Commit 63e3b7c0 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

wrapper for OSERDESE2/OSEREDESE1 to be used w/o phasers

parent a77e03a0
* Module: oserdes_mem
* Date:2014-04-26
* Author: Andrey Filippov
* Description: OSERDESE2/OSERDESE1 wrapper to use for DDR3 memory w/o phasers
* Copyright (c) 2014 Elphel, Inc.
* oserdes_mem.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* oserdes_mem.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
//`define IVERILOG // uncomment just to chenck syntax (by the editor) in the corresponding branch
module oserdes_mem(
input clk, // serial output clock
input clk_div, // oclk divided by 2, front aligned
input rst, // reset
input [3:0] din, // parallel data in
input [3:0] tin, // parallel tri-state in
output dout_dly, // data out to be connected to odelay input
output dout_iob, // data out to be connected directly to the output buffer
output tout_dly, // tristate out to be connected to odelay input
output tout_iob // tristate out to be connected directly to the tristate control of the output buffer
Serialized data will go through odelay elements (with fine delay adjustment), tristate output will
go directly. Luckily the active time for DQ/DQS may be extended (there is at least 1 full clock period
between READ and WRITE DQS active (more for DQ), so extending write preamble and postabmble by 1/2 period
seems to be OK.
`ifndef IVERILOG // Not using simulator - instantiate actual ISERDESE2 (can not be simulated because of encrypted )
.INIT_OQ (1'b0),
.INIT_TQ (1'b0),
.SRVAL_OQ (1'b0),
.SRVAL_TQ (1'b0),
) oserdes_i (
.OFB (dout_dly),
.OQ (dout_iob),
.TFB (tout_dly),
.TQ (tout_iob),
.CLK (clk),
.CLKDIV (clk_div),
.D1 (din[0]),
.D2 (din[1]),
.D3 (din[2]),
.D4 (din[3]),
.D5 (),
.D6 (),
.D7 (),
.D8 (),
.OCE (1'b1),
.RST (rst),
.T1 (tin[0]),
.T2 (tin[1]),
.T3 (tin[2]),
.T4 (tin[3]),
.TCE (1'b1),
`else // Simulating, use Virtex 6 module that does not have encrypted functionality
.DDR3_DATA (1), //For DDR3 DQ, DQS: 1, Address, ctrl, clock - 0
.INIT_OQ (1'b0),
.INIT_TQ (1'b0),
.ODELAY_USED (0), // 1 available only for MEMORY_DDR3
.SRVAL_OQ (1'b0),
.SRVAL_TQ (1'b0),
) oserdes_i (
.OFB (dout_dly),
.OQ (dout_iob),
.TFB (tout_dly),
.TQ (tout_iob),
.CLK (clk),
.CLKDIV (clk_div),
.D1 (din[0]),
.D2 (din[1]),
.D3 (din[2]),
.D4 (din[3]),
.D5 (),
.D6 (),
.OCE (1'b1),
.RST (rst),
.T1 (tin[0]),
.T2 (tin[1]),
.T3 (tin[2]),
.T4 (tin[3]),
.TCE (1'b1),
// not in OSERDES2E:
.WC (1'b0),
.CLKPERF (1'b0),
.ODV (1'b0)
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