Commit 6bafd2c5 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

working on simulation modules for axi_hp

parent e878fd92
* Module: axi_hp_rd
* Date:2015-04-25
* Author: andrey
* Description: Simplified model of AXI_HP read channel (64-bit only)
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* axi_hp_rd.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* axi_hp_rd.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module axi_hp_rd #(
parameter [1:0] HP_PORT=0
// AXI signals
input aclk,
output aresetn, // do not use?
// read address
input [31:0] araddr,
input arvalid,
output arready,
input [ 5:0] arid,
input [ 1:0] arlock,
input [ 3:0] arcache,
input [ 2:0] arprot,
input [ 3:0] arlen,
input [ 2:0] arsize,
input [ 1:0] arburst,
input [ 3:0] arqos,
// read data
output [63:0] rdata,
output rvalid,
input rready,
output [ 5:0] rid,
output rlast,
output [ 2:0] rresp,
// PL extra (non-AXI) signals
output [ 7:0] rcount,
output [ 2:0] racount,
input rdissuecap1en,
// Simulation signals - use same aclk
output [31:0] sim_rd_address,
output [ 5:0] sim_rid,
output sim_rd_valid,
input sim_rd_ready,
input [63:0] sim_rd_data,
input [31:0] reg_addr,
input reg_wr,
input reg_rd,
input [31:0] reg_din,
output [31:0] reg_dout
localparam AFI_BASECTRL= 32'hf8008000+ (HP<PORT << 12);
localparam AFI_RDCHAN_CTRL= AFI_BASECTRL + 'h00;
localparam AFI_RDQOS= AFI_BASECTRL + 'h8;
localparam AFI_RDDEBUG= AFI_BASECTRL + 'h10;
* Module: axi_hp_wr
* Date:2015-04-25
* Author: andrey
* Description: Simplified model of AXI_HP write channel (64-bit only)
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* axi_hp_wr.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* axi_hp_wr.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module axi_hp_wr#(
parameter [1:0] HP_PORT=0
) (
input rst,
// AXI signals
input aclk,
output aresetn, // do not use?
// write address
input [31:0] awaddr,
input awvalid,
output awready,
input [ 5:0] awid,
input [ 1:0] awlock, // verify the corerct values are here
input [ 3:0] awcache, // verify the corerct values are here
input [ 2:0] awprot, // verify the corerct values are here
input [ 3:0] awlen,
input [ 2:0] awsize,
input [ 1:0] awburst,
input [ 3:0] awqos, // verify the correct values are here
// write data
input [63:0] wdata,
input wvalid,
output wready,
input [ 5:0] wid,
input wlast,
input [ 7:0] wstrb,
// write response
output bvalid,
input bready,
output [ 5:0] bid,
output [ 1:0] bresp,
// PL extra (non-AXI) signals
output [ 7:0] wcount,
output [ 5:0] wacount, // racount has only 3 bits
input wrissuecap1en, // do not use yet
// Simulation signals - use same aclk
output [31:0] sim_wr_address,
output [ 5:0] sim_wid,
output sim_wr_valid, // ready to provide simulation data
input sim_wr_ready, // simulation may pause this channel by keeping this signal inactive
output [63:0] sim_wr_data,
output [ 7:0] sim_wr_stb,
input [ 3:0] sim_bresp_latency, // latency in writeing data outside of the module
output [ 2:0] sim_wr_cap,
output [ 3:0] sim_wr_qos,
input [31:0] reg_addr,
input reg_wr,
input reg_rd,
input [31:0] reg_din,
output [31:0] reg_dout
// localparam ADDRESS_BITS=32;
localparam AFI_BASECTRL= 32'hf8008000+ (HP_PORT << 12);
localparam AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL= AFI_BASECTRL + 'h14;
localparam AFI_WRQOS= AFI_BASECTRL + 'h1c;
localparam AFI_WRDEBUG= AFI_BASECTRL + 'h24; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor - not yet used
localparam VALID_AWLOCK = 2'b0; // TODO
localparam VALID_AWCACHE = 4'b0; //
localparam VALID_AWPROT = 3'b0;
localparam VALID_AWLOCK_MASK = 2'b11; // TODO
localparam VALID_AWCACHE_MASK = 4'b1111; //
localparam VALID_AWPROT_MASK = 3'b111;
reg [3:0] WrDataThreshold = 'hf;
reg [1:0] WrCmdReleaseMode = 0;
reg QosHeadOfCmdQEn = 0;
reg FabricOutCmdEn = 0;
reg FabricQosEn = 1;
reg en32BitEn = 0; // verify it i 0
reg [2:0] wrIssueCap1 = 0;
reg [2:0] wrIssueCap0 = 7;
reg [3:0] staticQos = 0;
wire [3:0] wr_qos_in;
wire [3:0] wr_qos_out;
wire aw_nempty;
wire w_nempty;
wire enough_data; // enough data to start a new burst
wire [11:3] next_wr_address; // bits that are incrtemented in 64-bit mode (higher are kept according to AXI 4KB inc. limit)
reg [31:0] write_address;
wire fifo_wd_rd; // read data fifo
wire last_confirmed_write;
wire [5:0] awid_out; // verify it matches wid_out when outputting data
wire [1:0] awburst_out;
wire [2:0] awsize_out; // verify it is 3'h3
wire [3:0] awlen_out;
wire [31:0] awaddr_out;
wire [5:0] wid_out;
wire [7:0] wstrb_out;
wire [63:0] wdata_out;
reg fifo_data_we_d;
reg fifo_addr_we_d;
reg [3:0] write_left;
reg [ 1:0] wburst; // registered burst type
reg [ 3:0] wlen; // registered awlen type (for wrapped over transfers)
wire start_write_burst_w;
wire write_in_progress_w; // should go inactive last confirmed upstream cycle
reg write_in_progress;
reg [ 7:0] num_full_data = 0; // Number of full data bursts in FIFO
wire [5:0] wresp_num_in_fifo;
reg was_wresp_re=0;
wire wresp_re;
// documentation sais : "When set, allows the priority of a transaction at the head of the WrCmdQ to be promoted if higher
// priority transactions are backed up behind it." Whqt about demotion? Assuming it is not demoted
assign sim_wr_qos = (QosHeadOfCmdQEn && (wr_qos_in > wr_qos_out))? wr_qos_in : wr_qos_out;
assign sim_wr_cap = (FabricOutCmdEn && wrissuecap1en) ? wrIssueCap1 : wrIssueCap0;
assign wr_qos_in = FabricQosEn?(awqos & {4{awvalid}}) : staticQos;
//awqos & {4{awvalid}}
assign aresetn= ~rst; // probably not needed at all - docs say "do not use"
// Only supported control register fields
assign reg_dout=(reg_rd && (reg_addr==AFI_WRDATAFIFO_LEVEL))?
( (reg_rd && (reg_addr==AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL))?
( (reg_rd && (reg_addr==AFI_WRCHAN_ISSUINGCAP))?
( (reg_rd && (reg_addr==AFI_WRQOS))?
always @ (posedge aclk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
WrDataThreshold <= 'hf;
WrCmdReleaseMode <= 0;
QosHeadOfCmdQEn <= 0;
FabricOutCmdEn <= 0;
FabricQosEn <= 1;
en32BitEn <= 0;
end else if (reg_wr && (reg_addr==AFI_WRCHAN_CTRL)) begin
WrDataThreshold <= reg_din[11:8];
WrCmdReleaseMode <= reg_din[5:4];
QosHeadOfCmdQEn <= reg_din[3];
FabricOutCmdEn <= reg_din[2];
FabricQosEn <= reg_din[1];
en32BitEn <= reg_din[0];
if (rst) begin
wrIssueCap1 <= 0;
wrIssueCap0 <= 7;
end else if (reg_wr && (reg_addr==AFI_WRCHAN_ISSUINGCAP)) begin
wrIssueCap1 <= reg_din[6:4];
wrIssueCap0 <= reg_din[2:0];
if (rst) begin
staticQos <= 0;
end else if (reg_wr && (reg_addr==AFI_WRQOS)) begin
staticQos <= reg_din[3:0];
// generate ready signals for address and data
assign wready= !wcount[7] && (!(&wcount[6:0]) || !fifo_data_we_d);
always @ (posedge rst or posedge aclk) begin
if (rst) fifo_data_we_d<=0;
else fifo_data_we_d <= wready && wvalid;
assign awready= !wacount[5] && (!(&wacount[4:0]) || !fifo_addr_we_d);
always @ (posedge rst or posedge aclk) begin
if (rst) fifo_addr_we_d<=0;
else fifo_addr_we_d <= awready && awvalid;
// Count full data bursts ready in FIFO
always @ (posedge rst or posedge aclk) begin
if (rst) num_full_data <=0;
else if (wvalid && wready && wlast && !start_write_burst_w) num_full_data <= num_full_data + 1;
else if (!(wvalid && wready && wlast) && start_write_burst_w) num_full_data <= num_full_data - 1;
assign sim_wr_address= write_address;
assign enough_data=|num_full_data || ((WrCmdReleaseMode==2'b01) && (wcount > {4'b0,WrDataThreshold}));
assign fifo_wd_rd= write_in_progress && w_nempty && sim_wr_ready;
assign sim_wr_valid= write_in_progress && w_nempty; // for continuing writes
assign last_confirmed_write = (write_left==0) && fifo_wd_rd;
assign start_write_burst_w=
aw_nempty && enough_data &&
(! write_in_progress || last_confirmed_write);
assign write_in_progress_w=
(aw_nempty && enough_data) || (write_in_progress && !last_confirmed_write);
// AXI: Bursts should not cross 4KB boundaries (... and to limit size of the address incrementer)
// in 64 bit mode - low 3 bits are preserved, next 9 are incremented
assign next_wr_address[11:3] =
(wburst[0]? {9'bx}:((write_address[11:3] + 1) & {5'h1f, ~wlen[3:0]})):
(wburst[0]? (write_address[11:3]+1):(write_address[11:3]));
assign sim_wr_data= wdata_out;
assign sim_wid= wid_out;
assign sim_wr_stb=wstrb_out;
always @ (posedge aclk) begin
if (start_write_burst_w) begin
if (awid_out != wid_out) begin
$display ("%m: at time %t ERROR: awid=%h, awid=%h",$time,awid_out,wid_out);
if (awsize_out != 3'h3) begin
$display ("%m: at time %t ERROR: awsize_out=%h, currently only 'h3 (8 bytes) is valid",$time,awsize_out);
if (awvalid && awready) begin
if (((awlock ^ VALID_AWLOCK) & VALID_AWLOCK_MASK) != 0) begin
$display ("%m: at time %t ERROR: awlock = %h, valid %h with mask %h",$time, awlock, VALID_AWLOCK, VALID_AWLOCK_MASK);
if (((awcache ^ VALID_AWCACHE) & VALID_AWCACHE_MASK) != 0) begin
$display ("%m: at time %t ERROR: awcache = %h, valid %h with mask %h",$time, awcache, VALID_AWCACHE, VALID_AWCACHE_MASK);
if (((awprot ^ VALID_AWPROT) & VALID_AWPROT_MASK) != 0) begin
$display ("%m: at time %t ERROR: awprot = %h, valid %h with mask %h",$time, awprot, VALID_AWPROT, VALID_AWPROT_MASK);
always @ (posedge aclk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) wburst[1:0] <= 0;
else if (start_write_burst_w) wburst[1:0] <= awburst_out[1:0];
if (rst) wlen[3:0] <= 0;
else if (start_write_burst_w) wlen[3:0] <= awlen_out[3:0];
if (rst) write_in_progress <= 0;
else write_in_progress <= write_in_progress_w;
if (rst) write_left <= 0;
else if (start_write_burst_w) write_left <= awlen_out[3:0]; // precedence over inc
else if (fifo_wd_rd) write_left <= write_left-1; //SuppressThisWarning ISExst Result of 32-bit expression is truncated to fit in 4-bit target.
if (rst) write_address <= 32'bx;
else if (start_write_burst_w) write_address <= awaddr_out; // precedence over inc
else if (fifo_wd_rd) write_address <= {write_address[31:12],next_wr_address[11:3],write_address[2:0]};
fifo_same_clock_fill #( .DATA_WIDTH(51),.DATA_DEPTH(5)) // read - 4, write - 32?
waddr_i (
.rst (rst),
.clk (aclk),
.sync_rst (1'b0),
.we (awvalid && awready),
.re (start_write_burst_w),
.data_in ({awid[5:0], awburst[1:0], awsize[2:0], awlen[3:0], awaddr[31:0], wr_qos_in[3:0]}),
.data_out ({awid_out[5:0], awburst_out[1:0],awsize_out[2:0],awlen_out[3:0],awaddr_out[31:0], wr_qos_out[3:0]}),
.nempty (aw_nempty),
.half_full (), //aw_half_full),
.under (), //waddr_under), // output reg
.over (), //waddr_over), // output reg
.wcount (), //waddr_wcount), // output[3:0] reg
.rcount (), //waddr_rcount), // output[3:0] reg
.num_in_fifo(wacount) // output[3:0]
fifo_same_clock_fill #( .DATA_WIDTH(78),.DATA_DEPTH(7))
wdata_i (
.sync_rst (1'b0),
.we(wvalid && wready),
.re(fifo_wd_rd), //start_write_burst_w), // wrong
.data_in({wid[5:0], wstrb[7:0], wdata[63:0]}),
.data_out({wid_out[5:0], wstrb_out[7:0], wdata_out[63:0]}),
.half_full(), //w_half_full),
.under (), //wdata_under), // output reg
.over (), //wdata_over), // output reg
.wcount (), //wdata_wcount), // output[3:0] reg
.rcount (), //wdata_rcount), // output[3:0] reg
.num_in_fifo(wcount) // output[3:0]
// **** Write responce channel ****
wire [ 1:0] bresp_value=2'b0;
wire [ 1:0] bresp_in;
wire fifo_wd_rd_dly;
wire [5:0] bid_in;
// input [ 3:0] sim_bresp_latency, // latency in writeing data outside of the module
dly_16 #(
) bresp_dly_16_i (
.clk(aclk), // input
.rst(rst), // input
.dly(sim_bresp_latency[3:0]), // input[3:0]
.din(fifo_wd_rd), // input[0:0]
.dout(fifo_wd_rd_dly) // output[0:0]
// first FIFO for bresp - latency outside of the module
fifo_same_clock_fill #( .DATA_WIDTH(8),.DATA_DEPTH(5))
wresp_ext_i (
.sync_rst (1'b0),
.re(fifo_wd_rd_dly), // not allowing RE next cycle after bvalid
.half_full(), //),
.under (), //wresp_under), // output reg
.over (), //wresp_over), // output reg
.wcount (), //wresp_wcount), // output[3:0] reg
.rcount (), //wresp_rcount), // output[3:0] reg
.num_in_fifo() // wresp_num_in_fifo) // output[3:0]
assign wresp_re=bready && bvalid && !was_wresp_re;
always @ (posedge rst or posedge aclk) begin
if (rst) was_wresp_re<=0;
else was_wresp_re <= wresp_re;
assign bvalid=|wresp_num_in_fifo[5:1] || !was_wresp_re;
// second wresp FIFO (does it exist in the actual module)?
fifo_same_clock_fill #( .DATA_WIDTH(8),.DATA_DEPTH(5))
wresp_i (
.sync_rst (1'b0),
.re(wresp_re), // not allowing RE next cycle after bvalid
.nempty(), //bvalid),
.half_full(), //),
.under (), //wresp_under), // output reg
.over (), //wresp_over), // output reg
.wcount (), //wresp_wcount), // output[3:0] reg
.rcount (), //wresp_rcount), // output[3:0] reg
.num_in_fifo(wresp_num_in_fifo) // wresp_num_in_fifo) // output[3:0]
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