Commit e4bca6f3 authored by Chris Higgs's avatar Chris Higgs

Refactored interfaces into a distinct file for clarity

parent 59abbb76
A driver and monitor to abstract the interface to the JPEG encoder
import io
from PIL import Image
import cocotb
from cocotb.triggers import RisingEdge, ReadOnly
from cocotb.drivers import Driver
from cocotb.monitors import Monitor
_jpeg_header = open("header.bin", "r").read()
class JpegMonitor(Monitor):
def __init__(self, dut, **kwargs):
self.dut = dut
Monitor.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _monitor_recv(self):
"""Creates an Image object from the output of the DUT"""
data = ""
clkedge = RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
ro = ReadOnly()
while True:
yield clkedge
yield ro
if self.dut.data_ready.value:
data += self.dut.JPEG_bitstream.value.buff
if self.dut.eof_data_partial_ready.value:
f_obj = io.BytesIO(_jpeg_header + data + "\xff\xd9")
img ="Recovered image %s of %dx%d in mode %s" % (
img.format, img.size[0], img.size[1], img.mode))
yield clkedge
data = ""
class ImageDriver(Driver):
def __init__(self, dut):
self.dut = dut
def _driver_send(self, image, **kwargs):
Send an image into the DUT. Image should be in RGB format and a
multiple of 8 pixels in both width and height
image (PIL.Image) image to send into the dut
if image.mode != "RGB":
raise TypeError("Require an format RGB image")
width, height = image.size
dut = self.dut # Local reference to save lookup
clk_edge = RisingEdge(dut.clk) # Recycle objects for efficiency
yield clk_edge # Reset the dut first
dut.rst <= 1
yield clk_edge
dut.rst <= 0
dut.end_of_file_signal <= 0
pixels = image.load()
for y in xrange(0,height,8):
for x in xrange(0,width,8):
dut.enable <= 1
self.log.debug("Sending block X% 4d/% 4d, Y% 4d/% 4d" % (
x, width, y, height))
if y >= height-8 and x >= width-8:
dut.end_of_file_signal <= 1
for y_block in xrange(8):
for x_block in xrange(8):
# If the image isn't a multiple of 8 pixels we
# repeat the edge values (see Readme.doc)
x_ofs = min(x+x_block, width-1)
y_ofs = min(y+y_block, height-1)
r,g,b = pixels[x_ofs, y_ofs]
dut.data_in <= (b<<16 | g<<8 | r)
yield clk_edge
dut.end_of_file_signal <= 0
for i in xrange(33):
yield clk_edge
dut.enable <= 0
yield clk_edge
......@@ -5,109 +5,17 @@ and check that the output is sufficiently similar to the input.
NB Limited to 96x96 images since we're using a static JPEG header.
import os
import io
import logging
from itertools import izip
from PIL import Image
import cocotb
from cocotb.result import TestFailure
from cocotb.clock import Clock
from cocotb.triggers import RisingEdge, ReadOnly
from cocotb.drivers import Driver
from cocotb.monitors import Monitor
from cocotb.regression import TestFactory
from cocotb.clock import Clock
_jpeg_header = open("header.bin", "r").read()
class JpegMonitor(Monitor):
def __init__(self, dut, **kwargs):
self.dut = dut
Monitor.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _monitor_recv(self):
"""Creates an Image object from the output of the DUT"""
data = ""
clkedge = RisingEdge(self.dut.clk)
ro = ReadOnly()
while True:
yield clkedge
yield ro
if self.dut.data_ready.value:
data += self.dut.JPEG_bitstream.value.buff
if self.dut.eof_data_partial_ready.value:
f_obj = io.BytesIO(_jpeg_header + data + "\xff\xd9")
img ="Recovered image %s of %dx%d in mode %s" % (
img.format, img.size[0], img.size[1], img.mode))
yield clkedge
data = ""
class ImageDriver(Driver):
def __init__(self, dut):
self.dut = dut
def _driver_send(self, image, **kwargs):
Send an image into the DUT. Image should be in RGB format and a
multiple of 8 pixels in both width and height
image (PIL.Image) image to send into the dut
if image.mode != "RGB":
raise TypeError("Require an format RGB image")
width, height = image.size
dut = self.dut # Local reference to save lookup
clk_edge = RisingEdge(dut.clk) # Recycle objects for efficiency
yield clk_edge # Reset the dut first
dut.rst <= 1
yield clk_edge
dut.rst <= 0
dut.end_of_file_signal <= 0
pixels = image.load()
for y in xrange(0,height,8):
for x in xrange(0,width,8):
dut.enable <= 1
self.log.debug("Sending block X% 4d/% 4d, Y% 4d/% 4d" % (
x, width, y, height))
if y >= height-8 and x >= width-8:
dut.end_of_file_signal <= 1
for y_block in xrange(8):
for x_block in xrange(8):
# If the image isn't a multiple of 8 pixels we
# repeat the edge values (see Readme.doc)
x_ofs = min(x+x_block, width-1)
y_ofs = min(y+y_block, height-1)
r,g,b = pixels[x_ofs, y_ofs]
dut.data_in <= (b<<16 | g<<8 | r)
yield clk_edge
dut.end_of_file_signal <= 0
for i in xrange(33):
yield clk_edge
dut.enable <= 0
yield clk_edge
from interfaces import ImageDriver, JpegMonitor
def compare(i1, i2):
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