Commit 654ae876 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

helper recipe for checking versions

parent b801a9db
SUMMARY = "helper script"
DESCRIPTION = "compare built versions with the ones on the target system"
AUTHOR = "Elphel Inc."
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/GPL-3.0;md5=c79ff39f19dfec6d293b95dea7b07891"
deltask do_fetch
deltask do_unpack
deltask do_patch
deltask do_configure
deltask do_compile
deltask do_install
deltask do_populate_sysroot
deltask do_populate_lic
deltask do_rm_work
#deltask do_build
inherit nopackages
python do_run(){
user = d.getVar('REMOTE_USER', True)
ip = d.getVar('REMOTE_IP', True)
pdir = "/etc/elphel393/packages"
localpdir = "rootfs-elphel"
imagedir = "image"
topdir = d.getVar('TOPDIR', True)+"/../../"
projects_list = topdir+"projects.json"
print("Checking packages' versions - locally built vs installed on the remote system")
print(" Remote system: "+user+"@"+ip)
print(" Get remote package list")
ispdir = command_over_ssh(d,"'if [ -d "+pdir+" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0;fi'")
remote_list = []
if ispdir=="1":
# print remote package list
tmp_str = command_over_ssh(d,"'ls "+pdir+"'")
tmp_list = tmp_str.split()
for elem in tmp_list:
raise Exception("\033[1;37m"+user+"@"+ip+":"+pdir+": No such file or directory\033[0m")
# projects_list/remote_list/
import json
with open(projects_list) as data_file:
Projects = json.load(data_file)
for p,v in Projects.items():
if p==localpdir:
for k,l in v.items():
print("Project: "+k)
tmp_path = topdir+localpdir+"/"+k
if (os.path.isdir(tmp_path)):
if (os.path.isdir(tmp_path+"/"+imagedir+pdir)):
for root,dir,files in os.walk(tmp_path+"/"+imagedir+pdir):
for name in files:
tmp_name = name.split("-")
for elem in remote_list:
if elem[0]==tmp_name[0]:
print("Names match")
if elem[1]==tmp_name[1]:
print(" versions match: "+name)
bb.warn("project "+k+": package versions do not match, local: "+name+" vs remote: "+elem[0]+"-"+elem[1])
bb.warn("project "+k+" is not built or too old")
#raise Exception("\033[1;37mproject is not built\033[0m")
bb.warn("project "+k+" is missing")
#raise Exception("\033[1;37mproject is missing\033[0m")
addtask do_run before do_build
def command_over_ssh(d,command):
import subprocess
user = d.getVar('REMOTE_USER', True)
id = d.getVar('IDENTITY_FILE', True)
ip = d.getVar('REMOTE_IP', True)
cmd = "ssh -i "+id+" "+user+"@"+ip+" "+command
ret = subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise Exception("Copying to target requires access by public key. Run: \033[1;37mssh-copy-id "+REMOTE_USER+"@"+REMOTE_IP+"\033[0m")
return ret.strip()
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