Commit 507e680a authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

more cleanup

parent 4152a851
......@@ -112,11 +112,17 @@ module jp_channel#(
input page_ready_chn, // single mclk (posedge)
output next_page_chn, // single mclk (posedge): Done with the page in the buffer, memory controller may read more data
// statistics data was not used in late nc353
input dccout, //enable output of DC and HF components for brightness/color/focus adjustments
input [2:0] hfc_sel, // [2:0] (for autofocus) only components with both spacial frequencies higher than specified will be added
output statistics_dv,
output [15:0] statistics_do,
// timestamp input
input [31:0] sec,
input [19:0] usec,
output [23:0] imgptr,
/// output [23:0] imgptr, - removed - use AFI channel MUX
output [31:0] hifreq, // accumulated high frequency components in a frame sub-window
// input [ 1:0] bayer_phase, // shared with sensor channel - remove!
input vsync_late, // delayed start of frame, @xclk. In 353 it was 16 lines after VACT active
......@@ -246,12 +252,20 @@ module jp_channel#(
wire cmprs_standalone; // single-cycle: generate a single frame_start_dst in unbonded (not synchronized) mode. cmprs_run should be off
wire sigle_frame_buf; // input - memory controller uses a single frame buffer (frame_number_* == 0), use other sync
wire stuffer_done_mclk;
wire force_flush_long;
/// wire enc_last; not used
wire [15:0] enc_do;
wire enc_dv;
//TODO: use next signals for status
wire eof_written_mclk;
wire stuffer_done_mclk;
/// wire last_block; //huffman393
/// wire test_lbw;
wire last_block;
wire test_lbw;
wire stuffer_rdy; // receiver (bit stuffer) is ready to accept data;
wire [15:0] huff_do; // output[15:0] reg
wire [3:0] huff_dl; // output[3:0] reg
......@@ -279,13 +293,10 @@ module jp_channel#(
wire [ 2:0] cmprs_qpage;
wire [ 2:0] coring_num;
reg dcc_en;
wire dccout;
wire [ 2:0] hfc_sel;
wire [15:0] dccdata; // was not used in late nc353
wire dccvld; // was not used in late nc353
assign set_ctrl_reg_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a== CMPRS_CONTROL_REG);
assign set_status_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a== CMPRS_STATUS_CNTRL);
assign set_format_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a== CMPRS_FORMAT);
......@@ -349,6 +360,7 @@ module jp_channel#(
.we (cmd_we) // output
status_generate #(
......@@ -616,6 +628,9 @@ module jp_channel#(
// wire [ 9:0] yc_nodc; // [9:0] data out (4:2:0) (signed, average=0)
///TODO: Replace always@ with a module?
wire dct_last_in;
wire dct_pre_first_out;
// wire dct_dv;
......@@ -643,7 +658,7 @@ module jp_channel#(
.xin (yc_nodc), // input[9:0]
.last_in (dct_last_in), // output reg output high during input of the last of 64 pixels in a 8x8 block //
.pre_first_out (dct_pre_first_out), // outpu 1 cycle ahead of the first output in a 64 block
// .dv (dct_dv), // output data output valid. Will go high on the 94-th cycle after the start (now - on 95-th?)
/// .dv (dct_dv), // output data output valid. Will go high on the 94-th cycle after the start (now - on 95-th?)
.dv (), // not used: output data output valid. Will go high on the 94-th cycle after the start (now - on 95-th?)
.d_out (dct_out) // output[12:0]
......@@ -715,7 +730,6 @@ module jp_channel#(
// focus sharp module calculates amount of high-frequency components and optioanlly overlays/replaces actual image
wire [12:0] focus_do; // output[12:0] reg pixel data out, make timing ignore (valid 1.5 clk earlier that Quantizer output)
wire focus_ds; // output reg data out strobe (one ahead of the start of dv)
wire [31:0] hifreq; // output[31:0] reg accumulated high frequency components in a frame sub-window
focus_sharp393 focus_sharp393_i (
.clk (xclk), // input - pixel clock
......@@ -743,8 +757,9 @@ module jp_channel#(
// Format DC components to be output as a mini-frame. Was not used in the late NC353 as the dma1 channel was use3d for IMU instead of dcc
reg pre_finish_dcc;
reg finish_dcc;
wire finish_dcc;
// re-sync to posedge xclk2x
pulse_cross_clock finish_dcc_i (.rst(rst), .src_clk(~xclk2x), .dst_clk(xclk2x), .in_pulse(stuffer_done), .out_pulse(finish_dcc),.busy());
dcc_sync393 dcc_sync393_i (
.sclk (xclk2x), // input
......@@ -756,9 +771,6 @@ module jp_channel#(
.statistics_do (statistics_do[15:0]) // output[15:0] reg @ sclk
wire enc_last;
wire [15:0] enc_do;
wire enc_dv;
// generate DC data/strobe for the direct output (re) using sdram channel3 buffering
// encoderDCAC is updated to handle 13-bit signed data instead of the 12-bit. It will limit the values on ot's own
......@@ -775,7 +787,8 @@ module jp_channel#(
.zdi (focus_do[12:0]), // input[12:0] - zigzag-reordered data input
.first_blockz (first_block_quant), // input - first block input (@zds)
.zds (focus_ds), // input - strobe - one ahead of the DC component output
.last (enc_last), // output reg
/// .last (enc_last), // output reg
.last (), // output reg - not used
.do (enc_do[15:0]), // output[15:0] reg
.dv (enc_dv) // output reg
......@@ -796,9 +809,11 @@ module jp_channel#(
.dl(huff_dl[3:0]), // output[3:0] reg
.dv(huff_dv), // output reg
.flush(flush), // output reg
.last_block(last_block), // output reg
/// .last_block(last_block), // output reg
.last_block(), // output reg unused
.test_lbw(), // output reg ??
.gotLastBlock(test_lbw) // output ??
/// .gotLastBlock(test_lbw) // output ??
.gotLastBlock() // output ?? - unused (was for debug)
......@@ -806,17 +821,15 @@ module jp_channel#(
wire [15:0] stuffer_do;
wire stuffer_dv;
wire stuffer_done;
wire eof_written_xclk2xn;
// reg stuffer_done_persist;
// wire stuffer_flushing;
always @ (negedge xclk2x) pre_finish_dcc <= stuffer_done;
always @ (posedge xclk2x) finish_dcc <= pre_finish_dcc; //stuffer+done - @negedge clk2x
stuffer393 stuffer393_i (
.clk (xclk2x), // input clock - uses negedge inside
.en_in (stuffer_en), //
.reset_data_counters (reset_data_counters[1]), // input reset data transfer counters (only when DMA and compressor are disabled)
/// .reset_data_counters (reset_data_counters[1]), // input reset data transfer counters (only when DMA and compressor are disabled)
.flush (flush), // input - flush output data (fill byte with 0, long word with FFs)
.abort (force_flush_long), // @ any, extracts 0->1 and flushes
.stb (huff_dv), // input
......@@ -832,7 +845,7 @@ module jp_channel#(
.q (stuffer_do), // output[15:0] reg - output data
.qv (stuffer_dv), // output reg - output data valid
.done (stuffer_done), // output
.imgptr (imgptr[23:0]), // output[23:0] reg - image pointer in 32-byte chunks
/// .imgptr (imgptr[23:0]), // output[23:0] reg - image pointer in 32-byte chunks
// .flushing (stuffer_flushing), // output reg
.flushing (), // output reg Not used?
.running (stuffer_running) // from registering timestamp until done
......@@ -845,7 +858,6 @@ module jp_channel#(
pulse_cross_clock stuffer_done_mclk_i (.rst(rst), .src_clk(~xclk2x), .dst_clk(mclk), .in_pulse(stuffer_done), .out_pulse(stuffer_done_mclk),.busy());
wire eof_written;
cmprs_out_fifo cmprs_out_fifo_i (
.rst (rst), // input mostly for simulation
// source (stuffer) clock domain
......@@ -854,7 +866,7 @@ module jp_channel#(
.wdata (stuffer_do), // input[15:0] data from stuffer module;
.wa_rst (!stuffer_en), // input reset low address bits when stuffer is disabled (to make sure it is multiple of 32 bytes
.wlast (stuffer_done), // input - written last 32 bytes of a frame (flush FIFO) - stuffer_done (has to be later than we)
.eof_written_wclk (eof_written), // output - AFI had transferred frame data to the system memory
.eof_written_wclk (eof_written_xclk2xn), // output - AFI had transferred frame data to the system memory
.rclk (hclk), // input - AFI clock
// AFI clock domain
.rst_fifo (fifo_rst), // input - reset FIFO (set read adderss to write, reset count)
......@@ -865,6 +877,9 @@ module jp_channel#(
.flush_fifo (fifo_flush), // output level signalling that FIFO has data from the current frame (use short AXI burst if needed)
.fifo_count (fifo_count) // output[7:0] - number of 32-byte chunks available in FIFO
pulse_cross_clock eof_written_mclk_i (.rst(rst), .src_clk(~xclk2x), .dst_clk(mclk), .in_pulse(eof_written_xclk2xn), .out_pulse(eof_written_mclk),.busy());
// TODO: Add status module to combine/FF, re-clock status signals
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
module stuffer393 (
input clk, // 2x pixel clock
input en_in, // enable, 0- reset (other clock domain, needs re-sync)
input reset_data_counters, // reset data transfer counters (only when DMA and compressor are disabled)
/// input reset_data_counters, // reset data transfer counters (only when DMA and compressor are disabled)
input flush, // flush output data (fill byte with 0, long word with 0
input abort, // @ any, extracts 0->1 and flushes
input stb, // input data strobe
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module stuffer393 (
output reg [15:0] q, // [15:0] output data
output reg qv, // output data valid
output done, // reset by !en, goes high after some delay after flushing
output reg [23:0] imgptr, // [23:0]image pointer in 32-byte chunks
/// output reg [23:0] imgptr, // [23:0]image pointer in 32-byte chunks
output reg flushing,
output reg running // from registering timestamp until done
`ifdef debug_stuffer
......@@ -310,7 +310,8 @@ end
//reset_data_counters; // reset data transfer counters (only when DMA and compressor are disabled)
if (reset_data_counters ) etrax_dma[3:0] <= 0; // not needed to be reset after frame, and that was wrong (to early)
// if (reset_data_counters ) etrax_dma[3:0] <= 0; // not needed to be reset after frame, and that was wrong (to early)
if (!en ) etrax_dma[3:0] <= 0; // Now en here waits for flashing to end, so it should not be too early
else if (qv) etrax_dma[3:0] <= etrax_dma[3:0] + 1;
// just for testing
......@@ -349,11 +350,12 @@ end
((stage2_bits[4] && !send8h)? stage2[23:16]:8'b0)};
inc_imgsz32 <= (etrax_dma[3:0]== 4'h0) && qv;
//reset_data_counters instead of !en here?
if (reset_data_counters || done) imgsz32[19:0] <= 0;
// if (reset_data_counters || done) imgsz32[19:0] <= 0;
if (!en || done) imgsz32[19:0] <= 0; // now en is just for stuffer, waits for flushing to end
else if (inc_imgsz32) imgsz32[19:0]<=imgsz32[19:0]+1;
if (reset_data_counters) imgptr[23:0] <= 0;
else if (done) imgptr[23:0] <= imgptr[23:0]+ imgsz32[19:0];
/// if (reset_data_counters) imgptr[23:0] <= 0;
/// else if (done) imgptr[23:0] <= imgptr[23:0]+ imgsz32[19:0];
flush_end_delayed <= en & pre_flush_end_delayed; // en just to prevent optimizing pre_flush_end_delayed+flush_end_delayed into a single SRL16
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