx;
//register files
assign dsp_din_1 = dsp_din_1_ram[dsp_din_1_ra];
assign dsp_din_2 = dsp_din_2_ram[dsp_din_2_ra];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (dsp_din_1_we) dsp_din_1_ram[dsp_din_1_wa] <= dsp_ain_1;
if (dsp_din_2_we) dsp_din_2_ram[dsp_din_2_wa] <= dsp_ain_2;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst) restart <= 0;
else restart <= (phase_cnt == 14) && en;
if (rst) run_in <= 0;
else if (start || restart) run_in <= 1;
else if (phase_cnt==15) run_in <= 0;
if (rst) run_out <= 0;
else if (phase_cnt == 13) run_out <= run_in;
if (rst || (!run_in && !run_out)) phase_cnt <= 0;
else phase_cnt <= phase_cnt + 1;
pre2_start_out <= run_out && (phase_cnt == 14);
en_out_r <= run_out && !phase_cnt[0];
// Cosine table, defined to fit into 17 bits for 18-bit signed DSP B-operand
case (phase_cnt)
4'h0: dsp_bin <= COS_09_32;
4'h1: dsp_bin <= COS_04_32;
4'h2: dsp_bin <= COS_08_32;
4'h3: dsp_bin <= COS_03_32;
4'h4: dsp_bin <= COS_13_32;
4'h5: dsp_bin <= COS_12_32;
4'h6: dsp_bin <= 'bx;
4'h7: dsp_bin <= COS_05_32;
4'h8: dsp_bin <= COS_11_32;
4'h9: dsp_bin <= 'bx;
4'ha: dsp_bin <= COS_08_32;
4'hb: dsp_bin <= COS_15_32;
4'hc: dsp_bin <= COS_01_32;
4'hd: dsp_bin <= COS_12_32;
4'he: dsp_bin <= 'bx;
4'hf: dsp_bin <= COS_07_32;
// Control signals for each phase
wire p00 = (phase_cnt[3:0] == 0) && (run_in || run_out);
wire p01 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 1;
wire p02 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 2;
wire p03 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 3;
wire p04 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 4;
wire p05 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 5;
wire p06 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 6;
wire p07 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 7;
wire p08 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 8;
wire p09 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 9;
wire p10 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 10;
wire p11 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 11;
wire p12 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 12;
wire p13 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 13;
wire p14 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 14;
wire p15 = phase_cnt[3:0] == 15;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
// p00 | p01 | p02 | p03 | p04 | p05 | p06 | p07 | p08 | p09 | p10 | p11 | p12 | p13 | p14 | p15 ;
dsp_din_1_we <= p01 | p03 | p08 | p09 | p15 | start;
dsp_din_1_wa <= p15 | start;
dsp_din_1_ra <= p06 | p14 ;
dsp_cea1_1 <= p06 ;
dsp_cea2_1 <= p02 | p04 | p10 | p12 ;
dsp_ced_1 <= p00 | p02 | p05 | p06 | p08 | p09 | p13 | p14 ;
dsp_sela_1 <= p00 | p01 | p02 | p03 | p04 | p05 | p08 | p10 | p11 | p13 ;
dsp_sub_a_1 <= p00 | p01 | p02 | p04 | p05 | p06 | p11 | p15 ;
dsp_ceb1_1 <= p01 ;
dsp_ceb2_1 <= p02 | p05 | p10 | p13 ;
dsp_selb_1 <= p01 | p02 | p03 | p04 | p07 | p09 | p10 | p11 | p12 | p15 ;
dsp_cec_1 <= p00 | p05 | p13 ;
dsp_neg_m_1 <= p00 | p01 | p02 | p08 | p11 | p12 | p13 ;
dsp_accum_1 <= p00 | p02 | p08 | p10 ;
dsp_post_add_1 <= p04 | p05 | p12 | p13 ;
dsp_din_2_we <= | p06 | p07 | p14 | p15 ;
dsp_din_2_wa[0] <= p06 | p15 ;
dsp_din_2_wa[1] <= p14 | p15 ;
dsp_din_2_ra[0] <= p01 | p04 | p06 | p08 | p10 | p11 | p13 | p15 ;
dsp_din_2_ra[1] <= p03 | p04 | p05 | p06 | p07 | p08 | p09 | p10 ;
dsp_cea1_2 <= p02 | p10 ;
dsp_cea2_2 <= p04 | p12 ;
dsp_sela_2 <= p00 | p02 | p04 | p06 | p08 | p10 | p12 | p14 ; //~phase[0]
dsp_sub_a_2 <= p00 | p01 | p02 | p03 | p04 | p05 | p06 | p15 ;
dsp_ceb1_2 <= p00 | p03 | p08 | p11 ;
dsp_ceb2_2 <= p04 | p07 | p12 | p15 ;
dsp_selb_2 <= p00 | p03 | p05 | p06 | p08 | p11 | p13 | p14 ;
dsp_neg_m_2 <= p03 | p06 | p12 | p15 ;
dsp_neg_m_2_dct <= p02 | p05 | p11 | p14 ;
dsp_neg_m_2_dst <= p00 | p01 | p02 | p05 | p06 | p07 | p08 | p09 | p11 | p14 ;
dsp_accum_2 <= p00 | p02 | p04 | p06 | p08 | p10 | p12 | p14 ;
dsp_ma_preadd_c #(
) dsp_ma_preadd_c_1_i (
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.bin (dsp_bin), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1 (dsp_ceb1_1), // input
.ceb2 (dsp_ceb2_1), // input
.selb (dsp_selb_1), // input
.ain (dsp_ain_1), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1 (dsp_cea1_1), // input
.cea2 (dsp_cea2_1), // input
.din (dsp_din_1), // input[24:0] signed
.ced (dsp_ced_1), // input
.cin (dsp_cin_1), // input[47:0] signed
.cec (dsp_cec_1), // input
.cead (1'b1), // input
.sela (dsp_sela_1), // input
.en_a (1'b1), // input
.en_d (1'b1), // input
.sub_a (dsp_sub_a_1), // input
.neg_m (dsp_neg_m_1), // input
.accum (dsp_accum_1), // input
.post_add (dsp_post_add_1), // input
.pout (dsp_p_1) // output[47:0] signed
dsp_ma_preadd_c #(
) dsp_ma_preadd_c_2_i (
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.bin (dsp_bin), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1 (dsp_ceb1_2), // input
.ceb2 (dsp_ceb2_2), // input
.selb (dsp_selb_2), // input
.ain (dsp_ain_2), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1 (dsp_cea1_2), // input
.cea2 (dsp_cea2_2), // input
.din (dsp_din_2), // input[24:0] signed
.ced (1'b1), // input
.cin ({P_WIDTH{1'b1}}),// input[47:0] signed
.cec (1'b0), // input
.cead (1'b1), // input
.sela (dsp_sela_2), // input
.en_a (1'b1), // input
.en_d (1'b1), // input
.sub_a (dsp_sub_a_2), // input
.neg_m (dsp_neg_m_2), // input
.accum (dsp_accum_2), // input
.post_add (1'b0), // input
.pout (dsp_p_2) // output[47:0] signed
...@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@ ...@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@
* with at least one of the Free Software programs. * with at least one of the Free Software programs.
*/ */
parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300f0; //parallel - 17.4 - retry with spells in clean directory parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300f3; //parallel - 17.4 - adding buffer frame number to status (no debug)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300f2; //parallel - 17.4 - inactive debug, OK on fresh
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300f1; //parallel - 17.4 - without power optimize failed, second - OK
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300f0; //parallel - 17.4 - retry with spells in clean directory - failed
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ef; //parallel - 17.4 - trying more set_param VivadoSynthesis-20180203230051566.log - OK! // parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ef; //parallel - 17.4 - trying more set_param VivadoSynthesis-20180203230051566.log - OK!
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ee; //parallel - 17.4 - save after re-running vivado, same dir - bad // parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ee; //parallel - 17.4 - save after re-running vivado, same dir - bad
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ed; //parallel - 17.4 - twice synth+par, then bit - good // parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ed; //parallel - 17.4 - twice synth+par, then bit - good
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300edc; //parallel - 17.4 - twice synth, then bit - bad // parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300edc; //parallel - 17.4 - twice synth, then bit - bad
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ec; //parallel - 17.4 - same, no debug, nofresh maxThreads 1- good // parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ec; //parallel - 17.4 - same, no debug, nofresh maxThreads 1- good
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300eb; //parallel - 17.4 - same, no debug, fresh maxThreads 1 - bad (bad numbers) // parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300eb; //parallel - 17.4 - same, no debug, fresh maxThreads 1 - bad (bad numbers)
// parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ea; //parallel - 17.4 - same, no debug, nofresh - good // parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h039300ea; //parallel - 17.4 - same, no debug, nofresh - good
...@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ ...@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
*/ */
`timescale 1ns/1ps `timescale 1ns/1ps
module mcntrl_linear_rw #( module mcntrl_linear_rw #(
parameter ADDRESS_NUMBER= 15, parameter ADDRESS_NUMBER= 15,
...@@ -221,8 +222,13 @@ module mcntrl_linear_rw #( ...@@ -221,8 +222,13 @@ module mcntrl_linear_rw #(
reg pre_want_r1; reg pre_want_r1;
wire [11:0] status_data; wire [11:0] status_data;
`else `else
wire [LAST_FRAME_BITS+1:0] status_data;
wire [1:0] status_data; wire [1:0] status_data;
`endif `endif
wire [3:0] cmd_a; wire [3:0] cmd_a;
wire [31:0] cmd_data; wire [31:0] cmd_data;
...@@ -272,7 +278,9 @@ module mcntrl_linear_rw #( ...@@ -272,7 +278,9 @@ module mcntrl_linear_rw #(
reg buf_reset_pend; // reset buffer page at next (late)frame sync (compressor should be disabled reg buf_reset_pend; // reset buffer page at next (late)frame sync (compressor should be disabled
// if total number of pages in a frame is not multiple of 4 // if total number of pages in a frame is not multiple of 4
wire chn_dis_delayed = chn_rst || (!chn_en && !busy_r); // reset if real reset or disabled and frame finished wire chn_dis_delayed = chn_rst || (!chn_en && !busy_r); // reset if real reset or disabled and frame finished
reg [LAST_FRAME_BITS-1:0] done_frame_number;
// wire // wire
assign frame_number = frame_number_current; assign frame_number = frame_number_current;
...@@ -324,7 +332,12 @@ module mcntrl_linear_rw #( ...@@ -324,7 +332,12 @@ module mcntrl_linear_rw #(
if (mrst) is_last_frame <= 0; if (mrst) is_last_frame <= 0;
// else is_last_frame <= frame_number_cntr == last_frame_number; // else is_last_frame <= frame_number_cntr == last_frame_number;
else is_last_frame <= frame_number_cntr >= last_frame_number; // trying to make it safe else is_last_frame <= frame_number_cntr >= last_frame_number; // trying to make it safe
if (mrst) done_frame_number <= 0;
else if (frame_done_r) done_frame_number <= frame_number_cntr;
// if (mrst) frame_start_r <= 0; // if (mrst) frame_start_r <= 0;
// else frame_start_r <= {frame_start_r[3:0], frame_start_late & frame_en}; // else frame_start_r <= {frame_start_r[3:0], frame_start_late & frame_en};
...@@ -429,7 +442,11 @@ module mcntrl_linear_rw #( ...@@ -429,7 +442,11 @@ module mcntrl_linear_rw #(
assign status_data= {last_row_w, last_in_row,line_unfinished[7:0], frame_finished_r, busy_r}; assign status_data= {last_row_w, last_in_row,line_unfinished[7:0], frame_finished_r, busy_r};
`else `else
assign status_data= {done_frame_number, frame_finished_r, busy_r}; // TODO: Add second bit?
assign status_data= {frame_finished_r, busy_r}; // TODO: Add second bit? assign status_data= {frame_finished_r, busy_r}; // TODO: Add second bit?
`endif `endif
assign pgm_param_w= cmd_we; assign pgm_param_w= cmd_we;
...@@ -710,8 +727,12 @@ wire start_not_partial= xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_limited_by_mem_page_r; ...@@ -710,8 +727,12 @@ wire start_not_partial= xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_limited_by_mem_page_r;
`else `else
`else `else
`endif `endif
`endif `endif
) status_generate_i ( ) status_generate_i (
...@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ ...@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
* with at least one of the Free Software programs. * with at least one of the Free Software programs.
*/ */
`timescale 1ns/1ps `timescale 1ns/1ps
module mcntrl_tiled_rw#( module mcntrl_tiled_rw#(
parameter ADDRESS_NUMBER= 15, parameter ADDRESS_NUMBER= 15,
...@@ -220,7 +221,11 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#( ...@@ -220,7 +221,11 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#(
wire [13:0] status_data; wire [13:0] status_data;
`else `else
wire [LAST_FRAME_BITS+1:0] status_data;
wire [1:0] status_data; wire [1:0] status_data;
`endif `endif
wire [3:0] cmd_a; wire [3:0] cmd_a;
...@@ -286,6 +291,9 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#( ...@@ -286,6 +291,9 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#(
// if total number of pages in a frame is not multiple of 4 // if total number of pages in a frame is not multiple of 4
reg frames_in_sync_r; reg frames_in_sync_r;
wire chn_dis_delayed = chn_rst || (!chn_en && !busy_r); // reset if real reset or disabled and frame finished wire chn_dis_delayed = chn_rst || (!chn_en && !busy_r); // reset if real reset or disabled and frame finished
reg [LAST_FRAME_BITS-1:0] done_frame_number;
assign frames_in_sync = frames_in_sync_r; assign frames_in_sync = frames_in_sync_r;
assign frame_number = frame_number_current; assign frame_number = frame_number_current;
...@@ -339,7 +347,10 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#( ...@@ -339,7 +347,10 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#(
if (mrst) is_last_frame <= 0; if (mrst) is_last_frame <= 0;
// else is_last_frame <= frame_number_cntr == last_frame_number; // else is_last_frame <= frame_number_cntr == last_frame_number;
else is_last_frame <= frame_number_cntr >= last_frame_number; // trying to make it safe else is_last_frame <= frame_number_cntr >= last_frame_number; // trying to make it safe
if (mrst) done_frame_number <= 0;
else if (frame_done_r) done_frame_number <= frame_number_cntr;
if (mrst) frame_start_r <= 0; if (mrst) frame_start_r <= 0;
else frame_start_r <= {frame_start_r[3:0], frame_start_mod & frame_en}; // frame_start else frame_start_r <= {frame_start_r[3:0], frame_start_mod & frame_en}; // frame_start
...@@ -452,7 +463,11 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#( ...@@ -452,7 +463,11 @@ module mcntrl_tiled_rw#(
assign status_data= {frames_in_sync, suspend, last_row_w, last_in_row,line_unfinished[7:0], frame_finished_r, busy_r}; assign status_data= {frames_in_sync, suspend, last_row_w, last_in_row,line_unfinished[7:0], frame_finished_r, busy_r};
`else `else
assign status_data= {frame_finished_r, busy_r}; `ifdef REPORT_FRAME_NUMBER
assign status_data= {done_frame_number, frame_finished_r, busy_r}; // TODO: Add second bit?
assign status_data= {frame_finished_r, busy_r}; // TODO: Add second bit?
`endif `endif
...@@ -682,7 +697,11 @@ wire start_not_partial= xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_limited_by_mem_page_r; ...@@ -682,7 +697,11 @@ wire start_not_partial= xfer_start_r[0] && !xfer_limited_by_mem_page_r;
`else `else
`endif `endif
) status_generate_i ( ) status_generate_i (
.rst (1'b0), // input .rst (1'b0), // input
...@@ -800,6 +800,7 @@ class X393ExportC(object): ...@@ -800,6 +800,7 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
(("X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_SCANLINE_STATUS_REG_CHN3_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_lintile", "ro", "Status register for MCNTRL CHN3 (scanline)")), (("X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_SCANLINE_STATUS_REG_CHN3_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_lintile", "ro", "Status register for MCNTRL CHN3 (scanline)")),
(("X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TILED_STATUS_REG_CHN2_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_lintile", "ro", "Status register for MCNTRL CHN2 (tiled)")), (("X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TILED_STATUS_REG_CHN2_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_lintile", "ro", "Status register for MCNTRL CHN2 (tiled)")),
(("X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TILED_STATUS_REG_CHN4_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_lintile", "ro", "Status register for MCNTRL CHN4 (tiled)")), (("X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TILED_STATUS_REG_CHN4_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_lintile", "ro", "Status register for MCNTRL CHN4 (tiled)")),
(("X393_TEST01_CHN2_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN2_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_testchn", "ro", "Status register for test channel 2")), (("X393_TEST01_CHN2_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN2_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_testchn", "ro", "Status register for test channel 2")),
(("X393_TEST01_CHN3_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN3_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_testchn", "ro", "Status register for test channel 3")), (("X393_TEST01_CHN3_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN3_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_testchn", "ro", "Status register for test channel 3")),
(("X393_TEST01_CHN4_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN4_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_testchn", "ro", "Status register for test channel 4")), (("X393_TEST01_CHN4_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCNTRL_TEST01_STATUS_REG_CHN4_ADDR+ba,0,None, "x393_status_mcntrl_testchn", "ro", "Status register for test channel 4")),
...@@ -807,6 +808,22 @@ class X393ExportC(object): ...@@ -807,6 +808,22 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
(("X393_FPGA_VERSION", c, fpga_ver + ba, 0, None, "u32*", "ro", "FPGA bitstream version")), (("X393_FPGA_VERSION", c, fpga_ver + ba, 0, None, "u32*", "ro", "FPGA bitstream version")),
(("X393_SENSOR_INTERFACE", c, sens_iface + ba, 0, None, "u32*", "ro", "Sensor interface 0-parallel 12, 1 - HiSPI 4 lanes")), (("X393_SENSOR_INTERFACE", c, sens_iface + ba, 0, None, "u32*", "ro", "Sensor interface 0-parallel 12, 1 - HiSPI 4 lanes")),
] ]
#Sensor memory status (frame number)
ba = vrlg.STATUS_ADDR
c = "chn"
sdefines +=[
(('Sensor memory channel status)',)),
(("X393_SENS_MEM_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCONTR_SENS_STATUS_BASE + ba, ia, z3, "x393_status_mcntrl_lintile", "ro", "Status register for sensor memory channel"))]
#Compressor memory status (frame number)
ba = vrlg.STATUS_ADDR
c = "chn"
sdefines +=[
(('Sensor memory channel status)',)),
(("X393_CMPRS_MEM_STATUS", c, vrlg.MCONTR_CMPRS_STATUS_BASE + ba, ia, z3, "x393_status_mcntrl_lintile", "ro", "Status register for compressor memory channel"))]
#Registers to control sensor channels #Registers to control sensor channels
...@@ -1783,6 +1800,7 @@ class X393ExportC(object): ...@@ -1783,6 +1800,7 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
def _enc_status_lintile(self): #status for memory accesses of the test channels (2,3,4) def _enc_status_lintile(self): #status for memory accesses of the test channels (2,3,4)
dw=[] dw=[]
dw.append(("frame_number", 0, 16,0, "Number of the last transferred frame in the buffer"))
dw.append(("busy", 24, 1,0, "Channel is busy (started and some memory accesses are pending)")) dw.append(("busy", 24, 1,0, "Channel is busy (started and some memory accesses are pending)"))
dw.append(("frame_finished", 25, 1,0, "Channel completed all memory accesses")) dw.append(("frame_finished", 25, 1,0, "Channel completed all memory accesses"))
dw.append(("seq_num", 26, 6,0, "Sequence number")) dw.append(("seq_num", 26, 6,0, "Sequence number"))
...@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ sata_ahci_top sata_top( ...@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ sata_ahci_top sata_top(
); );
`ifdef DEBUG_SAXI1 `ifdef DEBUG_SAXI1
/* /* */
debug_saxigp #( debug_saxigp #(
.DEBUG_STATUS ('h714), .DEBUG_STATUS ('h714),
...@@ -3570,7 +3570,7 @@ sata_ahci_top sata_top( ...@@ -3570,7 +3570,7 @@ sata_ahci_top sata_top(
.saxi_bid (6'b0), // saxi1_bid), // input[5:0] .saxi_bid (6'b0), // saxi1_bid), // input[5:0]
.saxi_bresp (2'b0) // saxi1_bresp) // input[1:0] .saxi_bresp (2'b0) // saxi1_bresp) // input[1:0]
); );
*/ /**/ /*
debug_saxigp #( debug_saxigp #(
.DEBUG_STATUS ('h714), .DEBUG_STATUS ('h714),
...@@ -3606,7 +3606,7 @@ sata_ahci_top sata_top( ...@@ -3606,7 +3606,7 @@ sata_ahci_top sata_top(
.saxi_bready (saxi1_bready), // input .saxi_bready (saxi1_bready), // input
.saxi_bid (saxi1_bid), // input[5:0] .saxi_bid (saxi1_bid), // input[5:0]
.saxi_bresp (saxi1_bresp) // input[1:0] .saxi_bresp (saxi1_bresp) // input[1:0]
); ); */
`endif `endif
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