Commit 1182a36e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added Python scripts to create ram initialization for simulation shortcut

parent f0999d35
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
# Copyright (C) 2015,
# Helper module to convert zigzag ROM for JPEG quantizer
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
__author__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Elphel, Inc."
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0+"
__maintainer__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
import sys
def create_gamma(curves_data, half):
mdata = [0 for i in range(2048)]
index = half * 1024;
for n in range(4):
for i in range (256):
base =curves_data[257*n+i]
diff =curves_data[257*n+i+1]-curves_data[257*n+i];
if ((diff > 63) or (diff < -64)):
data18 = (base & 0x3ff) | (((diff1 >> 4) & 0x7f) << 10) | 0x20000 # {1'b1,diff1[10:4],base[9:0]};
data18 = (base & 0x3ff) | ((diff & 0x7f) <<10) # {1'b0,diff [ 6:0],base[9:0]};
mdata[index] = data18
# print ('%03x: %05x (%03x %02x %02x)'%(index,data18, base,diff,diff1))
index +=1
for a in range(128):
for w in range(16):
d |= (mdata[16 * a + w] & 0xffff) << (16 * w);
for a in range(16):
for w in range(128):
d |= (mdata[128 * a + w] & 0x3) << (2 * w);
return {'data':data,'data_p':data_p}
def print_params(data,out_file_name):
with open(out_file_name,"w") as out_file:
for i, v in enumerate(data['data']):
if v:
print (", .INIT_%02X (256'h%064X)"%(i,v), file=out_file)
# if (include_parity):
for i, v in enumerate(data['data_p']):
if v:
print (", .INITP_%02X (256'h%064X)"%(i,v), file=out_file)
#print ('Number of arguments: %d'%(len(sys.argv)))
#print ('Argument List:%s'%(str(sys.argv)))
with open(sys.argv[1]) as file:
# print(lines)
#print (lines.split())
for w in tokens:
#print (values)
#print (len(values))
#gamma tables
#print (create_gamma(values,1))
// INIT_00 to I.INIT_00(256'h0
task program_curves;
input [1:0] num_sensor;
input [1:0] sub_channel;
reg [9:0] curves_data[0:1027]; // SuppressThisWarning VEditor : assigned in $readmem() system task
integer n,i,base,diff,diff1;
// reg [10:0] curv_diff;
reg [17:0] data18;
set_sensor_gamma_table_addr (
2'b0, //input [1:0] color;
1'b0); //input page; // only used if SENS_GAMMA_BUFFER != 0
for (n=0;n<4;n=n+1) begin
for (i=0;i<256;i=i+1) begin
base =curves_data[257*n+i];
diff =curves_data[257*n+i+1]-curves_data[257*n+i];
// $display ("%x %x %x %x %x %x",n,i,curves_data[257*n+i], base, diff, diff1);
if ((diff>63) || (diff < -64)) data18 = {1'b1,diff1[10:4],base[9:0]};
else data18 = {1'b0,diff [ 6:0],base[9:0]};
set_sensor_gamma_table_data ( // need 256 for a single color data
data18); // 18-bit table data
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
# Copyright (C) 2015,
# Helper module to convert zigzag ROM for JPEG quantizer
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
__author__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Elphel, Inc."
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0+"
__maintainer__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
import sys
for i in range (16):
print (", .INITP_%02X (INITP_%02X)"%(i,i))
for i in range (128):
print (", .INIT_%02X (INIT_%02X)"%(i,i))
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
# Copyright (C) 2015,
# Helper module to convert zigzag ROM for JPEG quantizer
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
__author__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Elphel, Inc."
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0+"
__maintainer__ = "Andrey Filippov"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
Created on Jun 16, 2015
@author: andrey
defparam i_z0.INIT = 32'hC67319CC;
defparam i_z1.INIT = 32'h611A7896;
defparam i_z2.INIT = 32'h6357A260;
defparam i_z3.INIT = 32'h4A040C18;
defparam i_z4.INIT = 32'h8C983060;
defparam i_z5.INIT = 32'hF0E0C080;
old_rom= [0xC67319CC,
print (" case (rom_a)")
for b in range (32):
d= ((((old_rom[0]>>b) & 1) << 0) |
(((old_rom[1]>>b) & 1) << 1) |
(((old_rom[2]>>b) & 1) << 2) |
(((old_rom[3]>>b) & 1) << 3) |
(((old_rom[4]>>b) & 1) << 4) |
(((old_rom[5]>>b) & 1) << 5))
print(" 5'h%02x: rom_q <= 6'h%02x;"%(b,d))
print (" endcase")
\ No newline at end of file
000 004 008 00c 010 014 018 01c 020 024 028 02c 030 034 038 03c
040 044 048 04c 050 054 058 05c 060 064 068 06c 070 074 078 07c
080 084 088 08c 090 094 098 09c 0a0 0a4 0a8 0ac 0b0 0b4 0b8 0bc
0c0 0c4 0c8 0cc 0d0 0d4 0d8 0dc 0e0 0e4 0e8 0ec 0f0 0f4 0f8 0fc
100 104 108 10c 110 114 118 11c 120 124 128 12c 130 134 138 13c
140 144 148 14c 150 154 158 15c 160 164 168 16c 170 174 178 17c
180 184 188 18c 190 194 198 19c 1a0 1a4 1a8 1ac 1b0 1b4 1b8 1bc
1c0 1c4 1c8 1cc 1d0 1d4 1d8 1dc 1e0 1e4 1e8 1ec 1f0 1f4 1f8 1fc
200 204 208 20c 210 214 218 21c 220 224 228 22c 230 234 238 23c
240 244 248 24c 250 254 258 25c 260 264 268 26c 270 274 278 27c
280 284 288 28c 290 294 298 29c 2a0 2a4 2a8 2ac 2b0 2b4 2b8 2bc
2c0 2c4 2c8 2cc 2d0 2d4 2d8 2dc 2e0 2e4 2e8 2ec 2f0 2f4 2f8 2fc
300 304 308 30c 310 314 318 31c 320 324 328 32c 330 334 338 33c
340 344 348 34c 350 354 358 35c 360 364 368 36c 370 374 378 37c
380 384 388 38c 390 394 398 39c 3a0 3a4 3a8 3ac 3b0 3b4 3b8 3bc
3c0 3c4 3c8 3cc 3d0 3d4 3d8 3dc 3e0 3e4 3e8 3ec 3f0 3f4 3f8 3fc
000 004 008 00c 010 014 018 01c 020 024 028 02c 030 034 038 03c
040 044 048 04c 050 054 058 05c 060 064 068 06c 070 074 078 07c
080 084 088 08c 090 094 098 09c 0a0 0a4 0a8 0ac 0b0 0b4 0b8 0bc
0c0 0c4 0c8 0cc 0d0 0d4 0d8 0dc 0e0 0e4 0e8 0ec 0f0 0f4 0f8 0fc
100 104 108 10c 110 114 118 11c 120 124 128 12c 130 134 138 13c
140 144 148 14c 150 154 158 15c 160 164 168 16c 170 174 178 17c
180 184 188 18c 190 194 198 19c 1a0 1a4 1a8 1ac 1b0 1b4 1b8 1bc
1c0 1c4 1c8 1cc 1d0 1d4 1d8 1dc 1e0 1e4 1e8 1ec 1f0 1f4 1f8 1fc
200 204 208 20c 210 214 218 21c 220 224 228 22c 230 234 238 23c
240 244 248 24c 250 254 258 25c 260 264 268 26c 270 274 278 27c
280 284 288 28c 290 294 298 29c 2a0 2a4 2a8 2ac 2b0 2b4 2b8 2bc
2c0 2c4 2c8 2cc 2d0 2d4 2d8 2dc 2e0 2e4 2e8 2ec 2f0 2f4 2f8 2fc
300 304 308 30c 310 314 318 31c 320 324 328 32c 330 334 338 33c
340 344 348 34c 350 354 358 35c 360 364 368 36c 370 374 378 37c
380 384 388 38c 390 394 398 39c 3a0 3a4 3a8 3ac 3b0 3b4 3b8 3bc
3c0 3c4 3c8 3cc 3d0 3d4 3d8 3dc 3e0 3e4 3e8 3ec 3f0 3f4 3f8 3fc
000 004 008 00c 010 014 018 01c 020 024 028 02c 030 034 038 03c
040 044 048 04c 050 054 058 05c 060 064 068 06c 070 074 078 07c
080 084 088 08c 090 094 098 09c 0a0 0a4 0a8 0ac 0b0 0b4 0b8 0bc
0c0 0c4 0c8 0cc 0d0 0d4 0d8 0dc 0e0 0e4 0e8 0ec 0f0 0f4 0f8 0fc
100 104 108 10c 110 114 118 11c 120 124 128 12c 130 134 138 13c
140 144 148 14c 150 154 158 15c 160 164 168 16c 170 174 178 17c
180 184 188 18c 190 194 198 19c 1a0 1a4 1a8 1ac 1b0 1b4 1b8 1bc
1c0 1c4 1c8 1cc 1d0 1d4 1d8 1dc 1e0 1e4 1e8 1ec 1f0 1f4 1f8 1fc
200 204 208 20c 210 214 218 21c 220 224 228 22c 230 234 238 23c
240 244 248 24c 250 254 258 25c 260 264 268 26c 270 274 278 27c
280 284 288 28c 290 294 298 29c 2a0 2a4 2a8 2ac 2b0 2b4 2b8 2bc
2c0 2c4 2c8 2cc 2d0 2d4 2d8 2dc 2e0 2e4 2e8 2ec 2f0 2f4 2f8 2fc
300 304 308 30c 310 314 318 31c 320 324 328 32c 330 334 338 33c
340 344 348 34c 350 354 358 35c 360 364 368 36c 370 374 378 37c
380 384 388 38c 390 394 398 39c 3a0 3a4 3a8 3ac 3b0 3b4 3b8 3bc
3c0 3c4 3c8 3cc 3d0 3d4 3d8 3dc 3e0 3e4 3e8 3ec 3f0 3f4 3f8 3fc
000 004 008 00c 010 014 018 01c 020 024 028 02c 030 034 038 03c
040 044 048 04c 050 054 058 05c 060 064 068 06c 070 074 078 07c
080 084 088 08c 090 094 098 09c 0a0 0a4 0a8 0ac 0b0 0b4 0b8 0bc
0c0 0c4 0c8 0cc 0d0 0d4 0d8 0dc 0e0 0e4 0e8 0ec 0f0 0f4 0f8 0fc
100 104 108 10c 110 114 118 11c 120 124 128 12c 130 134 138 13c
140 144 148 14c 150 154 158 15c 160 164 168 16c 170 174 178 17c
180 184 188 18c 190 194 198 19c 1a0 1a4 1a8 1ac 1b0 1b4 1b8 1bc
1c0 1c4 1c8 1cc 1d0 1d4 1d8 1dc 1e0 1e4 1e8 1ec 1f0 1f4 1f8 1fc
200 204 208 20c 210 214 218 21c 220 224 228 22c 230 234 238 23c
240 244 248 24c 250 254 258 25c 260 264 268 26c 270 274 278 27c
280 284 288 28c 290 294 298 29c 2a0 2a4 2a8 2ac 2b0 2b4 2b8 2bc
2c0 2c4 2c8 2cc 2d0 2d4 2d8 2dc 2e0 2e4 2e8 2ec 2f0 2f4 2f8 2fc
300 304 308 30c 310 314 318 31c 320 324 328 32c 330 334 338 33c
340 344 348 34c 350 354 358 35c 360 364 368 36c 370 374 378 37c
380 384 388 38c 390 394 398 39c 3a0 3a4 3a8 3ac 3b0 3b4 3b8 3bc
3c0 3c4 3c8 3cc 3d0 3d4 3d8 3dc 3e0 3e4 3e8 3ec 3f0 3f4 3f8 3fc
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
, .INIT_00 (256'h103C103810341030102C102810241020101C101810141010100C100810041000)
, .INIT_01 (256'h107C107810741070106C106810641060105C105810541050104C104810441040)
, .INIT_02 (256'h10BC10B810B410B010AC10A810A410A0109C109810941090108C108810841080)
, .INIT_03 (256'h10FC10F810F410F010EC10E810E410E010DC10D810D410D010CC10C810C410C0)
, .INIT_04 (256'h113C113811341130112C112811241120111C111811141110110C110811041100)
, .INIT_05 (256'h117C117811741170116C116811641160115C115811541150114C114811441140)
, .INIT_06 (256'h11BC11B811B411B011AC11A811A411A0119C119811941190118C118811841180)
, .INIT_07 (256'h11FC11F811F411F011EC11E811E411E011DC11D811D411D011CC11C811C411C0)
, .INIT_08 (256'h123C123812341230122C122812241220121C121812141210120C120812041200)
, .INIT_09 (256'h127C127812741270126C126812641260125C125812541250124C124812441240)
, .INIT_0A (256'h12BC12B812B412B012AC12A812A412A0129C129812941290128C128812841280)
, .INIT_0B (256'h12FC12F812F412F012EC12E812E412E012DC12D812D412D012CC12C812C412C0)
, .INIT_0C (256'h133C133813341330132C132813241320131C131813141310130C130813041300)
, .INIT_0D (256'h137C137813741370136C136813641360135C135813541350134C134813441340)
, .INIT_0E (256'h13BC13B813B413B013AC13A813A413A0139C139813941390138C138813841380)
, .INIT_0F (256'h0FFC13F813F413F013EC13E813E413E013DC13D813D413D013CC13C813C413C0)
, .INIT_10 (256'h103C103810341030102C102810241020101C101810141010100C100810041000)
, .INIT_11 (256'h107C107810741070106C106810641060105C105810541050104C104810441040)
, .INIT_12 (256'h10BC10B810B410B010AC10A810A410A0109C109810941090108C108810841080)
, .INIT_13 (256'h10FC10F810F410F010EC10E810E410E010DC10D810D410D010CC10C810C410C0)
, .INIT_14 (256'h113C113811341130112C112811241120111C111811141110110C110811041100)
, .INIT_15 (256'h117C117811741170116C116811641160115C115811541150114C114811441140)
, .INIT_16 (256'h11BC11B811B411B011AC11A811A411A0119C119811941190118C118811841180)
, .INIT_17 (256'h11FC11F811F411F011EC11E811E411E011DC11D811D411D011CC11C811C411C0)
, .INIT_18 (256'h123C123812341230122C122812241220121C121812141210120C120812041200)
, .INIT_19 (256'h127C127812741270126C126812641260125C125812541250124C124812441240)
, .INIT_1A (256'h12BC12B812B412B012AC12A812A412A0129C129812941290128C128812841280)
, .INIT_1B (256'h12FC12F812F412F012EC12E812E412E012DC12D812D412D012CC12C812C412C0)
, .INIT_1C (256'h133C133813341330132C132813241320131C131813141310130C130813041300)
, .INIT_1D (256'h137C137813741370136C136813641360135C135813541350134C134813441340)
, .INIT_1E (256'h13BC13B813B413B013AC13A813A413A0139C139813941390138C138813841380)
, .INIT_1F (256'h0FFC13F813F413F013EC13E813E413E013DC13D813D413D013CC13C813C413C0)
, .INIT_20 (256'h103C103810341030102C102810241020101C101810141010100C100810041000)
, .INIT_21 (256'h107C107810741070106C106810641060105C105810541050104C104810441040)
, .INIT_22 (256'h10BC10B810B410B010AC10A810A410A0109C109810941090108C108810841080)
, .INIT_23 (256'h10FC10F810F410F010EC10E810E410E010DC10D810D410D010CC10C810C410C0)
, .INIT_24 (256'h113C113811341130112C112811241120111C111811141110110C110811041100)
, .INIT_25 (256'h117C117811741170116C116811641160115C115811541150114C114811441140)
, .INIT_26 (256'h11BC11B811B411B011AC11A811A411A0119C119811941190118C118811841180)
, .INIT_27 (256'h11FC11F811F411F011EC11E811E411E011DC11D811D411D011CC11C811C411C0)
, .INIT_28 (256'h123C123812341230122C122812241220121C121812141210120C120812041200)
, .INIT_29 (256'h127C127812741270126C126812641260125C125812541250124C124812441240)
, .INIT_2A (256'h12BC12B812B412B012AC12A812A412A0129C129812941290128C128812841280)
, .INIT_2B (256'h12FC12F812F412F012EC12E812E412E012DC12D812D412D012CC12C812C412C0)
, .INIT_2C (256'h133C133813341330132C132813241320131C131813141310130C130813041300)
, .INIT_2D (256'h137C137813741370136C136813641360135C135813541350134C134813441340)
, .INIT_2E (256'h13BC13B813B413B013AC13A813A413A0139C139813941390138C138813841380)
, .INIT_2F (256'h0FFC13F813F413F013EC13E813E413E013DC13D813D413D013CC13C813C413C0)
, .INIT_30 (256'h103C103810341030102C102810241020101C101810141010100C100810041000)
, .INIT_31 (256'h107C107810741070106C106810641060105C105810541050104C104810441040)
, .INIT_32 (256'h10BC10B810B410B010AC10A810A410A0109C109810941090108C108810841080)
, .INIT_33 (256'h10FC10F810F410F010EC10E810E410E010DC10D810D410D010CC10C810C410C0)
, .INIT_34 (256'h113C113811341130112C112811241120111C111811141110110C110811041100)
, .INIT_35 (256'h117C117811741170116C116811641160115C115811541150114C114811441140)
, .INIT_36 (256'h11BC11B811B411B011AC11A811A411A0119C119811941190118C118811841180)
, .INIT_37 (256'h11FC11F811F411F011EC11E811E411E011DC11D811D411D011CC11C811C411C0)
, .INIT_38 (256'h123C123812341230122C122812241220121C121812141210120C120812041200)
, .INIT_39 (256'h127C127812741270126C126812641260125C125812541250124C124812441240)
, .INIT_3A (256'h12BC12B812B412B012AC12A812A412A0129C129812941290128C128812841280)
, .INIT_3B (256'h12FC12F812F412F012EC12E812E412E012DC12D812D412D012CC12C812C412C0)
, .INIT_3C (256'h133C133813341330132C132813241320131C131813141310130C130813041300)
, .INIT_3D (256'h137C137813741370136C136813641360135C135813541350134C134813441340)
, .INIT_3E (256'h13BC13B813B413B013AC13A813A413A0139C139813941390138C138813841380)
, .INIT_3F (256'h0FFC13F813F413F013EC13E813E413E013DC13D813D413D013CC13C813C413C0)
, .INIT_40 (256'h103C103810341030102C102810241020101C101810141010100C100810041000)
, .INIT_41 (256'h107C107810741070106C106810641060105C105810541050104C104810441040)
, .INIT_42 (256'h10BC10B810B410B010AC10A810A410A0109C109810941090108C108810841080)
, .INIT_43 (256'h10FC10F810F410F010EC10E810E410E010DC10D810D410D010CC10C810C410C0)
, .INIT_44 (256'h113C113811341130112C112811241120111C111811141110110C110811041100)
, .INIT_45 (256'h117C117811741170116C116811641160115C115811541150114C114811441140)
, .INIT_46 (256'h11BC11B811B411B011AC11A811A411A0119C119811941190118C118811841180)
, .INIT_47 (256'h11FC11F811F411F011EC11E811E411E011DC11D811D411D011CC11C811C411C0)
, .INIT_48 (256'h123C123812341230122C122812241220121C121812141210120C120812041200)
, .INIT_49 (256'h127C127812741270126C126812641260125C125812541250124C124812441240)
, .INIT_4A (256'h12BC12B812B412B012AC12A812A412A0129C129812941290128C128812841280)
, .INIT_4B (256'h12FC12F812F412F012EC12E812E412E012DC12D812D412D012CC12C812C412C0)
, .INIT_4C (256'h133C133813341330132C132813241320131C131813141310130C130813041300)
, .INIT_4D (256'h137C137813741370136C136813641360135C135813541350134C134813441340)
, .INIT_4E (256'h13BC13B813B413B013AC13A813A413A0139C139813941390138C138813841380)
, .INIT_4F (256'h0FFC13F813F413F013EC13E813E413E013DC13D813D413D013CC13C813C413C0)
, .INIT_50 (256'h103C103810341030102C102810241020101C101810141010100C100810041000)
, .INIT_51 (256'h107C107810741070106C106810641060105C105810541050104C104810441040)
, .INIT_52 (256'h10BC10B810B410B010AC10A810A410A0109C109810941090108C108810841080)
, .INIT_53 (256'h10FC10F810F410F010EC10E810E410E010DC10D810D410D010CC10C810C410C0)
, .INIT_54 (256'h113C113811341130112C112811241120111C111811141110110C110811041100)
, .INIT_55 (256'h117C117811741170116C116811641160115C115811541150114C114811441140)
, .INIT_56 (256'h11BC11B811B411B011AC11A811A411A0119C119811941190118C118811841180)
, .INIT_57 (256'h11FC11F811F411F011EC11E811E411E011DC11D811D411D011CC11C811C411C0)
, .INIT_58 (256'h123C123812341230122C122812241220121C121812141210120C120812041200)
, .INIT_59 (256'h127C127812741270126C126812641260125C125812541250124C124812441240)
, .INIT_5A (256'h12BC12B812B412B012AC12A812A412A0129C129812941290128C128812841280)
, .INIT_5B (256'h12FC12F812F412F012EC12E812E412E012DC12D812D412D012CC12C812C412C0)
, .INIT_5C (256'h133C133813341330132C132813241320131C131813141310130C130813041300)
, .INIT_5D (256'h137C137813741370136C136813641360135C135813541350134C134813441340)
, .INIT_5E (256'h13BC13B813B413B013AC13A813A413A0139C139813941390138C138813841380)
, .INIT_5F (256'h0FFC13F813F413F013EC13E813E413E013DC13D813D413D013CC13C813C413C0)
, .INIT_60 (256'h103C103810341030102C102810241020101C101810141010100C100810041000)
, .INIT_61 (256'h107C107810741070106C106810641060105C105810541050104C104810441040)
, .INIT_62 (256'h10BC10B810B410B010AC10A810A410A0109C109810941090108C108810841080)
, .INIT_63 (256'h10FC10F810F410F010EC10E810E410E010DC10D810D410D010CC10C810C410C0)
, .INIT_64 (256'h113C113811341130112C112811241120111C111811141110110C110811041100)
, .INIT_65 (256'h117C117811741170116C116811641160115C115811541150114C114811441140)
, .INIT_66 (256'h11BC11B811B411B011AC11A811A411A0119C119811941190118C118811841180)
, .INIT_67 (256'h11FC11F811F411F011EC11E811E411E011DC11D811D411D011CC11C811C411C0)
, .INIT_68 (256'h123C123812341230122C122812241220121C121812141210120C120812041200)
, .INIT_69 (256'h127C127812741270126C126812641260125C125812541250124C124812441240)
, .INIT_6A (256'h12BC12B812B412B012AC12A812A412A0129C129812941290128C128812841280)
, .INIT_6B (256'h12FC12F812F412F012EC12E812E412E012DC12D812D412D012CC12C812C412C0)
, .INIT_6C (256'h133C133813341330132C132813241320131C131813141310130C130813041300)
, .INIT_6D (256'h137C137813741370136C136813641360135C135813541350134C134813441340)
, .INIT_6E (256'h13BC13B813B413B013AC13A813A413A0139C139813941390138C138813841380)
, .INIT_6F (256'h0FFC13F813F413F013EC13E813E413E013DC13D813D413D013CC13C813C413C0)
, .INIT_70 (256'h103C103810341030102C102810241020101C101810141010100C100810041000)
, .INIT_71 (256'h107C107810741070106C106810641060105C105810541050104C104810441040)
, .INIT_72 (256'h10BC10B810B410B010AC10A810A410A0109C109810941090108C108810841080)
, .INIT_73 (256'h10FC10F810F410F010EC10E810E410E010DC10D810D410D010CC10C810C410C0)
, .INIT_74 (256'h113C113811341130112C112811241120111C111811141110110C110811041100)
, .INIT_75 (256'h117C117811741170116C116811641160115C115811541150114C114811441140)
, .INIT_76 (256'h11BC11B811B411B011AC11A811A411A0119C119811941190118C118811841180)
, .INIT_77 (256'h11FC11F811F411F011EC11E811E411E011DC11D811D411D011CC11C811C411C0)
, .INIT_78 (256'h123C123812341230122C122812241220121C121812141210120C120812041200)
, .INIT_79 (256'h127C127812741270126C126812641260125C125812541250124C124812441240)
, .INIT_7A (256'h12BC12B812B412B012AC12A812A412A0129C129812941290128C128812841280)
, .INIT_7B (256'h12FC12F812F412F012EC12E812E412E012DC12D812D412D012CC12C812C412C0)
, .INIT_7C (256'h133C133813341330132C132813241320131C131813141310130C130813041300)
, .INIT_7D (256'h137C137813741370136C136813641360135C135813541350134C134813441340)
, .INIT_7E (256'h13BC13B813B413B013AC13A813A413A0139C139813941390138C138813841380)
, .INIT_7F (256'h0FFC13F813F413F013EC13E813E413E013DC13D813D413D013CC13C813C413C0)
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