Commit 964c6147 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

working on sensor i2c to move to the driver

parent b135946f
......@@ -1676,9 +1676,9 @@ class X393ExportC(object):
dw.append(("hact_alive", 13, 1,0, "HACT signal from the sensor (or internal) is toggling (N/A for HiSPI"))
dw.append(("hact_ext_alive", 14, 1,0, "HACT signal from the sensor is toggling (N/A for HiSPI)"))
dw.append(("vact_alive", 15, 1,0, "VACT signal from the sensor is toggling (N/A for HiSPI)"))
dw.append(("xfpgatdo_byte", 16, 8,0, "Multiplexer FPGA TDO output, previous 8 bits"))
dw.append(("xfpgatdo_byte", 16, 8,0, "Multiplexer FPGA TDO output"))
dw.append(("senspgmin", 24, 1,0, "senspgm pin state"))
dw.append(("xfpgatdo", 25, 1,0, "Multiplexer FPGA TDO output, current"))
dw.append(("xfpgatdo", 25, 1,0, "Multiplexer FPGA TDO output"))
dw.append(("seq_num", 26, 6,0, "Sequence number"))
return dw
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
seq_num): # input [5:0] seq_num;
Set status generation mode for selected sensor port i2c control
@param num_sensor - number of the sensor port (0..3)
@param num_sensor - number of the sensor port (0..3) or all
@param mode - status generation mode:
0: disable status generation,
1: single status request,
......@@ -86,6 +86,15 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
3: auto, inc sequence number
@param seq_number - 6-bit sequence number of the status message to be sent
if (num_sensor == all) or (num_sensor[0].upper() == "A"): #all is a built-in function
for num_sensor in range(4):
self.program_status_sensor_i2c (num_sensor = num_sensor,
mode = mode,
seq_num = seq_num)
self.x393_axi_tasks.program_status (vrlg.SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR + num_sensor * vrlg.SENSOR_BASE_INC + vrlg.SENSI2C_CTRL_RADDR,
......@@ -98,7 +107,7 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
seq_num): # input [5:0] seq_num;
Set status generation mode for selected sensor port io subsystem
@param num_sensor - number of the sensor port (0..3)
@param num_sensor - number of the sensor port (0..3) or all
@param mode - status generation mode:
0: disable status generation,
1: single status request,
......@@ -226,12 +235,15 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
status= self.get_status_sensor_i2c(num_sensor)
print ("print_status_sensor_i2c(%d):"%(num_sensor))
print (" reset_on = %d"%((status>> 7) & 1))
print (" req_clr = %d"%((status>> 6) & 1))
print (" alive_fs = %d"%((status>> 5) & 1))
print (" reset_on = %d"%((status>>17) & 1))
print (" req_clr = %d"%((status>>16) & 1))
print (" frame_num = %d"%((status>>12) & 0xf))
print (" alive_fs = %d"%((status>>11) & 1))
print (" busy = %d"%((status>>10) & 1))
print (" i2c_fifo_lsb = %d"%((status>> 9) & 1))
print (" i2c_fifo_nempty = %d"%((status>> 8) & 1))
print (" i2c_fifo_dout = %d"%((status>> 0) & 0xff))
print (" busy = %d"%((status>> 4) & 1))
print (" frame_num = %d"%((status>> 0) & 0xf))
print (" sda_in = %d"%((status>>25) & 1))
print (" scl_in = %d"%((status>>24) & 1))
print (" seq = %d"%((status>>26) & 0x3f))
......@@ -508,7 +520,7 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
scl = None,
verbose = 1):
@param num_sensor - sensor port number (0..3)
@param num_sensor - sensor port number (0..3) or all
@param rst_cmd - reset all FIFO (takes 16 clock pulses), also - stops i2c until run command
@param run_cmd - True - run i2c, False - stop i2c (needed before software i2c), None - no change
@param active_sda - pull-up SDA line during second half of SCL=0, when needed and possible
......@@ -520,6 +532,24 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
active_sda and early_release_0 should be defined both to take effect (any of the None skips setting these parameters)
if (num_sensor == all) or (num_sensor[0].upper() == "A"): #all is a built-in function
for num_sensor in range(4):
self.set_sensor_i2c_command (num_sensor,
rst_cmd = rst_cmd,
run_cmd = run_cmd,
active_sda = active_sda,
early_release_0 = early_release_0,
advance_FIFO = advance_FIFO,
sda = sda,
scl = scl,
verbose = verbose)
self.x393_axi_tasks.write_control_register(vrlg.SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR + num_sensor * vrlg.SENSOR_BASE_INC + vrlg.SENSI2C_CTRL_RADDR,
rst_cmd = rst_cmd,
......@@ -529,7 +559,7 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
advance_FIFO = advance_FIFO,
sda = sda,
scl = scl,
verbose = verbose))
verbose = verbose-1))
def set_sensor_i2c_table_reg_wr (self,
......@@ -847,6 +877,22 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
@param set_delays - (self-clearing) load all pre-programmed delays for the sensor pad inputs
@param quadrants - 90-degree shifts for data [1:0], hact [3:2] and vact [5:4] (6'h01), None - no change
if (num_sensor == all) or (num_sensor[0].upper() == "A"): #all is a built-in function
for num_sensor in range(4):
self.set_sensor_io_ctl (num_sensor,
mrst = mrst,
arst = arst,
aro = aro,
mmcm_rst = mmcm_rst,
clk_sel = clk_sel,
set_delays = set_delays,
quadrants = quadrants)
data = self.func_sensor_io_ctl (
mrst = mrst,
arst = arst,
......@@ -855,6 +901,7 @@ class X393Sensor(object):
clk_sel = clk_sel,
set_delays = set_delays,
quadrants = quadrants)
reg_addr = (vrlg.SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR + num_sensor * vrlg.SENSOR_BASE_INC) + vrlg.SENSIO_RADDR + vrlg.SENSIO_CTRL;
self.x393_axi_tasks.write_control_register(reg_addr, data)
# TODO: Make one for HiSPi (it is different)
......@@ -1482,9 +1529,19 @@ input mem mtd4 ram1
width): # 0 - use HACT, >0 - generate HACT from start to specified width
Set sensor frame width
@param num_sensor - sensor port number (0..3)
@param num_sensor - sensor port number (0..3) or all
@param width - sensor 16-bit frame width (0 - use sensor HACT signal)
if (num_sensor == all) or (num_sensor[0].upper() == "A"): #all is a built-in function
for num_sensor in range(4):
self.set_sensor_io_width (num_sensor,
width = width)
reg_addr = (vrlg.SENSOR_GROUP_ADDR + num_sensor * vrlg.SENSOR_BASE_INC) + vrlg.SENSIO_RADDR + vrlg.SENSIO_WIDTH;
self.x393_axi_tasks.write_control_register(reg_addr, width)
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