Commit 37b4d8bd authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

completed Bayer MCLT (some cleanup and more testing is needed)

parent 632ab621
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......@@ -463,7 +463,9 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer#(
.SHIFT_WIDTH(SHIFT_WIDTH), // should be exactly 7
.DECIMATE (1'b1),
.ODD (1'b0)
) phase_rotator0_i (
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
......@@ -483,7 +485,9 @@ module mclt16x16_bayer#(
.SHIFT_WIDTH(SHIFT_WIDTH), // should be exactly 7
.DECIMATE (1'b1),
.ODD (1'b1)
) phase_rotator1_i (
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
......@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ module phase_rotator#(
parameter DSP_B_WIDTH = 18, // signed, output from sin/cos ROM
parameter DSP_A_WIDTH = 25,
parameter DSP_P_WIDTH = 48,
parameter COEFF_WIDTH = 17 // = DSP_B_WIDTH - 1 or positive numbers,
parameter COEFF_WIDTH = 17, // = DSP_B_WIDTH - 1 or positive numbers,
parameter DECIMATE = 0, // 0 - all 64 samples, 1 - 32 samples (2 parallel rotators)
parameter ODD = 0 // 0 for DECIMATE==0 and for first rotator, 1 - for the second one
input clk, //!< system clock, posedge
input rst, //!< sync reset
......@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ module phase_rotator#(
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_vr;
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_hv; // combined horizonta and vertical shifts to match cntr_mux;
reg inv_checker_r;
reg inv_checker_r2;
reg [4:0] sign_cs; // sign for cos / sin, feed to DSP
wire sign_cs_d; // sign_cs delayed by 3 clocks
reg [1:0] sign_cs_r; // sign_cs delayed by 5 clocks
......@@ -112,13 +115,14 @@ module phase_rotator#(
if (start) shift_v0 <= shift_v;
if (start) inv_checker_r <= inv_checker;
if (start_d[3]) shift_vr <= shift_v0;
if (start_d[4]) inv_checker_r2 <= inv_checker_r;
if (rst) run_h <= 0;
else if (start) run_h <= 1;
else if (&cntr_h) run_h <= 0;
else if (&cntr_h[7:1] && (cntr_h[0] || DECIMATE)) run_h <= 0;
if (!run_h) cntr_h <= 0;
else cntr_h <= cntr_h + 1;
if (!run_h) cntr_h <= ODD;
else cntr_h <= cntr_h + (1 << DECIMATE);
// combine horizontal and vertical counters and shifts to feed to ROM
hv_index <= mux_v ? cntr_v[4:2] : cntr_h[7:5]; // input data "down first" (transposed)
......@@ -218,8 +222,11 @@ module phase_rotator#(
sela_1 <= ph[2] | ph[4]; sela_2 <= ph[3] | ph[5];
selb_1 <= ph[2] | ph[5]; selb_2 <= ph[3] | ph[6];
// 0 1 0 0
negm_1 <= (ph[4] & ~sign_cs[2]) | (ph[5] & sign_cs[3]);
negm_2 <= (ph[5] & ~sign_cs[3]) | (ph[6] & sign_cs[4]);
negm_1 <= ((ph[4] & ~sign_cs[2]) | (ph[5] & sign_cs[3])) ^
(inv_checker_r2 & (ph[4] | ph[6])); // invert negation when using Bayer patterns
negm_2 <= ((ph[5] & ~sign_cs[3]) | (ph[6] & sign_cs[4])) ^
(inv_checker_r2 & (ph[5] | ph[7])); // invert negation when using Bayer patterns
accum_1 <= ph[4] | ph[6]; accum_2 <= ph[5] | ph[7];
// vertical shift DSPs
......@@ -229,9 +236,10 @@ module phase_rotator#(
// 1 cycle ahead
end_3 <= ph[10] | ph[8]; end_4 <= ph[11] | ph[9];
selb_3 <= ph[8] | ph[11]; selb_4 <= ph[9] | ph[12];
negm_3 <= (ph[10] & ~sign_cs[2]) | (ph[11] & sign_cs[3]);
negm_4 <= (ph[11] & ~sign_cs[3]) | (ph[12] & sign_cs[4]);
accum_3 <= ph[10] | ph[12]; accum_4 <= ph[11] | ph[13];
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