Commit 056edc94 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Changed TopModule<s> generators to use tool's top file if available

parent 99776ee7
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ package;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import com.elphel.vdt.VDT;
import com.elphel.vdt.VerilogUtils;
import com.elphel.vdt.VerilogUtils;
import com.elphel.vdt.ui.variables.SelectedResourceManager;
......@@ -50,8 +51,24 @@ public class TopModuleNameGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
return NAME;
protected String[] getStringValues() {
// IResource resource = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getSelectedVerilogFile();
IResource resource = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getChosenVerilogFile();
IResource resource = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getChosenVerilogFile();
// Use tool top file if available, otherwise use getChosenVerilogFile() as before
String topFile = null;
if (topProcessor!=null){
Tool tool=topProcessor.getCurrentTool();
if (tool != null) {
} else {
System.out.println("ToolNameGenerator(): topProcessor.getCurrentTool() is null");
if ((topFile != null) && (topFile !="") && (resource !=null)) {
IResource resource1 = resource.getProject().getFile(topFile);
if ((resource1 != null) && (resource1.getType() == IResource.FILE)){
resource = resource1;
if ((resource != null) && (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE)) {
String[] outlineElementsNames= VerilogUtils.getTopModuleNames((IFile)resource);
if ((outlineElementsNames!=null) && (outlineElementsNames.length>0)) return new String[] {outlineElementsNames[0]};
......@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
//import com.elphel.vdt.VDT;
import com.elphel.vdt.VerilogUtils;
import com.elphel.vdt.VerilogUtils;
import com.elphel.vdt.ui.variables.SelectedResourceManager;
......@@ -54,8 +55,24 @@ public class TopModulesNameGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
return NAME;
protected String[] getStringValues() {
// IResource resource = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getSelectedVerilogFile();
IResource resource = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getChosenVerilogFile();
IResource resource = SelectedResourceManager.getDefault().getChosenVerilogFile();
// Use tool top file if available, otherwise use getChosenVerilogFile() as before
String topFile = null;
if (topProcessor!=null){
Tool tool=topProcessor.getCurrentTool();
if (tool != null) {
} else {
System.out.println("ToolNameGenerator(): topProcessor.getCurrentTool() is null");
if ((topFile != null) && (topFile !="") && (resource !=null)) {
IResource resource1 = resource.getProject().getFile(topFile);
if ((resource1 != null) && (resource1.getType() == IResource.FILE)){
resource = resource1;
if ((resource != null) && (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE)) {
String[] outlineElementsNames= VerilogUtils.getTopModuleNames((IFile)resource);
if ((outlineElementsNames!=null) && (outlineElementsNames.length>0)) return outlineElementsNames;
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