Commit 6a8bfd2d authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

modified compression start frame to match 393

parent d9a07f74
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1121,7 +1121,8 @@ $display ("saturation=2");
cpu_wr('h62,'h0c000040); // quality page 0
cpu_wr('h62,'h0c002200); // color - mode 1
// cpu_wr('h62,'h0c002400); // JP46 - mode 2
cpu_wr('h62,'h0c000006); // mode - single
/// cpu_wr('h62,'h0c000006); // mode - single
cpu_wr('h63,'h0c000006); // mode - single // do it one frame later?
cpu_wr('h62, 'h4e000000 | 'h4 );// bayer=0
//AF2015 cpu_wr('h64, 'h4e000000 | 'h5 );// bayer=1
cpu_wr('h66, 'h4e000000 | 'h5 );// bayer=1 AF2015 - make it later to compare with 393
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