Commit 3e682017 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

working on the afi multiplexer to trasfer up tp 4 compressor output data to the system memory

parent 0b0f5092
* Module: cmprs_afi_mux
* Date:2015-06-26
* Author: andrey
* Description: Writes comressor data from up to 4 channels to system memory over AXI_HP
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* cmprs_afi_mux.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* cmprs_afi_mux.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module cmprs_afi_mux#(
parameter AFI_MUX_BUF_LATENCY = 2 // buffers read latency from fifo_ren* to fifo_rdata* valid : 2 if no register layers are used
input rst,
input mclk, // for command/status
input hclk, // global clock to run axi_hp @ 150MHz, shared by all compressor channels
// programming interface
input [7:0] cmd_ad, // byte-serial command address/data (up to 6 bytes: AL-AH-D0-D1-D2-D3
input cmd_stb, // strobe (with first byte) for the command a/d
output [7:0] status_ad, // status address/data - up to 5 bytes: A - {seq,status[1:0]} - status[2:9] - status[10:17] - status[18:25]
output status_rq, // input request to send status downstream
input status_start, // Acknowledge of the first status packet byte (address)
// compressor channel 0
output fifo_rst0, // reset FIFO (set read adderss to write, reset count)
output fifo_ren0,
input [63:0] fifo_rdata0,
// input fifo_eof0, // single rclk pulse signalling EOF
output eof_written0, // confirm frame written ofer AFI to the system memory (single rclk pulse)
input fifo_flush0, // EOF, need to output all what is in FIFO (Stays active until enough data chunks are read)
input [7:0] fifo_count0, // number of 32-byte chunks in FIFO
// compressor channel 1
output fifo_rst1, // reset FIFO (set read adderss to write, reset count)
output fifo_ren1,
input [63:0] fifo_rdata1,
// input fifo_eof1, // single rclk pulse signalling EOF
output eof_written1, // confirm frame written ofer AFI to the system memory (single rclk pulse)
input fifo_flush1, // EOF, need to output all what is in FIFO (Stays active until enough data chunks are read)
input [7:0] fifo_count1, // number of 32-byte chunks in FIFO
// compressor channel 2
output fifo_rst2, // reset FIFO (set read adderss to write, reset count)
output fifo_ren2,
input [63:0] fifo_rdata2,
// input fifo_eof2, // single rclk pulse signalling EOF
output eof_written2, // confirm frame written ofer AFI to the system memory (single rclk pulse)
input fifo_flush2, // EOF, need to output all what is in FIFO (Stays active until enough data chunks are read)
input [7:0] fifo_count2, // number of 32-byte chunks in FIFO
// compressor channel 3
output fifo_rst3, // reset FIFO (set read adderss to write, reset count)
output fifo_ren3,
input [63:0] fifo_rdata3,
// input fifo_eof3, // single rclk pulse signalling EOF
output eof_written3, // confirm frame written ofer AFI to the system memory (single rclk pulse)
input fifo_flush3, // EOF, need to output all what is in FIFO (Stays active until enough data chunks are read)
input [7:0] fifo_count3, // number of 32-byte chunks in FIFO
// axi_hp signals write channel
// write address
output [31:0] afi_awaddr,
output afi_awvalid,
input afi_awready, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused - used FIF0 level
output [ 5:0] afi_awid,
output [ 1:0] afi_awlock,
output [ 3:0] afi_awcache,
output [ 2:0] afi_awprot,
output [ 3:0] afi_awlen,
output [ 2:0] afi_awsize,
output [ 1:0] afi_awburst,
output [ 3:0] afi_awqos,
// write data
output [63:0] afi_wdata,
output afi_wvalid,
input afi_wready, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused - used FIF0 level
output [ 5:0] afi_wid,
output afi_wlast,
output [ 7:0] afi_wstrb,
// write response
input afi_bvalid,
output afi_bready,
input [ 5:0] afi_bid,
input [ 1:0] afi_bresp, // @SuppressThisWarning VEditor unused
// PL extra (non-AXI) signals
input [ 7:0] afi_wcount,
input [ 5:0] afi_wacount,
output afi_wrissuecap1en
reg en; // enable mux
reg [3:0] en_chn; // per-channel enable
// reg [2:0] cur_chn; // 'b0xx - none, 'b1** - ** - channel number (should match fifo_ren*)
reg [1:0] cur_chn; // 'b0xx - none, 'b1** - ** - channel number (should match fifo_ren*)
reg [7:0] left_to_eof[0:3]; // number of chunks left to end of frame
reg [3:0] fifo_flush_d; // fifo_flush* delayed by 1 clk (to detect rising edge
reg [3:0] eof_stb; // single-cycle pulse after fifo_flush is asserted
// reg [1:0] w64_cnt; // count 64-bit words in a chunk
reg [8:0] counts_corr0[0:3]; // registers to hold corrected (decremented currently processed ones if any) fifo count values, MSB - needs flush
reg [8:0] counts_corr1[0:1]; // first arbitration level winning values
reg [8:0] counts_corr2; // second arbitration level winning values
reg [1:0] winner1; // 2 first level arbitration winners
reg [1:0] winner2; // 2-bit second level arbitration winner
// reg [1:0] cur_chn; // Can it be the same as cur_chn?
wire [7:0] fifo_count0_m1 = fifo_count0 - 1;
wire [7:0] fifo_count1_m1 = fifo_count1 - 1;
wire [7:0] fifo_count2_m1 = fifo_count2 - 1;
wire [7:0] fifo_count3_m1 = fifo_count3 - 1;
// See if we need to bother - any channel needs flushing or has >= 4 of 32-byte chunks to transfer in a single AXI 16-burst 64 bit wide (latency = 4)
wire need_to_bother = |counts_corr2[8:2];
reg ready_to_start; // TBD: either idle or soon will finish the previous burst (include AFI FIFO level here too?)
wire [3:0] last_chunk_w;
reg [2:0] busy; // TODO: adjust number of bits. During continuous run busy is deasseted for 1 clock cycle
wire done_burst_w; // de-asset busy
wire pre_busy_w;
reg last_burst_in_frame;
// reg [1:0] wlen32; // 2 high bits of burst len (LSB are always 2'b11)
reg [3:0] wleft; // number of 64-bit words left to be sent - also used as awlen (valid @ awvalid)
reg [26:0] chunk_addr_chn[0:3]; //system memory address in "chunks" (32-bytes)
reg [26:0] chunk_addr;
reg awvalid;
reg wvalid;
reg wlast;
reg [3:0] eof_written;
reg [63:0] wdata; // registered data from one of the 4 buffers
wire wdata_en; // register enable for wdata
wire [1:0] wdata_sel; // source select for wdata
reg [3:0] fifo_ren;
// use last_chunk_w to apply a special id to waddr and wdata and watch for it during readout
// compose ID of channel number, frame bumber LSBs and last/not last chunk
// assign last_chunk_w[3:0] = {~(|left_to_eof[3]),~(|left_to_eof[2]),~(|left_to_eof[1]),~(|left_to_eof[0])};
assign last_chunk_w[3:0] = {(left_to_eof[3]==1)?1'b1:1'b0,
assign pre_busy_w = !busy && ready_to_start && need_to_bother;
assign done_burst_w = busy && !(|wleft[3:1]); // when wleft[3:0] == 0, busy is 0
assign eof_written0 = eof_written[0];
assign eof_written1 = eof_written[1];
assign eof_written2 = eof_written[2];
assign eof_written3 = eof_written[3];
assign fifo_ren0 = fifo_ren[0];
assign fifo_ren1 = fifo_ren[1];
assign fifo_ren2 = fifo_ren[2];
assign fifo_ren3 = fifo_ren[3];
assign afi_awaddr = {chunk_addr,5'b0};
assign afi_awid = {3'b0,last_burst_in_frame,cur_chn};
assign afi_awvalid = awvalid;
assign afi_awlen = wleft;
// assign afi_wid = {3'b0,last_burst_in_frame,cur_chn};
// assign afi_wvalid = wvalid;
// assign afi_wlast = wlast;
assign afi_wdata = wdata;
assign afi_bready = 1'b1; // always ready
// other fixed-value AFI signals
assign afi_awlock = 2'h0;
assign afi_awcache = 4'h3;
assign afi_awprot = 3'h0;
assign afi_awsize = 3'h3;
assign afi_awburst = 2'h1;
assign afi_awqos = 4'h0;
assign afi_wstrb = 8'hff;
assign afi_wrissuecap1en = 1'b0;
always @ (posedge hclk) begin
ready_to_start <= en && // ready to strta a burst
!afi_wacount[5] && !(&afi_wacount[4:1]) && // >=2 free
!afi_wcount[7] && !(&afi_wcount[6:3]); // >=8 free (4 would be enough too)
fifo_flush_d <= {fifo_flush3,fifo_flush2,fifo_flush1,fifo_flush0};
eof_stb <= {fifo_flush3 & ~fifo_flush_d[3],
fifo_flush2 & ~fifo_flush_d[2],
fifo_flush1 & ~fifo_flush_d[1],
fifo_flush0 & ~fifo_flush_d[0]};
// TODO: change &w64_cnt[1:0] so left_to_eof[*] will be updated earlier and valid at pre_busy_w
// Done, updating at the first (not last) word of 4
if (eof_stb[0]) left_to_eof[0] <= fifo_count0 - (fifo_ren0 & (&wleft[1:0]));
else if (fifo_ren0 & (&wleft[1:0])) left_to_eof[0] <= left_to_eof[0] - 1;
if (eof_stb[1]) left_to_eof[1] <= fifo_count1 - (fifo_ren1 & (&wleft[1:0]));
else if (fifo_ren1 & (&wleft[1:0])) left_to_eof[1] <= left_to_eof[1] - 1;
if (eof_stb[2]) left_to_eof[2] <= fifo_count2 - (fifo_ren2 & (&wleft[1:0]));
else if (fifo_ren2 & (&wleft[1:0])) left_to_eof[2] <= left_to_eof[2] - 1;
if (eof_stb[3]) left_to_eof[3] <= fifo_count3 - (fifo_ren3 & (&wleft[1:0]));
else if (fifo_ren3 & (&wleft[1:0])) left_to_eof[3] <= left_to_eof[3] - 1;
// Calculate corrected values decrementing currently served channel (if any) values by 1 (latency 1 clk)
if ((fifo_count0 == 0) || !en_chn[0]) counts_corr0[0] <= 0;
else if (fifo_ren[0]) counts_corr0[0] <= (fifo_count0_m1 == 0)? 0 : {fifo_flush0,fifo_count0_m1};
else counts_corr0[0] <= {fifo_flush0,fifo_count0};
if ((fifo_count1 == 0) || !en_chn[1]) counts_corr0[1] <= 0;
else if (fifo_ren[1]) counts_corr0[1] <= (fifo_count1_m1 == 0)? 0 : {fifo_flush1,fifo_count1_m1};
else counts_corr0[1] <= {fifo_flush1,fifo_count1};
if ((fifo_count2 == 0) || !en_chn[2]) counts_corr0[2] <= 0;
else if (fifo_ren[2]) counts_corr0[2] <= (fifo_count2_m1 == 0)? 0 : {fifo_flush2,fifo_count2_m1};
else counts_corr0[2] <= {fifo_flush2,fifo_count2};
if ((fifo_count3 == 0) || !en_chn[3]) counts_corr0[3] <= 0;
else if (fifo_ren[3]) counts_corr0[3] <= (fifo_count3_m1 == 0)? 0 : {fifo_flush3,fifo_count3_m1};
else counts_corr0[3] <= {fifo_flush3,fifo_count3};
// 2-level arbitration
// first arbitration level (latency 2 clk)
if (counts_corr0[1] > counts_corr0[0]) begin
counts_corr1[0] <= counts_corr0[1];
winner1[0] <= 1;
end else begin
counts_corr1[0] <= counts_corr0[0];
winner1[0] <= 0;
if (counts_corr0[3] > counts_corr0[2]) begin
counts_corr1[1] <= counts_corr0[3];
winner1[1] <= 1;
end else begin
counts_corr1[1] <= counts_corr0[2];
winner1[1] <= 0;
// second arbitration level (latency 3 clk)
if (counts_corr1[1] > counts_corr1[0]) begin
counts_corr2 <= counts_corr1[1];
winner2 <= {1'b1,winner1[1]};
end else begin
counts_corr2 <= counts_corr1[0];
winner2 <= {1'b0,winner1[0]};
//ready_to_start need_to_bother
if (!en) busy <= 0;
else if (pre_busy_w) busy <= {busy[1:0],1'b1};
else if (done_burst_w) busy <= {busy[1:0],1'b0};
if (!en) wleft <= 0;
else if (pre_busy_w) wleft <= {(|counts_corr2[7:2])? 2'b11 : left_to_eof[winner2][1:0], 2'b11};
else if (wleft != 0) wleft <= wleft - 1;
if (!en) wvalid <= 0;
else if (pre_busy_w) wvalid <= 1;
else if (wlast) wvalid <= 0; // should be after pre_busy_w as both can happen simultaneously
if (!en) fifo_ren <= 0;
else if (pre_busy_w) fifo_ren <= {(winner2 == 3) ?1'b1:1'b0,
(winner2 == 2) ?1'b1:1'b0,
(winner2 == 1) ?1'b1:1'b0,
(winner2 == 0) ?1'b1:1'b0};
else if (wlast) fifo_ren <= 0;
awvalid <= pre_busy_w; // no need to wait for afi_awready, will use fifo levels to enable pre_busy_w
if (pre_busy_w) begin
cur_chn <= winner2;
last_burst_in_frame <= last_chunk_w[winner2];
wleft <= {(|counts_corr2[7:2])? 2'b11 : left_to_eof[winner2][1:0], 2'b11};
chunk_addr <= chunk_addr_chn[winner2];
wlast <= done_burst_w; // when wleft==4'h1
// wdata register mux
if (wdata_en) wdata <= wdata_sel[1]?(wdata_sel[1]?fifo_rdata3:fifo_rdata2):(wdata_sel[1]?fifo_rdata1:fifo_rdata0);
// Watch write responce channel, detect EOF IDs, generate eof_written* output signals
eof_written[0] <= afi_bvalid && (afi_bid[2:0]== 3'h4);
eof_written[1] <= afi_bvalid && (afi_bid[2:0]== 3'h5);
eof_written[2] <= afi_bvalid && (afi_bid[2:0]== 3'h6);
eof_written[3] <= afi_bvalid && (afi_bid[2:0]== 3'h7);
// calculate and rollover channel addresses
// delay write channel controls signal to match data latency. wid bits will be optimized (6 -> 3)
dly_16 #(
) afi_wx_i (
.clk (hclk), // input
.rst (!en), // input
.dly (AFI_MUX_BUF_LATENCY), // input[3:0] will delay by AFI_MUX_BUF_LATENCY+1 (normally 3)
.din ({ wvalid, wlast, 3'b0,last_burst_in_frame, cur_chn}), // input[0:0]
.dout ({afi_wvalid, afi_wlast, afi_wid}) // output[0:0]
dly_16 #(
) afi_wdata_i (
.clk (hclk), // input
.rst (!en), // input
.dly (AFI_MUX_BUF_LATENCY-1), // input[3:0] will delay by AFI_MUX_BUF_LATENCY+1 (normally 3)
.din ({wvalid, cur_chn}), // input[0:0]
.dout ({wdata_en,wdata_sel}) // output[0:0]
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