Commit e0c88963 authored by Yuri Nenakhov's avatar Yuri Nenakhov

Re-added help entries

parent bb675fbb
......@@ -229,8 +229,20 @@ class X393McntrlDmatest(object):
and transfer data to fb
@pages Number of data memory pages
@source Source offset in buffer (in pages)
@startaddr,@fullwidth,@width,@leftoffset,@topoffset,@linemultiplier -
see _set_fb_region()
Set framebuffer memory region
to transfer data from system memory
Default values allow to read framebuffer at
0x20, 0x21... lines, 0th column, 0..7 memory banks
with 32x32 region showing 1 recorded line
Example: set_and_read 32 32 0 0x20 0 1 1
@startaddr Starting address of data array in framebuffer
@fullwidth Period of lines in memory
@width Length of line
@leftoffset Data offset from beginning of line
@topoffset Data offset from zeroth line
@linemultiplier set this value to a number of lines
which form 1 memory page (to sync
allocated memory size in sysmem and fb))
......@@ -261,8 +273,20 @@ class X393McntrlDmatest(object):
generate randomly
@dest Destination offset (in pages) left 'None' to
generate randomly
@startaddr,@fullwidth,@width,@leftoffset,@topoffset,@linemultiplier -
see _set_fb_region()
Set framebuffer memory region
to transfer data from system memory
Default values allow to read framebuffer at
0x20, 0x21... lines, 0th column, 0..7 memory banks
with 32x32 region showing 1 recorded line
Example: set_and_read 32 32 0 0x20 0 1 1
@startaddr Starting address of data array in framebuffer
@fullwidth Period of lines in memory
@width Length of line
@leftoffset Data offset from beginning of line
@topoffset Data offset from zeroth line
@linemultiplier set this value to a number of lines
which form 1 memory page (to sync
allocated memory size in sysmem and fb)
@return True if successful
......@@ -288,11 +312,22 @@ class X393McntrlDmatest(object):
generate randomly
@dest Destination offset (in pages) left 'None' to
generate randomly
@startaddr,@fullwidth,@width,@leftoffset,@topoffset,@linemultiplier -
see _set_fb_region()
Set framebuffer memory region
to transfer data from system memory
Default values allow to read framebuffer at
0x20, 0x21... lines, 0th column, 0..7 memory banks
with 32x32 region showing 1 recorded line
Example: set_and_read 32 32 0 0x20 0 1 1
@startaddr Starting address of data array in framebuffer
@fullwidth Period of lines in memory
@width Length of line
@leftoffset Data offset from beginning of line
@topoffset Data offset from zeroth line
@linemultiplier set this value to a number of lines
which form 1 memory page (to sync
allocated memory size in sysmem and fb)
@return None
while True:
if not self.dmatest(random.randint(1,sizerange),source,dest,startaddr,fullwidth,width,leftoffset,topoffset,linemultiplier):
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