Commit 71298ae9 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Made %%ParamName valid inside repeater body (originally only one

generator was allowed)
parent 7b4dd3e9
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import;
public class ParamRepeaterRecognizer extends RepeaterRecognizer {
private final Parameter param;
// private final Parameter param; // moved to RepeaterRecognizer
public ParamRepeaterRecognizer(Parameter param) {
this.param = param;
......@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ import;
import com.elphel.vdt.ui.MessageUI;
import com.elphel.vdt.veditor.VerilogPlugin;
import com.elphel.vdt.veditor.preference.PreferenceStrings;
public class RepeaterRecognizer implements Recognizer {
......@@ -40,7 +42,8 @@ public class RepeaterRecognizer implements Recognizer {
private static final int FORMAT_REPEATER_OPEN_LEN = FORMAT_REPEATER_OPEN.length();
private static final int FORMAT_REPEATER_SEP_LEN = FORMAT_REPEATER_SEP.length();
private static final int FORMAT_REPEATER_CLOSE_LEN = FORMAT_REPEATER_CLOSE.length();
private static final int FORMAT_REPEATER_CLOSE_LEN = FORMAT_REPEATER_CLOSE.length();
protected Parameter param=null;
public RecognizerResult recognize(String template, int startPos, FormatProcessor topProcessor)
throws ToolException
......@@ -68,38 +71,71 @@ public class RepeaterRecognizer implements Recognizer {
repBody = template.substring(startPos, closePos);
sepBody = "";
int genNamePos = repBody.indexOf(FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK);
if(genNamePos < 0)
throw new ToolException("Generator name (i.e. sequence '" + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK +
"NAME') not found");
int genNameEnd = Utils.findBoundary(repBody, genNamePos + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK_LEN);
for (int startName=0;startName<repBody.length();){
int genNamePos = repBody.indexOf(FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK,startName);
if(genNameEnd == genNamePos)
throw new ToolException("Generator name after '" + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK +
"' mark is absent");
String repPrefix = repBody.substring(0, genNamePos);
String genName = repBody.substring(genNamePos + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK_LEN, genNameEnd);
String repSuffix = repBody.substring(genNameEnd);
if(genNamePos < 0)
throw new ToolException("Generator name (i.e. sequence '" + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK +
"NAME') not found");
// System.out.println("Gen name: '" + genName +
// "', repPrefix: '" + repPrefix +
// "', repSuffix: '" + repSuffix +
// "', sepBody: '" + sepBody +
// "'");
result.set(findGenerator(genName, repPrefix, repSuffix, sepBody, topProcessor), /* Why did it miss FileListGenerator here? */
closePos + FORMAT_REPEATER_CLOSE_LEN, topProcessor);
if(result.getGenerator() == null)
throw new ToolException("Unknown generator '" + genName + "'");
int genNameEnd = Utils.findBoundary(repBody, genNamePos + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK_LEN);
if(genNameEnd == genNamePos)
throw new ToolException("Generator name after '" + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK +
"' mark is absent");
String repPrefix = repBody.substring(0, genNamePos);
String genName = repBody.substring(genNamePos + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK_LEN, genNameEnd);
String repSuffix = repBody.substring(genNameEnd);
// System.out.println("Gen name: '" + genName +
// "', repPrefix: '" + repPrefix +
// "', repSuffix: '" + repSuffix +
// "', sepBody: '" + sepBody +
// "'");
result.set(findGenerator(genName, repPrefix, repSuffix, sepBody, topProcessor), /* Why did it miss FileListGenerator here? */
closePos + FORMAT_REPEATER_CLOSE_LEN, topProcessor);
if(result.getGenerator() == null) { // wrong generator - should be processed separately
// throw new ToolException("Unknown generator '" + genName + "'");
// if prefix or suffix contains %% - evaluate them and re-run result.set(findGenerator(...
if (repPrefix.contains(FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK) ||
repSuffix.contains(FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK) ||
sepBody.contains(FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK)) {
topProcessor), /* Why did it miss FileListGenerator here? */
closePos + FORMAT_REPEATER_CLOSE_LEN, topProcessor);
return result;
throw new ToolException("Generator name (i.e. sequence '" + FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK + "NAME') not found");
private String resolveString(String template, FormatProcessor topProcessor){
if ((template==null) || !template.contains(FORMAT_REPEATER_NAME_MARK)) return template;
FormatProcessor processor = new FormatProcessor(new Recognizer[] {
new ParamFormatRecognizer(param),
new SimpleGeneratorRecognizer(topProcessor)
}, false,topProcessor);
String result = null;
if(template != null) {
try {
result = processor.process(template).get(0);
} catch(ToolException e) {
return template;
return result;
protected AbstractGenerator findGenerator(String genName,
String repPrefix,
String repSuffix,
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
<syntax name="ParamListSyntax" format="%(%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="Dash" format=" -%%ParamName %%ParamValue" />
<!-- <syntax name="DashList" format=" -%%ParamName %(-s%%ParamValue%| %)" /> -->
<!-- DashListIndividual does not currently work as only one generator is allowed inside repetitor body -->
<syntax name="DashListIndividual" format="%(-%%ParamName %%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="DashListCommon" format="-%%ParamName %(%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="DashName" format=" -%%ParamName" />
......@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
label="Place &amp; route design"
<menuitem name="ISEBitgen"
label="Generate bitstream file(s)n"
<menu name="Vivado"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<interface name="ISEBitgenInterface" extends="ISEInterface">
<tool name="ISEBitgen" label="run Bitgen"
description="Run Bitgen"
<action label="Run Bitgen" resource="" icon="bitstream.png" />
<depends state="ISESnapshotPAR"/>
<!-- <depends files="constraints"/>-->
<parameter id="input_file" label="Design file name" tooltip= "Input design file name (*.ncd)"
default="%%ProjectName.ncd" visible="true" type="String" format="CopyValue"/>
<parameter id="physical_constraints_file" label="Physical constraints file" tooltip= "Physical constraints file (*.pcf)"
default="%%ProjectName.pcf" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="CopyValue"/>
<parameter id="extra_input_files" label="extra files"
tooltip= "Extra input files to copy to the top directory before running Bitgen"
default="" omit="" visible="true" type="Filelist" format="ParamListSyntax"/>
<!-- Can output_file be the same as input_file? -->
<parameter id="output_file" label="Output file name" tooltip= "Output file name (*.ncd) - may be the same as input"
default="%%ProjectName.bit" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="CopyValue"/>
<!-- Bitgen options -->
<parameter id="rawbits" outid="b" label="Create Rawbits file" tooltip="Generate rawbits (*.rbt) file. with '-g' option creates *.rba also"
default="false" omit="false" type= "Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="update_brams" outid="bd" label="Update BlockRAM with"
tooltip="Update BlockRAM content with provides *.elf or *.mem file"
default="" omit="" type= "String" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="no_drc" outid="d" label="Skip DRC"
tooltip="Skip DRC and do not generate *.bgn (bitgen report) and *.drc files"
default="false" omit="false" type= "Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="set_configuration" outid="g" label="Set configuration"
tooltip= "Provides various configurations as 'sub-option' or 'sub-option:value' entries"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="Stringlist" format="DashListIndividual"/>
<parameter id="no_bit_file" outid="j" label="Skip Bitfile"
tooltip="Skip bitfile generation"
default="false" omit="false" type= "Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="logic_allocation" outid="l" label="Logic allocation file"
tooltip="Create logic allocation (*.ll) file"
default="false" omit="false" type= "Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="mask_file" outid="m" label="Mask file"
tooltip="Create mask file that specifies which bits to be compared during readback for verification"
default="false" omit="false" type= "Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="partial_bitfile" outid="r" label="Partial bitfile"
tooltip="Use provided bitfile and program only the bits that differ"
default="" omit="" type= "String" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="overwrite" outid="w" label="Overwrite existent files"
tooltip="Overwrite existent files including design (*.ncd) files."
default="true" omit="false" type= "Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<!-- common parameters from the base tool -->
<parameter id="intstyle"/> <!-- USED Bitgen -->
<parameter id="command_files"/> <!-- USED Bitgen-->
<parameter id="speed_grade"/>
<!-- calculated parameters -->
<parameter id="ISEBitgenActionIndex" default="%%ChosenActionIndex"
type="String" format="CopyValue" visible="false" />
<group name="General options">
<group name ="Bitgen Options">
<!-- Bitgen options -->
<if-not extra_input_files="">
<line name="ise_copy_pre_bitgen">
"rsync -avrR -e ssh"
<line name="ise_run_bitgen"
sep=" "
"mkdir -p"
"cd ~/%ISEProjectRoot\n"
<!-- bitgen command options -->
<!-- input (*.ncd) file -->
<!-- output (*.ncd) file -->
<!-- physical constraints (*.pcf) output file -->
"echo \"@@FINISH@@\"\n"
<!-- TODO: copy results -->
<line name="ise_copy_after_bitgen">
"mkdir -p %ISELocalResultDir ;"
"echo \" *** ignore missing files below ***\""
"rsync -avr -e ssh"
......@@ -320,6 +320,8 @@
"rsync -avr -e ssh"
<!-- "%RemoteUser@%RemoteHost:%ISEProjectRoot/%ISERemoteDir/*.mrp" -->
......@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@
<!-- input (*.ngd) file -->
<!-- input (*.ncd) file -->
<!-- output (*.ngd) file -->
<!-- output (*.ncd) file -->
<!-- physical constraints (*.pcf) output file -->
......@@ -210,6 +210,8 @@
"rsync -avr -e ssh"
<!-- "%RemoteUser@%RemoteHost:%ISEProjectRoot/%ISERemoteDir/*.mrp" -->
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