Commit f1d18f6c authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov Committed by GitHub


parent 3a43bf86
......@@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ installation. VDT uses modified version of [VEditor](
and any other versions of VEditor installed will conflict with VDT.
There are still issues with GTK3 (refresh of the windows content, animated icons), all seems
to work if Gtk3 is disabled (Gtk2 used instead) by adding the following 2 lines in the eclipse.ini file.
to work if Gtk3 is disabled (Gtk2 used instead) by adding the following 2 lines in the eclipse.ini
file (it is in the same directory as eclipse executable) .
......@@ -115,11 +116,11 @@ Additionally a fix is required to make menu tooltips visible (
__Update for Eclipse Neon__: Tested, instructions above are still valid (including using GTK2 instead of GTK3),
in the installer the needed _Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers_ is __the second choice__ in the menu. You also need to
remove the following line:
remove the following line in eclipse.ini. By default Neon installs executable and ini file to ~/eclipse/jee-neon/:
As it is not recognized on GNU/Linux (at least on my installation) and causes a crash at startup.
As it is not recognized on GNU/Linux (at least on my installation) and causes a crash at startup.
### Installation of VDT plugin itself
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