Commit 0651004e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

debugging lens_flat, will fix 353 bug

parent 3d7d6607
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
reg [3:0] sub_frame_late_d; // add extra stages if needed
reg pre_first_line;
reg inc_sub_frame;
reg [ 8:0] hact_d; // lens_corr_out; /// lens correction out valid (first clock from column0 )
reg [ 9:0] hact_d; // lens_corr_out; /// lens correction out valid (first clock from column0 )
wire [15:0] pxd_d; // pxd_in delayed buy 4 clocks
reg [ 2:0] newline;
wire sof_d; // delayed sof_in by 5 clocks to init first lens_flat393_line
......@@ -158,11 +158,9 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
// wire sync_bayer=linerun && ~lens_corr_out[0];
wire sync_bayer=hact_d[2] && ~hact_d[3];
// Has to be valid @ hact_d[4], using sub_frame_late_d (valid at hact_d[3] to ease timing (there is always >=1 hact gap)
// sub_frame_late_d[3:2] sets 1 cycle ahead of needed, OK to ease timing (there is always >=1 hact gap)
wire [17:0] pix_zero = {2'b0,pxd_d[15:0]}-{{2{fatzero_in_ram[sub_frame_late_d[3:2]][15]}},fatzero_in_ram[sub_frame_late_d[3:2]][15:0]};
// Writing to register files @mclk (4 per-subframe registers for coefficients, 4x4 - for per-subframe per-color scales)
// these registers will be read out at other clock (pclk)
wire set_lens_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a == SENS_LENS_COEFF );
......@@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
assign subchannel = sub_frame ;
assign last_in_sub = inc_sub_frame;
assign hact_out = hact_d[8];
assign hact_out = hact_d[9];
always @(posedge mclk) begin
cmd_data_r <= cmd_data;
......@@ -199,22 +197,23 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
always @ (posedge pclk) begin
hact_d <= {hact_d[7:0],hact_in};
hact_d <= {hact_d[8:0],hact_in};
newline <= {newline[1:0], hact_in && !hact_d[0]};
// line_start <= newline; // make it SR?
if (sof_in) pre_first_line <= 1;
else if (newline) pre_first_line <= 0;
else if (newline[0]) pre_first_line <= 0;
if (pre_first_line || newline) inc_sub_frame <= (sub_frame != (SENS_NUM_SUBCHN - 1)) && (line_cntr == 0);
if (pre_first_line || newline[0]) inc_sub_frame <= (sub_frame != (SENS_NUM_SUBCHN - 1)) && (line_cntr == 0);
sub_frame_early <= sub_frame + inc_sub_frame;
if (pre_first_line) sub_frame <= 0;
else if (newline) sub_frame <= sub_frame_early;
else if (newline[0]) sub_frame <= sub_frame_early;
if (pre_first_line || (newline[1] && inc_sub_frame)) line_cntr <= heights_m1_ram[sub_frame];
if (newline[2]) sub_frame_late <= sub_frame;
// if (newline[2]) sub_frame_late <= sub_frame;
if (newline[1]) sub_frame_late <= sub_frame;
sub_frame_late_d <= {sub_frame_late_d[1:0],sub_frame_late}; // valid @ hact_d[3], use @hact_d[4] as there is always >= 1 clock HACT gap
......@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
3'h7:mult_first_scaled[17:0]<= (~mult_first_res[35] & |mult_first_res[34:26]) ? 18'h1ffff:mult_first_res[26: 9];
if (hact_d[6]) pxd_out[15:0] <= pre_pixdo_with_zero[20]? 16'h0: /// negative - use 0
if (hact_d[8]) pxd_out[15:0] <= pre_pixdo_with_zero[20]? 16'h0: /// negative - use 0
((|pre_pixdo_with_zero[19:16])?16'hffff: ///>0xffff - limit by 0xffff
......@@ -254,13 +253,13 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
// wire [17:0] mul2_b = mult_first_scaled[17:0]; // TODO - delay to have a register!
reg [35:0] mul2_p;
always @ (posedge pclk) begin
if (hact_d[2]) mul1_a <= (FXY[18]==FXY[17])?FXY[17:0]:(FXY[18]?18'h20000:18'h1ffff);
if (hact_d[2]) mul1_b <= {1'b0,scales_ram[{sub_frame_late,~color[1:0]}]};
if (hact_d[3]) mul1_p <= mul1_a * mul1_b;
if (hact_d[3]) mul1_a <= (FXY[18]==FXY[17])?FXY[17:0]:(FXY[18]?18'h20000:18'h1ffff);
if (hact_d[3]) mul1_b <= {1'b0,scales_ram[{sub_frame_late,~color[1:0]}]};
if (hact_d[4]) mul1_p <= mul1_a * mul1_b;
if (hact_d[4]) mul2_a <= pix_zero[17:0]; // adjust sub_frame delay
if (hact_d[4]) mul2_b <= mult_first_scaled[17:0]; // 18-bit multiplier input - always positive
if (hact_d[5]) mul2_p <= mul2_a * mul2_b;
if (hact_d[6]) mul2_a <= pix_zero[17:0]; // adjust sub_frame delay
if (hact_d[6]) mul2_b <= mult_first_scaled[17:0]; // 18-bit multiplier input - always positive
if (hact_d[7]) mul2_p <= mul2_a * mul2_b;
assign mult_first_res = mul1_p;
assign mult_second_res = mul2_p;
......@@ -288,7 +287,7 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
) dly_16_sof_eof_i (
.clk (pclk), // input
.rst (prst), // input
.dly (4'd7), // input[3:0]
.dly (4'd8), // input[3:0]
.din ({sof_in,eof_in}), // input[0:0]
.dout ({sof_out,eof_out}) // output[0:0]
......@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
) dly_16_pxd_i (
.clk (pclk), // input
.rst (prst), // input
.dly (4'd4), // input[3:0]
.dly (4'd6), // input[3:0]
.din (pxd_in), // input[0:0]
.dout (pxd_d) // output[0:0]
......@@ -339,12 +338,12 @@ module lens_flat393 #(
.pclk (pclk), // pixel clock
.first (newline[0]), // initialize running parameters from the inputs (first column). Should be at least 1-cycle gap between "first" and first "next"
.next (hact_d[1]), // calcualte next pixel
.next (hact_d[2]), // calcualte next pixel
.F0 (FY), // value of the output in the first column (before saturation), 18 bit, unsigned
.ERR0 (ERR_Y), // initial value of the running error (-2.0<err<+2.0), scaled by 2^22, so 24 bits
.A0 (AX_ram[sub_frame_early]), // Ax(Y), signed
.B0 (BX_ram[sub_frame_early]), // Bx(Y), signed
.F (FXY),
.F (FXY), // valid 2 clocks after next (for the second pixel), next cycle after next - for the first pixel
......@@ -1950,8 +1950,8 @@ task setup_sensor_channel;
// add mode "DIRECT", "ASAP", "RELATIVE", "ABSOLUTE" and frame number
0, // input [18:0] AX;
0, // input [18:0] AY;
19'h20000, // 0, // input [18:0] AX;
19'h20000, // 0, // input [18:0] AY;
0, // input [20:0] BX;
0, // input [20:0] BY;
'h8000, // input [18:0] C;
......@@ -1962,7 +1962,10 @@ task setup_sensor_channel;
0, // input [15:0] fatzero_in;
0, // input [15:0] fatzero_out;
1); // input [ 3:0] post_scale;
cpu_wr('h63,'h31020000); // [AX] => 0x20000
cpu_wr('h63,'h310a0000); // [AY] => 0x20000
$display("===================== TEST_%s =========================",TEST_TITLE);
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