Commit 2b76d3d7 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev


parent f165ea44
...@@ -16,72 +16,18 @@ import itertools ...@@ -16,72 +16,18 @@ import itertools
import pack_tile as pile import pack_tile as pile
# hard coded layers names
#lst = ['diagm-pair','diago-pair']
#stack = ijt.getstack(lst)
#out = []
#for item in lst:
# layer = pack_layer(tile[labels.index(item)],lut[item])
# out.append(layer)
#return out
def get_packed_square(tiles,values,lut,i,j,radius):
out = np.array([])
# max
Y = tiles.shape[0]
X = tiles.shape[1]
#print("Number of elements: "+str(2*radius+1))
#for k in range(1):
# print(k)
for k in range(2*radius+1):
y = i+k-radius
if y<0:
y = 0
elif y>(Y-1):
y = Y-1
for l in range(2*radius+1):
x = j+l-radius
if x<0:
x = 0
elif x>(X-1):
x = X-1
#print(str(k)+" "+str(l))
# tiles[y,x] and lut are with layers
packed_tile = pack_tile(tiles[y,x],lut)
#packed_tile = np.array([])
out = np.append(out,packed_tile)
return out
# tiff name # tiff name
tiff_name = "1521849031_093189-ML_DATA-08B-O-OFFS1.0.tiff" tiff_name = "1521849031_093189-ML_DATA-08B-O-OFFS1.0.tiff"
# packing table name
ptab_name = "tile_packing_table.xml"
LAYERS_OF_INTEREST = ['diagm-pair','diago-pair'] LAYERS_OF_INTEREST = ['diagm-pair','diago-pair','hor-pairs','vert-pairs']
# get packing table
pt = pile.PackingTable(ptab_name,LAYERS_OF_INTEREST).lut
# get tiff # get tiff
tiff = ijt.imagej_tiff(tiff_name) tiff = ijt.imagej_tiff(tiff_name)
tiles = tiff.getstack(LAYERS_OF_INTEREST,shape_as_tiles=True) tiles = tiff.getstack(LAYERS_OF_INTEREST,shape_as_tiles=True)
...@@ -100,75 +46,25 @@ for y,x in itertools.product(range(l.shape[0]),range(l.shape[1])): ...@@ -100,75 +46,25 @@ for y,x in itertools.product(range(l.shape[0]),range(l.shape[1])):
print(l) print(l)
l_packed = pile.pack_layer(l,pt[0]) l2 = np.reshape(l,(1,1,9,9))
l_stack = np.stack((l2,l2,l2,l2),axis=-1)
#print(l_packed.shape) print(l_stack.shape)
# a few assertions
assert l_packed[0]==(l[0,2]*1.0+l[0,3]*1.0+l[0,4]*1.0+l[0,5]*1.0+l[0,6]*1.0)
assert l_packed[1]==(l[1,1]*1.0+l[1,2]*1.0+l[2,1]*1.0+l[2,2]*1.0)
assert l_packed[15]==(l[4,4]*1.0)
print("Test: pack_layer() ... ok")
l1 = l
l2 = l*2
l_packed = pile.pack(l_stack)
ls = np.dstack((l1,l2)) print(l_packed.shape)
#equivalent: ls = np.stack((l1,l2),axis=2)
l_packed = pile.pack_tile(ls,pt) l_packed2 = np.reshape(l_packed,l_packed.shape[-1])
#print(l_packed) #print(l_packed)
# a few assertions for layer 2 # a few assertions
assert l_packed[25]==(ls[0,2,1]*1.0+ls[0,3,1]*1.0+ls[0,4,1]*1.0+ls[0,5,1]*1.0+ls[0,6,1]*1.0) assert l_packed2[0]==(l[0,2]*1.0+l[0,3]*1.0+l[0,4]*1.0+l[0,5]*1.0+l[0,6]*1.0)
assert l_packed[26]==(ls[1,1,1]*1.0+ls[1,2,1]*1.0+ls[2,1,1]*1.0+ls[2,2,1]*1.0) assert l_packed2[1]==(l[1,1]*1.0+l[1,2]*1.0+l[2,1]*1.0+l[2,2]*1.0)
assert l_packed[40]==(ls[4,4,1]*1.0) assert l_packed2[15]==(l[4,4]*1.0)
print("Test: pack_tile() ... ok")
#for i in range(tiles.shape[0]):
# for j in range(tiles.shape[1]):
#print("tile: "+str(i)+", "+str(j))
# FEED = get_packed_square(tiles,values,pt,i,j,RADIUS)
#xy = [(x,y) for x in range(tiles.shape[0]) for y in range(tiles.shape[1])]
#for x,y in xy:
# FEED = get_packed_square(tiles,values,pt,x,y,RADIUS)
#def gps(i,j):
#a = i
#for k in range(3):
#for l in range(3):
#a += k+l
#return a
#for x,y in itertools.product(range(3*tiles.shape[0]),range(3*tiles.shape[1])):
# print(str(x)+" "+str(y))
#FEED = get_packed_square(tiles,values,pt,x,y,RADIUS)
#FEED = gps(x,y)
#for i in range(tiles.shape[0]):
# for j in range(tiles.shape[1]):
# b = gps(i,j)
#for i in range(tiles.shape[0]*tiles.shape[1]): print("Test: pack() ... ok")
# b = gps(i,i)
# basic test
#FEED = get_packed_square(tiles,values,pt,150,100,RADIUS)
print("Done") print("Done")
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