Commit 22beced0 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

version of the tile read with 32-byte wide columns - easier timing with various tile heights

parent c8076f57
* Module: cmd_encod_tiled_32_rd
* Date:2015-02-218
* Author: andrey
* Description: Command sequencer generator for reading a tiled aread
* up to 1 kB. Memory is mapped so 8 consecuitive rows have same RA, CA
* and alternating BA (0 to 7). Data will be read in columns 32 bytes wide,
* then proceding to the next column (if >1).
* This is a modification of Module: cmd_encod_tiled_32_rd module,
* just reading 32 bytes per row instead of the 16 - that eases timing
* Start burst should be even (LSB is ignored)
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* cmd_encod_tiled_32_rd.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* cmd_encod_tiled_32_rd.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
TODO Comments from cmd_encod_tiled_rd, update
Minimal ACTIVATE period =4 Tcm or 10ns, so maximal no-miss rate is Tck=1.25 ns (800 MHz)
Minimal window of 4 ACTIVATE pulses - 16 Tck or 40 (40 ns), so one ACTIVATE per 8 Tck is still OK down to 1.25 ns
Reads are in 16-byte colums: 1 8-burst (16 bytes) in a row, then next row, bank inc first. Then (if needed) - next column
Number of rows should be >=5 (4 now for tCK=2.5ns to meet tRP (precharge to activate) of the same bank (tRP=13ns)
Can read less if just one column
TODO: Maybe allow less rows with different sequence (no autoprecharge/no activate?) Will not work if row crosses page boundary
number fo rows>1!
Known issues:
1: Most tile heights cause timing violation. Valid height mod 8 can be 0,6,7 (1,2,3,4,5 - invalid)
2: With option "keep_open" there should be no page boundary crossings, caller only checks the first line, and if window full width
is not multiple of CAS page, page crossings can appear on other than first line (fix caller to use largest common divider of page and
frame full width? Seems easy to fix
module cmd_encod_tiled_32_rd #(
parameter ADDRESS_NUMBER= 15,
parameter COLADDR_NUMBER= 10,
parameter CMD_PAUSE_BITS= 10,
parameter CMD_DONE_BIT= 10, // VDT BUG: CMD_DONE_BIT is used in a function call parameter!
parameter FRAME_WIDTH_BITS= 13 // Maximal frame width - 8-word (16 bytes) bursts
) (
input rst,
input clk,
// programming interface
input [2:0] start_bank, // bank address
input [ADDRESS_NUMBER-1:0] start_row, // memory row
input [COLADDR_NUMBER-4:0] start_col, // start memory column in 8-bit bursts
input [FRAME_WIDTH_BITS:0] rowcol_inc_in, // increment {row.col} when bank rolls over, removed 3 LSBs (in 8-bursts)
input [5:0] num_rows_in_m1, // number of rows to read minus 1
input [5:0] num_cols_in_m1, // number of 32-pixel columns to read (rows first, then columns) - 1
//(for compatibility with cmd_encod_tiled, LSB will be ignored)
input keep_open_in, // keep banks open (for <=8 banks only
input skip_next_page_in, // do not reset external buffer (continue)
input start, // start generating commands
output reg [31:0] enc_cmd, // encoded commnad
output reg enc_wr, // write encoded command
output reg enc_done // encoding finished
localparam FULL_ADDR_NUMBER=ADDRESS_NUMBER+COLADDR_NUMBER; // excluding 3 CA lsb, but adding 3 bank
localparam ROM_WIDTH=10;
localparam ROM_DEPTH=4;
localparam ENC_NOP= 0;
localparam ENC_BUF_WR= 1;
localparam ENC_DCI= 2;
localparam ENC_SEL= 3;
localparam ENC_CMD_SHIFT= 4; // [5:4] - command: 0 -= NOP, 1 - READ, 2 - PRECHARGE, 3 - ACTIVATE
localparam ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT=6; // [7:6] - 2- bit pause (for NOP commandes)
localparam ENC_PRE_DONE= 8;
localparam ENC_BUF_PGNEXT= 9;
localparam ENC_CMD_NOP= 0; // 2-bit locally encoded commands
localparam ENC_CMD_READ= 1;
// localparam ENC_CMD_PRECHARGE=2;
localparam ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE= 2; // using autoprecharge, so no PRECHARGE is needed. When en_act==0, ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE-> ENC_CMD_NOP (delay should be 0)
// localparam REPEAT_ADDR=3;
localparam LOOP_FIRST= 4; // address of the first word in a loop
localparam LOOP_LAST= 6; // address of the last word in a loop
localparam CMD_NOP= 0; // 3-bit normal memory RCW commands (positive logic)
localparam CMD_READ= 2;
// localparam CMD_PRECHARGE=5;
localparam CMD_ACTIVATE= 4;
reg [ADDRESS_NUMBER-1:0] row; // memory row
reg [COLADDR_NUMBER-4:0] col; // start memory column in 8-bursts
reg [2:0] bank; // memory bank;
reg [5:0] num_rows_m1; // number of rows in a tile minus 1
reg [5:0] num_cols128_m2; // number of r16-byte columns in a tile -2 (even columns)
// reg [FULL_ADDR_NUMBER-4:0] rowcol_inc; // increment {row.col} when bank rolls over, remove 3 LSBs (in 8-bursts)
reg [FRAME_WIDTH_BITS:0] rowcol_inc; // increment {row.col} when bank rolls over, remove 3 LSBs (in 8-bursts)
reg keep_open;
reg skip_next_page;
reg gen_run;
reg gen_run_d; // to output "done"?
reg [ROM_DEPTH-1:0] gen_addr; // will overrun as stop comes from ROM
reg [ROM_WIDTH-1:0] rom_r;
wire pre_done;
wire [1:0] rom_cmd;
wire [1:0] rom_skip;
wire [2:0] full_cmd;
reg done;
reg [FULL_ADDR_NUMBER-4:0] top_rc; // top combined row,column,bank burst address (excludes 3 CA LSBs), valid/modified @pre_act
reg first_col;
reg last_col;
wire pre_act; //1 cycle before optional ACTIVATE
wire pre_read; //1 cycle before READ command
reg [5:0] scan_row; // current row in a tile (valid @pre_act)
reg [5:0] scan_col; // current 16-byte column in a tile (valid @pre_act)
reg start_d; // start, delayed by 1 clocks
wire last_row;
reg [FULL_ADDR_NUMBER-1:0] row_col_bank; // RA,CA, BA - valid @pre_act;
wire [COLADDR_NUMBER-1:0] col_bank;// CA, BA - valid @ pre_read;
wire enable_act;
reg enable_autopre;
wire [2:0] next_bank_w;
wire [ADDRESS_NUMBER+COLADDR_NUMBER-4:0] next_rowcol_w; // next row/col when bank rolls over (in 8-bursts)
reg loop_continue;
wire [FULL_ADDR_NUMBER-1:0] row_col_bank_next_w; // RA,CA, BA - valid @pre_act;
assign row_col_bank_next_w= last_row?
{top_rc,bank}: // can not work if ACTIVATE is next after ACTIVATE in the last row (single-row tile)
(&row_col_bank[2:0]? // bank==7
assign pre_done=rom_r[ENC_PRE_DONE] && gen_run;
// assign rom_cmd= rom_r[ENC_CMD_SHIFT+:2] & {enable_act,1'b1}; // disable bit 1 if activate is disabled (not the first column)
assign rom_cmd= rom_r[ENC_CMD_SHIFT+:2]; // & {enable_act,1'b1}; // disable bit 1 if activate is disabled (not the first column)
assign rom_skip= rom_r[ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT+:2];
assign full_cmd= (enable_act && rom_cmd[1])?CMD_ACTIVATE:(rom_cmd[0]?CMD_READ:CMD_NOP);
assign last_row= (scan_row==num_rows_m1);
assign enable_act= first_col || !keep_open; // TODO: do not forget to zero addresses too (or they will become pause/done)
assign next_bank_w= row_col_bank[2:0]+1; //bank+1;
assign next_rowcol_w=row_col_bank[FULL_ADDR_NUMBER-1:3]+rowcol_inc;
assign pre_act= gen_run && rom_cmd[1]; //1 cycle before optional ACTIVATE
assign pre_read= rom_r[ENC_CMD_SHIFT]; //1 cycle before READ command
always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) gen_run <= 0;
else if (start_d) gen_run<= 1; // delaying
else if (pre_done) gen_run<= 0;
if (rst) gen_run_d <= 0;
else gen_run_d <= gen_run;
if (rst) num_rows_m1 <= 0;
else if (start) num_rows_m1 <= num_rows_in_m1; // number of rows
if (rst) num_cols128_m2 <= 0;
else if (start) num_cols128_m2 <= num_cols_in_m1 & ~1; // number of r32-byte columns
if (rst) start_d <=0;
else start_d <= start;
if (rst) top_rc <= 0;
else if (start_d) top_rc <= {row,col}+2;
else if (pre_act && last_row) top_rc <= top_rc+2; // may increment RA
if (rst) row_col_bank <= 0;
else if (start_d) row_col_bank <= {row,col,bank}; // TODO: Use start_col,... and start, not start_d?
else if (pre_act) row_col_bank <= row_col_bank_next_w;
if (rst) scan_row <= 0;
else if (start_d) scan_row <= 0;
else if (pre_act) scan_row <= last_row?0:scan_row+1;
if (rst) scan_col <= 0;
else if (start_d) scan_col <= 0;
else if (pre_act && last_row) scan_col <= scan_col+2; // for ACTIVATE, not for READ
if (rst) first_col <= 0;
else if (start_d) first_col <= 1;
else if (pre_act && last_row) first_col <= 0;
if (rst) last_col <= 0;
else if (start_d) last_col <= num_cols128_m2==0; // if single column - will start with 1'b1;
else if (pre_act) last_col <= (scan_col==num_cols128_m2); // too early for READ ?
if (rst) enable_autopre <= 0;
else if (start_d) enable_autopre <= 0;
else if (pre_act) enable_autopre <= last_col || !keep_open; // delayed by 2 pre_act tacts form last_col, OK with a single column
if (rst) loop_continue<=0;
else loop_continue <= (scan_col==num_cols128_m2) && last_row;
if (rst) gen_addr <= 0;
else if (!start_d && !gen_run) gen_addr <= 0;
else if ((gen_addr==LOOP_LAST) && !loop_continue) gen_addr <= LOOP_FIRST; // skip loop alltogeter
else gen_addr <= gen_addr+1; // not in a loop
always @ (posedge clk) if (start) begin
col <= start_col & ~1;
bank <= start_bank;
rowcol_inc <= rowcol_inc_in;
keep_open <= keep_open_in && (|num_cols_in_m1[5:3] == 0);
skip_next_page <= skip_next_page_in;
// ROM-based (registered output) encoded sequence
always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) rom_r <= 0;
else case (gen_addr)
4'h0: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_NOP) | (1 << ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT); // here does not matter, just to work with masked ACTIVATE
4'h1: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE << ENC_CMD_SHIFT);
4'h2: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_READ << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_NOP) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h3: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_READ << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
// loop:
4'h4: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_ACTIVATE << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h5: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_READ << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_NOP) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h6: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_READ << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
// end loop
4'h7: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h8: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_READ << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_NOP) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'h9: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_READ << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
// do not combine this NOP - ENC_CMD_READ + ENC_NOP enables autoprecharge
4'ha: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_BUF_WR) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'hb: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL);
4'hc: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_DCI) | (1 << ENC_SEL) | (1 << ENC_BUF_PGNEXT);
4'hd: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (3 << ENC_PAUSE_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_DCI);
4'he: rom_r <= (ENC_CMD_NOP << ENC_CMD_SHIFT) | (1 << ENC_PRE_DONE);
default:rom_r <= 0;
always @ (posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) done <= 0;
else done <= pre_done;
if (rst) enc_wr <= 0;
else enc_wr <= gen_run || gen_run_d;
if (rst) enc_done <= 0;
else enc_done <= enc_wr && !gen_run_d;
if (rst) enc_cmd <= 0;
// else if ((rom_cmd==0) || (rom_cmd[1] && !enable_act)) enc_cmd <= func_encode_skip ( // encode pause
else if (rom_cmd[0] || (rom_cmd[1] && enable_act)) enc_cmd <= func_encode_cmd ( // encode non-NOP command
rom_cmd[1]? // activate
row_col_bank[FULL_ADDR_NUMBER-1:COLADDR_NUMBER]: // top combined row,column,bank burst address (excludes 3 CA LSBs), valid/modified @pre_act
enable_autopre & ~rom_r[ENC_NOP],
3'b0}, // [14:0] addr; // 15-bit row/column adderss
col_bank[2:0], //
full_cmd[2:0], // rcw; // RAS/CAS/WE, positive logic
1'b0, // odt_en; // enable ODT
1'b0, // cke; // disable CKE
rom_r[ENC_SEL], // sel; // first/second half-cycle, other will be nop (cke+odt applicable to both)
1'b0, // dq_en; // enable (not tristate) DQ lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
1'b0, // dqs_en; // enable (not tristate) DQS lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
1'b0, // dqs_toggle; // enable toggle DQS according to the pattern
rom_r[ENC_DCI], // dci; // DCI disable, both DQ and DQS lines (internal logic and timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
rom_r[ENC_BUF_WR], // buf_wr; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
1'b0, // buf_rd; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
rom_r[ENC_NOP], // nop; // add NOP after the current command, keep other data
rom_r[ENC_BUF_PGNEXT] && !skip_next_page); // buf_rst; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
else enc_cmd <= func_encode_skip ( // encode pause
{{CMD_PAUSE_BITS-2{1'b0}},rom_skip[1:0]}, // skip; // number of extra cycles to skip (and keep all the other outputs)
done, // end of sequence
3'b0, // bank (here OK to be any)
1'b0, // odt_en; // enable ODT
1'b0, // cke; // disable CKE
rom_r[ENC_SEL], // sel; // first/second half-cycle, other will be nop (cke+odt applicable to both)
1'b0, // dq_en; // enable (not tristate) DQ lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
1'b0, // dqs_en; // enable (not tristate) DQS lines (internal timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
1'b0, // dqs_toggle; // enable toggle DQS according to the pattern
rom_r[ENC_DCI], // dci; // DCI disable, both DQ and DQS lines (internal logic and timing sequencer for 0->1 and 1->0)
rom_r[ENC_BUF_WR], // buf_wr; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
1'b0, // buf_rd; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
rom_r[ENC_BUF_PGNEXT] && !skip_next_page); // buf_rst; // connect to external buffer (but only if not paused)
fifo_2regs #(
) fifo_2regs_i (
.rst (rst), // input
.clk (clk), // input
.din (row_col_bank[COLADDR_NUMBER-1:0]), // input[15:0]
.wr(pre_act), // input
.rd(pre_read && !rom_r[ENC_NOP]), // input - update only after the second READ
.srst(start_d), // input
.dout(col_bank) // output[15:0]
`include "includes/x393_mcontr_encode_cmd.vh"
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