Commit 0164b703 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

added 'tree' program

parent e8f2c31a
# Default Xilinx BSP Machine settings
# File System Configuration
#IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "cpio tar.gz ext2 ext2.gz.u-boot ext2.gz"
IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "ext2.gz.u-boot"
IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "cpio tar.gz ext2 ext2.gz.u-boot ext2.gz"
IMAGE_CLASSES += "image_types_uboot"
# Kernel Configuration
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "linux-xlnx"
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-xlnx ?= "3.10%"
#PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto ?= "3.8%"
#PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto-tiny ?= "3.8%"
# U-Boot Configuration
#PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot ?= "u-boot-xlnx"
#PREFERRED_VERSION_u-boot-xlnx ?= "v2013.01%"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot ?= "u-boot-xlnx"
PREFERRED_VERSION_u-boot-xlnx ?= "v2013.01%"
......@@ -12,19 +12,11 @@ ARMPKGARCH = "${ARMPKGARCH_tune-armv7a-neon}"
PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-zynq = "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv7a-neon} zynq"
# Linux Configuration
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "linux-xlnx"
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-xlnx ?= "3.10%"
# Set default load address.
# Set default load address.
# Override with KERNEL_EXTRA_ARGS_<board> += "..." in machine file if required
# File System Configuration
#IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "cpio ext2 ext2.gz.u-boot ext2.gz"
IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "ext2.gz.u-boot"
IMAGE_CLASSES += "image_types_uboot"
# ezynq-u-boot Configuration
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_u-boot ?= "u-boot"
PREFERRED_VERSION_u-boot ?= "v2013.01%"
# linux-yocto KMACHINE
KMACHINE ?= "zynq-default"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
#@DESCRIPTION: Machine support for microzed.
require conf/machine/include/
require conf/machine/include/
# Corresponding from linux-xlnx and ezynq-u-boot
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-xlnx = "3.10%"
PREFERRED_VERSION_ezynq-u-boot = "v2013.01%"
IMAGE_FSTYPES = "ext2.gz.u-boot ext2"
require conf/machine/include/
require conf/machine/include/
# microzed machine definition known by ezynq and xilinx u-boot
UBOOT_MACHINE = "zynq_microzed_config"
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " python-core \
ntpdate \
openssh \
nano \
tree \
lighttpd \
lighttpd-module-fastcgi \
lighttpd-module-cgi \
......@@ -30,4 +31,4 @@ LICENSE = "MIT"
inherit core-image
\ No newline at end of file
SUMMARY = "A recipe for tree prgoram"
DESCRIPTION = "Lists tree"
PRIORITY = "optional"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=393a5ca445f6965873eca0259a17f833"
PR = "r0"
SRC_URI = ""
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "04e967a3f4108d50cde3b4b0e89e970a"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4dc470a74880338b01da41701d8db90d0fb178877e526d385931a007d68d7591"
S = "${WORKDIR}/tree-1.6.0"
do_compile() {
# net-tools use COPTS/LOPTS to allow adding custom options
#export COPTS="$CFLAGS"
#export LOPTS="$LDFLAGS"
#unset CFLAGS
#unset LDFLAGS
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${bindir}
install -m 0755 ${S}/tree ${D}${bindir}
PACKAGES = " tree"
INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "installed-vs-shipped"
\ No newline at end of file
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