Commit c0fbf9a8 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

comments and path scanning

parent b111e3b1
import os import os
import subprocess import subprocess
import sys
# depth map scale, units in the generated depth map for RGB-D - 16-bit png # depth map scale, units in the generated depth map for RGB-D - 16-bit png
#DMP = 1 # 1 m - range 0-65535 m #DMP = 1 # 1 m - range 0-65535 m
#DMP = 0.1 # 10 cm - range 0-6553.5 m DMP = 0.1 # 10 cm - range 0-6553.5 m
DMP = 0.01 # 1 cm - range 0-655.35 m #DMP = 0.01 # 1 cm - range 0-655.35 m
#DMP = 0.001 # 1 mm - range 0-65.535 m #DMP = 0.001 # 1 mm - range 0-65.535 m
fpaths = ['input/1527256815_550165_v01/1527256815_550165.obj',] model_input_folder = "input"
model_output_folder = "output"
fpaths = []
model_input_folder = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
# default value will be used
DMP = float(sys.argv[2])
except IndexError:
# default value will be used
for rs,ds,_ in os.walk(model_input_folder):
for d in ds:
for rss,_,fss in os.walk(os.path.join(rs,d)):
for f in fss:
if f.endswith('obj'):
filelist = ','.join(fpaths) filelist = ','.join(fpaths)
# this will run by Blender's bundled python # this will run by Blender's bundled python,'blender')+" -b -P -- "+filelist, shell=True),'blender')+" -b -P -- "+filelist, shell=True)
fname = '1527256815_550165-depth.exr' print("All RGB-Ds generated")
model_output_folder = "output"
fname = os.path.join(model_output_folder,fname)
import exr2png as e2p import exr2png as e2p
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image from PIL import Image
import numpy as np import numpy as np
dmap = e2p.exr2arr(fname)[:,:,0] resoluton = ""
# zero background if DMP>=1:
if dmap.dtype=='float32': resolution = str(int(DMP))+"m"
elif DMP>=0.01:
resolution = str(int(DMP*100))+"cm"
elif DMP>=0.001:
resolution = str(int(DMP*1000))+"mm"
print("Depth maps will be scaled to "+resolution+" resolution covering range from 0 to "+str(DMP*65535)+" meters")
for fpath in fpaths:
model_name = fpath.split('/')[-1][:-4]
exr_path = os.path.join(model_output_folder, model_name+"-depth-1m-float32.exr")
png_path = os.path.join(model_output_folder, model_name+"-depth-"+resolution+".png")
print("Generating "+png_path)
dmap = e2p.exr2arr(exr_path)[:,:,0]
# zero background
if dmap.dtype=='float32':
dmap[dmap==10000000000.0]=0 dmap[dmap==10000000000.0]=0
dmap = dmap/DMP dmap = dmap/DMP
dmap[dmap>65535]=0 dmap[dmap>65535]=0
im = Image.fromarray(dmap.astype(np.uint16)) im = Image.fromarray(dmap.astype(np.uint16)),'model-depth.png'))
plt.imshow(dmap) #plt.imshow(dmap)
plt.colorbar() #plt.colorbar()
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