Commit 8fdedcd3 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev


parent 4ecf58cb
......@@ -453,7 +453,9 @@ def network_summary_w_b(scope, in_shape, out_shape, layout, index, network_scope
#grid = tf.constant([tf.reduce_max(w),tf.reduce_min(w),tf.reduce_min(w)],dtype=tf.float32,name="GRID")
# red - the values will be automapped to 0-255 range
grid = tf.stack([tf.reduce_max(w),tf.reduce_min(w),tf.reduce_min(w)])
# grid = tf.stack([tf.reduce_max(w),tf.reduce_min(w),tf.reduce_min(w)])
# yellow - the values will be automapped to 0-255 range
grid = tf.stack([tf.reduce_max(w),tf.reduce_max(w),tf.reduce_max(w)/2])
wt = tf.transpose(w,[1,0])
wt = wt[:,:-1]
......@@ -464,6 +466,8 @@ def network_summary_w_b(scope, in_shape, out_shape, layout, index, network_scope
si = (j+0)*TILE_SIZE
ei = (j+1)*TILE_SIZE
tile = tf.reshape(wt[i,si:ei],shape=(TILE_SIDE,TILE_SIDE))
# color here?
#tile = tf.cond()
# stack to RGB
tiles = tf.stack([tile]*3,axis=2)
tiles = tf.concat([tiles, tf.expand_dims((TILE_SIDE+0)*[grid],0)],axis=0)
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