Commit 2e0d0cc2 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov


parent ecb19ec3
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Table of Contents
* [Programs and libraries installed from (K)ubuntu repositories](#programs-and-libraries-installed-from-kubuntu-repositories)
* [GtkWave (3.3.58-1)](#gtkwave-3358-1)
* [other programs needed for building Icarus Verilog](#other-programs-needed-for-building-icarus-verilog)
* [For simulation with Cocotb](#for-simulation-with-cocotb)
* [For simulation with Cocotb](#for-simulation-with-cocotb)Building and running VDT
* [Java JDK](#java-jdk)
* [Icarus Verilog](#icarus-verilog)
* [JavaCC](#javacc)
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ and fix plugin errors). Next you may create a new FPGA development project or im
an existing one. We will use DDR3 memory interface project as an example.
If **Validation** window opens complaining about and org.apache.xmlrpc when you
launch VDT plugin, you may disable it in **Run -> Run Configurations... -> Eclipse application -> Plugins(tab)**
launch VDT plugin, you may disable it in **Run -> Run Configurations... -> Eclipse application -> Plugins** (tab)
uncheck **Validate Plug-ins automatically prior to launching**
## Import and configuration of the sample project in VDT
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