#WARNING: [Vivado 12-4777] Setting CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint on the PARENT net instead of the specified net segment (net name: sensors393_i/sensor_channel_block[0].sensor_channel_i/sens_10398_i/sens_hispi12l4_i/sens_hispi_clock_i/clk_in). Placer only honors CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE when set on the PARENT net, e.g. net segment directly connected to the driver. To eliminate this message, please update your constraint to specify the PARENT net instead. [/home/xilinx/vdt/x393/x393_timing.tcl:68]
#WARNING: [Vivado 12-4777] Setting CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint on the PARENT net instead of the specified net segment (net name: sensors393_i/sensor_channel_block[0].sensor_channel_i/sens_10398_i/sens_hispi12l4_i/sens_hispi_clock_i/clk_in). Placer only honors CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE when set on the PARENT net, e.g. net segment directly connected to the driver. To eliminate this message, please update your constraint to specify the PARENT net instead. [/home/xilinx/vdt/x393/x393_timing.tcl:68]