Commit 51c11c7e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

simulation module for LWIR sensor

parent eb7ba9a4
......@@ -42,16 +42,31 @@ module simul_lwir160x120_vospi # (
parameter DATA_FILE = "/data_ssd/nc393/elphel393/fpga-elphel/x393/input_data/pattern_160_120_14.dat", //
parameter WINDOW_WIDTH = 160, //
parameter WINDOW_HEIGHT = 120, //
parameter LWIR_GPIO_IN = 4'b0000,
parameter TELEMETRY = 1, // 0 - disabled, 1 - as header, 2 - as footer
parameter FRAME_PERIOD = 946969, // 26.4 fps @25 MHz
parameter FRAME_DELAY = 100, // mclk period to start first frame 1
parameter MS_PERIOD = 25 // ahould actually be 25000
input mclk,
input nrst,
input sck,
input ncs,
output miso,
input mrst, // active low
input pwdn, // active low
input spi_clk,
input spi_cs,
output spi_miso,
input spi_mosi,
inout gpio0,
inout gpio1,
inout gpio2,
inout gpio3, // may be used as segment sync (ready)
input i2c_scl,
inout i2c_sda,
output mipi_dp, // not implemented
output mipi_dn, // not implemented
output mipi_clkp, // not implemented
output mipi_clkn, // not implemented
// telemetry data
input [15:0] telemetry_rev,
input [31:0] telemetry_status,
......@@ -80,7 +95,7 @@ module simul_lwir160x120_vospi # (
localparam FRAMES = 2; // 2 frames in a ping-pong buffer
wire mrst = !nrst;
wire rst = !mrst;
reg [OUT_BITS-1:0] sensor_data[0 : WINDOW_WIDTH * WINDOW_HEIGHT - 1]; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor - Will be assigned by $readmem
reg [OUT_BITS-1:0] packed_data[0: FRAMES * FRAME_WORDS -1];
......@@ -133,8 +148,18 @@ module simul_lwir160x120_vospi # (
// wire [ 2:0] copy_segment;
//946,969 '0xe7319'
assign mipi_dp = 'bz;
assign mipi_dn = 'bz;
assign mipi_clkp = 'bz;
assign mipi_clkn = 'bz;
assign gpio0 = LWIR_GPIO_IN[0]?'bz: 0;
assign gpio1 = LWIR_GPIO_IN[1]?'bz: 0;
assign gpio2 = LWIR_GPIO_IN[2]?'bz: 0;
assign gpio3 = LWIR_GPIO_IN[3]?'bz: 0;
assign i2c_sda = 'bz;
// assign copy_done = copy_run && copy_crc &&((TELEMETRY==0) ? (copy_packet== (FRAME_PACKETS -1)) : (FRAME_PACKETS + 3));
assign copy_done = copy_run && copy_crc && (copy_packet== (FRAME_PACKETS_FULL -1));
assign copy_packet_full = (copy_packet < FRAME_PACKETS)?(copy_packet + ((TELEMETRY == 1) ? 4 : 0)):(copy_packet - ((TELEMETRY == 1)?FRAME_PACKETS: 0)) ;
......@@ -170,26 +195,26 @@ initial begin
always @ (posedge mclk) begin
if (mrst || (ms_cntr == 0)) ms_cntr <= MS_PERIOD -1;
if (rst || (ms_cntr == 0)) ms_cntr <= MS_PERIOD -1;
else ms_cntr <= ms_cntr - 1;
if (mrst) time_ms <= 0;
if (rst) time_ms <= 0;
else if ((ms_cntr == 0)) time_ms <= time_ms + 1;
//restarting frames
if (mrst) frame_dly_cntr <= FRAME_DELAY;
if (rst) frame_dly_cntr <= FRAME_DELAY;
else if (frame_start) frame_dly_cntr <= FRAME_PERIOD;
else frame_dly_cntr <= frame_dly_cntr - 1;
frame_start <= !mrst && (frame_dly_cntr == 0);
frame_start <= !rst && (frame_dly_cntr == 0);
if (mrst) frame_num <= 0;
if (rst) frame_num <= 0;
else if (frame_start) frame_num <= frame_num + 1;
if (mrst) copy_page <= 0;
if (rst) copy_page <= 0;
else if (frame_start) copy_page <= !copy_page;
if (mrst || copy_done) copy_run <= 0;
if (rst || copy_done) copy_run <= 0;
else if (frame_start) copy_run <= 1;
copy_crc <= copy_word == (PACKET_WORDS - 1);
......@@ -223,7 +248,6 @@ always @ (posedge mclk) begin
/* Instance template for module crc16_x16x12x5x0 */
crc16_x16x12x5x0 crc16_x16x12x5x0_i (
.clk (mclk), // input
.srst (!copy_run || copy_crc), // input
......@@ -234,7 +258,6 @@ end
/* Instance template for module simul_lwir160x120_telemetry */
simul_lwir160x120_telemetry simul_lwir160x120_telemetry_i (
.clk (mclk), // input
.en (frame_start), // input
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