Commit 018f4b74 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov


parent 61d3c80e
......@@ -87,25 +87,10 @@ Unzip it in any convenient location - this location will be provided to Eclipse
### Eclipse IDE
You will need _Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers_ (capable of plugin development),
latest tested version is Luna
(eclipse-jee-luna-SR1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz). VDT plugin is experimental and I would
recommend to have a separate (from your other development) installation. VDT uses
modified version of [VEditor]( and any other
versions of VEditor installed will conflict with VDT.
**Update:** Mars ( eclipse-jee-mars-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz ) seems to be working too if
Gtk3 is disabled (Gtk2 used instead) by adding the following 2 lines:
are added just before line
in the eclipse.ini file. With Gtk 3 the hover text (such as problems, module instance templates)
is shown black on black background and tool states icons are invisible.
latest tested version is Mars (eclipse-jee-mars-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz). VDT plugin
is experimental and I would recommend to have a separate (from your other development)
installation. VDT uses modified version of [VEditor](
and any other versions of VEditor installed will conflict with VDT.
### Installation of VDT plugin itself
......@@ -174,9 +159,11 @@ an existing one. We will use DDR3 memory interface project as an example.
Sample project is a DDR3 memory interface for Xilinx Zynq SOC that does not depend on
undocumented featuers and encrypted modules and can be simulated with the Free Software
### Import eddr3 project
### Import x393 project
You may already have it if you installed other software for Elphel NC393 camera development, if that
is the case you can skip the next step and use ~/git/elphel393/fpga-elphel/x393/
git clone
git clone
From the Eclipse instance that runs VDT plugin (not the one with the VDT source code)
use the same steps as for importing VDT plugin code (described above):
......@@ -184,18 +171,17 @@ use the same steps as for importing VDT plugin code (described above):
File->Import->Git->Projects from Git->Existing local repository-> Select directory where you cloned eddr3
Import Existing Projects (wizard selection)
Keep **eddr3** checked and press **Finish**
Keep both **x393** and **py393** checked and press **Finish**
### Configuration of VDT for eddr3 project
The cloned eddr3 project does not include Verilog modules of Xilinx primitives that are
### Configuration of VDT for x393 project
The cloned x393 project does not include Verilog modules of Xilinx primitives that are
required even for simulation of the design. The required library (unisims) is included
with the Xilinx Vivado software and the proprietary license does not allow to redistribute
it. VDT provides means to copy this library from your Vivado installation to the project,
So for the next step you need Xilinx software to be installed on the same or different
computer running GNU/Linux.
Open the top module (ddrc_test01.v) in the Editor (seems to be a bug that prevents
configuration without that step)
Open the top module (x393.v) in the Editor (or any othe Verilog file of the project)
Open "Verilog/VHDL' perspective:
......@@ -229,6 +215,10 @@ to be installed, you can do this with
sudo apt-get install ssh-askpass
Update: In Kubuntu 16.04 ssh-askpass is not required, there is a similar program available in base
installation. Just pay attention that the first pop-up window will ask not for the password, but for
If ssh will not find *ssh-askpass* or a similar program, it will fail and Eclipse console output will
output the resolution suggestions.
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