Commit 08928315 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

notes with new simulation commands/comments gor gpio and command sequencer

parent 865a8cef
......@@ -1128,7 +1128,42 @@ compressor_control all 3
jpeg_sim_multi 8
jpeg_sim_multi 8
################## Simulate Parallel ####################
./py393/ @py393/cocoargs --simulated=localhost:7777
measure_all "*DI"
setup_all_sensors True None 0xf
set_sensor_io_ctl all None None 1 # Set ARO low - check if it is still needed?
#just testing
set_gpio_ports 1 # enable software gpio pins - just for testing. Also needed for legacy i2c!
set_gpio_pins 0 1 # pin 0 low, pin 1 - high
#sequencer test
#ctrl_cmd_frame_sequencer <num_sensor> <reset=False> <start=False> <stop=False>
ctrl_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 1 0
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 1 0x700 0x6
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 3 0x700 0xa000
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 1 0 0x700 0x90
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 2 0x700 0xe00
write_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 3 0x700 0xa
#set_sensor_io_dly_hispi all 0x48 0x68 0x68 0x68 0x68
#set_sensor_io_ctl all None None None None None 1 None # load all delays?
compressor_control all None None None None None 2
compressor_interrupt_control all clr
compressor_interrupt_control all en
compressor_control all 3
jpeg_sim_multi 4
jpeg_sim_multi 8
jpeg_sim_multi 8
ctrl_cmd_frame_sequencer 0 0 1 0
ctrl_cmd_frame_sequencer <num_sensor> <reset=False> <start=False> <stop=False>
#set_gpio_ports <port_soft=None> <port_a=None> <port_b=None> <port_c=None>
set_gpio_ports 1 # enable software gpio pins - just for testing. Also needed for legacy i2c!
set_sensor_io_ctl <num_sensor> <mrst=None> <arst=None> <aro=None> <mmcm_rst=None> <clk_sel=None> <set_delays=False> <quadrants=None>
wait_irq 0xf0 100000
wait_irq 0x0 100
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