Commit 30234393 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

More on cocotb integration

parent 17be1363
......@@ -34,13 +34,6 @@ import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
//import com.elphel.vdt.VDT;
import com.elphel.vdt.VerilogUtils;
......@@ -98,11 +91,23 @@ public class FilteredIncludesListGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
String[] file_names = null;
IResource resource = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getChosenVerilogFile();
if ((topFile != null) && (!topFile.equals("")) && (resource !=null)) {
IResource resource1 = resource.getProject().getFile(topFile);
if ((resource1 != null) && (resource1.getType() == IResource.FILE)){
resource = resource1;
// System.out.println("resource1="+resource1);
// If topFile is absolute, try to convert top file to project resource
if (topFile.startsWith("/")){
String aPojectStr=resource.getProject().getLocation().toOSString();
if (topFile.startsWith(aPojectStr)){
topFile = topFile.substring(aPojectStr.length()+1);
// Only apply if topFile is not absolute anymore
if (!topFile.startsWith("/")){
IResource resource1 = resource.getProject().getFile(topFile);
if ((resource1 != null) && (resource1.getType() == IResource.FILE)){
resource = resource1;
// System.out.println("resource1="+resource1);
Pattern ignorePattern = null;
if (ignoreFilter!=null){
......@@ -34,14 +34,6 @@ import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
//import com.elphel.vdt.VDT;
import com.elphel.vdt.VerilogUtils;
......@@ -91,7 +83,7 @@ public class FilteredSourceListGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
System.out.println("FilteredSourceListGenerator().getStringValue(): tool="+tool.getName()+", ignoreFilter="+ignoreFilter);
topFile = tool.getTopFile();
toolDefine = tool.getDefine();
toolDefine = tool.getDefine(); // correct absolute
if ((toolDefine == null) || (toolDefine == "")) {
if ((topFile == null ) || (topFile == "")) toolDefine = null; // no need to reparse tree for this tool
else toolDefine = ""; // reparse for this tool - top file may have different defines
......@@ -109,10 +101,20 @@ public class FilteredSourceListGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
String[] file_names = null;
IResource resource = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getChosenVerilogFile();
if ((topFile != null) && (!topFile.equals("")) && (resource !=null)) {
IResource resource1 = resource.getProject().getFile(topFile);
if ((resource1 != null) && (resource1.getType() == IResource.FILE)){
resource = resource1;
// System.out.println("resource1="+resource1);
// If topFile is absolute, try to convert top file to project resource
if (topFile.startsWith("/")){
String aPojectStr=resource.getProject().getLocation().toOSString();
if (topFile.startsWith(aPojectStr)){
topFile = topFile.substring(aPojectStr.length()+1);
// Only apply if topFile is not absolute anymore
if (!topFile.startsWith("/")){
IResource resource1 = resource.getProject().getFile(topFile);
if ((resource1 != null) && (resource1.getType() == IResource.FILE)){
resource = resource1;
// System.out.println("resource1="+resource1);
Pattern ignorePattern = null;
......@@ -26,13 +26,15 @@
package com.elphel.vdt.ui.options.component;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.FileDialog;
import com.elphel.vdt.ui.variables.SelectedResourceManager;
public class FileComponent extends BrowsableComponent {
......@@ -59,10 +61,27 @@ public class FileComponent extends BrowsableComponent {
FileDialog dialog = (FileDialog)locationField.getBrowseDialog();
String selectedFile =;
if(selectedFile != null)
String selectedFile =;
if(selectedFile != null) {
// try to convert to project-relative
IProject project = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getSelectedProject();
String projectPath=null;
if (project!=null) {
if ((selectedFile!=null) && selectedFile.startsWith(projectPath)) {
if (selectedFile.equals(projectPath)){
System.out.println("FileListPromptDialog(): Path equals to project path = \""+selectedFile+"\", returning \".\"");
selectedFile = ".";
selectedFile = selectedFile.substring(projectPath.length()+1);
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<menuitem name="cocotb"
label="Cocotb Python Verification"
<menuitem name="GTKWave"
......@@ -43,21 +43,21 @@
<item value="vcs" label="VCS simulator"/>
<syntax name="ListEqMultiline" format="%%ParamName = %(%%ParamValue%| \\n%)" />
<syntax name="ListEqMultilineAbs" format="%%ParamName = %($(PROJECT_ROOT)/%%ParamValue%| \\n%)" />
<syntax name="MakeCleanItems" format="clean::\n%(\t-@rm -f %%ParamValue%|\n%)"/>
<syntax name="ListEqComma" format="%%ParamName = %(%%ParamValue%|,%)" />
<syntax name="CocotbIncludeDirSyntax" format="%%ParamName += %(-I%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="ListEqMultiline" format="%%ParamName = %(%%ParamValue%| \\n%)" />
<syntax name="ListEqMultilineAbs" format="%%ParamName = %($(PROJECT_ROOT)/%%ParamValue%| \\n%)" />
<syntax name="ListEqMultilineAbsExtra" format="%%ParamName += %($(PROJECT_ROOT)/%%ParamValue%| \\n%)" />
<syntax name="MakeCleanItems" format="clean::\n%(\t-@rm -f %%ParamValue%|\n%)"/>
<syntax name="ListEqComma" format="%%ParamName = %(%%ParamValue%|,%)" />
<syntax name="CocotbIncludeDirSyntax" format="%%ParamName += %(-I%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="CocotbTopModulesOtherSyntax" format="%%ParamName += %(-s%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="CocotbModuleLibrarySyntax" format="%%ParamName += %(-y%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="D_ParamSyntax" format="-D%%ParamName" />
<syntax name="g_ParamSyntax" format="-g%%ParamName" />
<syntax name="NospecifySyntax" format="-gno-specify" />
<syntax name="TopModuleSyntax" format="-s%%TopModule" />
<syntax name="TopModulesOtherSyntax" format="%(-s%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="ModuleLibrarySyntax" format="%(-y%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="IncludeDirSyntax" format="%(-I%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="ExtraFilesSyntax" format="%(%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="SwitchSyntax" format="-%%ParamName" />
<syntax name="GrepFindSyntax"
format="| { grep --line-buffered -E &quot;%%ParamValue&quot; || true; }" />
......@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@
<!-- <parameter id="CocotbMakefileDir" type="Pathname" label="Makefile directory" tooltip="Cocotb project Makefile directory"
format="CopyValue" default="%CocotbFilesDir" readonly="false" visible="true" />-->
<parameter id="CocotbRoot" outid="COCOTB" type="Pathname" label="Cocotb installation" tooltip="Cocotb installation root directory"
format="NameEqValue" default="%%PluginRoot/cocotb" readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="CocotbRootRel" type="String" label="Cocotb installation" tooltip="Cocotb installation root directory relative to VDT plugin root"
format="CopyValue" default="cocotb" readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="ProjectAbsolutePath" outid="PROJECT_ROOT" default="%%ProjectPath" label = "Project absolute path"
type="Pathname" format="NameEqValue" visible="true" />
......@@ -195,11 +195,23 @@
<parameter id="ShowWaves" type="BoolYesNo" format="None"
default="true" label="Show simulation result in waveform viewer" />
<parameter id="IcarusTopFile"
label="Simulation top file" tooltip="IVerilog simulator top file"
type="String" format="CopyValue" />
<parameter id="CocotbTopModulesOther" outid="COMPILE_ARGS" type="Stringlist"
format="CocotbTopModulesOtherSyntax" default="" omit=""
label="Select top modules not referenced by the chosen target"
readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="CocotbModuleLibrary" outid="COMPILE_ARGS" type="ModuleLibraryType"
format="CocotbModuleLibrarySyntax" default="" label="Select additional libraries to include"
omit="" readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="CocotbExtraFiles" outid="VERILOG_SOURCES" type="Filelist" format="ListEqMultilineAbsExtra"
default="" label="Select additional Verilog files to include" omit="" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="Param_Shell_Options" label="Param_Shell_Options"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="-c" readonly="false"
......@@ -224,28 +236,6 @@
format="CopyValue" default="gtkwave" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="Param_TopModule" label="Top module extracted from the chosen target file"
type="String" format="TopModuleSyntax" default="%%TopModule"
readonly="true" visible="true" />
<parameter id="TopModulesOther" type="Stringlist"
format="TopModulesOtherSyntax" default="" omit=""
label="Select top modules not referenced by the chosen target"
readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="ModuleLibrary" type="ModuleLibraryType"
format="ModuleLibrarySyntax" default="" label="Select additional libraries to include"
omit="" readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="ExtraFiles" type="Filelist" format="ExtraFilesSyntax"
default="" label="Select additional files to include" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="IncludeDir" type="IncludeDirType"
format="IncludeDirSyntax" default="" label="Select include file directories"
omit="" readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="legacy_model" outid="legacy_model" type="D_ParamType"
format="D_ParamSyntax" default="true" label="Use legacy model" />
......@@ -371,45 +361,36 @@
<parameter id="cocotbInstallDir" default="%CocotbRoot"
type="String" format="CopyValue" visible="false" /> -->
<parameter id="CocotbRoot" outid="COCOTB" type="String"
format="NameEqValue" default="%%PluginRoot/%CocotbRootRel" visible="false" />
<group name="cocotb" label="Cocotb">
<!-- "CocotbMakefileDir" -->
<group name="files" label="Files">
<!-- "SimulationTopFile" -->
<group name="options" label="Options">
<!--"ShowWaves" -->
......@@ -460,29 +441,13 @@
"exit 0;"
- "else echo 'FAILURE';"
"while true; do"
" read -p 'Do you wish to install this program? ' yn;"
" case $yn in"
" [Yy]* ) echo 'Installing...'; break;;"
" [Nn]* ) exit;;"
" * ) echo 'Please answer yes or no.';;"
" esac"
<!-- TODO: watch for new lines inserted inside quoted tokens during autoformat - they break output
Maybe add filter to the code to transform white spaces -->
<line name="command_line"
sep=" "
failure = "recipe for target '[^']*' failed"
<!-- MKDIR - ALWAYS -->
......@@ -529,18 +494,26 @@
<!-- Always include top project dir (where IVERILOG_INCLUDE.v is) -->
<if ShowWaves="true">
......@@ -548,10 +521,6 @@
"include $(COCOTB)/makefiles/"
"include $(COCOTB)/makefiles/Makefile.sim"
<!-- "clean::"
"\t-@rm -f *.pyc"
"\t-@rm -f *.jpg"
"\t-@rm -f results.xml" -->
......@@ -341,6 +341,7 @@
<line name="command_line"
sep=" "
failure = "invalid option"
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