Commit ffb8037f authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

making design to work with XST ISE 14.7

parent fbce217a
......@@ -14,5 +14,10 @@
......@@ -955,71 +955,27 @@ dcc_sync i_dcc_sync(//.clk(clk),
always @ (negedge clk2x) wr_saturation_d <= wr_saturation;
FDE_1 i_m_cb0 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 0]),.Q(m_cb[0]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb1 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 1]),.Q(m_cb[1]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb2 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 2]),.Q(m_cb[2]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb3 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 3]),.Q(m_cb[3]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb4 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 4]),.Q(m_cb[4]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb5 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 5]),.Q(m_cb[5]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb6 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 6]),.Q(m_cb[6]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb7 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 7]),.Q(m_cb[7]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb8 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 8]),.Q(m_cb[8]));
FDE_1 i_m_cb9 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 9]),.Q(m_cb[9]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr0 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation), .D(di[12]),.Q(m_cr[0]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr1 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation), .D(di[13]),.Q(m_cr[1]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr2 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation), .D(di[14]),.Q(m_cr[2]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr3 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation), .D(di[15]),.Q(m_cr[3]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr4 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 0]),.Q(m_cr[4]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr5 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 1]),.Q(m_cr[5]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr6 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 2]),.Q(m_cr[6]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr7 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 3]),.Q(m_cr[7]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr8 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 4]),.Q(m_cr[8]));
FDE_1 i_m_cr9 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 5]),.Q(m_cr[9]));
//synthesis translate_off
defparam i_m_cb0.INIT = 1'b0; // 'h90
defparam i_m_cb1.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cb2.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cb3.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cb4.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_m_cb5.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cb6.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cb7.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_m_cb8.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cb9.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cr0.INIT = 1'b0; //'hb6
defparam i_m_cr1.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_m_cr2.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_m_cr3.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cr4.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_m_cr5.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_m_cr6.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cr7.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_m_cr8.INIT = 1'b0;
defparam i_m_cr9.INIT = 1'b0;
//synthesis translate_on
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb0 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb1 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb2 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb3 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb4 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb5 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb6 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb7 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb8 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cb9 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr0 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr1 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr2 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr3 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr4 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr5 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr6 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr7 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr8 is "0"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_m_cr9 is "0"
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cb0 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 0]),.Q(m_cb[0]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cb1 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 1]),.Q(m_cb[1]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cb2 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 2]),.Q(m_cb[2]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cb3 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 3]),.Q(m_cb[3]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_m_cb4 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 4]),.Q(m_cb[4]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cb5 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 5]),.Q(m_cb[5]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cb6 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 6]),.Q(m_cb[6]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_m_cb7 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 7]),.Q(m_cb[7]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cb8 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 8]),.Q(m_cb[8]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cb9 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation),.D(di[ 9]),.Q(m_cb[9]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cr0 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation), .D(di[12]),.Q(m_cr[0]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_m_cr1 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation), .D(di[13]),.Q(m_cr[1]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_m_cr2 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation), .D(di[14]),.Q(m_cr[2]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cr3 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation), .D(di[15]),.Q(m_cr[3]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_m_cr4 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 0]),.Q(m_cr[4]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_m_cr5 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 1]),.Q(m_cr[5]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cr6 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 2]),.Q(m_cr[6]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_m_cr7 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 3]),.Q(m_cr[7]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cr8 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 4]),.Q(m_cr[8]));
FDE_1 #(.INIT(1'b0)) i_m_cr9 (.C(clk2x),.CE(wr_saturation_d),.D(di[ 5]),.Q(m_cr[9]));
//always @ (negedge clk2x) wr_quantizer_mode_d <= wr_quantizer_mode;
......@@ -365,39 +365,12 @@ module zigzag (clk,
ROM32X1 i_z0 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[0]));
ROM32X1 i_z1 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[1]));
ROM32X1 i_z2 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[2]));
ROM32X1 i_z3 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[3]));
ROM32X1 i_z4 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[4]));
ROM32X1 i_z5 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[5]));
//C67319CC 611A7896 6357A260 4A040C18 8C983060 F0E0C080
// transposed! (old was 93D94C66 16A1A578 D0244EBC 7BF6E8F0 9C3870C0 E0C08000
//synthesis translate_off
/* defparam i_z0.INIT = 32'h93D94C66;
defparam i_z1.INIT = 32'h16A1A578;
defparam i_z2.INIT = 32'hD0244EBC;
defparam i_z3.INIT = 32'h7BF6E8F0;
defparam i_z4.INIT = 32'h9C3870C0;
defparam i_z5.INIT = 32'hE0C08000;
defparam i_z0.INIT = 32'hC67319CC;
defparam i_z1.INIT = 32'h611A7896;
defparam i_z2.INIT = 32'h6357A260;
defparam i_z3.INIT = 32'h4A040C18;
defparam i_z4.INIT = 32'h8C983060;
defparam i_z5.INIT = 32'hF0E0C080;
//synthesis translate_on
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z0 is "C67319CC"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z1 is "611A7896"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z2 is "6357A260"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z3 is "4A040C18"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z4 is "8C983060"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z5 is "F0E0C080"
ROM32X1 #(.INIT(32'hC67319CC)) i_z0 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[0]));
ROM32X1 #(.INIT(32'h611A7896)) i_z1 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[1]));
ROM32X1 #(.INIT(32'h6357A260)) i_z2 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[2]));
ROM32X1 #(.INIT(32'h4A040C18)) i_z3 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[3]));
ROM32X1 #(.INIT(32'h8C983060)) i_z4 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[4]));
ROM32X1 #(.INIT(32'hF0E0C080)) i_z5 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[5]));
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module dcm333(
wire isdclk0, isdclk90, isdclk180, isdclk270;
wire ixclk;
wire gsdclk; //used only for the feedback
// wire gsdclk; //used only for the feedback
wire isdclk;
reg dcm_done;
wire dcm_done_dcm; // single-cycle
......@@ -65,7 +65,16 @@ module dcm333(
// second - adjustable DCM. Will be adjusted so read DQS (dependent on SDCLK) will be aligned with sclk90/270
// maybe will need some delay as there is DLL in SDRAM and responce may be slow.
DCM i_dcm2(
DCM #(
.CLKIN_PERIOD (8.33333),
) i_dcm2(
.CLKIN (sclk),
.CLKFB (isdclk90),
.RST (dcm_rst),
......@@ -88,28 +97,6 @@ DCM i_dcm2(
.STATUS (status[7:0]),
.LOCKED (locked),
.PSDONE (dcm_done_dcm));
// s-ynthesis attribute loc of i_dcm2 is "DCM_X1Y1"
// synthesis attribute CLK_FEEDBACK of i_dcm2 is "1X"
// synthesis attribute CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 of i_dcm2 is "FALSE"
// synthesis attribute CLKIN_PERIOD of i_dcm2 is 8.33333
// synthesis attribute CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT of i_dcm2 is "VARIABLE"
// synthesis attribute DESKEW_ADJUST of i_dcm2 is "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS"
// synthesis attribute DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE of i_dcm2 is "LOW"
// synthesis attribute DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION of i_dcm2 is "TRUE"
// put here default phase shift ....
// synthesis attribute PHASE_SHIFT of i_dcm2 is 0
// synthesis translate_off
defparam i_dcm2.CLK_FEEDBACK="1X";
defparam i_dcm2.CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2="FALSE";
defparam i_dcm2.CLKIN_PERIOD=8.33333;
defparam i_dcm2.DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE="LOW";
defparam i_dcm2.PHASE_SHIFT=0;
// synthesis translate_on
// BUFG i_gsdclk (.I(isdclk90), .O(gsdclk));
......@@ -152,7 +139,14 @@ module clockios353(
IBUFG i_iclk0 (.I(CLK0), .O(iclk0));
// DCM - just 4 phases out
DCM i_dcm1(
DCM #(
) i_dcm1(
.CLKIN (iclk0),
.CLKFB (sclk0),
.RST (dcmrst), .PSEN (1'b0),.PSINCDEC (1'b0), .PSCLK (1'b0),.DSSEN (1'b0),
......@@ -168,21 +162,6 @@ DCM i_dcm1(
.STATUS (status[7:0]),
.LOCKED (locked),
.PSDONE ());
// s- ynthesis attribute loc of i_dcm1 is "DCM_X0Y0"
// synthesis attribute CLK_FEEDBACK of i_dcm1 is "1X"
// synthesis attribute CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 of i_dcm1 is "FALSE"
// synthesis attribute CLKIN_PERIOD of i_dcm1 is 8.33333
// synthesis attribute DESKEW_ADJUST of i_dcm1 is "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS"
// synthesis attribute DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE of i_dcm1 is "LOW"
// synthesis attribute DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION of i_dcm1 is "TRUE"
// synthesis translate_off
defparam i_dcm1.CLK_FEEDBACK="1X";
defparam i_dcm1.CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2="FALSE";
defparam i_dcm1.CLKIN_PERIOD=8.33333;
defparam i_dcm1.DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE="LOW";
// synthesis translate_on
BUFG i_sclk0 (.I(isclk0),. O(sclk0));
// s-ynthesis attribute loc of i_sclk0 is "BUFGMUX0"
/* BUFG i_sclk90 (.I(isclk90), .O(sclk90)); */
......@@ -193,152 +172,5 @@ DCM i_dcm1(
// s-ynthesis attribute loc of i_sclk270 is "BUFGMUX3"
module clock_pclk( clk0, // global clock (phase =0)
CLK1, // external input clock
pclk, // global clock, sensor pixel rate
clk_en, // enable clock output to sensor
pclk_src,// [3:0] - source fror the pclk
dclk); // clock output to sensor (sync to pclk)
input CLK1,clk0,clk_en;
input [3:0] pclk_src;
output pclk,dclk;
wire ipclk,dclk,pclk;
reg clk_en_r;
IBUF i_iclk1 (.I(CLK1), .O(iclk1));
// and global clock (divided by 1, 1.5,2,...,8)
pclk_cntrl i_pclk_cntrl(.ext_clk(iclk1), // external clock, may be stopped (will wait for up to 16 clk periods?)
.clk(clk0), // always running global clock
.div(pclk_src[3:0]), // 0: q=ext_clk
// 1: q=clk - temporary made clk/1.5 - not to fry MI1300
// 2: q=clk/1.5
//...0'hf: q=clk/8
.q(ipclk)); // output clock
always @ (posedge pclk) clk_en_r<=clk_en;
assign dclk=!clk_en_r || !ipclk;
BUFG i_pclk (.I(ipclk), .O(pclk));
// switches between external clock (no divisor)
// and global clock (divided by 1, 1.5,2,...,8)
module pclk_cntrl(ext_clk, // external clock, may be stopped (will wait for up to 16 clk periods?)
clk, // always running global clock
div, // 0: q=ext_clk
// 1: q=clk - temporary made clk/1.5 - not to fry MI1300
// 2: q=clk/1.5
//...0'hf: q=clk/8
q); // output clock
input ext_clk;
input clk;
input [3:0] div;
output q;
reg ena;
reg enb;
// reg clksel;
wire [3:0] div_p;
wire blank;
wire copy_div,blank_off;
wire a_on, a_off0, b_on, b_off;
reg [3:0] da0; // from a_start to a_on
reg [3:0] da1; // from a_on to a_off
reg [3:0] db0; // from a_start to a_on
reg [3:0] db1; // from a_on to a_off
reg a_start;
reg b_start;
reg a_off;
reg a_singleon; // a stays on for 1 cycle;
reg use_b;
wire a,b,ab;
FDE i_div_p0 (.C(clk),.CE(copy_div),.D(div[0]),.Q(div_p[0]));
FDE i_div_p1 (.C(clk),.CE(copy_div),.D(div[1]),.Q(div_p[1]));
FDE i_div_p2 (.C(clk),.CE(copy_div),.D(div[2]),.Q(div_p[2]));
FDE i_div_p3 (.C(clk),.CE(copy_div),.D(div[3]),.Q(div_p[3]));
always @ (posedge enb or posedge ext_clk) begin
if (enb) ena <=1'b0;
else ena <= (div[3:0]==4'b0);
always @ (posedge clk) begin
enb <= (div_p[3:0]!=4'b0);
a_off <= a_singleon?a_on:a_off0;
a_start <= blank_off || (!blank && (a_singleon?a_on:a_off0));
always @ (negedge clk) begin
b_start <= a_start;
use_b <= (div_p[3:0]!=4'h0) && (div_p[1:0]!=2'h3);
FD i_blank (.C(clk),.D((div[3:0] != div_p[3:0]) || (blank && !blank_off)),.Q(blank)); // add always blank if (div==0)? no!
SRL16 i_copy_div (.Q(copy_div),.D((div[3:0] != div_p[3:0]) && !blank), .CLK(clk), .A0(1'b1), .A1(1'b1), .A2(1'b1), .A3(1'b1)); // dly=max (16)
SRL16 i_blank_off(.Q(blank_off),.D(copy_div), .CLK(clk), .A0(1'b1), .A1(1'b0), .A2(1'b0), .A3(1'b0)); // 2
SRL16 i_a_on (.Q(a_on), .D(a_start), .CLK(clk), .A0(da0[0]), .A1(da0[1]), .A2(da0[2]), .A3(da0[3]));
SRL16 i_a_off0(.Q(a_off0),.D(a_on), .CLK(clk), .A0(da1[0]), .A1(da1[1]), .A2(da1[2]), .A3(da1[3]));
SRL16_1 i_b_on (.Q(b_on), .D(b_start), .CLK(clk), .A0(db0[0]), .A1(db0[1]), .A2(db0[2]), .A3(db0[3]));
SRL16_1 i_b_off (.Q(b_off), .D(b_on), .CLK(clk), .A0(db1[0]), .A1(db1[1]), .A2(db1[2]), .A3(db1[3]));
FD i_a (.C(clk),.D(enb && (a_on || (a && !a_off))),.Q(a));
FD_1 i_b (.C(clk),.D(use_b && (b_on || (b && !b_off))),.Q(b));
assign ab= ~(a ^ b);
assign q= (!ena || ext_clk) && (!enb || ab);
always @ (posedge clk) case (div_p[3:0])
4'h0: begin da0<=4'h0; da1<=4'h0; a_singleon<=1'b0; end // any, not used
// 4'h1: begin da0<=4'h0; da1<=4'h0; a_singleon<=1'b1; end
4'h1: begin da0<=4'h0; da1<=4'h0; a_singleon<=1'b0; end // for safety - not higher than clk0/1.5 (50MHz for 75 MHz)
4'h2: begin da0<=4'h0; da1<=4'h0; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'h3: begin da0<=4'h0; da1<=4'h0; a_singleon<=1'b1; end
4'h4: begin da0<=4'h3; da1<=4'h0; a_singleon<=1'b1; end
4'h5: begin da0<=4'h2; da1<=4'h1; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'h6: begin da0<=4'h1; da1<=4'h3; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'h7: begin da0<=4'h1; da1<=4'h0; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'h8: begin da0<=4'h6; da1<=4'h0; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'h9: begin da0<=4'h4; da1<=4'h3; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'ha: begin da0<=4'h2; da1<=4'h6; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'hb: begin da0<=4'h2; da1<=4'h1; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'hc: begin da0<=4'h9; da1<=4'h1; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'hd: begin da0<=4'h6; da1<=4'h5; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'he: begin da0<=4'h3; da1<=4'h9; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
4'hf: begin da0<=4'h3; da1<=4'h2; a_singleon<=1'b0; end
always @ (negedge clk) case (div_p[3:0])
4'h0: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h0; end
// 4'h1: begin db0<=4'h1; db1<=4'h0; end
4'h1: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h0; end // for safety - not higher than clk0/1.5 (50MHz for 75 MHz)
4'h2: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h0; end
4'h3: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h0; end
4'h4: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h0; end
4'h5: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h2; end
4'h6: begin db0<=4'h2; db1<=4'h1; end
4'h7: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h0; end
4'h8: begin db0<=4'h1; db1<=4'h1; end
4'h9: begin db0<=4'h1; db1<=4'h4; end
4'ha: begin db0<=4'h4; db1<=4'h2; end
4'hb: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h0; end
4'hc: begin db0<=4'h2; db1<=4'h2; end
4'hd: begin db0<=4'h2; db1<=4'h6; end
4'he: begin db0<=4'h6; db1<=4'h3; end
4'hf: begin db0<=4'h0; db1<=4'h0; end
......@@ -400,11 +400,7 @@ module sysinterface(clk,
FD i_sync_cwr_start2 (.Q(sync_cwr_start2),.C(clk),.D(sync_cwr_start1));
FD i_sync_cwr_on (.Q(sync_cwr_on), .C(clk),.D(sync_cwr_start1 || (sync_cwr_on && !sync1)));
LUT4 i_dataouten ( .I0(1'b1), .I1(ice1), .I2(ice), .I3(ioe), .O(t));
//synthesis translate_off
defparam i_dataouten.INIT = 16'hAA80;
//synthesis translate_on
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_dataouten is "AA80"
LUT4 #(.INIT(16'hAA80)) i_dataouten ( .I0(1'b1), .I1(ice1), .I2(ice), .I3(ioe), .O(t));
dpads32 i_dmapads32(.c(cwr),.t(t),.d(iod[31:0]),.q(id0[31:0]),.dq(d[31:0]));
......@@ -520,18 +516,10 @@ module sddrio0(c0,/*c90,*/c270,d,t,q,dq); // made for CL=2.5, LSB first - c0 fal
FD_1 i_q0 (.C(c0),.D(q00),.Q(q[0])); //regular FF, not IOB
IOBUF i_dq (.I(dr), .T(tr),.O(qp), .IO(dq));
FDDRCPE i_dr (.Q(dr),.C0(c270),.C1(!c270),.D0(d0[0]),.D1(d1d),.CE(1'b1),.CLR(1'b0),.PRE(1'b0));
FD_1 i_t0 (.C(c0), .D(t), .Q(t0));
FD i_t1 (.C(c0), .D(t0), .Q(t1));
FD i_tr (.C(c270), .D(t1), .Q(tr));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_t0 (.C(c0), .D(t), .Q(t0));
FD #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_t1 (.C(c0), .D(t0), .Q(t1));
FD #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_tr (.C(c270), .D(t1), .Q(tr));
IDDR2 i_qq(.Q0(q00),.Q1(q[1]),.C0(c0),.C1(!c0),.CE(1'b1), .D(qp), .R(1'b0), .S(1'b0) );
// synthesis translate_off
defparam i_t0.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_t1.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_tr.INIT = 1'b1;
// synthesis translate_on
// synthesis attribute INIT of i_t0 is "1"
// synthesis attribute INIT of i_t1 is "1"
// synthesis attribute INIT of i_tr is "1"
// synthesis attribute IOB of i_dr is "TRUE"
// synthesis attribute IOB of i_tr is "TRUE"
......@@ -552,25 +540,9 @@ module dqs2 (c0,/*c90,*/c270,
inout UDQS, LDQS;
output udqsr90,ldqsr90,udqsr270,ldqsr270;
wire t0,t1,t2,tr;
FD_1 i_t0 (.C(c0),.D(t),.Q(t0));
FD i_t1 (.C(c0),.D(t0),.Q(t1));
FD i_t2 (.C(c270),.D(t0),.Q(t2));
// FDDRCPE i_tr (.Q(tr),.C0(c0),.C1(c270),.D0(t),.D1(t | t0),.CE(1'b1),.CLR(1'b0),.PRE(1'b0));
// FDDRCPE i_tr (.Q(tr),.C0(c0),.C1(c270),.D0(t0),.D1(t0 | t1),.CE(1'b1),.CLR(1'b0),.PRE(1'b0));
// assign tr= t1 || t2; // ************** try this later if delays will be too high ***********************
assign tr= t1;
dqs2_0 i_dqsu(.c0(c0),/*.c90(c90),*/.c270(c270),.t(tr),.q({udqsr270,udqsr90}),.dq(UDQS));
dqs2_0 i_dqsl(.c0(c0),/*.c90(c90),*/.c270(c270),.t(tr),.q({ldqsr270,ldqsr90}),.dq(LDQS));
// synthesis translate_off
defparam i_t0.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_t1.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_t2.INIT = 1'b1;
// synthesis translate_on
// synthesis attribute INIT of i_t0 is "1"
// synthesis attribute INIT of i_t1 is "1"
// synthesis attribute INIT of i_t2 is "1"
// s---ynthesis attribute KEEP_HIERARCHY of i_t0 is "TRUE"
// s---ynthesis attribute KEEP_HIERARCHY of i_tr is "TRUE"
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_t0 (.C(c0),.D(t),.Q(t0));
FD #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_t1 (.C(c0),.D(t0),.Q(t1));
FD #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_t2 (.C(c270),.D(t0),.Q(t2));
module dqs2_0(c0,/*c90,*/c270,t,q,dq);
......@@ -591,11 +563,8 @@ module dqs2_0(c0,/*c90,*/c270,t,q,dq);
// as in IFDDRCPE.v
// FDCPE i_q0 (.C(c90), .CE(1'b1),.CLR(1'b0),.D(qp),.PRE(1'b0),.Q(q[0]));
FDCPE_1 i_q0 (.C(c270), .CE(1'b1),.CLR(1'b0),.D(qp),.PRE(1'b0),.Q(q[0]));
defparam i_q0.INIT = 1'b0;
FDCPE_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_q0 (.C(c270), .CE(1'b1),.CLR(1'b0),.D(qp),.PRE(1'b0),.Q(q[0]));
FDCPE i_q1 (.C(c270),.CE(1'b1),.CLR(1'b0),.D(qp),.PRE(1'b0),.Q(q[1]));
// defparam i_q1.INIT = 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute IOB of i_q0 is "TRUE"
// synthesis attribute IOB of i_q1 is "TRUE"
// synthesis attribute FAST of i_dq is "TRUE"
......@@ -669,15 +638,10 @@ module sdo0_2(c,d,q); // input at rising edge, resyncs to falling, initializes t
output q;
wire d0, dr;
OBUF i_q (.I(dr), .O(q));
FD i_d0 (.C(c), .D(d), .Q(d0));
FD #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_d0 (.C(c), .D(d), .Q(d0));
//FD_1 i_dr (.C(c), .D(d), .Q(dr));
FD_1 i_dr (.C(c), .D(d0), .Q(dr));
//synthesis translate_off
defparam i_dr.INIT = 1'b1;
//synthesis translate_on
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_dr is "1"
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_dr (.C(c), .D(d0), .Q(dr));
// synthesis attribute IOB of i_dr is "TRUE"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_d0 is "1"
......@@ -341,65 +341,26 @@ reg [3:0] extRestartRq;
// generate address - will be 0 for init
always @ (negedge clk) rNum[1:0] <= {mancmdRqS[0] || stepsEn[1] || (steps[2] && !stepsEn[2]),
mancmdRqS[0] || stepsEn[0] || (steps[1] && !stepsEn[1])};
FD_1 i_mancmd_00 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 0]),.Q(mancmd[ 0]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_01 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 1]),.Q(mancmd[ 1]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_02 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 2]),.Q(mancmd[ 2]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_03 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 3]),.Q(mancmd[ 3]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_04 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 4]),.Q(mancmd[ 4]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_05 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 5]),.Q(mancmd[ 5]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_06 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 6]),.Q(mancmd[ 6]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_07 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 7]),.Q(mancmd[ 7]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_08 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 8]),.Q(mancmd[ 8]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_09 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 9]),.Q(mancmd[ 9]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_10 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[10]),.Q(mancmd[10]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_11 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[11]),.Q(mancmd[11]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_12 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[12]),.Q(mancmd[12]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_13 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[13]),.Q(mancmd[13]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_14 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[14]),.Q(mancmd[14]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_15 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[15]),.Q(mancmd[15]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_16 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[16]),.Q(mancmd[16]));
FD_1 i_mancmd_17 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[17]),.Q(mancmd[17]));
//synthesis translate_off
defparam i_mancmd_00.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_01.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_02.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_03.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_04.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_05.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_06.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_07.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_08.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_09.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_10.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_11.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_12.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_13.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_14.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_15.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_16.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_mancmd_17.INIT = 1'b1;
//synthesis translate_on
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_00 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_01 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_02 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_03 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_04 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_05 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_06 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_07 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_08 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_09 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_10 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_11 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_12 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_13 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_14 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_15 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_16 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_mancmd_17 is "1"
// always @ (posedge wclk) if (mcs && (maddr[1:0] == 2'h0)) chInitNum[1:0] <= maddr[3:2];
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_00 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 0]),.Q(mancmd[ 0]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_01 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 1]),.Q(mancmd[ 1]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_02 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 2]),.Q(mancmd[ 2]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_03 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 3]),.Q(mancmd[ 3]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_04 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 4]),.Q(mancmd[ 4]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_05 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 5]),.Q(mancmd[ 5]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_06 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 6]),.Q(mancmd[ 6]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_07 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 7]),.Q(mancmd[ 7]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_08 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 8]),.Q(mancmd[ 8]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_09 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[ 9]),.Q(mancmd[ 9]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_10 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[10]),.Q(mancmd[10]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_11 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[11]),.Q(mancmd[11]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_12 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[12]),.Q(mancmd[12]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_13 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[13]),.Q(mancmd[13]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_14 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[14]),.Q(mancmd[14]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_15 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[15]),.Q(mancmd[15]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_16 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[16]),.Q(mancmd[16]));
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_mancmd_17 (.C(clk),.D(!mancmdRqS[2] | descr_stat[17]),.Q(mancmd[17]));
always @ (negedge clk) if (mcs && (as[1:0] == 2'h0)) chInitNum[1:0] <= as[3:2];
always @ (negedge clk) begin
......@@ -141,6 +141,9 @@ module sdseq (clk0, // global clock 75-100MHz (hope to get to 120MHz with Sparta
wire pre4drun_rd_abort; // in second access of dual-access, where precharge command is later (to meet activate-to-precharge time)
wire predrun_wr_abort; // write nneeds extra NOP befrore precharge
wire predmask;
wire predlast_rd;
wire predlast_wr;
wire predqs_re;
reg repeat_r;
wire repeat_r_end;
reg repeat_w;
......@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ module sdseq (clk0, // global clock 75-100MHz (hope to get to 120MHz with Sparta
always @ (negedge clk0) begin
rollover <= (left[4:0]==5'h4) && rovr;
if (first) fullAddr[ 9:3] <= sa[ 9:3];
else if (pre2act_m1d2) fullAddr[ 9:3] <= 8'h0;
else if (pre2act_m1d2) fullAddr[ 9:3] <= 7'h0;
else if (prerw) fullAddr[ 9:3] <= fullAddr[ 9:3]+1;
else if (continue_m1) fullAddr[ 9:3] <= {rollover?sfa[9:8]:nextAddr[9:8],nextAddr[ 7:3]}; // stored from sa[7:3]
......@@ -286,16 +289,8 @@ module sdseq (clk0, // global clock 75-100MHz (hope to get to 120MHz with Sparta
// Use FF for cas, ras, we for correct simulation
FD_1 i_precmd_0 (.D(mancmd[15] && ~(prewrite | preprech)), .C(clk0),.Q(precmd[0])); //WE
FD_1 i_precmd_1 (.D(mancmd[16] && ~(prerefr | preread | prewrite)),.C(clk0),.Q(precmd[1])); //CAS
FD_1 i_precmd_2 (.D(mancmd[17] && ~(prerefr | preact | preprech)), .C(clk0),.Q(precmd[2])); //RAS
//synthesis translate_off
defparam i_precmd_0.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_precmd_1.INIT = 1'b1;
defparam i_precmd_2.INIT = 1'b1;
//synthesis translate_on
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_precmd_0 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_precmd_1 is "1"
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_precmd_2 is "1"
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_precmd_0 (.D(mancmd[15] && ~(prewrite | preprech)), .C(clk0),.Q(precmd[0])); //WE
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_precmd_1 (.D(mancmd[16] && ~(prerefr | preread | prewrite)),.C(clk0),.Q(precmd[1])); //CAS
FD_1 #(.INIT(1'b1)) i_precmd_2 (.D(mancmd[17] && ~(prerefr | preact | preprech)), .C(clk0),.Q(precmd[2])); //RAS
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ NET "hact_length*" TIG;
parameter IS_SIMUL=0;
//synthesis translate_on
input cclk; // command clock (posedge, invert on input if needed)
input wcmd; // write command
......@@ -220,7 +220,15 @@ sensor_phase353
wire pclk2x, pclk2xi;
BUFG i_pclk2x (.I(pclk2xi), .O(pclk2x));
DCM i_dcm4(
DCM #(
) i_dcm4(
.CLKIN (clk),
.CLKFB (pclk2x),
.RST (dcm_rst),
......@@ -242,28 +250,4 @@ DCM i_dcm4(
.PSDONE ());
// If needed - add positive PHASE_SHIFT - then posedge pclk2x will be earlier than posedge pclk by PHASE_SHIFT/256*period(pclk)
// synthesis attribute CLK_FEEDBACK of i_dcm4 is "2X"
// synthesis attribute CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 of i_dcm4 is "FALSE"
// synthesis attribute CLKIN_PERIOD of i_dcm4 is 10
// synthesis attribute CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT of i_dcm4 is "FIXED"
// synthesis attribute DESKEW_ADJUST of i_dcm4 is "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS"
// synthesis attribute DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE of i_dcm4 is "LOW"
// synthesis attribute DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION of i_dcm4 is "TRUE"
// put here default phase shift ....
// synthesis attribute PHASE_SHIFT of i_dcm4 is 0
// synthesis translate_off
defparam i_dcm4.CLK_FEEDBACK="2X";
defparam i_dcm4.CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2="FALSE";
defparam i_dcm4.CLKIN_PERIOD=10;
defparam i_dcm4.CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT="FIXED";
defparam i_dcm4.DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE="LOW";
defparam i_dcm4.PHASE_SHIFT=0;
// synthesis translate_on
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