Commit 6d29066b authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Add pin assignment to Quartus project

parent caf0f750
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
<interface name="QuartusSynthesisInterface" extends="QuartusInterface">
<syntax name="read_qdc_syntax" format="%(read_qdc %%ParamValue%|\n%)" />
<typedef name="FSMType">
<paramtype kind="enum" base="String">
<item value="auto" label="Allows Analysis and Synthesis to choose the best encoding for the state machine."/>
......@@ -127,6 +126,8 @@ Note: this feature is not licenced for the Web Edition and this parameter should
<parameter id="ConstraintsFiles" type="Filelist" format="ParamListSyntax"
default="" label="Constraints files" tooltip="Select constraint files to load to Quartus" readonly="false"
<parameter id="PinAssignment" label="Pin assignment file" tooltip="Select pin assignment Tcl script to load to Quartus project"
type="Filename" default="" visible="true" readonly="false" format="ParamListSyntax"/>
<parameter id="AutosaveQuartusSynthesis" label="Create snapshot" tooltip="Automatically create snapshot after successful synthesis"
default="true" type= "Boolean" format="None"/>
......@@ -139,8 +140,6 @@ Note: this feature is not licenced for the Web Edition and this parameter should
readonly="false" visible="true"/>
<!-- invisible or calculated parameters -->
<parameter id="read_qdc" type="Filelist"
format="read_qdc_syntax" default="%ConstraintsFiles" visible="false"/>
<parameter id="analysis_and_elaboration" label="Analysis and elaboration" tooltip="Option to check all the design files in a design for syntax and
semantec errors, and perform a netlist exraction."
default="true" visible="false" readonly="false" omit="" type="Boolean" format="DoubleDashName"/>
......@@ -152,6 +151,7 @@ semantec errors, and perform a netlist exraction."
"QuartusSnapshotSynth" <!-- same as in project -->
......@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ semantec errors, and perform a netlist exraction."
<if QuartusSynthActionIndex="0">
......@@ -235,17 +236,31 @@ semantec errors, and perform a netlist exraction."
"project_open $projectName"
"} else {"
"project_new $projectName }"
"set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE %ImplementationTopFile"
<!--"set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE %ImplementationTopFile"-->
"set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY %ImplementationTopModule"
"foreach file [list %FilteredSourceListPar] {"
"puts \"Adding $file to project\""
"set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE $file }"
<!-- Add pin assignment to project -->
<if QuartusSynthActionIndex="0">
<if-not PinAssignment="">
"source %PinAssignment"
<if PinAssignment="">
"puts \"No pin assignment file specified\""
<!-- Add constraints file(s) to project
Note: the alternative way of adding constraints is through 'read_sdc' Tcl command but
it is supported in quartus_fit and quartus_sta only -->
<if QuartusSynthActionIndex="0">
<if ConstraintsFiles="">
"puts \"No constraints files specified, skipping read_qdc command\";"
"puts \"No constraints files specified\""
<if-not ConstraintsFiles="">
"foreach file [list %ConstraintsFiles] {"
"puts \"Adding constraints file $file to project\""
"set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE $file }"
<!-- Run pre-synthesis TCL commands (if specified) -->
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