Commit 0f61407f authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added DSP control and signal paths

parent 83f0444a
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module phase_rotator#(
input signed [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_h, //!< subpixel shift horizontal
input signed [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_v, //!< subpixel shift vertical
// input data CC,CS,SC,SS in column scan order (matching DTT)
input signed [FD_WIDTH-1:0] fd_din, //!< frequency domain data in
input signed [FD_WIDTH-1:0] fd_din, //!< frequency domain data in, LATENCY=3 from start
output reg signed [FD_WIDTH-1:0] fd_out, //!< frequency domain data in
output reg pre_first_out, //!< 1 cycle before output data valid
output reg fd_dv //!< output data valid
......@@ -64,21 +64,16 @@ module phase_rotator#(
// Signed subpixel shifts in the range [-0.5,0.5) are converted to sign and [0,0.5] and both limits are fit to the same slot as
// the shift -0.5 : cos((i+0.5)/16*pi), -sin((i+0.5)/16*pi) for i=0..7 is symmetrical around the center (odd for sine, even - cosine)
// ROM input MSB - 0- cos, 1 - sin, 3 LSB s - index (0..7). Signs for cos and sin are passed to DSPs
// shift i ROM A[8:3] ROM A[2:0] sign cos sign sin
// 1000000 (-0.5) 000 0 000 0 1
// 001 0 001 0 1
// 010 0 010 0 1
// 011 0 011 0 1
// 100 0 011 1 1
// 101 0 010 1 1
// 110 0 001 1 1
// 111 0 000 1 1
// shift i sin ROM[9] ROM A[8:3] ROM A[2:0] sign cos sign sin
// 1000000 (-0.5) nnn 0 1 0 ~nnn 0 1
// nnn 1 1 0 nnn 0 1
// 1xxxxxx (<0) nnn -xxxxxx nnn 0 1
// 1xxxxxx (<0) nnn s s -xxxxxx nnn 0 1
// 0000000 (==0) nnn 0 100 0 0
// 0000000 (==0) nnn 0 0 0 0 0 0
// nnn 1 0 0 1 0 0
// 0xxxxxx (>0) nnn xxxxxx nnn 0 0
// 0xxxxxx (>0) nnn s s xxxxxx nnn 0 0
reg [5:0] start_d; // delayed versions of start (TODO: adjust length)
reg [7:0] cntr_h; // input sample counter
......@@ -87,7 +82,7 @@ module phase_rotator#(
wire run_v;
wire run_hv = run_h || run_v;
reg [2:0] hv_index; // horizontal/vertical index
reg [1:0] hv_phase; //
// reg [16:0] dsp_phase; //
reg hv_sin; // 0 - cos, 1 - sin
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_hr;
......@@ -95,13 +90,16 @@ module phase_rotator#(
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_vr;
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_hv; // combined horizonta and vertical shifts to match cntr_mux;
reg sign_cs; // sign for cos / sin, feed to DSP
wire sign_cs_d; // sign_cs delayed by 3 clocks
reg [1:0] sign_cs_r; // sign_cs delayed by 5 clocks
reg [SHIFT_WIDTH-2:0] rom_a_shift; // ~shift absolute value
reg [2:0] rom_a_indx; // rom index (hor/vert)
reg rom_a_sin; // rom cos =0; sin = 1
wire [SHIFT_WIDTH+2:0] rom_a = {rom_a_sin,rom_a_shift,rom_a_indx};
wire shift_ends_0 = shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-2:0] == 0;
reg [1:0] rom_re_regen;
reg [2:0] rom_re_regen;
wire signed [DSP_B_WIDTH-1:0] cos_sin_w;
wire mux_v = run_v && cntr_v[1];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst) start_d <= 0;
......@@ -109,31 +107,35 @@ module phase_rotator#(
if (start) shift_hr <= shift_h;
if (start) shift_v0 <= shift_v;
if (start_d[5]) shift_vr <= shift_v0;
if (start_d[3]) shift_vr <= shift_v0;
if (rst) run_h <= 0;
else if (start_d[0]) run_h <= 1;
else if (start) run_h <= 1;
else if (&cntr_h) run_h <= 0;
if (!run_h) cntr_h <= 0;
else cntr_h <= cntr_h + 1;
if (!run_hv) hv_phase <= 0;
else hv_phase <= hv_phase + 1;
// if (!run_hv) hv_phase <= 0;
// else hv_phase <= hv_phase + 1;
// combine horizontal and vertical counters and shifts to feed to ROM
hv_index <= (run_v && cntr_v[1]) ? cntr_v[4:2] : cntr_h[7:5]; // input data "down first" (transposed)
hv_sin <= (run_v && cntr_v[1]) ? cntr_v[0] : cntr_h[0];
shift_hv <= (run_v && cntr_v[1]) ? shift_vr : shift_hr;
hv_index <= mux_v ? cntr_v[4:2] : cntr_h[7:5]; // input data "down first" (transposed)
hv_sin <= mux_v ? cntr_v[0] : cntr_h[0];
shift_hv <= mux_v ? shift_vr : shift_hr;
// convert index, shift to ROM address
rom_a_indx <= shift_ends_0 ? (shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-1]?{1'b0,hv_index[2]?~hv_index[1:0]:hv_index[1:0]}:3'h4) : hv_index;
rom_a_indx <= shift_ends_0 ? (shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-1]?({3{~hv_sin}} ^ hv_index) : +{2'b0,hv_sin}) : hv_index;
rom_a_shift <= shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-1] ? -shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-2:0] : shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-2:0];
rom_a_sin <= hv_sin;
sign_cs <= shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-1] & ( hv_sin | (shift_ends_0 & hv_index[2]));
rom_a_sin <= shift_ends_0 ? shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-1] : hv_sin;
// sign_cs <= shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-1] & ( hv_sin | (shift_ends_0 & hv_index[2]));
sign_cs <= shift_hv[SHIFT_WIDTH-1] & hv_sin;
rom_re_regen <= {rom_re_regen[1:0],run_hv};
rom_re_regen <= {rom_re_regen[0],run_hv};
sign_cs_r <= {sign_cs_r[0], sign_cs_d};
......@@ -148,6 +150,18 @@ module phase_rotator#(
.dout ({run_v, cntr_v}) // output[0:0]
dly_var #(
) dly_cntrv_i (
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.dly (4'h2), // input[3:0]
.din (sign_cs), // input[0:0]
.dout (sign_cs_d) // output[0:0]
ram18tp_var_w_var_r #(
......@@ -160,8 +174,8 @@ module phase_rotator#(
.clk_a (clk), // input
.addr_a (rom_a), // input[9:0]
.en_a (rom_re_regen[0]), // input
.regen_a (rom_re_regen[1]), // input
.en_a (rom_re_regen[1]), // input
.regen_a (rom_re_regen[2]), // input
.we_a (1'b0), // input
.data_out_a(cos_sin_w), // output[17:0]
.data_in_a (18'b0), // input[17:0]
......@@ -174,6 +188,64 @@ module phase_rotator#(
.data_in_b (18'b0) // input[17:0]
// Registers for DSP control
reg ceb1_1, ceb1_2, ceb1_3, ceb1_4;
reg ceb2_1, ceb2_2, ceb2_3, ceb2_4;
reg selb_1, selb_2, selb_3, selb_4;
wire signed [DSP_A_WIDTH-1:0] ain_34 = pout_1[DSP_P_WIDTH-1 -: FD_WIDTH]; // bit select from pout_1
wire signed [DSP_A_WIDTH-1:0] din_34 = pout_2[DSP_P_WIDTH-1 -: FD_WIDTH]; // bit select from pout_1
reg cea1_1, cea1_2, cea1_3, cea1_4;
reg cea2_1, cea2_2, ced_3, ced_4;
reg sela_1, sela_2, end_3, end_4;
reg cead_1, cead_2, cead_3, cead_4;
reg negm_1, negm_2, negm_3, negm_4;
reg accum_1, accum_2, accum_3, accum_4;
wire signed [DSP_P_WIDTH-1:0] pout_1;
wire signed [DSP_P_WIDTH-1:0] pout_2;
wire signed [DSP_P_WIDTH-1:0] pout_3;
wire signed [DSP_P_WIDTH-1:0] pout_4;
reg omux_sel;
wire pre_dv = |ph[16:13];
reg [16:0] ph; // DSP pre phase,
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) ph <= 0;
else ph <= {ph[15:0], run_h & ~cntr_h[0] & cntr_h[1]};
cea1_1 <= ph[0]; cea2_1 <= ph[2]; cea1_2 <= ph[1]; cea2_2 <= ph[3];
ceb1_1 <= ph[3]; ceb2_1 <= ph[2]; ceb1_2 <= ph[2] | ph[3]; ceb2_2 <= ph[3];
cead_1 <= |ph[5:2]; cead_2 <= |ph[6:3];
// 1 cycle ahead
sela_1 <= ph[2] | ph[4]; sela_2 <= ph[3] | ph[5];
selb_1 <= ph[2] | ph[5]; selb_2 <= ph[3] | ph[6];
// 0 1 0 0
negm_1 <= (ph[3] ^ sign_cs_d) | (~ph[4] ^ sign_cs_d) | (ph[5] ^ sign_cs_r[1]) | (ph[6] ^ sign_cs_r[1]);
negm_2 <= (ph[4] ^ sign_cs_d) | (~ph[5] ^ sign_cs_d) | (ph[6] ^ sign_cs_r[1]) | (ph[7] ^ sign_cs_r[1]);
accum_1 <= ph[4] | ph[6]; accum_2 <= ph[5] | ph[7];
// vertical shift DSPs
cea1_3 <= ph[6]; ced_3 <= ph[7]; cea1_4 <= ph[8]; ced_4 <= ph[9];
ceb1_3 <= ph[9]; ceb2_3 <= ph[8]; ceb1_4 <= ph[8] | ph[9]; ceb2_4 <= ph[9];
cead_3 <= |ph[11:8]; cead_4 <= |ph[12:9];
// 1 cycle ahead
end_3 <= ph[10] | ph[8]; end_4 <= ph[11] | ph[9];
selb_3 <= ph[8] | ph[11]; selb_4 <= ph[9] | ph[12];
negm_4 <= (ph[ 9] ^ sign_cs_d) | (~ph[10] ^ sign_cs_d) | (ph[11] ^ sign_cs_r[1]) | (ph[12] ^ sign_cs_r[1]);
negm_3 <= (ph[10] ^ sign_cs_d) | (~ph[11] ^ sign_cs_d) | (ph[12] ^ sign_cs_r[1]) | (ph[13] ^ sign_cs_r[1]);
accum_3 <= ph[10] | ph[12]; accum_4 <= ph[11] | ph[13];
omux_sel <= ph[13] | ph[15];
fd_dv <= pre_dv;
if (pre_dv) fd_out <= omux_sel ? pout_4[DSP_P_WIDTH-1 -: FD_WIDTH] : pout_3[DSP_P_WIDTH-1 -: FD_WIDTH];
pre_first_out <= ph[12];
output reg signed [FD_WIDTH-1:0] fd_out, //!< frequency domain data in
// horizontal shift stage
dsp_ma_preadd #(
......@@ -183,25 +255,25 @@ module phase_rotator#(
) dsp_1_i (
.clk(), // input
.rst(), // input
.bin(), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1(), // input
.ceb2(), // input
.selb(), // input
.ain(), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1(), // input
.cea2(), // input
.din(), // input[24:0] signed
.ced(), // input
.cead(), // input
.sela(), // input
.en_a(), // input
.en_d(), // input
.sub_a(), // input
.neg_m(), // input
.accum(), // input
.pout() // output[47:0] signed
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.bin (cos_sin_w), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1 (ceb1_1), // input
.ceb2 (ceb2_1), // input
.selb (selb_1), // input
.ain (fd_din), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1 (cea1_1), // input
.cea2 (cea2_1), // input
.din (25'b0), // input[24:0] signed
.ced (1'b0), // input
.cead (cead_1), // input
.sela (sela_1), // input
.en_a (1'b1), // input
.en_d (1'b0), // input
.sub_a (1'b0), // input
.neg_m (negm_1), // input
.accum (accum_1), // input
.pout (pout_1) // output[47:0] signed
dsp_ma_preadd #(
......@@ -211,25 +283,25 @@ module phase_rotator#(
) dsp_2_i (
.clk(), // input
.rst(), // input
.bin(), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1(), // input
.ceb2(), // input
.selb(), // input
.ain(), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1(), // input
.cea2(), // input
.din(), // input[24:0] signed
.ced(), // input
.cead(), // input
.sela(), // input
.en_a(), // input
.en_d(), // input
.sub_a(), // input
.neg_m(), // input
.accum(), // input
.pout() // output[47:0] signed
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.bin (cos_sin_w), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1 (ceb1_2), // input
.ceb2 (ceb2_2), // input
.selb (selb_2), // input
.ain (fd_din), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1 (cea1_2), // input
.cea2 (cea2_2), // input
.din (25'b0), // input[24:0] signed
.ced (1'b0), // input
.cead (cead_2), // input
.sela (sela_2), // input
.en_a (1'b1), // input
.en_d (1'b0), // input
.sub_a (1'b0), // input
.neg_m (negm_2), // input
.accum (accum_2), // input
.pout (pout_2) // output[47:0] signed
// vertical shift stage
......@@ -241,25 +313,25 @@ module phase_rotator#(
) dsp_3_i (
.clk(), // input
.rst(), // input
.bin(), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1(), // input
.ceb2(), // input
.selb(), // input
.ain(), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1(), // input
.cea2(), // input
.din(), // input[24:0] signed
.ced(), // input
.cead(), // input
.sela(), // input
.en_a(), // input
.en_d(), // input
.sub_a(), // input
.neg_m(), // input
.accum(), // input
.pout() // output[47:0] signed
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.bin (cos_sin_w), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1 (ceb1_3), // input
.ceb2 (ceb2_3), // input
.selb (selb_3), // input
.ain (ain_34), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1 (cea1_3), // input
.cea2 (1'b0), // input
.din (din_34), // input[24:0] signed
.ced (ced_3), // input
.cead (cead_3), // input
.sela (1'b0), // input
.en_a (~end_3), // input
.en_d (end_3), // input
.sub_a (1'b0), // input
.neg_m (negm_3), // input
.accum (accum_3), // input
.pout (pout_3) // output[47:0] signed
dsp_ma_preadd #(
......@@ -269,27 +341,26 @@ module phase_rotator#(
) dsp_4_i (
.clk(), // input
.rst(), // input
.bin(), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1(), // input
.ceb2(), // input
.selb(), // input
.ain(), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1(), // input
.cea2(), // input
.din(), // input[24:0] signed
.ced(), // input
.cead(), // input
.sela(), // input
.en_a(), // input
.en_d(), // input
.sub_a(), // input
.neg_m(), // input
.accum(), // input
.pout() // output[47:0] signed
.clk (clk), // input
.rst (rst), // input
.bin (cos_sin_w), // input[17:0] signed
.ceb1 (ceb1_4), // input
.ceb2 (ceb2_4), // input
.selb (selb_4), // input
.ain (ain_34), // input[24:0] signed
.cea1 (cea1_4), // input
.cea2 (1'b0), // input
.din (din_34), // input[24:0] signed
.ced (ced_4), // input
.cead (cead_4), // input
.sela (1'b0), // input
.en_a (~end_4), // input
.en_d (end_4), // input
.sub_a (1'b0), // input
.neg_m (negm_4), // input
.accum (accum_4), // input
.pout (pout_4) // output[47:0] signed
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