Commit 56006910 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

another memory sequence encoder module

parent 7faa227a
* Module: cmd_encod_linear_rd
* Date:2015-01-23
* Author: andrey
* Description: Command sequencer generator for writing a sequential up to 1KB page
* single page access, bank and row will not be changed
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* cmd_encod_linear_rd.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* cmd_encod_linear_rd.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module cmd_encod_linear_rd #(
// parameter BASEADDR = 0,
parameter ADDRESS_NUMBER=15,
parameter COLADDR_NUMBER=10,
parameter CMD_PAUSE_BITS= 10,
parameter CMD_DONE_BIT= 10 // VDT BUG: CMD_DONE_BIT is used in a function call parameter!
) (
input rst,
input clk,
// programming interface
// input [7:0] cmd_ad, // byte-serial command address/data (up to 6 bytes: AL-AH-D0-D1-D2-D3
// input cmd_stb, // strobe (with first byte) for the command a/d
input [2:0] bank_in, // bank address
input [ADDRESS_NUMBER-1:0] row_in, // memory row
input [COLADDR_NUMBER-1:0] start_col, // start memory column (3 LSBs should be 0?)
input [5:0] num128_in, // number of 128-bit words to transfer (8*16 bits) - full burst of 8
input start, // start generating commands
output reg [31:0] enc_cmd, // encoded commnad
output reg enc_wr, // write encoded command
output reg enc_done // encoding finished
localparam ROM_WIDTH=9;
localparam ROM_DEPTH=4;
localparam ENC_NOP= 0;
localparam ENC_BUF_WR= 1;
localparam ENC_DCI= 2;
localparam ENC_SEL= 3;
localparam ENC_CMD_SHIFT= 4; // [5:4] - command: 0 -= NOP, 1 - READ, 2 - PRECHARGE, 3 - ACTIVATE
localparam ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT=6; // [7:6] - 2- bit pause (for NOP commandes)
localparam ENC_PRE_DONE= 8;
localparam ENC_CMD_NOP= 0; // 2-bit locally encoded commands
localparam ENC_CMD_READ= 1;
localparam ENC_CMD_PRECHARGE=2;
localparam ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE= 3;
localparam REPEAT_ADDR=3;
localparam CMD_NOP= 0; // 3-bit normal memory RCW commands (positive logic)
localparam CMD_READ= 3;
localparam CMD_PRECHARGE=5;
localparam CMD_ACTIVATE= 4;
reg [ADDRESS_NUMBER-1:0] row; // memory row
reg [COLADDR_NUMBER-1:0] col; // start memory column (3 LSBs should be 0?) // VDT BUG: col is used as a function call parameter!
reg [2:0] bank; // memory bank;
reg [5:0] num128; // number of 128-bit words to transfer
reg gen_run;
reg gen_run_d;
reg [ROM_DEPTH-1:0] gen_addr; // will overrun as stop comes from ROM
reg [ROM_WIDTH-1:0] rom_r;
wire pre_done;
wire [1:0] rom_cmd;
wire [1:0] rom_skip;
wire [2:0] full_cmd;
reg done;
assign pre_done=rom_r[ENC_PRE_DONE] && gen_run;
assign rom_cmd= rom_r[ENC_CMD_SHIFT+:2];
assign rom_skip= rom_r[ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT+:2];
assign full_cmd= rom_cmd[1]?(rom_cmd[0]?CMD_ACTIVATE:CMD_PRECHARGE):(rom_cmd[0]?CMD_READ:CMD_NOP);
always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) gen_run <= 0;
else if (start) gen_run<= 1;
else if (pre_done) gen_run<= 0;
if (rst) gen_run_d <= 0;
else gen_run_d <= gen_run;
if (rst) gen_addr <= 0;
else if (!start && !gen_run) gen_addr <= 0;
else if ((gen_addr==(REPEAT_ADDR-1)) && (num128[5:1]==0)) gen_addr <= REPEAT_ADDR+1; // skip loop alltogeter
else if ((gen_addr !=REPEAT_ADDR) || (num128[5:1]==0)) gen_addr <= gen_addr+1; // not in a loop
if (rst) num128 <= 0;
else if (start) num128 <= num128_in;
else if (!gen_run) gen_addr <= 0; //
else if ((gen_addr == (REPEAT_ADDR-1)) || (gen_addr == REPEAT_ADDR)) num128 <= num128 -1;
always @ (posedge clk) if (start) begin
col <= start_col;
bank <= bank_in;
// ROM-based (registered output) encoded sequence
always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) rom_r <= 0;
else case (gen_addr)
4'h0: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE << ENC_CMD_SHIFT);
4'h1: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT);
4'h2: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_READ << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_NOP) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h3: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_READ << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_NOP) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h4: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h5: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h6: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_PRECHARGE << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_DCI);
4'h7: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (2 << ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_DCI);
4'h8: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_PRE_DONE);
default:rom_r <= 0;
always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) done <= 0;
else done <= pre_done;
if (rst) enc_wr <= 0;
else enc_wr <= gen_run || gen_run_d;
if (rst) enc_done <= 0;
else enc_done <= enc_wr || !gen_run_d;
if (rst) enc_cmd <= 0;
else if (rom_cmd==0) enc_cmd <= func_encode_skip ( // encode pause
{{CMD_PAUSE_BITS-2{1'b0}},rom_skip[1:0]}, // skip; // number of extra cycles to skip (and keep all the other outputs)
done, // end of sequence
bank[2:0], // bank (here OK to be any)
1'b0, // odt_en; // enable ODT
1'b0, // cke; // disable CKE
rom_r[ENC_SEL], // sel; // first/second half-cycle, other will be nop (cke+odt applicable to both)
1'b0, // dq_en; // enable (not tristate) DQ lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
1'b0, // dqs_en; // enable (not tristate) DQS lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
1'b0, // dqs_toggle; // enable toggle DQS according to the pattern
rom_r[ENC_DCI], // dci; // DCI disable, both DQ and DQS lines (internal logic and timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
rom_r[ENC_BUF_WR], // buf_wr; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
1'b0); // buf_rd; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
else enc_cmd <= func_encode_cmd ( // encode non-NOP command
{{ADDRESS_NUMBER-COLADDR_NUMBER{1'b0}},col[COLADDR_NUMBER-1:0]}, // [14:0] addr; // 15-bit row/column adderss
bank[2:0], // bank (here OK to be any)
full_cmd[2:0], // rcw; // RAS/CAS/WE, positive logic
1'b0, // odt_en; // enable ODT
1'b0, // cke; // disable CKE
rom_r[ENC_SEL], // sel; // first/second half-cycle, other will be nop (cke+odt applicable to both)
1'b0, // dq_en; // enable (not tristate) DQ lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
1'b0, // dqs_en; // enable (not tristate) DQS lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
1'b0, // dqs_toggle; // enable toggle DQS according to the pattern
rom_r[ENC_DCI], // dci; // DCI disable, both DQ and DQS lines (internal logic and timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
rom_r[ENC_BUF_WR], // buf_wr; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
1'b0, // buf_rd; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
rom_r[ENC_NOP]); // nop; // add NOP after the current command, keep other data
// move to include?
function [31:0] func_encode_skip;
input [CMD_PAUSE_BITS-1:0] skip; // number of extra cycles to skip (and keep all the other outputs)
input done; // end of sequence
input [2:0] bank; // bank (here OK to be any)
input odt_en; // enable ODT
input cke; // disable CKE
input sel; // first/second half-cycle, other will be nop (cke+odt applicable to both)
input dq_en; // enable (not tristate) DQ lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
input dqs_en; // enable (not tristate) DQS lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
input dqs_toggle; // enable toggle DQS according to the pattern
input dci; // DCI disable, both DQ and DQS lines (internal logic and timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
input buf_wr; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
input buf_rd; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
func_encode_skip= func_encode_cmd (
{{14-CMD_DONE_BIT{1'b0}}, done, skip[CMD_PAUSE_BITS-1:0]}, // 15-bit row/column adderss
bank[2:0], // bank (here OK to be any)
3'b0, // RAS/CAS/WE, positive logic
odt_en, // enable ODT
cke, // disable CKE
sel, // first/second half-cycle, other will be nop (cke+odt applicable to both)
dq_en, // enable (not tristate) DQ lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
dqs_en, // enable (not tristate) DQS lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
dqs_toggle, // enable toggle DQS according to the pattern
dci, // DCI disable, both DQ and DQS lines (internal logic and timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
buf_wr, // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
buf_rd, // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
function [31:0] func_encode_cmd;
input [14:0] addr; // 15-bit row/column adderss
input [2:0] bank; // bank (here OK to be any)
input [2:0] rcw; // RAS/CAS/WE, positive logic
input odt_en; // enable ODT
input cke; // disable CKE
input sel; // first/second half-cycle, other will be nop (cke+odt applicable to both)
input dq_en; // enable (not tristate) DQ lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
input dqs_en; // enable (not tristate) DQS lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
input dqs_toggle; // enable toggle DQS according to the pattern
input dci; // DCI disable, both DQ and DQS lines (internal logic and timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
input buf_wr; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
input buf_rd; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
input nop; // add NOP after the current command, keep other data
addr[14:0], // 15-bit row/column adderss
bank [2:0], // bank
rcw[2:0], // RAS/CAS/WE
odt_en, // enable ODT
cke, // may be optimized (removed from here)?
sel, // first/second half-cycle, other will be nop (cke+odt applicable to both)
dq_en, // enable (not tristate) DQ lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
dqs_en, // enable (not tristate) DQS lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
dqs_toggle, // enable toggle DQS according to the pattern
dci, // DCI disable, both DQ and DQS lines (internal logic and timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
buf_wr, // phy_buf_wr, // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
buf_rd, // phy_buf_rd, // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
nop, // add NOP after the current command, keep other data
1'b0 // Reserved for future use
...@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module cmd_encod_linear_wr #( ...@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module cmd_encod_linear_wr #(
localparam ENC_CMD_WRITE= 1; localparam ENC_CMD_WRITE= 1;
localparam ENC_CMD_PRECHARGE=2; localparam ENC_CMD_PRECHARGE=2;
localparam ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE= 3; localparam ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE= 3;
localparam PAUSE_ADDR=4; localparam REPEAT_ADDR=4;
localparam CMD_NOP= 0; // 3-bit normal memory RCW commands (positive logic) localparam CMD_NOP= 0; // 3-bit normal memory RCW commands (positive logic)
localparam CMD_WRITE= 3; localparam CMD_WRITE= 3;
...@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ module cmd_encod_linear_wr #( ...@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ module cmd_encod_linear_wr #(
if (rst) gen_addr <= 0; if (rst) gen_addr <= 0;
else if (!start && !gen_run) gen_addr <= 0; else if (!start && !gen_run) gen_addr <= 0;
else if ((gen_addr==(PAUSE_ADDR-1)) && (num128[5:1]==0)) gen_addr <= PAUSE_ADDR+1; // skip loop alltogeter else if ((gen_addr==(REPEAT_ADDR-1)) && (num128[5:1]==0)) gen_addr <= REPEAT_ADDR+1; // skip loop alltogeter
else if ((gen_addr !=PAUSE_ADDR) || (num128[5:1]==0)) gen_addr <= gen_addr+1; // not in a loop else if ((gen_addr !=REPEAT_ADDR) || (num128[5:1]==0)) gen_addr <= gen_addr+1; // not in a loop
if (rst) num128 <= 0; if (rst) num128 <= 0;
else if (start) num128 <= num128_in; else if (start) num128 <= num128_in;
else if (!gen_run) gen_addr <= 0; // else if (!gen_run) gen_addr <= 0; //
else if ((gen_addr == (PAUSE_ADDR-1)) || (gen_addr ==PAUSE_ADDR)) num128 <= num128 -1; else if ((gen_addr == (REPEAT_ADDR-1)) || (gen_addr == REPEAT_ADDR)) num128 <= num128 -1;
end end
always @ (posedge clk) if (start) begin always @ (posedge clk) if (start) begin
...@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ module cmd_encod_linear_wr #( ...@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ module cmd_encod_linear_wr #(
4'h7: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_PRECHARGE << ENC_CMD_SHIFT); 4'h7: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_PRECHARGE << ENC_CMD_SHIFT);
4'h8: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (2 << ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT); 4'h8: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (2 << ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT);
4'h9: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_PRE_DONE); 4'h9: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_PRE_DONE);
default:rom_r <= 0;
endcase endcase
end end
always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
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