Commit 6f968447 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

cleaned up leftover debug

parent 208d1b2a
No related merge requests found
......@@ -99,10 +99,6 @@ public abstract class Option {
value = store.getString(key);
} else {
// Trying to get with different index
//See TODO: 07/01/2016 in OptionUtils
// public static List<String> getStoreContext( final String contextID
// if (contextID.equals("cocotb")) {
if (!key.startsWith(OptionsUtils.KEY_CONTENT)){ // Otherwise will be infinite loop
List<String> context = OptionsUtils.getStoreContext(contextID,store);
String patt=contextID+"_[^_]*"+key.substring( key.indexOf("_",contextID.length()+1));
......@@ -219,25 +219,16 @@ public class OptionsCore {
public static void doStoreContextOptions(Context context, IProject project) {
if ("cocotb".equals(context.getName())){
System.out.println("doStoreContextOptions('cocotb'), project="+project);
IPreferenceStore store = getPreferenceStore(context, project);
doStoreContextOptions(context, store);
public static void doStoreContextOptions(Context context) {
if ("cocotb".equals(context.getName())){
IPreferenceStore store = VerilogPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
doStoreContextOptions(context, store);
public static void doStoreContextOptions(Context context, IPreferenceStore store) {
if ("cocotb".equals(context.getName())){
System.out.println("static doStoreContextOptions('cocotb')");
List<Parameter> list = context.getParams();
if (list.isEmpty())
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